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Misterios de la Edad de Piedra (1/2) | DW Documental

May 09, 2020
long before our time men built enormous stone buildings where they come from and what they want to express with those circles of wood and stone, many remains were born for thousands of years underground, their builders deliberately covered them, the wind and the waves bring them back to the surface. light some of these stone treasures you can see gigantic works of art huge megalithic complexes and megaliths are stone structures that men built before the pyramids are a masterpiece of technique and logistics that symbolize the impossible these large stone buildings are They built in different places in the world, even in the extreme north of Scotland, there are stone formations from the past that are older than the famous Stonehenge.
misterios de la edad de piedra 1 2 dw documental
Any irregularity that is seen could be a new archaeological site and every year farmers discover new places when they will do all these findings speak of one of the most significant chapters in human history until about 12,000 years ago our ancestors were hunters and gatherers, later a change began that could no longer be reversed with the change from hunters to sedentary farmers or peasants, it was one of the most fundamental changes In the history of humanity for millions of years humans lived as hunters and suddenly their lives changed radically, that is to say, that is much more radical than the beginning of the digital age or industrialization dv clip a small hill in the south of Turkey here in In 1994, the late German explorer Klaus Schmidt discovered a gigantic stone complex consisting of stone circles with ornate pillars weighing up to 20 tons.
misterios de la edad de piedra 1 2 dw documental

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Some years after this unique discovery, the Viennese archaeologist Barbara Harris also studies the hill, this symbol of the government is not Not only an archaeological sensation and perhaps one of the most important monuments in the world, but it is also a stone symbol of the beginning of the Neolithic. The Gobekli Tepe complex was built by hunters and gatherers even before man became sedentary, a discovery that revolutionized science I have Beckley we find ourselves with a culture of a society that was unknown to us and although it goes back so long in some aspects it is already understandable to us today in León jumping he is also a dangerous predator surely that is how the people also understood it. builders of gobekli 12,000 years ago for our ancestors the parallel supernatural worlds will perhaps be much more evident than they are today for us they were part of their daily life yes the crane a symbol of the air that perhaps unites the earth with the sky beetle and snake two animals that are important in many mythologies man moved in the circle of energetic fauna the afterlife and this world were not strictly separated from each other so far the excavation team from Germany and Turkey has only cleared a fraction of the area Total, however, scientists already know the end of the sanctuary and we determined that precisely in these first generations of the first sedentary societies is where these complexes are buried again and again, they are filled, they are blocked and thus of course their use is prevented.
misterios de la edad de piedra 1 2 dw documental
Purely practical we can only imagine very well that societies preserved its memory for a long time not for nothing for millennia google and it has not been used or built on top probably the first farmers wanted to distance themselves from the ideas of their predecessors gobekli had lost its original meaning man had become sedentary the national museum of prehistory of jalean de saleh addresses this important era for its director harald me la sedentarization is also a decisive event if the neolithic revolution is the decisive revolution in human history here we see thousands of stone axes more precisely around 3,800 Neolithic axes that were made with them, with them the forests were cut down to cultivate the fields with them, beams were divided, but with them the wood was also processed, for example to build very complicated houses in which people lived then. became sedentary hunters and gatherers also remain in one place for years as long as there is enough food the changes in the Neolithic are much more transcendental than just permanence in one place the development of man's sedentary lifestyle is actually the cardinal problem, in fact it is the original sin of man man lives for millennia as a hunter gatherer and this natural way of life and especially the natural diet requires that men have relatively few descendants because women do not become pregnant while breastfeeding and this changes fundamentally and radically with the invention or the emergence of agriculture as the diet changes now cereals provide carbohydrates in abundance and cattle are living reserves of meat and fat and this leads to an increase in the fat content in the body and this leads to the fact that women They can get pregnant every year and there is a population explosion.
misterios de la edad de piedra 1 2 dw documental
From that moment on, people multiply with greater intensity and must live together in a smaller space. They share community houses, small settlements and villages. Archeology is like a puzzle with great sensitivity. Scientists collect objects from sites and then try to create an image with them The fragments are said to bring luck to archaeologists The remains are so significant that entire cultures were named after the ornaments on the clay vessels such as the band pottery culture that He founded the first peasant cultures in Europe. The graves are particularly revealing for scientists since here, in addition to funerary goods, human remains are often found.
A trained eye can glean a lot from the bones, for example, whether the deceased was buried properly or whether his bones They were noises made by animals Mariah Tesla Nicola has directed the anthropology department of the Natural History Museum of Vienna for many years. For her, skeletons are like open books. In these materials we can detect vitamin deficiencies, symptoms of stress, and this helps us in the reconstruction of the living conditions and nutrition of the first humans the signs of anemia can be detected in the eye socket and the deficiency of vitamin C in the alveolar edges is or in the new formations or deposits specific partners and all this helps us if we do this in a systematic way not in a single skeleton but in the entire population we will reconstruct the specific living and working conditions it was always important for researchers to determine the age of their findings the beginning of this was radiocarbon dating approximately 20 years ago Genetic analyzes have also been possible.
This method has revolutionized science now and it is even possible to analyze DNA from several thousand years old from both humans and animals. In this way, the spread of farmers in the Neolithic can be determined based on His cattle explains the molecular biologist and border origin. The first tests were actually on the cattle where we determined that the Iranian cattle are the ancestors of all European cows, regardless of whether they are today in Switzerland or East Frisia. In short, they are from Anatolia or the Middle East. East we have completely oriental cows and then we thought if this is the case with cattle and then it showed with the other animals maybe also people have migrated from there and curiously after ten years of research we were able to discover that these Anatolians us but only Those from northwestern Anatolia are in fact ancestors of all Neolithic Europeans.
The well-preserved genetic material for millennia is scarce. The warmer the environment, the faster the bones decompose and with them the genetic traces. In addition, the DNA of the finds should not be contaminated by DNA from people of recent times, otherwise this would lead to erroneous results. The data gives an interesting picture. In practice, genomic analyzes of archaeological writings from northwest Turkey, somewhat south of Istanbul, have resulted in both the Spanish The Spanish Neolithic humans and those from Germany, independently of each other, are descendants of these ancient geox as we have called them, which means that there was even a Mediterranean route and a Balkan route.
The farmers extended for several hundred years throughout Europe erratically and not linearly in the research center in Tul Andado Nou in Lower Austria there are highly specialized laboratories Maria Tessa Nicola delivers research material with the help of analytical chemistry her colleague Thomas Pro Jaszka can accuse migrations of people who died a long time ago, the possibilities we have now are much better than they were 20 years ago, we have invasive and non-invasive methods and we have isotope analysis, which is also widely used in anthropology and prehistory for about 15 years to be able to understand the movements and changes of residence in prehistory the chemist examines a tooth approximately five thousand years old as the enamel does not change throughout life from its composition it is possible to discover where a person grew up the same method is used for example in food control to check whether the strawberries were really grown in the place indicated on the label their origin is clearly detected whether in plants animals or humans in principle we can now deduce from the data or confirm that there was a migration history that was a history of migration and not a history of transfer of ideas, that is, human beings colonized Europe from the original population hunter-gatherer societies that have lived in Europe for thousands of years, very little has been found, they were displaced and were probably absorbed Due to the new societies, Europe was completely repopulated by immigrants from the Middle East who attracted human beings at that time towards the unknown.
The reasons why man emigrated and abandoned his territory are difficult to say. I do not think it is related to overpopulation, not in early human times simply because the population density was very far from what it is today there must have been something that pushed it further and further into new areas that you may have heard about in the Neolithic maybe there were contacts maybe there were Some groups that had been there before and returned all that speculation but I think one of the reasons must have been just curiosity. The hunters and gatherers had already used the sea intensely.
They traveled on it like we do on the roads. Then a part of the sedentary farmers left. transfer by sea to the west whether they used sailing or rowing boats it is not known exactly in any case rowboats are easier to maneuver little by little these adventurers spread to the Mediterranean islands one station was Malta the small island state Today it includes three inhabited islands, Malta, Comino and Gozo, and is located about 81 kilometers south of Sicily. On a clear, cloudless day, you can see Sicily from Gozo and you can also see Gozo from Sicily. It can be assumed that the man had some curiosity. through Sicily and wondered what those lands that were seen on the horizon would be like, however, it is difficult to understand why man chose to abandon an island as fertile as Sicily to settle in an unknown place in the distance, possibly the explorers left first before settling a plan was underway with all its things approximately 2000 years after the arrival of the first settlers to Malta the phase of the temples began these monumental buildings to this day raise more questions than they help us understand the history and some of the I range from limestone weighing up to 20 tons, they could disintegrate before we know what they mean.
Tim and Gaming try to rescue what is possible in photography. The remains of the wall, with the help of three-dimensional animations of their photographs, can revive the temples and preserve them for posterity at least on the screen even this is a race against time it is incredible but erosion has advanced much faster in the last 70 years than the previous 4500 years and this not only because the temple was discovered but because of factors such as rain acid pollution of the atmosphere by carbon monoxide etc. erosion was not only accelerated by exposure but mainly by these modern pollutants that have such destructive effects on the main island of malta the agar kim temple is located a tourist attraction a roof protects it from the sun, the wind and the rain this should slow down the deterioration and these temples are 1000 years older than Stonehenge which for a country that was a British colony is very important suddenly our Neolithic past is a thousand years older than that of people that they governed us, therefore, this is what I am referring to with the political factor that these temples have, this is with your play, what did human beings expect from these magnificent buildings, men want a comfortable life, we do not want to go hungry, we do not want to be sick, the best way to To make sure of that was to seek the mercy of the gods by building monuments in their honor.
This is how Agar Kim is left without his protective roof. You can describe buildings and reconstruct walls but you can only speculate on what happened inside the temples as they were used.who could enter and who could not and there is a clear separation between the inside and the outside the temple was built with a roof this is the kingdom of the priests or priestesses outside they were exposed to the weather that was the site of the common population this division was clearly planned Thus when the temple was designed the interior of the temple is protected from the outside world and escapes sight a hole in the stone is interpreted as an oracle hole allowing an acoustic connection with the interior which was sacred to the Maltese at that time to whom they worshiped how the sacrifices were performed about the rituals we can only fantasize many questions remain open the temples of malta were used for about 2000 years then they were also abandoned because i believe at the time and that is very typical of prehistoric cultural conditions when they cannot achieve any real constancy because there is a lack of institutions that are really transmitted through generations this includes writing includes the priesthood dynasties these are important constants in cultural development when they do not reach this phase they are obviously cultures prehistoric cultures that never last the farmers who venture from anatolia to central europe across the sea not only docking in malta some continue further along the iberian peninsula to brittany in the north of france kilometers of rocky coasts offer the raw material for the buildings of the new settlers man is fascinated by the stones and creates a culture that to this day remains one of the greatest mysteries at the beginning of the Neolithic era while in Malta temples were built in a style that has not been found anywhere else in northern France there are the unique stone rows of karnak the importance of megalithic constructions is still reflected today in the breton language to come means long stone and dolmen means stone table and describes tombs covered with stone plates both terms cannot be translated into many other languages Scientists have tried to solve the enigma of the menhir type groups Srpska are also fascinated by these stone age relics the truth is that this monumental sight on anyone who sees it on anyone who visits the stones of carnac has an effect and evokes amazement and respect for this architecture in the face of such magnitude that goes beyond imagination here you really understand what monumentality means the stones of carnac today extend over three kilometers they once reached much further each block of stone looks different Each one of them could mean something different.
Some researchers believe that in the rows a demonstration of power is recognized. Others cling to the idea of ​​supernatural forces and others want to see them simply as lives. However, it is not a local regional architecture, nor do we know. what is it for but you really have to consider the architecture the rows of stones extended from the coast to the interior perhaps they indicated a path but where would it lead and I think there is something clear here and this concerns all megalithic constructions it is basically about of a sacred structuring of the landscape of the habitat this is especially notable in the rows of stones it is really a division of the landscape for ritual complexes the megalithic complexes are found on the Mediterranean islands along the Atlantic coast to the British Isles they are found in the north sea and the baltic sea but for example there are no megalithic monuments in hungary austria or southern germany they are missing in the regions where man emigrated by land what is the reason for this as soon as the neolithic humans leave in the central anatolia this is accompanied by an extreme reduction in cultural diversity they arrive in europe practically as peasants who lose all forms of urbanity or monumentality on the way through the balkans they are very specialized farmers they know very well precisely that being farmers but beyond This is not a rich culture, so to speak, perhaps to re-clarify the dimensions from the fertile crescent to Austria.
Almost five thousand years pass in much of Europe. The glacial tongues of the Ice Age left a large number of boulders and blocks. There were no boulders here. Neolithic man had to build with other materials. In the 1980s, researchers discovered circular modifications in the soil using aerial archeology in the region. of the Danube took care of this phenomenon, then with the first results of the excavation with aerial photographs, when it was seen that these enormous monuments were six thousand five hundred years old, they began to think about what they were for and it was really a very intense discussion process in At that time in the mid-eighties, starting with large fortifications, meeting places, ritual temples, and even livestock corrals, all these possibilities of interpretation were given layer by layer.
The georadar scans the subsoil and clarifies the structures of the past without excavating. The data draws an image of the palisades moats and entrances wolfgang laib water uses his devices all over the world when it comes to searching for hidden traces in large areas he was also able to demonstrate at stonehenge that the most famous stone circle in the world was originally built of wood from the air by the ancients circular systems can only be recognized in certain seasons of the year and as long as soil erosion has not erased the traces in banfield the new water was able to detect a total of 40 circular pits one of them pushed near gel de ember in 2005 balloon volcano and His team of experimental archaeologists built a system of circular pits in Ember in Banfield using the means that stone age man also had available: wood, bones, plant fibers and stone tools.
Fortunately, many thousands of years ago man was building from the stone in other places otherwise we would know much less about our ancestors the stones show us the places where our ancestors settled in sils alone there are more than 500 known graves many stone age grave complexes are also found in denmark and on the northern mainland of germany where they are gradually cleared and examined these large stone graves were stable places that were often used over the centuries these megalithic graves were places of identity where they practiced their rites where they identified themselves themselves and in that sense these are really socially dominant places in the landscape for the people who existed at that time.
The type of grave says a lot about a society and how they dealt with coexistence. Megalithic graves are collective burials that are open where always burials are carried out again but where the individuality of the deceased is preserved at the beginning of the Neolithic era the individual is not the central point but the community the prestige is enjoyed by those who can distribute goods little by little our ancestors create increasingly fine ceramics The funerary objects and offerings not only reveal a lot about society and the role of the deceased, they also tell something about the relationship between the sexes with respect to the position of women in the Neolithic we can say in any case that we cannot recognize any great discrimination or striking differences in many Neolithic cultures women are buried as luxuriously as men or sometimes even more luxuriously can funerary objects really indicate the position of women and their esteem In this world, using stones instead of burial defies time.
The memory of the dead must last forever. Stones are the most important source when it comes to reconstructing human architecture, whether temples or tombs. If they were not made of stone, if they were made. of wood we would find very small remains, their monumentality, what was on them, perhaps we could not imagine, there would be a lot of speculation, but the stone is preserved and it gives precisely in the megalithic buildings an idea of ​​what monumentality really was in prehistoric times in the north of scotland in the orkney islands scientists found an astonishing variety of megalithic buildings from the stone age ni kart directs the excavations begun in 2002 i think what we see today is just the tip of the green jce what was here five thousand years ago our gaze is aimed at those wonderful standing monuments but in the last ten years highlands an island university has started a major geophysical program the monuments were examined all around them to find out what else could have been here and we discovered that the landscape must have been covered of buildings on the Orkney Islands, cult complexes, settlements and tombs were detected.
This density of Stone Age finds is unique in the world. The Maestro's tumulus, from there to the west, rise the rocks of this month that form one of the circles of oldest stone in britain 150 meters away are the remains of the bauhaus settlement the entrance to the narrow promontory is guarded by the so-called whats stone a 5.6 meter high monolith guards the most important known cult center of that time the month of broward directly on the Atlantic coast the researchers found other stone age buildings small but cozy stone houses so that storms and dew do not affect the masonry so much many of the excavations were covered and everywhere it says entry is prohibited the only exception applies to scientific personnel Neolithic humans were not very different from us everything that is found here would also be expected to be found in a modern house apart from electricity and water there are stoves beds shelves the flat construction protects against storms and the roof of grass keeps the environment warm the people were well until now we do not know of any difficulties or military conflicts in the orkney islands at that time the surrounding area back then was more forested than now and due to the gulf stream the climate was milder than in central europe farmers and ranchers found the best conditions here plus the rich fishing grounds made life easier we discovered that orkneys played a pioneering role for many other areas during the neolithic period materials were brought across the united kingdom - to the arcades of the Likewise many ideas that appear to have largely determined the prehistory of Britain may have had their origin in the Orkney Islands.
The Orkney Stone Circle was a model for all other stone circles in the British Isles and can now be determined. Exactly the migratory movements and superimpositions, a few bones or remains of teeth with some unadulterated DNA, are enough to clarify kinship relations through millennia. With this method, it was possible to prove that central Europeans are descendants of the ancient Anatolians and it has been discovered. Another surprise, in a second step, Iranian genomes were actually examined from the heart of the fertile crescent and there the chain of migration is broken somewhere between western Anatolia and western Iraq, this chain is broken in as many different populations as you can imagine.
It could be estimated that they would have already separated fifty seventy thousand years ago, that is, shortly after leaving Africa, but both groups participate in that great idea: sedentarization, agriculture, construction of houses in accordance with the current state of knowledge, sedentarization of man, progress parallel west and east and it was similar in both places but completely separated from each other there are megalithic complexes distributed throughout Asia there are especially many stone witnesses in Korea in Korean mythology the constellations play an important role and it was also common in the recent past to record constellations on tombstones the ancient and the modern cannot always be clearly separated here the dating is therefore not so simple the neolithic period with its stone and sometimes also wooden monuments seems to have been a relatively peaceful time everywhere only evidence is found of war conflicts in a later era, the megalithic culture came to an end with the beginning of the Bronze Age.
Surely these stone witnesses were used for a long time, over and over again with different meanings. Currently, some with holes serve as landmarks, the menhirs. They received Christian symbols on mounds from the Stone Age, churches were built and many stones were used in a quite profane way. What temples were for man at that time are mosques, synagogues or churches. Today we live in villages that have become cities we focus on the family nucleus and we feed on cereals and livestock all these elements of a Neolithic life shape our society to this day more than we are all sometimes aware

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