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next stop pies!

Mar 27, 2020
What are we going to do today? Peach, what are we going to do today? What will we do? She is upside down looking at what she can eat now. You're spending time with your family and the people you love and the people who drive you crazy, maybe a little bit because you know this is the time of year for those families. I am right? I've done more research for this episode than any other cooking video I think. I've done it because I'm trying not to make a complete mess when I make


, let me back up a bit, okay, I could have gone the pumpkin pie, apple pie, slice to pie route, yes I said slice and pie. that's how it's pronounced because they're traditional Thanksgiving


and it's Thanksgiving Day, so oh, what a tray, right, no, not at all, I don't think so right, sir.
next stop pies
I wanted to be a little more creative. I was thinking about the burger video. I made three different types of burgers, a ramen burger, a beer cheeseburger, and a peanut butter burger, and I thought it was a really cool eclectic mix of flavors for a food group and I wanted to do it again, but with cakes, so I had the idea of ​​making two sweet cakes and one savory cake, both of which I had never cooked before. I'm going to use this as my Bible today. Jenna bought this for me. I think Jenna, did you buy me this book?
next stop pies

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next stop pies...

Did anyone buy this? for me, it might be one of you, maybe Jenna, I don't even know, but I have this book and it's amazing, it's so complete and it gives you recipes on how to make vegan and gluten free cakes, but not just cake ideas, but I like the specific instructions on how to make the dough work for you. I'm going to read more instructions than I've ever read. Is different. It's a lot, but we can all do it. We have the power of God. anime and PI's on our side, so get on the bus at the



, cakes, so I don't even tell you what kind of cakes I'm making, so let me do that, let's make a banana cream cake, mmm, strawberry hand pies and an Australian or New Zealand style, okay you can both eat it like a pie face style meat pie so this will be done the other way around.
next stop pies
At dinner, we will make dessert cakes first and then savory cakes, and the reason why we do it. It is because the dessert cakes, i.e. banana cream cake, need to be in the refrigerator for a while. The ingredients you will need for these three cakes are like this. Okay, I'm not going to read it all. I feel like I'm not going to just leave the full recipe in the description because this is Jennifer's work so I don't want to just reproduce it. If you're curious about the recipes, maybe you can get this, but I'll give you kind of a general step-by-step kind of instruction and I'll put the ingredients in the description, okay, so we'll start with Nana's cream pie, so You will need flour and things for the cake, first let's get high. -electric blender and we're going to add some things to it, okay, we're going to use this to blend the first part of our banana cream filling, don't leave me, I'm going to hold my literature up so we have our cashews, which for me is half cup without soaking because we have the high power blender, but if you don't have a high power blender, soak them.
next stop pies
I forgot something from the closet. Full-fat canned coconut milk will look like this. condensed milk, oh here we go, when the coconut cream reaches the vanilla extract, we're going to put a whole tablespoon in it, damn, that's a lot of extract, damn, so we're going to do 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves, just a little bit of ground nutmeg, cinnamon and another quarter teaspoon of ground ginger oh oh oh no oh no you Oh No Oh No then the page turned the page turned to pumpkin pie I was wondering where those spices came from oh my gosh, the page literally turned while I wasn't looking at the book and then I started following the wrong recipe.
Well, we're off to a good start, ladies and gentlemen, okay. I wonder why I'm grating nutmeg into a banana cream pie. You win a little and lose most. listen book, you have a job, okay, don't turn the page while I'm not turning the page, we're going to make 1/2 cup of cashews, so we're going to make a tablespoon of extract, we're going to take two bananas. I think you'll need one more for later and you'll throw them in the blender. They're actually perfectly ripe, so you should have just what we need here and lemon juice, so the juice of one medium lemon is enough.
We'll see how. This produces a lot of juice and in my experience when making creamy things with cashews, I think a lemon is not really used to give the lemon flavor, but rather to eliminate the cashew flavor. Okay, let's blend, we'll take 1/4 cup. of water and 1/2 cup half a cup really that's love half a cup baby half a cup of maple syrup this will be the sweetener for our recipe and you're also supposed to have agar which I couldn't for the life of me I find agar which I think is like a vegan gelatin so we'll see how it works without it hopefully it's not terrible so we want to bring this to a boil and then once it boils we'll stir it in and then let it simmer and then this will go into our mixture of banana cream while it's heating up, we're going to take three tablespoons of coconut oil, let's reserve well, so we're going to put it on low heat, let it simmer and that's 5 minutes and once.
Once this is done, we will remove it from the heat completely and add our coconut oil and stir it. I guess this should melt pretty quickly because it's pretty hot even though we took it off the heat and that's it. Just add the bits of coconut oil and this will be incorporated into the mixture as soon as it's all dissolved and then we'll blend it once again. Okay, now we're going to use a maximum of five, so we're going to pour this mixture into our blender, put it all in there and then open the lid. In fact, I'm going to Google an agar substitute real quick, so we have two teaspoons of arrowroot that's going to substitute our agar, so This is going to be put aside while we prepare our doughs right now.
Okay, it's time to make our first pie crust. We will need what is called a food processor. We are using our food processor, not our mixer. You are going to add. our flowers to this right now, so why are you going to need our brown rice flour, tapioca starch or expand X potato starch arrowroot evaporated cane juice salt lemon coconut oil water vanilla I'm going to start with the lemon zest , it's 1/4 teaspoon of what we're doing here we're going to need 1/4 teaspoon of salt 1/3 cup of our potato starch. In fact, I'm going to do what you guys have been telling me to do for a while now, which is the knife method to even out the tablespoon so it's exactly the same because I'm a man of precision, as we all know, we're going to make a full cup of brown rice flour, two and a half tablespoons of arrowroot, there are two, two and a half teaspoons of evaporated cane juice which is the closest thing I could find to evaporated cane juice very confusing ingredients but let's try this you just go to process this I think we're supposed to pulse it we just want all the ingredients to be combined well So now that everything is kind of a mixture, here we're going to add the coconut oil and this is the part where it's going to change the consistency quite significantly.
You will add this coconut oil. Make sure it covers all your hands because the coconut. the oil is really good for your skin now our hands are disgusting let's add two tablespoons of water and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract we forgot about the tapioca three tablespoons of tapioca okay I think the gardener is ready and it's a little more calm and This doesn't look like dough, but it looks like a crumbling mess, but that's why we have low standards on this channel. I'm still trying to figure out where I went wrong. I wonder if the evaporated cane juice plays a big role here because everything else is exactly what it asks for oh no it's a crumbly mess I really think given how it looks now we're like the more I handle it the more it gets holds.
I guess I just have to play with it. a little bit and then I just put it in the pan. I'm so confused how you think I can extend this. It is literally a powder. I'm adding a little more water because it needs it. It is very dry and brittle. I'm going to try to make this more like a dough. A little water already seemed to help a little. Well, parchment paper is back. I changed my mind. I still love you so I had to add some water and now it looks good. more like a dough, it's cracking a little bit, but now it's definitely a dough, so let's try it again with the brown rice flour on our surface so we can flip it in the pan and I'm like It's like guiding the edges into your place while I roll this out and I'm not going to use a rolling pin because I'm afraid.
I fear that will derail everything we have worked so hard for our entire lives. I'm just shaping it, give this cake some character. Okay, you have to give it a little shape. I'm going to put the pan on top. I'm going to put my hands underneath. This is delicate. Here you are okay, parchment paper, you have one. The job is not to get attached to things, oh my gosh, okay, so this is quitting, okay, but you know, no one sees the bottom of the crust because it's covered by the filling, just eat it right, so who hell doesn't care, we just have to make the The edges look a little clean, celiac kids don't do it, it's an amazing drug.
I literally shaped this with my hands and it really shows because there are a lot of fingerprints all over this crust, but you know what we made a crust and that's it. That matters, we'll bake it at 350 for 40 minutes and we'll get to this in a moment. This is one of those videos where I've gotten overwhelmed with a lot of things and we just need to pause for a second. knife in your hand and take a deep breath, okay, let it go, yeah, now we're going to move on to the strawberry shortcakes while the banana cream pie crust is cooking because you have to cook it before adding the filling once it's cooked. add the filling and refrigerate and that's dunzo, we'll add it to our dunzo list once it's done cooking right now we're piercing and quartering fresh strawberries strawberries I don't know why I said it like that we need about a pound of these, the dough for this hand pie recipe is relatively the same as the dough for banana cream pie, it's just a normal and unique puff pastry dough, that's what it's called, we just have holes in the strawberries, that's the word for shelling and hold a quarter.
Honey, the best part about strawberries and cutting them is that they are so red and bright that if you cut yourself you won't even know it. Thank you for coming to my safety class. See you


week where we will teach you how to use paper towels. As for bandages, I'm sorry, they cut well, we are almost at a pound when the pound arrives. Well, we have a pound of strawberries. Here we are going to make a tablespoon and a half of evaporated cane and a tablespoon of arrowroot. I will close this and we are going to mix this.
I don't know if a stand mixer is the best method for this but I think it might be okay, I honestly didn't need the whole stand mixer, that was overkill. Hello, this is what we have. It's just a really pretty blend, it smells like strawberry, I don't know why it wouldn't, I don't even know why it just smells, although now we have to get our hands dirty and here we are adding a little bit of water. The recipe did not call for it because we need it, but basically we want it to have the consistency of obviously a dough like puff pastry so that we can work with it, we can move it and it stretches even a little bit, a little bit of water does a lot of good. this recipe.
I don't know what they did with their water measurements, but I feel like it's off. By the way, we're preheating our oven to 350 for the hand pies, okay? We're going to divide our dough into five equal sized balls, the normal recipe calls for ten, but since we're going to have it, this is the baking sheet we're going to use because we're confined to a smaller oven, but it's all good, all it's great. You're going to take your ball of dough and basically turn it into a square and what we're going to do is take that square, put a little bit of the filling in the center and fold it like a book and then you're going to fold the edges and that's your hand pie. , okay, I lied, it says rectangles, about two and a half inches by five inches is the size we're looking for here and the good thing here is that this dough is actually working very well.
And then I learned that the reason we have five balls and we're making four hand pies is that the fifth ball is to repair any tears that occur, use it as leftover dough, so we're going to take, I think, a tablespoon. of the filling and we're going to fold the cake, I mean you're going to take a fork and just fold the edges over, be very gentle because this dough is very delicate and we're going to take our Aires paring knife and create two little slits on the top and that it's so the steam can escape, take this handheld pie and place it on our baking sheet and you know what, all things considered, I expected it to be a lot worse, oh here we go again buddy what we're doing . hand pies this iscrazy come on, come on, hurry up, come on, we have to go, we're going to be late for school, did you forget your backpack again?
I won't make you lunch today, you have to pack it yourself, okay? I'll pack your lunch. You want a ham pie here we go take about a heaping tablespoon of filling maybe a little more than that and that will be the filling for the pie we are going to fold it like a book these are like sweet panties I mean look at us, come on, guys, this is just very exciting, well our hand pies have gotten to the point where we're going to bake them now. Honestly, I'm a little surprised and quite proud of this considering how the first dough turned out, this is exactly how I expected them to look. so if that's any indication I think we're onto something here I think we're onto something I think these hand pies are going to be shit okay we're like two hours in and we haven't even started the third pie but we're starting right now, okay, we're starting right now, this is our savory pie.
We're going to make an Australian style pie face style meat pie, which is a pretty simple recipe, it will be meat and onion cooked with a bit of Worchestershire sauce. some other things, but in a normal pie crust, so we'll do the crust here first. I have some brown rice flour that I'm going to put in our food processor. We need 1/3 cup of corn flour. This is the one that gets the most dirty. cooking has always been and will be that second part a lot fourth a cup of tapioca half a teaspoon of salt and half a cup of oil if there's still anyone here I feel like I've been breathing hard and struggling for like three hours you know what I'm going to do.
I'm going to take this pie crust for our pie face meatloaf and I'm going to cover it and set it aside. This is me, I'm just making a call at game time, okay this looks good, but that's not how the recipe in the book came about, so I would look up a meatloaf dough recipe and choose what you'll find. Okay, I'm going to wrap this in plastic wrap. Okay, this is going to sit in our bowl and set it aside. oh that's our banana cream pie our banana cream pie crust has landed let's find our way back to the banana cream so this is going to keep in the refrigerator for about four hours.
We will cut one more banana and put it in the base of the cake so that you can get bits of banana as a surprise while you eat this. This is the moment of truth for the banana cream cake. We will add the filling and put it directly in the refrigerator. pick it up for hours later man it looks good okay I'm going to go open the refrigerator look at this bad boy okay we'll see you in four hours you'll be firm and ready to eat so our hand pies froze . for 20 minutes these will go in the oven at 425 for 35 minutes without freezing oh my goodness we're almost there okay another deep breath we're making the filling for a meatloaf so I'm just going to add a little bit of vegetable oil and we're going to mix this up and throw in half a diced yellow onion and then we're going to add our wonderful ground beef beyond that, you're going to add a little bit of our cube, here's blue in the cube 3/4 a cup of water or worse yet, the shirt sauce and our tomato sauce, which because it's an Australian recipe, I'm pretty sure it means ketchup and we're also going to add a couple tablespoons of flour.
This is me being precise, I think I was actually supposed to cook the meat first, but honestly my brain is working at 10% right now after all these recipes, instructions, successes, failures and time. I don't know, maybe I'm dehydrated, let me drink, so there's good news and bad news. The good news is that somehow we are almost done, we have the bases ready for our meat pie, our improvised meat pie, obviously this is not going to be as good as a traditional Australian meat pie. I know, I didn't do much. of things well, but I did the best I could.
I really wanted to give him the best chance. It turns out that when you make three different pies, it's a little difficult to get any of them perfect, so we'll be putting the meatloaf in the oven pretty soon. We're just cooling the meat filling. The hemp and strawberry eyes are almost ready. That's exciting. The bad news is that we're going to have to wait until later tonight to try the banana cream pie, which for you will be available in about a minute on YouTube, so we'll start by trying the meatloaf in the hand pies and then maybe with a guest we will try the final banana cream cake, Nate cake, we are ready, this mixture has cooled very well, it looks delicious.
I tried it, it tastes delicious. Let's fill our pie crusts with this wonderful Ozzie style meatloaf filling. One thing I love about the meatloaf dish we are making is that it is so simple that it works. You know, now let's have some. ball dough and this will be the top of the cake so you will cook it at about 450 for 15 minutes and then lower it to 375 for another 20 minutes. Okay, I think we should cut slices in half. I think X is the way to go anyway, this is our meatloaf in the oven. Oh honey, these look really good, they need a chill, obviously we're going to dust them with icing sugar, this looks really good, it's kind of a decent little cross section, it's really hot so I wonder if it's ready to take a bite, oh my gosh, that's so good, definitely wait a minute because this is spicy, this here tastes so good, it's puffy and sweet, okay.
It's a hand pie that we made, I can't believe we made it, so I imagine they're a little thinner overall, but I don't care, it's very nice, you know, but it has that flaky taste, it's not perfect. but it was definitely worth the effort as this hand cake is really good, I have some strawberry cakes, oh my goodness it looks just like the picture in the book. I'm like in full lounge mode, okay, my glasses are crooked as I sat in them. What should I do to fix them? Sit back down, welcome, looks like the book was hard, smells so I got my ass kicked, yeah, bake more, why fig?
Wait, look at me. I've been a good wife baking all day, yeah, trapeze, trapeze, it's hot. but you're going to do it so well that I don't know because I've lost every brain cell I have in my head, so I can't tell you why I've been like that. the recipes are very difficult, I mean three cakes that I have never made before, it was very difficult gluten free, that is difficult, the price is really good, is it for gluten free? Yes, I'm joking, yes, it took refinement, for sure. Yes, yes, because it would be okay, mix these ingredients until it's a dough and I was mixing it and mixing it and mixing it and it never became a dough, so I had to add some things like water and more. starch and just figure it out, but when you work it a lot with your hands it helps, but I'm glad it turned out, good man, hemp ice.
Oh, the banana cream pie will be ready tonight because it has a refrigerator for a few hours and right in there is our meat pie, wow, you made your own process, it's such a good dream, it's good, right, you're going to cut this one a little bit, so you have these very delicious, it's so delicious. Wow, yeah, I think it worked out, honestly, it really worked out. Well, of course, thank you because doing like requires control and moderation, no, sometimes they are difficult for you in failure, that is also difficult for me, okay, we have tried hand pies, hand pies so good and I have a couple that we will have. for later when we have the culmination of the pies, it will be meat pie of the town population, now we have our Ozzie meat pie, which looks good, I mean, it looks good, it's in a pan, it's usually served in a kind of small bowl that looks like a cake bowl. a little deeper than that, but whatever you know, as far as I can remember, we're making pies.
I think you're supposed to have this close at hand when you're eating the meatloaf, here you go, meatloaf, I did my best here. Wow, that looks really good, mmm, that's really good, you can have some homemade cake, is that good? I'm going to try a bite with a little tomato sauce because I think that's what they do, do you like this crust? It's really good, right? Wait until you try the banana cream. I'm going to enjoy this for a second damn dude this really turned out nice dude my Aussies guided me well with this one okay so nine out of ten literally nine out of ten the one point deduction is for how difficult it was. make this dough and crust because that part kicked my butt but it's not for you it's not for you this is my pipe you can have a piece of crust that's fine but there's no pie there's onions in there I remember a while ago when I went to Australia , how important the cake faces are, as if the people there loved it.
I really wanted to do my best to replicate that for my Aussies who might want to do it at home, but also for people who've never tried it and I'm thinking, hey, come on. try something new if you have the cross bar down this is easy you know buddy I could keep eating these hand pies mince pie all right baby I'm gonna snap my fingers and it'll be like five hours and we'll try the cream pie of banana. all together as a family and it's going to be wonderful, it's going to be the end of the episode, easily the longest cooking video I've ever filmed, but it's been worth it so far, it's not for you, sorry, a hundred million hours. later we have a guest who is a cake, Debbie's machine, her machine, hello miniature machine, so how about a cake I want to try?
I don't know if this will be good or maybe the worst, what utensil do you use for this? cut it up and then take it out, oh, is it the right consistency? I don't know, yeah, I see cream, so this is what we're going to do, you're going to grab your fork and try it, Jenni, will you? bites, yes, crosses this tough tissue, but the inside is great mmm, really good, the filling is really good, the crust sucks, what I came up with sucks, but fair, that's all I expect from it. There are more positive things you would like to try.
These are just good. -looking for pints right here, well you want to try and buy, yeah okay cake time honey we're just having a positive air bed with my new sous chef, thanks too. Debbie likes handmade pie crusts, you literally just handed me the resume that was. at my desk I stole a resume that was on my desk he gave it to me well I hope this wasn't the worst thing you've ever eaten hello pie hello he's like a snapping turtle no everyone's fired everyone's fired . I do it to attract customers, what is this going to do?
No, I had to do it to him. Here is the cake episode. It literally took a whole day and most of it came out mediocre, but we did the best we could. I'm getting a hoarse apple pie together. -hmm, that was probably better than all of these combined because you helped me, oh I remember it was good, but we have a lot of banana cream that we can spoonful of all week, so no, that won't last the whole week night, oh, here we are. ready, 200 IQ, yes, take Nana's cream filling and put it in the hands pie, yes Jenny, you're missing it, oh my god, how's the mood?
Thanks for being the taste tester, but there are animal products all around us walking around, yeah, well, that's it. Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you enjoy the pies.

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