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PM Modi tamed US Prez Trump at G7, Pak propaganda rejected? | India Upfront With Rahul Shivshankar

May 12, 2020
Viewers Prime Minister Narendra Modi has won a surprising diplomatic victory against Pakistan and its political opponents here in India. Furthermore, for the past few weeks the opposition has been accusing the Prime Minister of granting diplomatic authority to Pakistan by diluting Article 370 and giving it an opportunity to internationalize Kashmir. They have been saying that his actions, the actions of his government sanctioned by Parliament, have given him to Imran Khan a tool to internationalize Jammu and Kashmir they asked for third party mediation in the Kashmir issue. You may remember that certain Congress leaders as you can See them on your screens even stood up scandalously in the Lok Sabha and killed Modi to provide evidence that he did not advise Trump to mediate in Kashmir when Pakistan President Prime Minister Imran Khan, made that very false claim saying that Trump told him that mr.
pm modi tamed us prez trump at g7 pak propaganda rejected india upfront with rahul shivshankar
Modi had advised him to mediate with the Kashmiri bystanders; The opposition obtained the evidence they were looking for today at exactly five in the afternoon, with the difference that it came directly from the mouth of the United States. President Donald Trump made clear that the United States had no interest in mediating in Kashmir and said India's Prime Minister had the situation under control. That's right, it was a resounding slap in the face to India's opposition parties who elected some would suggest believing in Imran Khan and the falsehoods of him or the assurances given by the NDA government about the flow of the Indian Parliament.
pm modi tamed us prez trump at g7 pak propaganda rejected india upfront with rahul shivshankar

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pm modi tamed us prez trump at g7 pak propaganda rejected india upfront with rahul shivshankar...

Now listen to what happened when President Donald John made a U-turn on his insistence that he wanted to mediate in Jammu and Kashmir he suddenly swallowed his words that they talk to Pakistan and I'm sure they will be very reasonable, but I think they could do it themselves themselves, the donor for a long time, sir. Modi would like Kundan to get involved quickly by donating different hats, parrot or Pakistan, sorry, I issue my little hat. Recently, a company in a PC with a school in Kenya, Castellaneta, the head massage of the family, has maintained our capacity in 1947, depending on the visit of a Kamiyama jeweler. support a suspicious traveler or some other horoscope pocket of meters on the beach curry for the traditional all this brings up an Islambol very converted into a chimerical us with honks calling out well alone this is a walk-in ideally accompanied yes and this when It's not just hamilton-jacobi VI or it was semi-commission money: there you have it, it's as clear as day.
pm modi tamed us prez trump at g7 pak propaganda rejected india upfront with rahul shivshankar
Donald Trump viewers now say that Kashmir is a totally bilateral issue between India and Pakistan. Remember just a few weeks ago, as I have been telling you. President Trump came out and said that he was interested in mediating in Jammu and Kashmir between India and Pakistan, yes, and that p.m. Modi sought intervention from him in Kashmir, that is what Imran Khan seems to have suggested. There were those in the opposition who fell into Imran's trap. Listen to some of India's own leaders who took Imran Khan and Trump's words at face value and not India's words.
pm modi tamed us prez trump at g7 pak propaganda rejected india upfront with rahul shivshankar
Government or even Prime Minister listen to this views Hindustan Circuit American facility some nostalgia Kavya is the US President who states and reports to the Prime Minister of Pakistan not the US Secretary of State is a serious matter in the past the Prime Minister when they have When they go abroad they come to Parliament to tell what has happened here, if the President of the United States has made a claim and is informing the Prime Minister of Pakistan and the problem is Kashmir , it is too serious a matter and it is appropriate that the Honorable Prime Minister should in the render Modi ji come and inform gives confidence to Parliament about what he discussed with him Russ Tripathi Trump Nia kaha he pradhan mantri Shirin Narendra Modi jibun Salaam Emily dolana clark DB ab/c smears his, but Kashmir may have such an insignificant can say hey, why don't you mediate in Kashmir?
Why don't you become an opera referee in Kashmir? Come here mantras no... they are ki pradhan mantri shares in Ranger mode Michiko is from the south Archangel may opt for a tiger, there you have it viewers, the opposition despite the clarification that reached the Lok Sabha premises and was issued by mr. External Affairs Minister Jaishankar remained in disbelief of India's stand and continued to demand that Prime Minister Modi come out and clarify whether he had asked Trump to mediate between Jammu and Kashmir and India and Pakistan on this particular issue. Trump has said very clearly that this is a The issue between India and Pakistan is a bilateral issue.
I have no interest in mediating it and I want to open this to the viewers and I want to start first with Dr. Farhat Halim PCI leader M dr. Holly, could you please come out today and congratulate Prime Minister Modi for not only debunking Imran Khan's lies and falsehoods but also for forgetting Mr. Trump will retract any misplaced dreamy intentions that he might have harbored a fantasy: What has to mediate in Kashmir between India and Pakistan? Well, nothing if we review the series of conversations that the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, has been having. Trump on Kashmir, so it is very evident, even from the language issued by Trump, that we had talked about Kashmir last night.
Let's be very clear. Kashmir is being discussed by the President of India and the Prime Minister of India. The thing here is If you watch the footage, you'll know he talked to him. Lankan Donald Trump spoke to Ron Khan, then he spoke to the Indian Prime Minister on the phone and then he spoke to Ron again on the phone and now you have this summit very clearly. he says without any kind of impudence what we call reservations that he and Narendra Modi discuss with Narendra Modi did not respond, you know, sir, I am the Minister of India, you are accepting whatever you want to comply with, you are talking to the President of India about the Kashmir issue and that is what has been said, so now let's move on to the latter, if you will allow me.
Zook's question is no, let me finish, if you'll just let me, I'll let you, you've asked a question, let me, let me express my position. I realize that it is not about me allowing you, it is your agenda that you can take away from me, maybe my time, that is your question, but the moot question is whether the Prime Minister of India is really talking to the people of Kashmir, are you talking to the people of Ladakh, are you talking? For the people of Jammu, is that conversation taking place on the question of what he has done to Kashmir?
That's the whole question. You know he's talking to everyone except the people who are the main stakeholders in the topic. Let me invite you to narrow down why President Trump. He said that Rasguear is an internationally recognized man, I am sorry to say, internationally recognized for his weak insight and, unfortunately, for his misconception that he is a negotiator. Now let me tell you that this is what he said in a joint press conference with Imran Khan. Pay attention to the words he said. I was with Prime Minister Modi two weeks ago and we talked about this issue, Kashmir, and he actually said, would you like to be a mediator or an arbitrator?
I said where Modi said Kashmir, if I can help, I would love to be. a mediator, if I can do anything to help please let me know because this has been going on for many years. I'm surprised how long this has been going on. I think the Indians would like it to be resolved. I think you would like it. I would like to see it resolved and if I can help, I would love to be a mediator, is what he said today. He says it is between Prime Minister Modi and Imran Khan. It's up to them to solve the problem.
I don't want to get involved in that. Don't you admit that the United States has totally if you had some delusions of grandeur then mr. Trump seems to harbor has realized that mr. Modi drew the line in the sand and told him that it would be better for you to come here and clarify the position because I have opposition parties in my country who believe in Pakistan and who believe in others but not me, dr. farelli and I want to ask you that question: is it now proven that the opposition parties of India, the left parties, what do they have more stored today in what Imran Khan had to say, what Trump has to say then, the prime minister Modi?
Well, now trout, let's be very clear. As an opposition, we have always said that the Kashmir issue must be resolved by keeping the people of Kashmir at the center of the issue. I'm just asking our supporters of this conversation what model, then, or do you believe in, who do you believe in? No, I believe in the people of Kashmir Oh III, newly made people and I think the reason why our Prime Minister, who is not really talking to the people of Ladakh, is not talking to people of Jammu, he is not talking to the people, skills, in case you don't know, that's actually related to okay 17, yes, I will believe, you will believe, you will believe, you will believe in the Pakistani nutcases in Jammu and Kashmir, but not in your Prime Minister, you will.
Believe in Pakistan, but not in your Prime Minister. You will think that I am willing to deceive myself. You may come, but not in your main agitation. I want to ask Mr. Patil, you won't even talk over me, one should behave and listen the moment he lies firmly, let me speak, allow to record Lok Sabha MP Singh, not for a second sir, let me ask him to take back Singh's DNA from the end. let me finish all the questions about the busts is the rest of my question at least have the courtesy of letting me finish my question you answer I'm sorry, where is all the question I asked you?
Would you believe Prime Minister Modi wants me to do it or Imran Khan I asked you? Say your million priority is above me and we'll move on. Want? Do you want to unleash BJP-sponsored terrorism against me? Listen. I have already asked you a simple question. No, don't listen again. You want to hit below the belt. Also the question is your choice, but the viewers listen to you and then realize that I have asked you to choose. Do you believe in the Imran Khan of Pakistan today for the question hello? I believe, I believe that the Kashmir issue is not limited to the binary of Pakistan in India I truly believe that the Kashmir issue is removed primarily for the people who are the main stakeholders in this argument now if the government of India and our prime minister takes the unpatriotic and as head of the nation of India I think it has been 10 minutes to curse me okay what Pakistan had done to urinate okay okay what a laugh I said vocational activities explained the party that voted along with those critical ideas of 3/7 about the you had something women especially because no one listens to believe that the border with Pakistan on the Kashmir issue is okay, then it is a drama, although in reality it has told the nation that the parties and the party and the Prime Minister will behave exactly like Pakistan, yes, Donna Schmidt, that's what I had. very clear what you are going to provide, do you know me?, he is talking to try, okay, everyone is talking to the father.
I have understood it in the marked object on the left for the Prime Minister's Jammu and Kashmir operation. They believe he is ready to perform. Okay you're done let me bring laws you know silence please I can't let this person Rahul and Shawn you know enough tell me please relax we have been subjected to this tirade yeah now , it's okay, doctor, the name is made by asking in a low voice. Find me Wow Helen has made it quite clear that she does not believe that Parliament, the voice of Parliament, has any say in the dilution of Article 370.
She finds it scandalous that Pandit Jawahar ooh has also issued proclamations and presidential orders to his mandate diluted the Article 370 without carrying out without consulting the people of Jammu and Kashmir peace dr. Arata you don't become the next dr. Farhat leaves the questions that were asked outside the lease, please don't misquote me, please don't misquote me, Rahul, you have misquoted me, please don't play these games, I beg you, now you have taken 15 minutes, now the house, I mean. I asked Moon G beauty about the situation on the ground, it's okay, it's guilty, it's easier, it's okay, let me bring the beach, then Rajendra Singh, the Lok Sabha MP stood up, the parties of left today they are charging a minute, let me make it very clear. for the situation, okay doctor, father, the extremity, this is not Park Street, relax, calm down, let me bring Vijender Singh, MP from the bottom es vada, okay, I will help in this, let me give you a very simple question, the leftist parties. and the opposition refused to take a stand on who they trust, Imran Khan or Prime Minister Modi, instead they say we want to hear the voice of Jammu and Kashmir which has been suppressed, which voice of Jammu and Kashmir we don't know because Jammu and Kashmir the voice is there I have also served this country there are people who gave their lives and they also collect many Muslims who have done so in uniform they serve our army they serve our police force they work for our state they have even converted The Chief Minister, so I don't know what voices you are talking about, but whatever, they still won't want to congratulate the Prime Minister.Minister for getting mr.
Trump must back off, be that as it may, the main question is, according to the left parties, that you are doing something more abhorrent than even Imran Khan's Pakistan is doing in P. Okay, that's the binary they want to work in their answer. Thank you, first. Let me congratulate a friend on the left for being very consistent that the left has it all. The Left and especially India have been consistently wrong whenever it comes to any issue of national interest and nothing, nothing has changed even now after hundreds of years. years they did it, they are still consistent with that, the spiel that I just heard, I really don't know what, what was being attempted or what was being sought to convey, it seemed just that you know it at a time when it is such. a great diplomatic victory for our country that was won in Barrett's and Paris by our Prime Minister they still want to find something to criticize this government and that is that the malaise that they have been suffering is so vile and it is quite disgusting to hear this type of this type of ranting , it almost sounds like they are apologists who you know work for Imran Khan or the powers that be in Pakistan when it comes to Jammu and Kashmir.
What was done on August 5 and 6 and then on August 8 is an absolute historic event in the history of India, no one, the people of Jammu and Kashmir, need to answer for that and that is what is giving to Pakistan in other political countries and other countries the legitimacy to intercede or make suggestions that they want to mediate, maybe maybe a weapon. They refer to consultations with Kashmiris, they refer to consultations with those same Pakistani students, the separatists for whom they seem to have such a soft corner. Okay, Kashmir is not just a problem with the ease of Kashmir, it involves 1.3 billion people of India, it is something that was waiting to happen for a long time, the situation had gone from bad to worse and it was all because of this one thing which was hanging around India's neck cash or other means, which are Articles 370 and 35 a, and now that it has been removed then you are saying that it finally stands so your mission is just to listen to Pakistani nutcases in Kashmir valley let me bring him let me bring dr.
Anand Ranganathan and also respond to the kaiser first respond to cancer as he is sitting next to me in the study Rizwan careful sir, let me ask you if the opposition parties conceived after today that they have contributed to Pakistan's deliberate negative


against India and his numerous attempts to try. and they seek third party intervention in Jammu and Kashmir to such an extent that they even tried to twist the arm of President Trump to make him offer himself as a mediator, simple, direct to the question, very simple in the direct question of whether my answer will be different, The opposition will answer for itself for whatever it is.
That's 10 different political parties you can have together, but do you think the organization has contributed to my concern? Pakistan's deliberate negative


against India. Danara. I'm sorry for the opposition. I ask you as a political analyst to take a deep look at the opposition's stance and whether it has had an impact in strengthening Pakistan's negative propaganda against India, it is a simple question there. I don't think I really agree that anything the opposition says will necessarily help Pakistan sign. Our opposition people are as patriotic as the people of India, so at this point India too a second.
So when the operations we go statement by statement, so please if the opposition says that the people of Kashmir are not being consulted about their future and Pakistan raises that as it will and has done in various international forums quoting the opposition parties of India, what is that? The problem is that the people who are in position have also been in combat and have also been very committed to the integrity of India and have maintained that position consistently, not that anyone has been willing to give up even an inch of land of India to any adversity, therefore, no, I say chain, we were in an excited position, I see the PMBOK did it all without that happening, exciting, okay, many other things that happened even now, I see that the Chinese built an exciting path, now there are many many of these questions, but they do not allow it.
They ask me, do you know, the same political parties that you say are so patriotic that they have revealed so many things that they also allowed, sir, under your watch because of Article 370, the complete subjugation of human rights in Jammu and Kashmir, and They also allowed under their watch the ethnic cleansing of the Hindus of the valley. I think I think I'm talking. At one point you mention that from the well there is no dispute, there is no dispute in what you are saying, there is no dispute, so I mean that should if they had no race, if they had not raised P, okay and the atrocities committed by Pakistan They are guilty, they are fine when they were in Balochistan, when they were in St.
Petersburg. in baltistan when in several other northern territories of one minute that were ceded by Pakistan under the watch of the opposition to China simple question one minute I'm not asking how I asked the question I'm asking, I'm asking mr. Kessel he will make a point clear, you can make it clear when I asked you to make it, let me speak to mr. Kaiser as Mr. K made two considerations that we must take into account. You very rightly explained what President Donald Trump had to say. Do you think India is one of the excellent diplomatic victories?
Yes, roar, yes, no, don't make fun, yes, no, I can't answer fact that it's one more mouthpiece when it's a half a minute sir, I'll come to you dr. Anand raghunatha, there are many people here who have a problem, no, if you mean accept then it is a win, why do you think this is the case? Let it finish, sir, let it finish, let it finish, why do you think there is? so many reservations fail let me finish let me finish yes yes yes thank you very much for inviting me I have been listening patiently for about 25 minutes including the first 15 minutes of the communist ranch I hope my fellow panelist will give me the courtesy of at least a minute, you know I wanted to make two very quick points, but if you'll excuse me, I need to refute my communist friend's rant.
I'll only take about 30 seconds, that's all you need. I do not want to demolish the communist hypocrisy these are the people who say death to the United States and at the same time shake hands with Henry Kissinger like his prime minister did these are the people who when a member of their politburo is collecting money to have fields blood donation during the 1962 war, there would be more, these are the people who salute the Plaza de los Caballeros massacre in which ten thousand five hundred and thirty people died. We are talking about these people. They are the ones now saying: Has the Indian government spoken to the innocent Kashmiris about their human rights?
They are the people who have ignored for 70 years the blatant trampling of the human rights of hundreds of thousands of Dalits, Kashmiri women, Gurkhas and refugees, so that is the end of the communist rank; that's my rebuttal, now coming very quickly to a couple of points. I definitely want it to be a fantastic diplomatic trio. I must congratulate the Prime Minister and his entire team for being a bit nit-picky when he said that all issues are bilateral issues between Pakistan and India. You probably should have said all the issues except tell me because according to me Kashmir is not a bilateral issue at all, it may be a differential part of Pakistan but it is an integral part of India and you said it correctly to the Security gentleman of the United Nations said that Article 370 and all discussions around it is an internal matter.
Kashmir is an internal matter of India and will remain so. The other point I would like to make is that I think a few stars have aligned dramatically in favor of India for the Prime Minister to come out very strongly. Diplomatically, one of the current problems with China, I mean, you know you have to deal with the Muslim enthusiasts, the way the communists who shout about human rights in Kashmir are completely silent about the million Muslims interned in camps of concentration and forced to eat pork and I do not drink alcohol in China not a word from these comrades about China and the atrocities that the Chinese are committing.
The second issue is the spectacular field management of Kashmir right now, after the abrogation of Article 370, not a single casualty, so if you remember in 2010 and Let me very quickly address for 10 seconds the terrible situation that it is in The congress. If you remember the so-called Kashmir Intifada of 2010, it was widely said that President Barack Obama during his visit to India was going to raise the Kashmir issue and so I must congratulate dr. Manmohan Singh and his former team, including the NSA, who said that if Obama does it he would be barking up the wrong tree, warned him and Obama in the end did not mention the Kashmir issue at all and looked at the state of the Congress. right now it is in complete synergy with this, you know the Prime Minister of Pakistan, so there you have it, you know, the pre-Neel party that emphasized bilateralism today cannot lead you to defend the position of the Prime Minister and his victory , Mr.
Pandey what a shocking situation, dr. Ranganathan when you said that and you also point out that it is a bilateral issue, the Kashmir issue and Article 370 or anything related to Kashmir is an internal matter of India and it is not bilateral, it should not be discussed, so we will concede. that the bank is lying down when he signed this let me look you know what I'm asking let me alone if Indira Gandhi will make the biggest mistake of her life. I'm afraid he will have 90 a dog in Co W Read and time and turn Kashmir into a bilateral issue on the head Indira Gandhi makes a mistake yes or no in the same way in the same way you have to say if she made a mistake yes she made a mistake never made a mistake we need to get the United Nations I'm asking you Sandhya never I'm asking you to kiss me I'm asking you I'm asking you something I don't care I'm not asking you what you know Gandhi makes a mistake, but did Indira Gandhi make a mistake with Trump sitting next to him and PM Modi said that last night we discussed about Kashmir why PM Modi is talking about Kusmi.
We don't need any approval from anyone outside India. As far as questions go, can someone answer the question. Are you on surveillance hours now? I will tell you the reason because we have a great target, so let me tell you because the response has been very stable, let me, mr. Gandhi, let me allow it, let me tell you that you asked me a question, I am giving you the answer, I am telling you no, let me tell you first, make a point, I move on to D, you wanted, you said you should have asked this question to the government for a second.
Sir, I have been listening to his hands, understand me, viewers, it is very important when we ask that question, if the government wants to say yes, when we ask that question to the government, he has raised a direct answer, sir. Modi was very interested in mr. Trump come out and make sure that the world at large hears let me finish do you want the answer don't you want the answer modest mr. Mohan was wrong in his tweet and said why he made a tweet and hinted that he had asked him to mediate and why sir.


that mr.
Trump says I'll make a scene using this, excuse me, excuse me, regardless of who it is to issue a slope, so one maybe a sir. Bundy, you have a problem when your uncle feeds me, you have a problem when the Prime Minister raises the issue and comes to admit that you have a problem when Trump says that India has done a fantastic job in Kashmir because Frankie has it under control, Imran Khan, go for a walk you have a problem with yes you have a problem with me you have a problem with the aluminum knee but you don't have when the New York Times is right, it should be sir.
Bali, you have no problem, well, the right wing of the New York Times is against the government. Swedish Monka, you have no problem when the amnesty does something, you have no problem when the BBC doesn't do it or you have no problem sir. Pandey, then neither does the politician, why do you belong to me, okay, so leave it, let me finish this because I have to take a little pause here, viewers, this is this long and short, the opposition has no problem if The New York Times reinforces this in India and says how badly it is handling Kashmir, but they have a serious problem if the President of the United States says good job, sir.
Modi, you have done a good job in handling, damn me darling, Kashmir, the Congress party is yet to issue a statement condemning any of the foreign publications, including Emraan Khan, for making comments that have not been very dusty, especially on Pakistan founded. with any fact because that's the fraction I take a short break I speak I took a short break here we go with ahigh-power showdown in just four minutes viewers in just a matter of 24 hours Pakistan has received two tight slaps to its face, two of its allies have turned their backs on the thumb; In a matter of hours, first, the UAE has embarrassed Pakistan and you can see those images on your screens honoring Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the Emirates' highest award.
At Zayat's behest, the award legitimizes Modi's governance record and debunks Pakistan's claims, as well as those of the opposition here in India, that under Modi's government freedoms and harmony are threatened today; In France, another ally of Pakistan, the United States of America, supported India's position on Kashmir. Trump said he had left Modi to handle the Kashmir issue because he felt the Indian Prime Minister had it under control. Quote and quote now that Trump's position leaves Pakistan with no one to accept his propaganda on Kashmir on the international stage and also leaves the opposition onlookers without ammunition to defend themselves. he attacked the Modi government, especially on rights, freedoms and liberties.
Now, for just a few seconds, viewers hear how frustrated Imran Khan is. Imran Khan had to say today that he is so nervous. Pakistan is so nervous that even today they threaten war. just a conventional war, but even a nuclear war, well, let me open this one more time, let me open this and let me bring in mr. Pawan Verma Sr. Pawan Varma, can we today have any doubt that India has been recognized, especially after the praise of the United Arab Emirates and the award to Mr. Modi, as a country where the dignity of interfaith relations and, most importantly, the rule of law is paramount and is, in fact, applied in spirit and substance.
I think international recognition, especially from the Arab world, is a recognition of the fact that India is a peaceful country. In itself there is a plural multicultural, multilingual nation, with many religions and the experiment of India itself as a country that will continue to live in harmony with many religions merged into a nation united but proud of its diversity. I think that is vindicated, sir. Pandey, your response, can you please admit that it is hilarious when you say that a recognition of the UAE is a kind of endorsement for the Modi government and Freedom etc etc but we as a nation India does not need anyone's approval, that's one and talking? about you, a country that does not provide many freedoms to its own citizens.
I mean, it's actually very funny in terms of what the Liberty people would have here, we know what's happening it's been three weeks and the people in Kashmir are totally locked down there. They are forced to stay inside their houses there, no communication, total communication blockade, what kind of freedoms do we have here? You know very well that many journalists, I would not like to name anyone, cannot question the Prime Minister directly, as I said. we were talking about this, people you should ask Prime Minister Modi why he discussed Kashmir with Trump when it is our internal matter, so our internal problems are for us to discuss, you and I can have this as a Jewish recognition, no it is. a recognition that we should even pay attention to, that is increasing, many see everything, the prime minister is not just PM Modi, the prime minister, former prime minister Manmohan Singh and everyone has been receiving extensive recognitions, sorry, and I have been dr.
Manmohan Singh receives this recognition but it cannot be said to be an endorsement of governance, so theft videos give up the awards because they know that there was no problem in governance up to the point of Dr. Manmohan's tenure. Singh is worried, could he say that? So just so you know you can't have two opinions, you can't have two opinions because there was a different government that said, let me understand in a very, very direct way, a Muslim country, let me. Be absolutely honest here, let's not talk about the United Arab Emirates and the abbreviation, it's kind of romantic and please, can I, can I please, a Muslim country gives an award to what the DIF Congress defines as an RSS, a murderous Hindu right wing government, Hindutva, Hindu right, you say right? -Hindu wing to a right-wing Hindu government or government in the Hindu nationalist government in the Hindu nationalist government in the Hindu nationalist to those used by the Congress which Hindu nationalist Hindu supremacist then anyone who says he and I together is what says what in itself Hindu terrorism Hindutva okay, so Chad hominem never used the word Hindu terrorists, they didn't use it and I did, of course, that was the recognized terrorist organization that passed Muslim, okay, so the bystanders of the Muslim government give to mr.
Modi a prize if he had to use mr. Panda's logic to suppress Muslims in this country I want to bring Pakistan even if you wouldn't have cared, can you allow me sir? I want to bring the Prime Minister of India, he does not need the approval of any third country or any second country. Yes that's how it is. Very clear, I want to bring Abdul Basit, former High Commissioner of Pakistan, to India and Mr. Pavan Varma on the show now let's focus a little more sir. Good evening, I wanted to ask you a simple question tonight, sir, has not Donald Trump's withdrawal from his offer of mediation between India and Pakistan in Kashmir been a sign of diplomatic defeat for him, Ron Khan and his government?
We never believed that President Trump was serious about his offer, frankly, as far as I'm concerned, I never believed that, so it makes no difference if he thinks he's been lured, but I firmly believe that the US has interest in peace and stability in this region and I think it is up to them to play their role in improving the situation, that is, helping the two countries find a fair solution to the long-standing dispute between Pakistan and India, okay, boss, up I want to draw your attention to what Imran Khan had posted on 23rd July. This is what he said.
From my point of view, I can tell you that we have done everything possible to try to attract international attention to the Kashmir issue. We made all the proposals to India. start dialogue resolve our differences through dialogue, but unfortunately we have not moved forward yet, but I hope that President Trump will push this process forward. Only the most powerful state headed by President Trump can unite the two countries at this time. the prayers of over a billion people if you can mediate in kashmir today so that mr. Trump destroyed the hopes of Pakistan and its Prime Minister, wouldn't you concede, sir, because of what Imran Khan said?
Look, you know Rahul. If India cares about UN Security Council resolutions, bilateral agreements between Pakistan and India and its own constitution, then obviously No country can help Pakistan in India. That is how I see the situation, so firstly everything will depend on how the people of Jammu and Kashmir react to this situation and then on how Pakistan continues its diplomatic efforts to gain support. the people of Jammu and Kashmir, then if mr. Trump is ready to mediate or not, it all depends at the end of the day when Pakistan, India and the people of Jammu and Kashmir give us yes, but given the fact that Imran Khan expressed his hope, his great hope is that Mr.
Trump and let me just cite it as the most powerful state led by President Trump and unite the two countries in which he had put so much faith. Wouldn't you believe it, sir? I want an honest answer tonight that this constitutes a diplomatic setback to Imran Khan's efforts to at least pressure the United States to mediate, won't you at least admit no? I would admit that there are some who know that they have not done everything they can to support mediation between Pakistan and India to that extent. I would admit it, but that was my point, but the point.
What I am trying to say is that at the end of the day, if he does not mediate or no other country is willing to mediate, the problem will not go away, the problems are still there and must be resolved. So let me tell you, sir, there seems to be a reluctance on the part of the international community to take Pakistan's side to put it blatantly. Now let me explain to you, Mr. UNSC, that we. France rejects Pakistan's attempt, as you know, by the United Nations Security Council to internationalize the issue and establish that Kashmir is an internal matter of India.
The International Court of Justice allows access to India's counselor. You know it was a setback for Pakistan. Bala Court attacks the United States. United Kingdom. France accepted the attack as an anti-measure. -terrorist operation again supporting India's position China's technical hole lifted and tagged global terrorists in a third Masood, as you know, what happened to the Americans removed eight worth billions of dollars to Pakistan, FATF also put Pakistan on the Islamic gray list. claims Stomach Conclave, oh I see, refuses to ban India at Pakistan's request, Saud countries have snubbed Pakistan, isolated Pakistan from South Asia apex body in 2017, suggests Pakistan is not being taken seriously in any of these forums now it doesn't matter.
Sir. Pawan Kumar would know much better than me that no matter the question, the important question that worries me is that if India can violate its international commitments, its bilateral agreements and still believes in its internal affairs, then it is trying to erase the entire history of the last 72 73 years is acceptable to the people of India. I don't know, but it is certainly not acceptable to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Well, some agreement was reached on the basis of which we had article 370. article 35 and then Pakistan, India, has signed a number of bilateral agreements ranging from a simple agreement to full declaration, so if you deny the existence of all those things, that is their prerogative and their privilege, but my argument is that even doing all these things that cannot be comfortably said that the dispute between Jogo and Kashmir has gone away it is still there Pakistan will continue to do everything it can can have success may not succeed it doesn't matter, let me tell you what Pakistan is now threatening to do, obviously they have been


diplomatically in many different aspects for us, so today we had a situation where Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan came out to say that it was time to take decisive action on the Kashmir issue.
Both nations have nuclear weapons in case of war. Remember if there is a nuclear threat. war no one will win Pakistan will go to any level for Kashmir like Adi now mr. Varma, you know that we have heard mr. Bassett talks about India's lack of sensitivity towards international agreements and according to the other opinion, it knows international law, bilateral agreements, but a country that threatens nuclear annihilation using words like this is actually showing complete self-denial , insensitivity, what do you have for Humanity let alone any law on which Aven rama rao is based today there have been two recognitions: first, that the issue of Jammu Kashmir is an internal matter of India and Jammu Kashmir includes the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.
The second recognition is that Pakistan remains the epicenter of terrorism and it is Pakistan that must stop its sponsorship. of terrorism on the other side of the border, these are two recognitions that the international community now recognizes, accepts an highly irresponsible nuclear weapons power, this is a matter of concern for the world, in fact, this is precisely why I believe that today Pakistan is isolated on the internationalist international stage, no country wishes to give Pakistan the pedestal on which, with the track record what you have, what is verifiable, what is acknowledged, what is known, but the track record you have with respect to this ship of terrorism with the groups that proliferate within Pakistan and that are directly responsible for global terrorism, no country in the The world is willing to give Pakistan leverage over India, which has behaved like an extremely responsible nuclear power, telling Pakistan that we can have talks but only if we stop sponsoring terrorism, and which has made it clear to the world that Jammu Kashmir is an internal matter and today President Trump made it very clear that He said that Modi has things under control and that Pakistan and India should resolve this matter by talking to each other.
He said that he had had a long conversation with Prime Minister Modi and that he had understood the context in which Pakistan sought to attract intense international attention. I think it is a big rejection for Pakistan. A Mossad ambassador should be able to understand that by creating a fear psychosis over the fact that we are nuclear-armed powers, he is not gaining his country any Jammu and Kashmir, but he is only conveying Pakistan to the world that Pakistan is a dangerous country armed with nuclear weapons powers, that is the message that mr. Basit, that is the reason why you have no credibility, that is the reason why all the doors are closed to you and your Prime Minister, then, with a complete feeling of frustration, you come out and say: "Let's go to any level for Azadi Kashmir even if it means threatening nuclear annihilation, no I am shocked because if India continues state terrorism in India in occupied Kashmir, it will use it if India wanted to use it to give or give two kicks to its international commitments on biological matters, so it has been conceded that the world is not with you oh no, I'm nervous, there is some truth in what you said, the United States, responsible countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, the entire EU would have been with you, these are responsible countries, are you saying that they are equally negligent in ignoring the rights of the people of supposedly violet Kashmir.
Can I respond loudly after all they know after 50 55 years in. that the UN Security Council held informal consultations on this dispute? Oh, I see that you are very committed to this and to Pakistan, as well as how to deal with the situation, so to speak, Pakistan is completely isolated on this. I think it doesn't hold water as far as a dispute per se goes, mr. Pawan Verma would know much better than me that even you know that if you claim to have achieved some successes, you cannot deny the fact that the Dumbo and Kashmir dispute is still there; there is a country during the last 23 days of Pakistan that is trying. to destabilize a very peaceful situation, you know how that goes, but I just want to ask you, sir, a second before we finish, because I'm running out of time.
I just have a quick question to ask you. Do you really believe that the international community is colluding? with India and that is the reason why he looks the other way; You have admitted that the fact that it is not supporting you can only mean one thing: that the international community is in cahoots with India to do what you accuse it of doing. I'm not saying I'm not suggesting that, but I'm trying to because time is running out, but I would like to emphasize right now that if the atrocities continue in Indian-controlled Kashmir, Pakistan can just definitely not the way in which it will have to respond to intensify its diplomatic efforts to raise awareness on the Internet.
I will use the effort of the rookies, we can, we can, we have no tensions, no, the situation on the ground, it is fine sir. Bassett, you know that nuclear blackmail has been an old Pakistani feint, yes, but I think you've called that card so many times that I don't think anyone is considering it seriously, but what you've admitted is that the world won't Listen to you to that you know that you are alone and that you are going to do what is necessary. Well, engaging in supporting the people of Jammu and cutting whatever is necessary is what Mr.
Barr says that anyone listening from the United Nations, the EU, any responsible Western democracy, does not support Pakistan today, does not exercise no pressure in India, he tells them, he tells them the story, the viewers, I leave it to you that the news comes with Navi Kakuma. stay with us don't leave

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