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*NEW* Mega MONOPOLY Gamemode (Fortnite Creative)

May 01, 2020
this is a


Monopoly board in a fortnight, you did an amazing job so thank you for making this map. Julie and Jelly will play together in it, but the rules are a little different. Depending on the properties, you buy weapons and with those different. weapons, we will have a battle at the end, whoever wins that ball is the king of the ultimate


fortnight. If someone lands on one of the properties you fought, he will have to pay you the full rental price and then you can use that money to try and buy other properties and weapons, the rest of the rules will be explained as we play.
new mega monopoly gamemode fortnite creative
I'm going to roll the dice and if it comes up a four, you should like this video. Ready, oh look, it's a four, I guess you have to like it. now also thanks to this good person for using my code, let's get into it, see who is going to enter. You are visiting 20k and purchasing this. I'm buying, what is it, spending all that money, oh, that's it. I need to do a check, make sure you're spending the right amount 660, that looks like one to me, Jordy, oh, sorry, sorry, okay, wait, Geordi, I'm landing at your house, oh, wait, you see, I got to pay the rent, you bought this, okay, I wrote a No, okay, come on, hello Jelly, I'm just visiting your moderate mother in prison.
new mega monopoly gamemode fortnite creative

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new mega monopoly gamemode fortnite creative...

Alright. Now I'm upset. Three yay, one, two, three, Hank Cannon, are you going to buy it? Yes, oh yes, I'm going to buy it. Well, usually. The whole thing is that if I land on it, I would have to pay you, so it's small, exactly the gun, that's the reason I buy it. Josh, there you have it, okay, jellies made by mr. penguin guys, yes, I need to pay 200 spike traps in taxes. Hi, are you kidding, whose idea was the government? Jordan: Sorry dude, yeah, are you kidding me? Oh my gosh, this is where taxes really go into the hole, okay? throw a - okay, then I'm going to buy that, I'm going to sacrifice one of my members, yes, we have the Nix house, oh, wait, wait, you are neighbors, wait, this is a house that attacks Authority, I'm buying the power station, oh my god, that's special, so if I get water supply then I'll have to charge double for my rent, oh come on, that's not fair, okay, so it's a gun and I'll be there, you go 150 Josh, you want to give me a discount on electricity.
new mega monopoly gamemode fortnite creative
Question from Colleen. Now I'm going to charge you five times more to be able to do what I want. Oh, chat, it's my turn, okay, okay, jelly. I hope to hit a good number and get a decent weapon, here we go, six, what does that mean? I mean don't stop it. A fire awaits me. Oh, it's no big deal, she lied, oh, poor Janet, oh, I'm just chilling at the airport. Because I am here? I do not want to be here. I have a nine, so let's go. Why wait two three four five six? Di would do it and enjoy the money.
new mega monopoly gamemode fortnite creative
Jordi enjoys staying. He has this disability. It's quite nice. He's a little big. nine ten oh she likes it eh for 200 just kidding the purchase was made that's going to be very useful in the end okay 240 deposited and here we go I bought my beautiful gun here we go seven oh that's not what I wanted my face is big too run Josh four five six seven this is a water plant and a legendary you're going to buy a water plant silly oh wait I wanted to buy a water plant Josh I'm sorry I don't want to land on your electricity okay, okay Jory, go away and I rolled guys yes, yes, he got a ten, let's go one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, buying the train.
I think you get multiple, if you get multiple train stations, you can also charge extra, so that's nice. Oh, I served a seven seven, why do I have to say three four five six? oh, seven is with a soap rifle, okay, I'll make that purchase, okay, 300 touches, well, don't throw it away. Three, could you save the role-playing game? Thanks, another room. Shelley is going to do some sport. This is my third time and she left him. Really enjoy her visit, very good guys, ready and 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 what Mike Scott I have the most is this higher value property.
Your dad will be so good. Infinite Ammo with Natalie John, anyone. he's going to laugh oh boy if anyone I'm going to live it Lodge mine one in your fire he's three four five Oh guys I've got a zero so I say well I don't care anymore I'll do it if I go POSCO I can claim 200 peaks a little lows, say, "okay, you land on Josh, good luck Josh, then, oh, you get twice, you get twice right, that's what we thought, there were too many, it was going to take too much, okay, Rooney's." Nice Billy, it's four, two, three, it doesn't matter, okay, then it's 60, buddy.
I still have a lot of money left. I'm not going to go broke anytime soon. let me get my two, honey, four, five, six, seven, hey, oh, that's extremely good, but 120, that's a good deal, Josh, it's my turn, okay, it's property, please tax a eight, one, two, listing the prison, Billy Bob, hey, okay, I'm leaving. keep visiting my mother in prison Jim zero so I say Jelly property but I paid yeah you have to pay more rent here you can rent as you can charge whenever you want next round okay I have five one. two three four five this 160 knees jackaroo for a desi eagle ok another property another ok so my inventory is full right now so I only get this voice if I want to pick up the hand cannon and for me it doesn't improve my equipment so I'm going to leave it gelatin you should see it on my computer so far it looks pretty good okay no gelatinous kale for my house or however you can choose things yeah well I'll still charge you 150 to use my services. 150 great. doing business with you thank you very much oh poor Jilly guys that's all the way and nine let's go one that's a good number you're not prison no it's just outside the prison five six seven eight that's four in a row I'm going to leave now I have a five two three four five Airport time oh my favorite oh no that's yours oh okay I just realized okay let's see what I can throw an eight one two five six seven hey Shane come on okay look at Roy Paris, come on, please, it's okay.
We should wait, relax, okay, I have a 100, well, I'm going to make that purchase, 220, I'm not going to throw it up, Whitney, what is it? You're just buying everything. It's a blue SMG gelatin, a blue, well, but I can develop. later, if I want to see it, that's fine, thank you. Oh, why are you still standing on my properties? Did you steal my mask? He's still there. The money is still in the same 180 for a bold action. Josh, that's a good deal. Okay, I really want to. sniper, can I buy? Do you know what I could do if you want to buy something?
I'll sell you the water, okay, for three times the valve travel, oh wait, what's it called, oh, I don't know, you wouldn't tell me. or one not 150, okay, it's 150 for the water deal, so negotiate for me to make a bag of 150, not double, yes, it's a high risk. I've got a good load, that means you have to do it, buddy, yeah, no, I mean, yet. own that property I just need to get rid of this purple thing purple SMG there is a law house that is good okay my number is seven five improve my equipment even more what is this? a legendary shotgun to throw some crazy bombs at this guy that's nasty this is loaded 280 on top I only have 30 drops his purple like ah he's going out of business soon Julie is so cool that's honestly I don't care I'm a set seven seven seven two six one two three four six seven, the mysterious chest, how does this plan work?
Basically you just roll the dice again and depending on the number you get if it's one to nine you get that amount of money so one is $100 and you go up to 900 dollars yeah anyway if you get there at ten or zero, you're going to prison, buddy, are you kidding me? I have to go interpret, wait, can I bill myself? How much to build me? There's not much to build me up to. That means you have to do at least one round and prison. Sorry buddy, if I go to Adam Jelly, I'll go broke, okay. Oh, that's Ortiz, although how many steps away is yours?
Jelly, three, four, five, I'll be ruined if you land there, okay, let's do this, oh, I'll be ruined. your three hundred and fifty I could already pay you what I had and then I'm going to declare bankruptcy this I will really declare bankruptcy you later guys how much to charge me you know, you know Jory, it's five hundred safe in your bank account I'm not going to jail very low , so okay, I have three hundred and eighty elevator. Can I see right now? Can I roll? Yes, you can leave now. Okay, wait, so he put in five hundred.
He has 380 left. Yes, yes, but I'm going to roll. now Jim I'm gonna roll guys come on five two three four five I see four oh yeah you'll ever be around I don't know wait oh this is my second I didn't even know you can now six seven taxes vacation packages guys I got five I got what to find I'm going to follow two three four oh boy wait that's mine but the bankers are ready now money for the bank Josh only has 180 screws you judge it affects the property here yeah now it's his knees that ruin his mouth, yes.
So Jelly, you swam, you won this game, all your money, Jelly, yes, you can spend it all on whatever you want to buy, just no, the bank doesn't own it. You can spend your money, okay guys, I'm ready. Alright, three alright, oh God. Oh my god, Joshy Oh, built before the timer started, oh yeah, well you're pointing at me, sir, things happen. Dylan, so, Josh, what's your plan? What's your plan? George, well, what's your plan? Josh, let's do that's that photo, what I'm spamming in life, Geordie, boy, you. Okay, Josh, yeah, come on guys, far away, what are you going here?
Uh oh, it's great to aim accurately Josh, you gotta be careful, buddy, you gotta be real careful, buddy, we're going to do it, that's the dam, stop slow, Topos, that's LaVista, where is it? he wait a minute oh my god, where are you, Dilly, where are you? Oh, no, no, someone, boogie, bumpy, Jimmy, where did you go, I didn't go anywhere, oh, this is bad, oh, I see you guys, that place, oh, Jenny, oh. Dutch, where did you go? This is a bullshit. You should have bought them. Remember to use the logo on the coats in the fortnight store.
If you want to be cooler than all your friends, you can thank me later, bye.

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