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Apr 09, 2020
I got hurt we're in, we're in, get the money for now, do your deer, let's see your donuts,


, dad, go behind my back, hey guys, I'm listening to my lunch and we have some friends here and we hope today I'm going to do something cool guys okay guys so if you're excited for today's video please leave a like below and subscribe. We really appreciate your support guys, so let's get into this. He has come, let us understand that he can give us the card for free. please stop, please, please, you know why you keep moving, you're getting it, I got it, I got it, okay, let me try to get it, try to get it, Simas is saying, he, he, he wants to tell you something, buddy, boom, I got it, let's go. blow up the wall or what or let's go here let's go here quickly quickly quickly boom going up hahaha let's go with your kangaroo sir what a jump ok I just jumped make my Lamborghini ha ha ha - you forget about tripping second let's go look for the Lamborghini if ​​I can block everyone , no I didn't push it, cases, all the crazy stuff, open it wide, I can't, I can't right now, someone sent you three cases, should we get guns or should we just go to the bank, now we should get that support.
my super fun dune buggy in roblox jailbreak big squad robbing the city
Oh, basically, not first. Let's go get your Lambo, it'll be faster, okay, there aren't many cops there, so we should be fine, okay, let's dress normally, come on, come on, come on, someone is


something, maybe it's a bank, Maybe we should go to the band. Straight Straight where or is it wait someone's in there oh oh jump for the lasers yeah we're in I can't believe it we're where is Tim I still need more oh my god I just died Saima seriously how should you get there now Lambo now you're going to get Lambo , okay, hey, go, he doesn't know how to drive fast, dry the paper, you take it forever, yeah, okay, I'll probably escape with my money, so Simas, what do you think we should buy a


my super fun dune buggy in roblox jailbreak big squad robbing the city

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my super fun dune buggy in roblox jailbreak big squad robbing the city...

I really want. you are pretty or maybe or maybe not that, God it's too expensive, we can't get it in this video, maybe a Mini Cooper, okay, then maybe a


, okay, see you and let's see how much destiny , boy, because maybe. I can leave your money and you can buy it oh there you are now let me listen oh okay let's go to that buggy you know where it is yeah I think we'll have enough for a bedroom bug let's go maybe not because look at my money no , I can't wrap your money, yeah, that should be enough, it's a job, my God, what a failure, let's go to the


s, don't drive it, I can't, I don't own Lamborghini, I can only drive a truck, you won, You swear, oh, let's stop here, let's stop here, wrap this place, go, wrap there, go, but it's my rubber, you can't, no, it's okay.
my super fun dune buggy in roblox jailbreak big squad robbing the city
Pat's hands in the air. I'm going to shoot you, yeah I got it, yeah, awesome. we have a reward now the captive can arrest us who can we can give them money let's go vroom vroom wait what what I always forget yes why do you forget go straight Freddy go straight now stop, go left no now go left yes now left no is that no, no, never see that bridge, we have to be on that bridge, on this bridge, we have to be on this bridge, yes, go left, not here, but yes, you can go through here, go here, Let's go full speed, good, good, and now jump, jump. jump no, no, don't go there, we have to jump there, yes, yes, jump down here, yes, go boom boom, go now to the


s, that dune, look at the dunes, the sand, go to the sand, look What happens when we don't play this.
my super fun dune buggy in roblox jailbreak big squad robbing the city
I play in a long time since they don't remember anything, go to the dunes of a sun, get in here, go to that, oh my God, Simon, and it should be here somewhere, huh, it's 45,000, open the boxes, maybe the have, oh yeah, so let's see. because that's what's not enough we have now thousands of Oki but it's still not enough we should hit unless you get your feet level come on Mac Mac Mac oh my god when you only have 200 let's go right back , okay, that's not enough we need, we need to wrap the bank and that will be enough, yeah, and we can get it, let's gang to the bank, I think someone is


it right now, yeah, let's get the guns out Oh, oh, oh, I hope that's it now. what Oh no that's a god maybe yes that's why I'm seeing only regenerate hello title it will be full health why are you protecting me yeah okay I have full backup so you still stay there it's well, we need to get that money and then we can. get a buggy yes yes yes someone is shooting I think we can go go go you come I can't I'm too slow be careful oh yes there's a cop good, this guy is good don't shoot him don't shoot him your friend is fired come on yes now let's go look for it let's go your Lambo come on that's enough I'm also going to drop my money let's go somewhere go somewhere night when I can leave your money there wouldn't be people you know I have to hide somewhere because they're going to steal our money, otherwise you have to hide, someone go to the buggy, go to the pub, they won't find us, okay, okay, come here, I'm going to oh no, someone will come.
Oh, okay, I'm going to leave you the money to come, actually okay wait, I have a case of opening, opening, come, no, I read it, no, no, I can't wrap your money because I don't know, could you take the money, no, I didn't try it either. Deep should we go and hide no you didn't so I didn't drop any slime since I didn't drop anything I'm here we have to pick it up from the ground now look nein nein nein drop cash get it I got it yeah okay it I knew, yes, I know we have to drop more, we have to wait.
Okay, we have to wait 300 seconds, so let's do something, yeah, so like five minutes, almost, yeah, let's go. I just cried, use it and I'm going to Drop and then the next one will be enough, so let's go to Julie's store. We are going now. I'm a bad driver. CACO coca. Oh, is it open now? We should go to Julie's store. Wow, it's doping, no, oh, but that's a great send-off. oh my god maybe let's go I'm in I'm in he says look at my number where is it? let's look at this number it says SG fan haha ​​it's good it's close how many seconds left I wonder this hundred I don't know 300 seconds passed probably not oh this guy says you should start playing Blocksberg it's funny cece Simas we should start playing play Blacksburg again, we should build houses there, what do you mean there's a lot to build?
We only have one simple house, we just need to make many. of money in that game that's why or you spent a lot of robots oh you lasted I got it although the bank is feasible I never won comes your chest open oh yeah we're going to get 1000 money but don't rush because that's going to be bad if they have to go back to use the laser just take turns and everything will be fine oh I wish I wish they would put a new update on the


oh I know I know they will actually put the new updates it will be new she will be on the jailbreak it will be a car new, it will be a Ferrari, it will cost about two hundred and fifty thousand, yes, we can go, go, go, just don't die, let the guys go first because we don't know, maybe there will be spaces, okay, now let's go with your car to the secret place my car okay let's all go stop oh my god oh please let us go okay go just drive no oh my god I don't know how I'm going to give you the money now that we have than to lose them.
Somehow, okay, we lost it. I just ran, I ran, I can't, that's it, oh no, just say stop and don't drop the money, okay, just walk away, can anyone some trap nine, can drop money for Simas, let's see, okay, he needs? thank you, it's arrived, oh my goodness, okay, you got it, no, nine, okay, now you can, you can buy a stroller now and they will remember that three people can sit when you arrive, one gets in, only three people, yes, everyone, stop , go to the garage. and personalized, no battles, yeah, come on, wait, so yeah, a little stuck a little stuck oh we're okay, we're okay, oh look at that rainbow stroller, do you like the Lebanon Joggle video game?
Okay, now what? Julie's story, yeah, because it could be open, it might be open now, it's still closed, oh my god, they took my place, we have to kick someone out, okay, I'm in. Can everyone please stop, they just want to be with the cyber guys, that's cool. You know how cool we have so many friends buddy give us money so we can buy maybe that bank isn't a bank yeah no everything is closed let's go maybe to that donut shop or the gas station I don't know yeah you're fine wow the error is pretty quick , yes the pterence is very sensitive, yes, money for keys, just a cage, really, what is this guy thinking?
Look how many criminals, my God, we only have three cups there, oh yeah, so the caps, the caps, he doesn't have them. opportunity to bother us rabbit rabbit rabbit give me your old donuts now give me your dönitz now bad look look there's no money no, I'm good just rubber one more time because people something steal so much from everyone I'm eating a donut hey you get Lambo Lambo get in the Lambo oh okay let's go okay let's go with a bang or a jewelry because there's us there's an alarm there oh look at those emojis you're finally there Simon has a buggy I don't like motorcycles because it's actually hard to turn and spread out too slow I'm not making fun of my Lamborghini so slow I'm so fast for this is open I think so, let's go quickly we're on time ow ow Oh no, I got hurt, it's on us We're looking for the money, for now, bring your dear lady, let's go watch you donuts while you steal, ha ha, so good, that's it guys, guys, let's go, oh, I hear it a little again, there are no police here, oh my God, my reward is 2000. let's go to a jewelry store now because it might be open again so we can get more money Oh someone just wrapped up Julie's stores to close them that was weird, I was like on the floor now someone inside is actually gone oh wait, wait What You come here, come to this car, where are you coming, I'm here in this car, come in my car, come, come out, it's you, Ian, yeah, okay, come on, come on, I'll show you maybe which car should we buy?
Also, I just saw a car, ah, that policeman won't do anything to us, well, we are, I'm donuts, come on, come on, I don't like this press, like when you turn the cartridge over, the press appears, we're getting dark, where Is Lee? Oh I know. I know, oh my God, who's driving here like crazy. Oh my gosh, come on, come on, come on, come on, it's interesting, where will the new car spawn be? Well, how about this one, if you could get it? It's 70,000, look, it's Porsche, this is it, yes. This is a cool car too, but we ran out of time for today's video, so I hope you enjoyed it if you hit the like button and I'll see you next time, bye.

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