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Ronald Chooses My Outfits for 3 Days

Feb 27, 2020
They will say yes. - I think everyone will say: No. Look at this, these strings are very strange. - Do you believe? - This jacket would be much better if it just didn't have the drawstring. I'm so tempted to cut them all off. - Tomorrow. - Okay guys, it's the morning of the next day, I think yesterday was the worst day so far. And I know (mumbling) I think Ronald gave me the worst suit first and now I only have the good ones left. So the next two


I think will be good, so let's see what Ronald has in store for me today. - Guys, today is the second day.
ronald chooses my outfits for 3 days
In my opinion, the last day was a total success, we achieved the outfit, we did it! But this set will be 10 times better. You'll see, let's go. (crumpled bags) (laughs) Karina, Karina - Okay Ronald, what did you bring me this time? - Today is a very special day - Okay? I'm afraid. - Okay, don't look into it. - Without looking (shuffling) - Okay, are you looking? - Okay, I see a hat. - Here we have a dress. - A dress? - Yes. - Oh. - No, that's going to suit me. - Yes it will be, come on, do you like it? - No, I don't like puffed sleeves, Ronald! - It's not swollen. - I specifically told you that I don't like puffed sleeves. -But he's not swollen! - Actually? - Yes, it looks amazing. - Do you think my arm is that thick? - Well, I mean you've been stocking up on that ice cream lately. (loud laughter) - No, I haven't.
ronald chooses my outfits for 3 days

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ronald chooses my outfits for 3 days...

The last time I had ice cream was a month ago. - Guys, you must admit that this is completely trendy. Not only is it a little trendy, this is completely it. - Okay, sure. - Okay, shoe time. (whistling sound) - Oh wow, those are big, okay. - Boom! - Big, interesting boots. - And (shuffling) boom! - Are you trying to go, like these


are going to different parties? This is like, I don't know, street and this is like, kind of fancy. - Karina, are you sure you know about fashion? Because I do. - Well, and Ronald, what's with that hat?
ronald chooses my outfits for 3 days
Because that hat, it's definitely a novelty hat. That is the third element. - No, this doesn't go with that suit. - If it does. - No, no, Ronald, this doesn't go with the suit. - It is perfect! Karina, you don't have a say in what you wear today, I choose what you wear. Then you have to wear that hat! - Okay, but the hat just doesn't match this outfit, it may match another outfit, but not this one. - Now go change. - Okay, I'll put on this strange suit. - Me - It's not as bad as the last one, but it's still weird. - I'll be waiting. - Well. (upbeat Latin music) - Wow! - (laughs) this is too big for me. - It is so nice! - No, it's not, the hat doesn't fit at all. - That's better than I thought it would be. - And the shoes, don't leave either. (laughs) - Perfect. - They are garments with three different looks, this is like summer, like an elegant red carpet, and this is like the street. - It doesn't work at all. - It's going very well, but you will be the judges at the end of the video. - I don't think anyone is going to vote for this set, maybe more than the previous one but not as many votes.
ronald chooses my outfits for 3 days
I mean (high pitch audio), it doesn't make sense, it doesn't work, Ronald. (laughs) - It makes a lot of sense. - Well, today there's a little problem, I'm wearing this kind of costume that you would wear on a red carpet, and these crazy shoes and a crazy hat, then we're going to a music lesson tonight, and then later. I'm going to go to a restaurant. - (laughing) Perfect, with my schedule. - And normally in this restaurant they just wear jeans and a sweatshirt and whatever, but if I walk in like this, I'll be like: - Yeah, hello! - Everyone will say: "Oh, what a good outfit, bravo, I'm going to vote for you." - But there is a problem with my music lesson, because my friends are going to see me and think: "Karina, what are you doing?
This is a music lesson." - And Karina too, another rule, you can't use me as your alternative to get out of the embarrassment. - No, I can do that, I'll tell everyone that my brother made me wear this, okay! This would be great on a red carpet, but just like relaxing, going to a normal quiet restaurant won't be normal. - Hello. - Wow what? This is incredible. - You see, it's amazing! - This is really good, actually. - This is too big for me Ronald. - Well, okay, I didn't know your size. - Doesn't it look like the hat and shoes belong to a completely different outfit? - It belongs to Ronald's fashion sense.
That's where it belongs. -Aria, what do you think? Oh wow! - Did Aria approve? - Is Aria approved? - Did Aria approve? - Do you want to wear the hat? (laughs) - Wow! (laughs) - Guys, so far I have my approval, Aria's and my dad's, probably Chibi and George. Where are they? Probably Karina's friends and probably the waiters at the restaurant. - Ron, you don't have approval, Aria didn't say anything, we just put the hat on her. Dad's approval doesn't count. - No, it does count. I said it was amazing - No, it doesn't count - and it is. - And we haven't seen my friends yet, they'll probably think it's weird and the waiters won't even say anything.
There we will only laugh. - You think! So guys, now is your time to shine, your fashion skills will shine today, because you must go to our Instagram and see this photo of Karina in this epic outfit, and comment below, if you like it or not. But we already know that, it's just amazing so you don't even have to do it, I already won. - Guys, I just came back from my music lesson, my friends said my outfit was very strange. Aria, what did you think of my outfit? I think Aria doesn't approve, Ronald, what do you think? - I think everyone was like, "Oh, I love it," and you don't want to admit it. - No Ronald, everyone was like Karina, this is a music lesson, we were all wearing sweatpants and sweatshirts and you would come here in a costume.
But now we're going to go to the restaurant, the restaurant is quiet and looks a little fancy, but everyone there wears quiet clothes, so I'm really going to stand out with this giant hat. But I won't actually have to wear the hat because wearing a hat inside is a little rude so I combed my hair a little, - What?! - I have a little scrunchie on my back. - It's not fair! You have to wear the hat! - Ronald, I can't wear the hat inside. (bleep) - Okay, okay. - Guys, I'm at the restaurant and thank God there's no one here so I can overcome this challenge, but who knows what tomorrow will bring?
Ronald, what do you have to say about tomorrow's outfit? - Which is worse, not actually better than the one you're wearing now. - Better, how will you like it better, or better, how will I like it better? - You'll like it more. - Are you sure? - Yes. - Okay, I guess we'll have to see. - Hello guys, today is the morning of the last day of this challenge. I'm so excited it's finally going to end. But I'm also really excited because the first set wasn't very good, the second set was okay, so I think the last one is the winning chicken dinner, I'm really excited to see what Ronald has in store. me. - So guys, today is day number three, the last day.
Day number one and day number two were a total success, so I hope that day number three can be the same, but I will miss going to Karina's room and being like, Ha, you have to wear this today! It's really good though. Guys, yesterday on Tik Tok everyone was like, "OMG, can you all see that dress? It's so pretty," and I was like, Ha ha, I picked it! So guys, today we're going up to your room with this gorgeous bag, it's amazing. The clothes inside are incredibly amazing! And let's see what he says. (loud knocks) - Karina, are you ready to see the final outfit? - Okay, is it okay? - This is today's outfit. - It's okay - Yes, it's so magnificent.
Well, starting with the shirt. - The shirt is fine. Wow, it's pink! - (laughing) - Oh wow! - ♪ Da na na na. ♪ - Oh, that's really cute. - Do you like it? - Yes, why not? That is cute. - Okay, actually you like it, it's a good start, but you're not the judge of that, so. Here you have! - Well. Thank you. - Now it's time for the.....skirt. - Sure, -Oo! - I don't really have skirts. - That's good. - (silly singing) - That's cute. - Okay, Karina really agrees, and for the shoes they will be the same shoes as yesterday because I had the same money because (audio distortion) as we all know, I have like zero dollars in my bank account. - Okay (laughs). - No, actually guys, it's from day one.
So get your shoes from day one wherever they are. - Well. - Karina is hiding, ok there they are. Then, you will rock the pink and white. -Okay, that's not a bad outfit, in fact I like it, so let's put it on and see how good Ronald's fashion sense really is. - It's amazing. - Ronald, are you ready to see the final outfit? - Do you like it? (drum roll) - No. - What?! (drum roll) (trumpet) - (laughter) - Ronald I like these pieces, like in different sets, but not together. Like this would look great with similar jeans, and it will be fine.
This here would look much better with a dressier blouse, not a blouse with all these lines. Because this is like a casual Ronald. - Karina - This is elegant - Karina don't make a fool of yourself, it looks amazing! Guys, I'm the fashion master here and Karina is kind of casual in fashion, what I'm saying is that this goes very well together. -Says the person who wears the same pants every three


! - (applauds) Me, because it's fashionable. So guys, now is your time to shine, go to our Instagram and comment on this photo of Karina's magnificent outfit, whether it looks good on you or not.
I mean, I know it's good, but Karina will probably think it's bad. She already said it's bad, because it's too salty and I'm too good at fashion. - I really hoped that at least one of your


was good. I like all the pieces, but together Ronald. - Excuses! - So guys today we have nothing planned, Ronald nothing planned! - Maybe - Okay, don't make anything up on the spot. - Okay, I won't, you're lucky. - Bound is going to be walking around the house in this extravagant outfit and these giant heels. But I'm going to relax and maybe watch some Tik Toks.
I don't know if I want to make any Tik Toks. - Yeah! Make a Tic Tok Karina! Make a Tic Tok! (jokingly shouting) - Ronald is not in this suit! I won't be making any Tik Toks with this outfit. - And then I'll show you all the comments that will be like, "How beautiful Karina." - Okay, now you can leave my room and I'll go watch some Tik Toks. - Oh wow, you like to stay in your room without anyone explaining to you how good your outfit is. (beat) - So guys, Karina ate too much salt today because I think that outfit is really good.
But Karina just doesn't want to admit it. Guys, you should go to her Instagram and tell her that it's really cool and that I did a good job. Guys I hope you like this video if you didn't tear it up like when I screamed that time. bye bye! (urban Latin music)

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