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ranking bt21 characters i could beat in a fight

Feb 27, 2020
It's milk, what's happening today with what


be my best or worst video of all time. You read the title correctly. Friends, we're




based on how easily you



them in a damn


. You're probably thinking of Camp Kim. Because? Why in God's name are you doing this? Listen here. I don't want to if you don't let me make this clear. I don't want to


any of them. God no. I would never fight any of these absolutely adorable beautiful creations. but hypothetically they say they were real they say they all came up to me to fight they say hello camera we saw your videos we hate you and we all want to fight you hypothetically if that happened I'm very interested in dynamics of if I could


any of them how easily I could beat them how easily they could kill me I'm not sure if I have the skills to beat any of them oh wait skills that remind me this video was brought to you Share skills I'll have more information on them later in the video.
ranking bt21 characters i could beat in a fight
Thank you. Sharing skills, let me present to you this tier list I made to rank the BT 21


on how easily I could kill them or how easily they could kill me now. I want it, no, it's not killing, it's a fight, but listen, I could die, they could die in this fight. I don't know, there are no rules, it's just a fight, so the highest level we have would completely destroy me and then kill me. the next one is close, but they'd probably win in the middle, we have a fair fight, then we're close, but I'd probably win the next one, it would be easy and then the last one, and them in literally fucking seconds, I'll be 100%. honest in my criticism of myself and my fighting skills.
ranking bt21 characters i could beat in a fight

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ranking bt21 characters i could beat in a fight...

I'm not going to let you place them all and finish them in seconds, although I'd like to think I could. I'm going to try to do this in the most analytical and conscious way. to the best of my ability and I would like to thank you all for joining me on this journey. If you have any other ideas for things you'd like me to rank in order of how easily they fight, I'd love that. I guess I think 2020 is the year of tears. We'll make so many tear lists that you're going to get really tired, but I don't give a damn.
ranking bt21 characters i could beat in a fight
I think it was very fun. do without tears and like I like reading your guys' thoughts and your ideas about what your tears will be like in things like that. In fact, I'll put this tier list in the description if you want to make your own, then you can tweet me tweet it Instagram whatever Pinterest I don't give a shit, but without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, let's get into it, let's rank these beauties , cute and amazing creatures that I would never fight with, but if I did, let's argue too, you see, I have the Tosh I had to get Tata's shirt out today this is my favorite sleep shirt, very comfortable to sleep in.
ranking bt21 characters i could beat in a fight
I'm not going to read an ad for them. I'm just looking to buy one of these shirts, they are so cute. Tata is my favorite too I mean I feel like he's a lot of people's favorite he's also out so he's also my phone background if we can look at that anyway let's get into that first first we have RJ now RJ It's diesel first of all, RJ. is Jin's creation Jin's creation in be t21 RJ is described on the official website so I'm on the official 21 month beat so RJ is described as kind and loving and a foodie actually doesn't sound like a fighter, right, kind and a food lover, RJ loves to cook.
RJ loves to eat, it's usually in that order, we love a man who can cook for himself or not, man. I'm pretty sure bt 21 caters to kind, gentle, gentle, gender-neutral people, which we love and Stan, the fluffy fur coat and the compassionate soul. everyone feels at home hashtag greetings hashtag gentle soul hashtag parka hashtag omnomnomnom now you read that right and you say what no, you are not a fighter. I'd also like to say all these characters that you think, oh, they're so small, you could just kick them. They don't, I'm judging them all like they're my size, so if they were six foot three, all these characters think they're human size, not small, but 21 say they're all human size because if they were small , I could just clear them up, know that all these characters are human sighs, so it's good, that's how it will be to make it a fair fight anyway, you read all that, you think no, it's not a fight or he, how nice, he's compassionate, he has a soft and compassionate soul, he's a foodie, he's fluffy and now, what he agrees with sounds pretty easy to fight because he sounds like he's relaxed even in the little annual anime animation, he just leans in and says, oh.
Hi, sorry, hi, so at first glance I thought okay, it's fucking easy. I could probably kill him very easily. He's probably a little particular because he has that big fur coat. like a little bit of absorption if I'm punching him, there's no way he's going to go down in one hit, you know what I mean, but I was thinking he's got these little helmets, he's got these helmets, I think if it was to connect with these helmets because it has the fur, the big fluffy fur, but these helmets if it were to connect with one of the helmets like my fucking cheekbone or something, I think it's a broken cheekbone, but that's if it can take a punch. and like I said, this description doesn't sound too scary, except the only thing that does scare me is the hashtag um nom nom nom nom.
I would assume that the omnomnomnom is just loves to eat, just loves to eat, wants to eat. m numb numb numb give me food oh he's a cannibal he's a fucking cannibal you can't stop this guy he's a foodie but he'll eat anything a hoof kicked me in the fucking jaw I'm out cold , I wake up, I'm dead because it's eating me, but I think it's a little squishy, ​​I think even though it has those strong ones, it has the omnomnom going for it, so it's a little scary, we have a damn fluffy thing of six foot three on the way.
No, no, I'd be a little scared, especially with those helmets. I think you could really connect with those helmets, but I think against everything else like him, he's just very soft, very kind, loving and very compassionate, I think so. possibly all those things and being a good fighter I think I could definitely beat him pretty well I just have to get some injections I have to work that damn fur job I think I can beat him pretty well I think I could beat him I don't think it'll be very easy, he definitely has some things good in his favor, but I think I'm going to beat him, I'm sure we're going to keep going and get closer, but I probably would. win I think it would be close I think it's a close fight for sure, but I think I can definitely defeat the next time we have Van Van is described as a space guardian robot, the sentient and omniscient Van robot seems to be knowledgeable and almost everything in the galaxy acts as protector of bt 21 24/7 hashtag Guardian hashtag vehicle hashtag transformer robot van supposed to be army bt 21 I don't want you to go into too much detail here friends I already know this guy is killing me instantly.
I have no chance of beating this son of a bitch. He's a robot, he knows everything and he's a 24/7 guardian and protector, and also the hashtag that transforms this bitch can go super saiyan or something. Don't transform, I'm getting major Terminator vibes from this motherfucker. I really am. I think I'm dead in seconds. I think because he's a robot, he can do anything and he's transforming, he knows everything. He will know every move. I can't take him by surprise if he knows everything and knows everything in the fucking galaxy, then he'll know what I'm going to do, he'll know my game plan, he could kill me with any part of his body anywhere. the way he would like, he could probably do it as slowly as he wanted or he could finish it literally in a second.
I am at his will. I'm in Vans. He would have zero chance. There's no chance he won't. I went into a lot of detail, just know that he could kill anyone. This guy wants all the smoke. He is a protector. He would literally kill me in a second so we know where we're putting him. He would destroy me completely. He would destroy anyone who didn't. I just thought I don't feel too bad about it, it's not like some kind of confrontation anymore, you know, maybe someone else could say no, no one's killing that motherfucker, he's, he's all in, we have Mang, who of course is from Hobee. bt 21 character jung-ho suck is described on the website as a mysterious dancer dancing runs in Manning's veins wherever there is Manx music they are probably performing some cool moves under a mask Manx's true identity remains a secret hash tag heart shaped nose hash tag mask hash tag mystery hash tag best sir, he looks like a damn horse I'll be honest, he looks like he gives me horse vibes unicorn vibes, so I imagine a damn 6 foot horse, I guess horses They are usually horses. 60 so it doesn't matter, the guy sure is difficult because I think all the mystery surrounding him is giving me chills because of the fact that you never know his identity, he's just under a mask and literally no one knows who is he.
Is it a secret? We could be dealing with the toughest son of a bitch ever. The mystery is what scares me because I don't know what I'm getting into. All I know is that this guy can dance and if he dances you know he's fast. I know he's athletic. You know he could probably do really very complex things that he couldn't even dream of doing. I think that would give him an advantage in the fight. He sure could be fucking fast. Do some type of twisting movement. It just explodes. and block the robot, but he just hooks me with his right.
I think maybe the only thing I can know, maybe the only thing that gives me a chance is the mask, maybe if I take off the mask, that takes away his. powers, but you know, you rip off Bane's damn mask and he can't breathe. I think he could give me a little head start if I take off my mask, but I don't think he can, maybe he's that fast. She's so agile, I don't know if I could take that mask off, but once I take it off, maybe she'll be a little embarrassed, maybe she'll be super aware of me, she's intimidating, maybe I'll be ugly as shit. and I just pull here, that'll probably piss him off and then he hit me faster.
I think he's winning for sure just because of the raw athletic ability of being an amazing dancer, probably very agile and secondly, the whole mystery is really really giving me creepy vibes because this motherfucker could be anyone, he could be the truck down there. I'm going to put him in, he would kill me easily. I really don't think he's that close next ladies and gentlemen we have Jimmy who is part of Jimin's bt 21 character he's a fucking adorable app. I have a chimi notebook in the other room. I use it all the time to let go of my stressful thoughts.
Yes, I have a diary. Fuck off. Jimmy is described as the pure at heart, so he is so pure. So pure of heart, right? We can kill him easily, so you think Jimmy always sports the distinctive yellow hoodie and is forced to work hard on anything that catches Jimmy's attention. hashtag passion hashtag work hard hashtag play hard hashtag harmonica hashtag yellow hoodie so he has a pure heart that's what we know, we know that Jimmy has a pure heart, he literally shoots, he literally shoots hearts out of his fucking hand. I don't know if it's some kind of special attack.
He's firing off a key profanity. The motherfucker of him could literally kill me with love. That he is pure of heart makes him seem soft, well, I could accept that. This guy is soft, he has a pure heart, like he isn't able to handle me. A man who is not pure of heart, but what gets me is that he is forced to do it. He works hard at anything that gets his attention and if he knows he's going to fight me, he'll be training in the gym 24/7, absolutely, he'll be training 24/7. of the week, work hard, play hard, those are fighting words that I literally only imagine. him in the yellow hoodie with a huge fucking boxing, whatever you know, the things they hate, I don't know what they're called, just in the gym, like just getting ready to kill me, I think maybe if it's one on one . -one like I caught him on the street like we hadn't had any planning we don't know what fights are going to happen there's just an altercation outside the bar or something like that I think maybe then it's like okay, I can't no, it hasn't fact He worked hard, he hasn't trained hard for this.
I can catch him by surprise. Hit him with a few punches. Right hook. Put that sweater over his pretty face and I'll kick him. I think maybe if it's that kind of fight, then. I have the advantage because he's soft, he's not going to know what's going on, it seems like oh stop, but I think if it's a planned fight, you know, Logan Paul versus the case. I write, I think I'm dead, sure, I think he will be. working much harderSo. I always have people messaging me saying, oh, how do I get started on YouTube? What should I do to edit?
There's a kind of dan dan there. leo it's called powerful video editing and you learn Adobe Premiere Pro which is what I use you literally learn it in 45 minutes you learn all the basics you learn advanced stuff there are so many amazing classes and that's one of them the link is in the description it's in the pink comment if you've never heard of skill sharing like I said it's an amazing place it's literally a place where people share their skills it's like an online school with unlimited subjects and you only have to do the ones you interest you, so it's an online learning community where you can learn about things, literally, about business, illustration, art design, anything like I said, video editing, anything to do with movies, literally endless , endless things you can learn there, there is no schedule or anything, take it step by step at your speed, take the classes you want, take them however you want.
Honestly, it's a very useful place for when you're learning how to do whatever you want, you literally can if you are. something you always thought you wanted to do try it if it's something you've been working on for a while give it a try there are beginner classes advanced classes anything you can do there so yeah thanks to Skill Chef for sponsoring. this video is an amazing site check it out link in the description link in the comment rosa get your 2 months free do it I promise you will have a great time and with this we end today friends, especially thanks to Skill for sure, especially thanks to BTS for creating those beautiful characters I pretended to fight today, let me know if you want any other characters, it could be anything else, any ideas, leave them in the comments on who I should hypothetically pretend to fight next. rank them I think it's a really fun video to make I think it was fun to watch.
I would love to do more in the future and a special thanks to Tata for being on my shirt. I also got the pillow from the table. I told you. I love Tata Tata, whatever you want to say to people, oh, I said, oh, talk, carry on anyway, I love you so much, literally, I love you so much, I hope you have the most wonderful day of my life. I hope this video has helped you if your day was. not doing so well, be kind to people, love each other and go vegan. All that. Go look for March in the description in the pink comment.
Go get it. I just made BTS Dub Merch it's cool IMHO yeah I'll see you in the next video you losers really don't

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