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May 02, 2020
Stories about time travelers are a topic that fascinates the public and for many years incredible cases have come to light about chrononauts who claim to have traveled through space-time and in this video you will see a compilation of the best cases presented On this channel I am René Valdo and this is trapped in time in time. One of the most disturbing questions that we have always asked ourselves is whether time travel is possible. From the most important physicist to the common human being, they have always had this doubt. and to this day, time travel is not possible, at least not with existing technology, but who can assure us that a traveler from the future will come to the past, as we could believe.
las mejores historias de viajeros en el tiempo
In the year 2000, people began to question the visit of a man who came from the future this is the story of one of the first time travelers popularized on the internet a traveler named john titor on november 2, 2000 several electronic bulletin boards on the internet known as drinks began to feature messages from a mysterious character This man identified himself with the acronym time travel 0. The man began a series of conversations about the possibility of traveling in time, the characteristics of a machine that could do such a thing and the theories behind its operation throughout this period. Initially, this character was characterized by short, concise messages in which he spoke about this machine as if it really existed, but as time went by, his story became more interesting.
las mejores historias de viajeros en el tiempo

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las mejores historias de viajeros en el tiempo...

In January 2001, he introduced himself as John Titor and stated that he was a North American soldier. who had traveled in time from the year 2036, his mission was to travel to the year 1975 to get some IBM brand computers with the aim of editing some old programs with error code problems classified as time out, Tito claimed that in the year 2038 all the iunics programs and many other sources would stop working because they would have a little and it would deplete the timer of the counter which would cause catastrophic consequences for the systems used in the future. the traveler had been chosen for such a mission because he was the grandson of one of the original members of the construction of the team and that is when he began with his futuristic and apocalyptic revelations since when he was asked why they did not build another IBM machine at that time, Victor mentioned that the war had destroyed many things little by little his Stories revealed curiosities and secrets that attracted more people who in turn shared the stories on other sites, gradually finalizing the character.
las mejores historias de viajeros en el tiempo
The IBM 5100 was important because according to Tito it had the ability to emulate much larger and more expensive mainframe systems, a capacity which was not published at the time by ibm since they did not want to put an end to their own business, this functionality was officially confirmed by one of the ibm engineers called boudou tito, being a time traveler, he had big questions about how and when he would start traveling in time, responding that time travel would be discovered in 2001 by the European organization for nuclear research known by its acronym as SERNA, mentioned that in 2004 a new civil war would begin in the United States that would end in 2015 with the beginning of the third world war of which tito was one of the survivors titor mentioned that new technologies had made it possible to build a time machine and even a detailed description of the artifact, the theory behind its operation and the effects of its trip into the future his machine consisted of a system of more stationary and temporal displacement powered by two rapidly spinning dual singularities that would produce a triple standard the theory behind the construction of said machine would have been given by frank james and blair who proposed that if a long, dense object rotates at speeds close to the speed of light, it could allow another object to move around it and move forward or backward in time, the direction of motion would be given by the direction of rotation. spiral, this theory has not been disproved but there is currently no material capable of resisting a spin at that speed without breaking down.
las mejores historias de viajeros en el tiempo
The machine that would have brought it to the past consisted of two magnetic containers for the micro singularities, small black holes that would be created with the speed of the spin which would come equipped with an electron injection distributor that would alter the mass in these small holes, a cooler and an x-ray ventilation system. The system would be regulated by four computers and three cesium clocks and would handle gravity sensors. To determine its position and its direction, Lito even presented a design for his time machine according to his messages. John Titor came from a time in which many of the premises of current theoretical physics had been confirmed, including that of the existence of many universes, another of the predictions was the emergence of a new epidemic in 2030 or the transition to a more familiar and personal humanity.
Furthermore, not satisfied with his predictions, the traveler assured that the timeline in which he found himself could be modified by his presence, which reaffirmed his interest in warning governments about the consequences of their actions and he hoped that his messages would gain popularity. Tito decided to show images as proof of his effective passage through different moments in history. The best known of these images is shown by him at the inauguration of a bridge in 1941 with a modern outfit and sunglasses with people around him dressed according to the time. Another image shows how a laser pointer curves in the presence of a supposed gravitational field which would have been used to make it work. the machine and a last image shows the time machine located in a corvette although john titor disappeared in march 2001 without a trace his stories were already well known consequently the internet forums were filled with jong false titles that tried to continue the story showing fake photographs in which ti bull was seen in various historical moments and predictions of how in 2015 there would be a black president in the white house john titor the time traveler the story begins on April 23, 2006 when a man appeared In the streets of Ukraine, apparently disoriented, he was dressed in very old clothes and had an old camera in his hands.
The Ukrainian authorities offered him help since the bewildered man asked about a street that did not exist, for which they asked him to identify himself and this is where The strange thing begins because they mention that the man had an old Soviet passport that had been issued in 1950. The passport they claimed was legitimate. The man was taken to a hospital to assess his state of health while the doctors reviewed his case. The man said His name was Sergi Panama, in which he asked the date and stated that it came from the year 1950. He said that he was taking photographs in Kiev where he was traveling when he suddenly saw a flying object in the shape of a saucer and after photographing it, it suddenly appeared at the break of 2006.
The name claimed that all the undeveloped photographs were in his camera, although the Kiev authorities had a problem. The developing technique had stopped being practiced more than 30 years ago, so they had to contact an expert. The photographic roll was found. intact, in addition to the fact that it had been discontinued in the 70s when it was revealed, was that the authorities found several images of Kiev a few decades ago among the images there was a portrait where a young woman appeared in the company of Sergi wearing the same outfit that he was wearing that day, but also among the photographs revealed was the disturbing image of a hominid mysteriously captured a couple of days later, Sergi disappeared from his room without a trace.
The clinic's security camera captured the moment when he entered his room but was never seen again. An investigation was carried out and it was found that during the 1960s in the Soviet Union a man named Serie and Ponomarenko was declared missing. It was discovered that the woman in the photographs revealed was Valentina Cool and that Sergi's girlfriend was still He lived in Ukraine, Valentina had more photos of when she was young and Pana Marenco's girlfriend. The woman began to cry, mentioning that the police never saw him again, what happened to Valentina, but the story does not end here.
The man returned to 1950 in his hometown. Russia where he explained what happened and gave a couple of interviews. Search and he lived with his girlfriend until 1970 when he again suffered a time jump, traveling this time to the year 2050 where inexplicably I managed to send his wife a photograph from that year until 1970, the photograph had writing a message that said I'm fine try to come back as soon as I can after this he was never heard from again for me in the photograph you can see it to be different although full of skyscrapers the most curious thing about this is that nowadays in In that area of ​​the city there is only vegetation, many have denied Sergi's story, even mentioning that in the photo of the futuristic who the skyscrapers belong to the city of New York since you can even see the Empire State, mentioning that it is a photomontage in addition It should be noted that the material was broadcast in a program called time travelers in chapter 3 of the series aliens, some fictional documentaries produced in Russia.
One of the most disturbing and mysterious projects carried out by the US government was an experiment where tried to make a ship invisible through electromagnetic fields, the so-called Philadelphia experiment, which ended up teleporting the USS es el ritz 173 ship with terrifying results after the events that occurred with the s el ritz 173, the us navy denied having carried out This experiment eliminated the files on the crew, the logbook and navigation charts. In fact, the ship was sold in 1951 to Greece with three hundred tons less instruments inside that mysteriously disappeared a couple of years later to a 57-year-old man named Al Vélez. who suffered from severe amnesia, saw a movie that came out in 1984 based on the events recounted in a book that explained what happened with the Philadelphia experiment.
After watching this movie, he had a kind of vision, someone revealed to him that he began to remember various moments. hidden from his life, so he went to therapy to unlock his memory, thereby discovering that he had been part of the Montauk project, a secret US government project carried out in the 70s and 80s at the air force station. from Montauk on Long Island and that as a result of being part of this project he had achieved incredible techniques and one of them was being able to travel in time. This man was sure that his mind and memories had been altered so that he did not remember anything and with that prevent the secret from being revealed with the help of an expert and treatments to Vélez who claims that he was remembering important things such as his original name which was Edward Cameron and that his brother named Duncan had also been part of this skin project and made his name public. history ensuring that the Philadelphia experiment had been real and that not only had they managed to teleport or make the ship invisible but they had also managed to open a portal or a black hole that connected the present with the future and this is where he revealed one of his missions in A trip through time in 1983, he and his brother were sent to the past to destroy part of the equipment of the ship USS El Bridge since in the future it would cause problems for them, so the solution was to eliminate part of the equipment.
The men managed to complete the mission but An error made him travel in the year 2000 137 where they spent a month and a half hospitalized due to burns from contact with hyperspace. Someone mentioned to them that for unexplained reasons he had a new trip to the future where he arrived in the year 2,749 where he stayed approximately for 24 months when that year arrived he was also in a hospital which was not as we imagined since the technology was impressive one of the most amazing changes is that the cities were floating since humans had managed to control the law of gravity in addition that the population was already very small, 300 million people inhabited the world and that their country, the United States, had become one of the most populated since 50 million people lived there.
I mentioned that one of the reasons for the population decline was that not everyone had managed to adapt to the new world, the wars no longer existed in the year 2000 749 the last ones recorded had been between Russia, China and the United States and Europe, but in that future they no longer existed, in fact there were no longer any military or navy and Something extremely important is that the government did not exist either since everything was controlled through a synthetic intelligence system that ensured that everything worked properly, also eliminating the work of physical effort. At that time, money no longer existed because there was no need to have it everyone could get whatever they wanted at any time climate changes were also something that the man claimed was drastic mentioning that the sea water level was double and that some states and parts of the world had disappeared that the poles of the earth had been assisted bystructures that stopped the great collapse that could have been this chrononaut managed to return to the past, the trip was again through the wormhole that those in charge of the project in which he worked, upon hearing all the stories, were in charge of erasing his mind and his memories after recover his mind alex has dedicated himself to giving lectures telling his experience in the past and in the future but stanford university the fields other teams h ah the story of this man becomes one of the most important urban legends of the 1970s popularized on the internet in the decade of the 90s this is the story about a chrononaut who managed to fulfill the dream of many people to be able to travel in time unfortunately with a fatal result new york 11 30 at night summer of 1950 people walk through its streets but something A strange man appears among them, a confused, distracted man dressed in elegant but very old-fashioned clothing, shocked by what his eyes were witnessing, not knowing what was happening.
This man walks between the vehicles that move along the avenues of the big city. The man is run over and He dies immediately on the asphalt. The police arrive at the scene and begin the investigation. The first thing that catches their attention is the man's attire. This strange subject was taken to the morgue where they found old bills and coins in perfect condition in his pockets. but that they were no longer valid, in addition to a business card under the name of rudolfensis and a letter with a postal address in new york addressed to the same name rudolf ens with the date of 1876, the police tried to locate his relatives but they did not find anyone in new York with that last name they searched with the embassies asking if they knew of the existence of this man because of the last name that seemed foreign but they also did not obtain results some time after the accident in an old telephone directory from 1939 the police found the name of rudolfensis juniors so they went immediately to the address he marked but the only answer they got was that rudolf en juniors had died years ago at the age of 70.
Later the missing persons department managed to find the widow défense juniors confirming that her husband was rudolfensis juniors and that her father-in-law named rudolfensis went out one night to walk and smoke a cigarette, something he did daily but he never returned. They never heard from him again. Later, the disappearance report was found that had a photograph that coincidentally, the missing person was identical to the one that was run over. With this, one of the first stories about time travelers began, the newspapers of the time talked about him, he was the first documented time traveler, this story surprised for a long time but it was not until a couple of years ago that the researcher created an ebook and discovered the origin mentioning that this was the article by a journalist named Vincent Age Cádiz that was published in the Journal of World One Research in 1972 and that this story was created with the idea of ​​generating an urban legend based on a science fiction story by the author Jack fine and titled I'm scared with this ending with one of the most popular time traveler stories although to date some believe that the story was real the advanced research projects defense agency known by its acronym in English as the cake was the person in charge of creating the so-called Pegasus project, whose mission was to study the effects of time travel and teleportation in order to transmit important information about past and future events, the president of the United States, these trips through time They were carried out with technology based on documentation from Nikola Tesla which was extracted after his death in his apartment in New York City in 1943.
Among these documents was a diagram of a teleportation machine, this machine would use radiant energy which It is latent and omnipresent in the universe and has the power to curve in space-time, but this project also had something special and that is that the majority of its participants would be children, this according to the ability to adapt to the time lines between the present, past and future, the technology created by Tesla plus the tests that had already been carried out previously, such as the Philadelphia experiment, managed to get the scientists to create the machine for the project which made a kind of vortex tunnels that opened their doors in the space-time through teletransporters sending the traveler to his destination.
The participants were called chrononauts and one of them is Andrew Basiago who assures that since he was 7 years old the US government has included him in the project or Basiago who He is a lawyer who lives in Portland, Oregon and who declared himself in 2004 as a participant in the Pegasus project along with his father named Raymond Basiago, who was an undercover scientist for the CIA and one of the directors of the project. This man declared that they also had technology which allowed them to travel both physically and virtually where on a holographic screen they could see scenes from the past and future.
This device was known as the chrono viewer, which was originally developed by two Vatican scientists in collaboration with Enrico Fermi and later improved by the darpa scientists this man mentions that between 1968 and 1972 he participated in experiments that took him through time and even alternate universes well alexis of bringing them together in the handling for american school you know and so experiment the living room is also superfluous andrew by do comments that On one of his many trips he went to the year 1863, just on the day that President Abraham Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg speech where, according to him, he was characterized as a child of the union but his shoes were too big and attracted attention, so he He left the crowd so he could be photographed, and I mention that he also traveled to the afternoon in which Lincoln was murdered at the Ford Theater and that he even did it on several occasions, which made him think that he was being sent to different realities. alternate since each trip had different things with the previous one but not everything ends and this man's time travel had only been a part of the project he was teleported to Mars and for this trip it was prepared by a CIA officer called green and hunt making two trips the first time alone and the second accompanied by the agent in order to be able to maintain the same in question they must have previous social issues in the Evangelion election on the cell phone the civil guard of gamers in that case of being wife volume of thinking and with the verb right these trips mention that they were made from a place called the jump room that the facilities were in a building in second California near Los Angeles on this trip Andrew Basiago declared that Mars has a rust red color in addition to the fact that the The sky was pale blue.
He also mentions that the temperature of that planet was approximately 21 degrees Celsius. On this trip he encountered humans and that he was even able to interact with two men and a woman and that they spoke the same language as English, wow, why? Children were used in this project, there are several factors, it was that adult travelers frequently suffered emotional damage. What I mentioned was that they went crazy in cities. The Córdoba side is to place bullying trump bases geographically. exceptional in observation and state in moral debates fear of the support of 300 of perception to have influence 92 perception can be selected through experience of forces in the stadium of Vélez of advertising in the doctor very well deserved is ney turn sand because in my view on text it's not worth it without a filter it will have vectors of wayne rainey typical americas first day of animals in the programmed cycle during the other diva space for example among all the purposes of these trips was political control in which they had pre-identified who would be the next presidents to whom which would be given secret training Basiago mentioned that in 1970 he was present at a meal in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where George H.W.
Bush and George W. Bush were invited, who were invited shortly after informing them that both would serve as president in the future. He also mentioned that the 1970s within the Pegasus project, Darpa would already have identified future presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton using technology to travel in time. Vassal claims that he also met Barack Obama in Los Angeles, California in 1982 when he was still student at Columbia University, among one of the many statements made by vassallo was that since 1971 he saw the moving images of the attack on the twin towers on September 11, 2001, which were made with the chrono viewer 30 years before the defense google wave searched since the statements of andrew vasallo, more people have come out who also claim to be part of the pegasus project, tell me what you think about this man's statements and as take yes, traveling in time for many would be an experience in which they could relive important moments in your life or perhaps witness that future that we will not know if it will come but what would happen if a time machine were at the disposal of someone with bad intentions, there is a story where it is said that Adolf Hitler, the German Nazi leader, had at his disposal a machine to be able to travel in time with which he tried to change history yes yes what the bell means in German was the name given to an alleged secret project of the Nazis carried out at the end of the Second World War where German scientists discovered extraterrestrial technology and created one of the most surprising machines which was developed with antigravity technology and was capable of traveling in time.
In charge of this project was General Hans Kammler, a scientific engineer who had also participated in the development of multiple projects. such as the v2 missiles, jet planes and underground constructions in the book titled the truth about the wonderful weapon written by igor vítores who states that the government of poland and an official from that country gave him information with nazi investigations which included that of the project called the bell in 1945, just before the war ended, the German empire was working on research where, in addition to chemical weapons, scientists were developing a time machine. When they managed to achieve this, they carried out the tests in a mysterious classified scientific facility near the Czech border and the wenseslas mine was where the bell project or also known as the door of time was carried out this machine worked in the following way a system of rotating thrusters was activated making small aerial movements this time machine for hitler would be a definitive weapon for change the course of history the files presented described this machine built with a heavy metal 3 meters wide with a height of 45 meters in the shape of a bell as well as two cylinders that rotated in the opposite direction filled with mercury in a liquid state which It was called being a 25 and was stored in special bottles in addition to other liquids because of this the Nazi bell emitted radiation which caused damage to the health of scientists and some even died because of it as part of history when the Soviet army was To reach the village of Ludwigsburg, Hitler ordered the killing of more than 60 scientists who had been part of the bell project.
In fact, he was tried in court because of this since he was considered a war criminal. It is said that the bell was moved to a security zone in Norway but in 1965 a supposed bell-shaped UFO crashed in the area I explored in Pennsylvania in the United States. This case is known as the cakes board case in the world of entertainment. This unidentified flying object was recovered by the US Army. There were strange inscriptions on it. Theories suggest that what happened in this famous case where there were many witnesses because it was the Nazi bell which due to some error while traveling in time It collapsed, falling into that area and remaining in the hands of the US government, but how did this machine manage to make the trips?
The theories point to wormholes, which are tunnels composed of space-time and that connect distant distances in space. In a shorter distance, this theory of wormholes was proposed by Albert Einstein in 1925 and it is said that Hitler was obsessed with what Einstein proposed and with traveling in time. The question is what happened to this machine, apparently. the Germans accidentally granted the technology to the Americans yes I will ask you right now where you would go if you could travel in time surely you would like to visit some important moment in the history of both humanity and probably your family but if you could actually do this trip maybe take advantage of aunts to benefit you by bringing information from the future or taking it to the past so that someone can change your destiny the following story is written in a book called the wonderful journey of baron trump where the story of a German boy named baron trump is told who discovered a secret portal and travels in time this boy lives many adventures with characters and civilizations of all kinds in history this little one hasa mentor called Don who helps him travel in time.
This book was published in 1893 and several people have related this story to that of President Donald Trump. First of all, the president's son has the same name. Male Trump. which also has German origins. Another of the curious things is that the mentor is called Don as a diminutive of Donald. This is where the interesting thing begins. In the year 1900, the author of that book released another book titled The President, The Last President, where It talks about a millionaire man who lives on Fifth Avenue in New York City' who aspires to be president but no one believes he will achieve it.
Curiously, Donald Trump also lived on Fifth Avenue in New York City, in fact, that is exactly where There is the famous Trump tower in the book, the story tells that the man wins the presidency and leaves everyone surprised, so they begin to demonstrate after his victory, this man begins to govern and make political signatures and this is where another great coincidence comes within his cabinet the president chooses a man named pence as secretary of agriculture and in reality donald trump has michael spence as vice president these rather strange coincidences suggest that the author of the books describes the story that donald trump traveled in time in the first situated as if Donald Trump sent his son to travel through time and in the second he tells exactly the story of what the president has experienced in recent years, so this makes one think that Donald Trump actually traveled through time but How could he have achieved it?
It is said that Nikola Tesla, the inventor and engineer who revolutionized the world of electrical and mechanical engineering, managed to invent a time machine but after his death the US government confiscated this machine and with the help of an engineer Named John George Trump, they managed to make it work. This man with the last name Trump was precisely Donald Trump's great-grandfather. The theory is that the current president of the United States managed to obtain this machine and was able to travel in time. In fact, the theory says that Chrome went into debt buying properties. in 'new york' before this city was important and this is how he managed to become a millionaire as if he knew what was going to happen the coincidences between these books and real life are surprising it is as if the author had information about what had in store in the years to come this is the story of hacking orbest who claims he made a trip back in time in 2006 here he wrote a blog for me where he narrated that on August 30, 2006 he was returning home after a day's work when he entered His home realized that the kitchen was flooded, so he deduced that the pipe had been damaged, so he decided to repair it himself with the tools in hand.
The man crouched under the sink, opened the cupboard doors, and upon entering he noticed that the The space was much larger than normal and that was when he managed to see a light in something that seemed to be a kind of tunnel. He was impressed and curious to know what it was. He crossed it, reaching the end. Hakim had gone through a kind of portal or hole. of worm that took him to the future when leaving this tunnel the man met a person who curiously had the same features as him Hakim was standing in front of himself but older the year was 2042 the hacking of the future began to talk with him and told him things that will happen in the years to come with the condition that he keep the secret and keep this information for himself after this chilling encounter the man from the past with the fear that he would not be able to return later decided to take the path again. of the tunnel but not before bringing with him evidence of his trip so he recorded a video of the events with his cell phone in which he is seen next to the man from the future with the same characteristics and even the same tattoo the story of this man is incredible and although experts have investigated it, many assure that so far no one has been able to prove that it is fake new york - year 2003 a man called new kaupthing was investigated by the fbi at the request of the securities exchange security commission who decreed that android managed to increase its investment portfolio from 80 to 350 million dollars in just two weeks, this 44-year-old man was detained and interrogated when asked how he had managed to grow all these millions in such a short time, this man only had a forceful answer and quite absurd for the agents mentioning that he had traveled in time more than 200 years from the future and that his knowledge was what had allowed him to achieve fortune, ensuring that it was too tempting not to do so since in his current year which was 2,256 there was knowledge of the stock market so anyone who knew history well could take advantage of it, so in order for the agents to believe what this man was telling them, Andrew began to tell them some predictions of the future, among which were the exact date of the invasion of Iraq and later they realized that he got it right.
He also claimed to know the location of Osama bin-laden and also what the cure was for diseases such as AIDS, promising that it would be revealed to him with the only condition that they let him return to his ship, the FBI declared to the media at that time that they were continuing with the investigation of where this man obtained the information to achieve those financial movements and that they would keep him in prison until they received an answer. Then the agents asked him and tried to get him to reveal where said ship was located. For which he refused since he feared that the technology would fall into the wrong hands, knowing that his story was quite absurd, the FBI agents asked them to investigate this with the intention of making them realize that they were not going to find any information and so No trace of this man was found in previous years, in fact the photo you see on the screen was published by the New York Times' which showed that no citizen knew him or had seen him before until today, both the security commission of securities exchange like the fbi do not know what happened the man had the right to a lawyer so he was provisionally released and this same lawyer pointed out that on April 2, 2003 andrew kaupthing had to have appeared at a hearing judicial confirming that the supposed traveler never arrived there was no trace of him inexplicably disappeared the news about this man was frozen never again no media spoke about him again it all begins in 1984 when the author of this work called jj benítez launched The sale is an unprecedented story captured in a book which tells us how two soldiers known by the code names of Jason and Elisha volunteered to take a trip in time whose purpose was to take these two men to the time of Jesus Christ.
To witness what history tells, this book has been the greatest achievement of the writer, in addition to being a journalist dedicated to the UFO phenomenon, Benítez wrote this saga of books which he assures that they are a real document and that what is captured is the diary of a retired and sick soldier who decided to leave JJ Benítez his memories of the most secret mission of the North American army. The first book titled Jerusalem tells the story of how Benítez was contacted by Major Jason and how he had to decipher clues to be able to reach the documents that narrated the entire exciting and following story March 1973 Israel a secret US project was being carried out apparently after years of research and experimentation with quantum physics they had achieved the unimaginable time travel so they decided to create a mission together with the army they had in mind three historical moments to be able to visit but one of them the most mysterious was about going to the year 30 to be able to witness and capture the last days of the life of Jesus of Nazareth with this the horse project was born of Troy where two soldiers were prepared to make the trip, Jason and Elisha, two extremely professional diagnostic people managed to travel through time, some point out that the true objective was not to know the life of Jesus itself but to collect the DNA of the Nazarene along with that of his mother María and his father José to be able to move him towards the year 1973 with the aim of cloning the sacred family, the trip was carried out successfully and the two soldiers arrived in the distant year 30 and fulfilled their mission, they met Jesus and lived with him for For a long time they even became his disciples, but not without forgetting what the objective of the mission was.
On their return, Jason and Eliseo brought with them photographs and videos of what they experienced with the teacher, but everything was kept under maximum protection, but beyond that, these men returned with a different mentality in the story narrated by Major Jayson assures that the message that Jesus brought to humanity is totally different from the one we know today and the saga of these books narrates the adventures of these chrononauts who not only witnessed part of the life and death of Jesus but also managed to go to the time of his birth and see how the life of the most important man in history developed over 30 years.
JJ Benítez wrote 9 books that make up the Trojan Horse which they claim are not They are a novel, making them one of the most fascinating stories about time travel. In 2014, a recording from the year 2000 began to circulate 57 which was captured through a radio signal by an international cosmology center which was looking for signs of intelligent life, the scientists who captured this signal decided to remain anonymous, however they shared the audio of said message with the purpose that the whole world listens to a man who claims to be in the year 2000 57 who asks for help in a quite terrifying future this is the message 4 2 i no I can't your imprint of not being able since no i no no no here or no oh and you no and with how to me or no and no and I say no the crazy one no I'm not careful with everyone in the world yes or no he said something standing up as you can hear this man from the future asks for support through the radio signal that somehow was able to travel through space-time the terrifying thing about the recording are the conditions in which This man mentions that the world is a world where drinking water has practically been exhausted where there is no more food a future where humans are dying all of this due to a virus which he calls vitier the coordinates he mentions belong to a place that even the moment is desert near san diego california to the car i one and sorry when he was 17 years old nikola tesla was infected by cholera to the point of almost not recovering to which his father promised him that if he got ahead he would send him to study at a great school of engineering, he arrived at the Polytechnic University of Graz in Austria and it was this place that would mark his life since there he had the idea of ​​generating a way that would give free energy to everyone.
By 1884 he moved to New York where he began to work. With personalities like Thomas Alva Edison, over the years the fascination with time travel filled Tesla's head with ideas and there is a story which says that he worked on time travel, discovering that space-time could be influenced. by magnetic fields this led him to experiment where he supposedly found a kind of space-time barrier which could be altered with the appropriate equipment, allowing him to reach a different point in time. In previous videos he has told you about the Philadelphia experiment in which the government of the United States managed to teleport or make a ship called you es es el ritz travel through time.
This thanks to the technology developed by Nikola Tesla, it is even mentioned that he suffers an accident while carrying out tests with this technology in where he almost died electrocuted but at the same time he was able to see the past, present and future at the same time. This was told by a person who knew Tesla and who one day found him in a cafeteria where he found out that he had almost died electrocuted by the machine that had built to carry out the trips, it is also mentioned that Tesla was forced to carry out these experiments by the government and the military force of the United States.
This great man had extensive knowledge about the electric field in the handling of high voltage and in magnetic fields which discovered that they could alter the shape of space-time according to Tesla, 3.5 million volts of electricity were needed to achieve time travel, however, beyond the notable intelligence and scientific ability that made him world famous, his life and many aspects of She continues to be unknown to the vast majority of people. In 1943, after her death, the US Office of Foreign Assets confiscated all of her things. Many of these were later given to her family and some others are part of the Tesla Museum in Belgrade.
However, many documents remain classified by the US government. Tesla had claimed to have invented a powerful particle beam weapon known as the death ray that could have resolved many conflicts, so in order not to risk Tesla's technology falling into the hands of The enemies of the United States was that the government took possession of all its things and properties. What happened to the Tesla files from then on remains shrouded in mystery.After years of answering questions about possible cover-ups, the FBI finally declassified 250 pages of Tesla-related documents under the Freedom of Information Act in 2016. The bureau followed up with two additional releases, the last in March 2018, but even with The publication of these documents many questions remain unanswered and some of the files are still missing where it is believed that they hide everything related to the machine and time travel among the many mysteries of Nikola Tesla this man claimed that he only needed two hours of sleep At night he worked all day, he hated jewelry, especially pearls, he couldn't stand touching other people's hair and he was obsessed with the number three.
He also had a phobia of germs, so before dinner he carefully cleaned his dining room and implements and always He used exactly 18 napkins for these reasons and his strange inventions. People at the time thought he was crazy but what he actually suffered from was an obsessive-compulsive disorder known as 'top' despite being the father of almost all technology. current never received the support and financing he needed unlike Thomas Alva Edison and George Westinghouse who were a great financial success many times supported by several of Tesla's discoveries Nikola Tesla died in a hotel room in 1943 while the world It was growing by leaps and bounds thanks to its discoveries.
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