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Pet GROOMING ! Elsa and Anna toddlers at the animal salon – Bath – Brushing

Apr 09, 2020
yes, of course, massage, okay puppies, okay girls, we are here at the hair


, yes, and look how big the puppies have become. Yes, Coco is big. The dandelion is big and the marshmallow is big. Tracy got even bigger. Hey, look, that's where all the puppies play. Yes, yes, even Tracy and her puppies can play there, yes, and I can't wait for my bird to grow up to prepare yours. Why don't you do that? Noel SIA. You don't grow birds well, why don't they ask? There are two, yes. feathers, you don't grow feathers or the birds will lose them because yes, I will grow back, you just have to wash the feathers, okay, come on, Tracy, come in, Tracy, to the cocoa.
pet grooming elsa and anna toddlers at the animal salon bath brushing
Hey, look, I think the other dog smells marshmallow, yeah. I think she likes it I can choose the next person oh I think it's me come here it's time to move on no where are you going oh look who came here so cute this little cutie oh I'm so sorry guys I didn't know she was coming there well, we're sorry, it's okay because we love bunnies, come here, I'm sorry, I just think she's a little nervous because she's here at the hair


oh, don't be scared, bunny, what's her name? nervous eh nickname be afraid of c-elysee yeah, he's not bouncy, he's nervous oops but that's the same thing it's going to be fine it's like having your hair cut like we're looking at you man, you don't understand me well, it's time Now I'm going to bouncing my bunny, I mean, nervous, I've been high, very bouncy, okay, I have to go, there you go, you had a nice clean


, okay, you can go now, okay, I'll sit with a family, you can come , how many pets are there today.
pet grooming elsa and anna toddlers at the animal salon bath brushing

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pet grooming elsa and anna toddlers at the animal salon bath brushing...

Well, we have four dogs in one bird and if you're happy that one bird has five pets, yes, you have so many pets, all of them being groomed today, yes, because Tracey had puppies, oh that's good, would you like to


e them and brush them ? Yes the dogs will be bathed and brushed for the birds just a little washing please ok what's your name? her name is mango and I bought her for my surprise birthday gift she is so cute come here mango so she is mangle first time I go to Báñate so she gets confused and scared.
pet grooming elsa and anna toddlers at the animal salon bath brushing
Do you like water? She just pokes it in gently. Alright. She likes water. It's okay, as long as you stay in the bathroom. I'm going to prepare the bath for your dogs. Sorry girls, but dog mom. It doesn't fit here, it doesn't have enough space, it's okay, it can stay behind with its back, yes, yes, the puppies will only go here, so come out, by the way, what's its name? Her name is Tracy. Okay, Tracy, come out here. Are all the tools on this orange table? Okay, can she come in? Sure. Okay, dandelion. Mmm no, it's okay, it's okay, it's just water, just water, it's nice and warm.
pet grooming elsa and anna toddlers at the animal salon bath brushing
Hey, I think she likes the next cocoa. Hey, I think she already likes him. water but the last puppy put the last puppy hey, you went, I think she wants to stay in your hands here let me, I think she's afraid of me, you should put her right, come on, come on, marshmallow, I meant pop, that's a funny name. for a shampoo, yes, it's time to squeeze some soap in there, okay, I think that's enough, look mommy, I can always see the puppies' heads, they're all covered in bubbles, yes, I can see, I'm going to start rubbing them, yes, it's the lady's job. to do that no, hey, hey, I'm going to go see what Tracy's doing, okay, I'll check here, so is that enough bubbles?
Oh, let's put a little more, yeah, we want extra bubbles, she stops putting too much soap. I told you to wait. for the ladies pop pop pop pop but there are still too many bubbles or dripping everywhere look, there is a lot of water on the loom that got a little into the shoes Tracy, do you like it? We'll wash you soon, well, okay, I have the scrub brush. Oops, that's too much soap, the best, sorry, we overflowed and now it's dripping. Did you get this soap? Yes, that is the salt that makes a lot of bubbles for very dirty pets, but your pet is not that dirty.
Oh I'm sorry. Okay, all the mess is gone, so now let me show you that you have to dip it in the bubbles to get some soap. Okay, rub it into its shape. I think she likes it. I see you rubbing everywhere. I want to try it. Now rub your head. She likes it. like a massage and old man in El SIA you can brush the pack of puppies on their ears you're doing a good job nose there the birds feathers are very delicate so we need to use a nice cloth okay because it's soft like a mango okay .
It should be done now we have to rinse it well, drag it over it, put it in there, little handle, calm down, I know it's cute, but it's the cute wrapped handle, oh, how cute, we take the brush, oh no, girls, this. It's not a dog, you're going to damage its feathers. Oh, what you can do is just use a fan to dry their feathers, okay, here comes the hair dryer to test your furry feathers. Wow, the feathers dried so quickly, look. Anya mango is everything. clean and dry she's so cute, well your board is so loud right, mango, shut up, now it's time to wash your poppers, let's go get a couple of Reno's because they're cute and small, let's wash them, scrubbing , all your puppies are so cute, thank you.
I think she likes it, so while I wash our other puppies, could you get a rug so that when we cut the hairs they fall on the rug? Okay, definitely, this colorful rug, come on, Tracy, come on girl, come on, come on, Tracy, put on this pink Mac. Tracy, what's that, good girl, let's get you cleaned up, hey, don't shake the water on us here right now, would you like to scrub it, sure, scrub, scrub, scrub, and yeah, here we go, okay and your last puppy, come on here, there, Rob, yes, I think? They're all dry, okay, it's time to get a haircut, let's paint here in my bucket, I have the scissors there, they are, I think Tracy should go first because she's the biggest dog, well, okay, oh , I also forgot my brush, okay?
So come here, Tracy, she's coming, okay, hey, this won't hurt anyone else, yeah, if she gets a little scared, you can stay by her side so she doesn't feel scared, okay, I'll stay here, okay, cut some hair. No, it's okay, Tracy, we'll just cut off a little bit of your fur, yeah, so you don't get cold, furry, and then they'll groom you, yeah, it'll be nice to me, okay, look at all that bird. Tracy's yeah, there's a lot of stuff we're going to have to clean up, okay, this is your other side, okay, you should be almost done, here comes the rest of Tracy's hair.
Are you using a big brush for Tracy because she's big, yeah, and for the puppies? I'll use a smaller brush. Oh man, we're not home. The silly bird now feels like dancing. Yeah, it looks like those puppies are having a lot of fun in that arena, but why can't I get in? Hmm, maybe I would. It won't be so bad, eh, Sofia, okay, okay, hello puppies, I don't know why they're funny, but it's so cute, really useful, soft like kinetic sand, why I'm having a little fun, but LCR dogs They're kind of stinky and you might smell like stinky dogs, okay, sorry dogs, I gotta go, I don't know if I should believe you, come on, here we are about to bring in the rest of the puppies, okay, right? what is that smell?
It smells, oh it's not nice, the dogs are clean, so where does that smell come from? Well, oh yeah, do you know where the smell comes from? Something smells funny, yes, yes, is that snow coming from you? Ah, I don't know, maybe it's something inside me, maybe. It was Anya Hey, no, I, no, it's not up to you, it's clearly you, yes, but why is he thinking? Okay, I'll tell you the truth. I really wanted to join those puppies playing in the pen in the sand, so I decided to go inside. See ya, that's for dogs, not for Akane.
I told myself that dogs can stink. Oh my god, Danny. He was right, but it seems it was too late. Can I take a bath when I get home? Yes, of course, but oh, just you. playing sandbox is not inside the pen with the puppies, it's okay mommy, I'm sorry, I'll never go there again hey, I'm not mad at you, but please don't do it again, it's okay, it tickles him a little, he likes to cut us. hair press the bunny fucked up alright time to brush let me find the little brush it's there there it is it's green brush brush brush brush brush brush brush wait - where is your last puppy it's marshmallow marshmallow Ichigo is she behind you marshmallow marshmallow is I'll see, it I'm sorry, but I really don't know where it is.
Try searching everywhere. Well, maybe she went somewhere. She checks the dog's hair. She is not there. One of the bathtub guys found it here. Well, if she looked from there. Here she looks like a cat, yes, like that white cat, she looks, she is sleeping. Hey, look at that cat, why what's the Plymouth marshmallow? I don't know, maybe she wants to scratch our puppy. Well, she has to get out, let's get her out. She's okay, she needs to do it. groom yourself, no, misty, go somewhere else, this is a puppy, not a kitten, I think she's protecting her puppy, what a roof, guys, look, the cat got scared of Tracy, she's hiding now, okay, cute bunny, he's all washed, look at him standing there.
How adorable, oh thanks for washing my cute little jumper, he looks so clean and fresh, now fixed, rooms pop-pop, puzzles fighting on top, hey, okay, turn it on now, I need his hair brushed fur, yes, that's right, brush, brush, brush, brush. brush brush is fine, all the puppies are groomed and my bird is washed, they smell very clean, well we better get home because I smell pretty bad, yes when we go home straight in the bathroom you get dirty and thank you very much for help. good note pets oh no problem that's my job let's go home puppies visit our channel and subscribe for more videos

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