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Our First Time Playing Roblox Skyblock!

May 30, 2021
Hey guys, we're Alex, Zack and Drake and we're the twins and I'm Jude and I'm Leigh and everyone is welcome to


. Skyblock in the sky we can jump off the cliff. In fact, it started well. Listen team, there's a portal. There we have to reach it, but there is a problem, jumping off the cliff doesn't work, we can't reach it. Oh, unless there's a way, we can do it like them here, yeah, okay, stand here, yeah, we have to find a way. there guys so there's only one way come on you have to mine down here and try to get more blocks and gather resources so we can see what's behind that portal or we can mine each other we're so close to six million subscribers, no Don't forget to subscribe and join the team today planting things I guess we have to play this is my square get out of my square PI square now I jump right there why are you putting a second ready for this?
our first time playing roblox skyblock
Let's go through I don't know this piece of poop, what is that? That still thinks about you. Wow, I chose it myself. I also have a gift for you. This will blow your mind. Maybe it will make you want to marry me. Take some grass. that's for you, I did it, there's literally grass there, wait, who is this? We can only like a shop that sells like carrot cake and grape jam. I want some. I think we make money in this game. I want money that sells crops. The real question is. How do we get them here?
our first time playing roblox skyblock

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our first time playing roblox skyblock...

They need some hair. You're right. We need money. We are ruined. We are all ruined. We have money. Stop bragging. Drake. How do you have so much money? Drake, he stole it, yeah, what I stole. It is not like this? It is used to exchange boys. I didn't steal it. I sold my crops. Oh, you can sell blocks like stone blocks like two coins. Although I mean, it's literally stolen, of course, it's worthless. You know what else is great to find another laptop? look at that before you go with that portal, you did it


, the gun, I have one, I can use it fine, try to go through it, okay, how do we get a gun?
our first time playing roblox skyblock
So guys, grab all the iron you can find, we're going to make weapons. I'm going to go through that portal and find out what's dangerous behind it. I bet you it's nothing. I hope they have snacks. I'm starving. There is grass around us. Why don't we eat some of that if we're not eating? the grass the grass alone is fine guys we have some resources now there is only one thing to do on the island hey guys Alex here don't forget to use the star code Alex when purchasing Robox it helps me a lot thank you.
our first time playing roblox skyblock
Back on the island and now it's


to find out how we get a weapon. It costs 21 pieces to make a wooden sword with the slashing weapon. It's mine. Now this is mine. Pity. It's mine. Well wait guys, should I break this bank? Well, let's do it. let's throw it off the cliff now I'm skinny I just dug up fully grown Zechs trees but they're just saplings light up sadly White is laughing sir five years old we have to let you learn about this game. I'm going to go to the market and buy a bunch more.
I will be right. I just bought a bunch of land apparently that market sells land. I don't know, I don't know why you don't ask, yeah, let's see what we can do now to make our having bigger. The island is so ugly, how do you get in? I literally destroyed the ground and took my tree that I planted in this corner. Wait here. Isla, there are no users who are itchy, yes please, I just got this new hair. I'm going to snatch your wave from the tree. are growing, it's finally


for all of us to have enough wood to make swords, yes you guys go to the crafting bench, you can actually make a wooden sword, it's time to craft it, okay come on, yes, yes, so some Seconds later, this guy focused on the real thing. thank you, thank you very much by the way, but this guy here is a legend that he is giving us, he is very kind, we can finally go to the portal thanks to this guy as if he were a legend, your favorite snack, yes, that will also have worms eraser.
That's right guys, now we are rich and now we can finally go to that island, come on guys, we have slime. The keys to the island, come on, okay, everyone has a yes, moment of truth, let's see what's in this portal, come on, Minecraft slimes, can you get slime? of that one he does it for one, guys, look here, it's a death, then it's a blue slime. Bala dropped this bunny display, hurry up, how did you get a cake? I want a cake, all those guys forget about carrots, guys, to survive, there is another link. little island over here look, I don't know what that says, I can only say polishing everyone Corky, what is that?
We need another key, is there any polishing stuff on the other side of this door? We have to apologize later, you guys are so much safer when Apart from your guys, he looks like a rock turtle, that's so evil. Can't we really kill them well? I think we like a heavier gun. Yes, Jane, how many daughters do you have? What the hell do you know? It's better than jumping off a catwalk. What do you subscribe to? Inquisitor Master is joining the team today to help us reach six million subscribers, but yeah guys make sure to join so you never miss a video of ours and let's get back to this video so we're totally chilled and look it's chilling us out , are. cold Wow okay that's cool so now we need iron so we can make better weapons so I made this it's a furnace and if we put our iron here in charcoal we can melt it down and make iron bars okay guys , Now we have? to save for a tear in the workbench, and it is used to build advanced islands, so basically better weapons, guys, can we use this little oven as a toilet?
Oh, I don't need to go anyway, okay guys, this being Drake and all we have. been farming iron for a long time Drake, show them the goods, alright guys, here you go, you have 38 iron bars so far, we're getting really close to 50, so we can finally upgrade our weapons, oh here, oh my gosh, psychiatrist, you have so many. Here, oh God, Alex, how much stone did you have? Jade try to eat one, guys, I'm probably one less, you want to break your teeth to eat a chocolate. We have the next crafting bench look here I would place it on uh right thanks next to a cliff so sometimes you max deli fall like that whoa guys we can make an anvil with an anvil we can make better axes oh there's an ax of iron war I feel like we need that or the hammer to defeat whatever those things do hurts what does that do oh that's ugly we completely destroy it yeah so after so long of trying to figure out what to do next, We decided to make iron spikes.
I think this is a way to kill those rock monsters, so let's see, I don't. I don't think we're supposed to use pickaxes because we can't swing them like a gun Drake, we're using our saw oh wait you're right what a shot I'm saying, I think we might have to fight with an ax in that war. hammer maybe we should try to make the battle ax


guys, here are the guys


, let's get enough keys for everyone, then we will make the battle axes and the angle kills rock things like he has no mercy on his own son.
I tried to warn them whatever we do. I just found out that you can kill those strange rock turtle monsters with these wooden swords, let's do it, it's snack time my friend, once you get your free snacks, my favorite free onions for everyone, okay guys, are you ready to This, it's time to kill those rock monsters. There was a lot of damage, no way, come on, why are we killing them? Do you see their materials? They are growing on them like this time. Wait, maybe they're sweet. Now you are more dead. Alex, it's a normal rock, you're hitting well. now a freak rock movement hits the one that's moving oh yeah that one has spikes and clearly like a body it did why they keep showing up we're just trying to see what we got yeah you can't yeah you definitely can't ride these things like that's gold oh I guess they're useless really all of them are useless so um like transition time yeah okay guys so um yeah we didn't get much loot from those creatures like the ones we only got gold and rocks. iron, that was it, we have this thing that someone gave us.
I have no idea, it says it's an oven. Oh, I'm not sure what it is, though okay, let's try this. I'm going to try melting some iron into it. Oh, it's an oven. let's see what we have today's video throwing everything on the ground look at all these things and if you thought it was enough we have carrots we have so many things okay, I think that's it yeah, that's all I have here it goes and we're done

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