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La ruta de las especias: Orégano (capítulo completo) - Canal Encuentro

May 01, 2020
we want to have the best ore


we want to have the prettiest ones as if he were our son in my family work that I can work that I work with him we both do it the work in the field we prepare it and we do the whole process and it never ends the ore


is one of the most melliferous flowers there is for the bee, that is, this is a set because if we do not have beautiful nature, we do not have good production of pear kernels from all the sun. Obviously, when one is in the field, one knows that it is born for everyone.
la ruta de las especias or gano cap tulo completo   canal encuentro
In the Greek language oros is mountain, let's say radiance, it means oregano, the radiance of the mountain next to the mountain range of the Andes mountain range, at 1600 meters above sea level, the department of Calingasta is located. The great thermal amplitudes of this San Juan town do not They prevent oregano from growing, a plant that, unlike other aromatic plants, can survive the winter. Well, my name is Franco Pastorelli. I am a calingasta producer. I am an agricultural producer. I have four daughters. I am a widower. I have nine grandchildren, of which I have one who is going to study agronomy.
la ruta de las especias or gano cap tulo completo   canal encuentro

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la ruta de las especias or gano cap tulo completo canal encuentro...

The oregano gave me some experiences because people don't know me as a white person, they know me as the organ builder, so they have already erased my name, they have baptized me again. The fundamental characteristic of Calingasta is in First of all, the climate is temperate, dry and with a lot of sun, and with this a very important water reserve, which allows obtaining top-quality production of aromatics in Calingasta. The qualities are truly spectacular. It has been found to be one of the best organs. probably from all over Argentina they start from there to be directly as wherever it suits them there are different ways to harvest certain there are some that use some machines things that I cannot do because the level of quality that I have is so great the oregano that I cannot It allows me to use machinery, we have to use this artisanal method, nothing leaves it in the shadows, the boys and we are all aware of the artisanal work of origin because it is a plant like all things, this is a living organism, what we call agriculture, we want to go Improving every year we want to have the best oregano we want to have the prettiest and best it is as if it were our child 70 percent of the 1,500 tons of oregano produced each year in the country comes from the department of San Carlos in the province of mendoza the lack of rainfall in this region generates a semi-arid climate the temperate days and cold nights produce high quality oregano for everyone my name is safe I am 69 years old I live here with my wife I did not like san carlos mendoza and I have dedicated myself to the oregano plantation for 35 years or see together attached alejo in a family job we do it that I can work that I work with him we do it both jobs in the field we prepare it we work and we do the whole process it rises more the fence was not having a breakfast I did not mate the iron plus the work of following the process twice cleaning the oregano healthy if you make more good that's it 5 there are people who started to plant on what they see there but I started what there is is like a brother starts and this friend like this our farmers I don't know which emirate turned out better it was sunny there are some topics always like this and never ends learning one and the oregano flower has a high sugar content in its nectar that is why it is considered a good plant I defer to the presence of oregano plantations next to poultry production guarantees high quality honey with a good aroma and a distinctive flavor my name Osvaldo Campo I am a beekeeper who worked for the cooperative links to title I started working alone later My daughter took a course and she helped me when I was no longer studying, she helped me and then he started and now my wife also works with me, not what she taught me, the best teacher, I don't have oregano, it is one of the most melliferous flowers there is.
la ruta de las especias or gano cap tulo completo   canal encuentro
For the bee, it is one of the ones that produces the most nectar together, which is why each producer, both myself and all the producers, try to take all the hives to the oregano 2. Well, the work of the beekeeper is for those who understand, it is very simple, there is no reason to It gives the bee a lesson, one learns a lot from books from studies, but once it teaches a lot and the cycle of productive product is when flowering begins, flowering begins, we begin to feed with an industrial incentive and It is called to start laying the queen but we start at the beginning of July as the hive is a box you take frames 9 frame and feed we make the queen and we take out brood frames otherwise we put we put and we make a meat and the new one in its moment is dedicated to maintaining the young when that young was born that scribe is dedicated to stretching was the one who was pulling 0 is dedicated to maintaining the young and the one who was keeping young goes out to work now is the process of the little sister bee it is like a match of football if your team does not have its capital it does not work but not as it should a hive is the same if a queen is not inside its box this box does not evolve it does not advance it does not produce honey no if there is no queen in that shirt hive does not exist arriving someone in the family is missing something because one of us is making us minutes the son if he is sick crazy if he has to fight with anything less well and this is how a plantation of small plants is born this has been done with the lowest possible cost because it is cutting this organ is a very rustic organ it is very good the priority in calingasta finding a very special habitat has the virtue of blending in with the food taking part of what is being served without one noticing because calingastino oregano the daily clarín already It is very soft.
la ruta de las especias or gano cap tulo completo   canal encuentro
The first stage is the difficult stage. Subsequently, it is a fairly rustic plant and the yield depends on the variety that one uses. A compact can produce two thousand two thousand five hundred kilos per hectare. A calingastino criollo breed, as in this case, can produce approximately between 1,500 and 2,000 kilos well worked and we have the oregano on a tray directly, it is already in the shade and it will remain here for a while until it dries completely to send it to destemming directly the only process that is done here is to remove the trays because they go back up in order to give it a more or less uniform weight, don't go, you already know more or less the kilos that you are carrying, what we do with this is take a little of the maturity, the dryness, the aroma and through that we already know that it is ready to go to the barbecue grill directly inside everything, it is a quite nice plantation and not very difficult but it is a plantation that requires a lot of investment that is why, as I told you, a cooperative was formed to see if together we could to be able to give added value to the production that we have.
I am interested, for example, in integrating with others, integrating added value to my effort and to the efforts of others. Also in this, the sun obviously when one brings the field knows that it is born to We're all going to shake the ore, it's not there to give it a second pass and then we're going to move on to the shelf, you know, the older I get, the older I learn the more, there's something that's not very clear, so that's why this one came out good, this quality, the best, this one would be better. It is greener, what is it, it is not yellow, it is more sunburned, that is why it also has three or four qualities depending on whether it rains, whether it has been cut later, it has been cut earlier, it varies according to many factors, we sold to a tester a collector that he bought and you had a washer and things like that and I was a pair of dark-skinned visibility and I already see the screen and the idea of ​​making a screen has already gone away and then we went buying material and we no longer made the screen glory you don't get the stick rep and the dirt comes out what is the betis and how to grind it she that there is a lot that you have talking about they don't have anything to grind it with food a machine to grind it then that is ground it is reworked to do the whole process if the machines that We have everything that is profitable, it has been done, it has been done, and I am not going to learn anywhere.
The idea will encourage me and it turns out well, and for my animals everything turns out well, but the measure that I was seeing is that it could be, it could not be, and I It has changed a lot over the years because before it was done more with manual labor, there were no tools, there were not so many tractors, it was cut with one hand, it was loaded into a trailer with a horse that pulled it and, as children, we were playing upstairs. of the delorean or sep trailer and he died, he didn't throw it with a machine like now he died from being hit with a stick or he stepped on it with the horse there were no machines to study it was very different sometimes what we are looking for in something the 5 again or not that The area would have been like this in a different way, but by searching for it up to here, the blood gave more oregano to fewer people who do it.
It is something that is cultivated less and well, I already liked making one of the machines more than working on them in the process. of how clean the species was sold and all that is already for the market with the public here in the cooperative a producer comes, we grab, we extract and we finish with that one, the other comes, this with relative, that is, we finish with one and continue with the other here in the cooperative, from the beginning the vehicle arrives at the room, it is unloaded and weighed, from there it is left to rest and it begins first with a machine called the postulator, which is where the frames with honey come in, they pass through that machine and they are It breaks a vehicle that the bee makes and it just goes to the extractor, what it does is extract the honey and release the acidic material and then as a third point it goes through the machine, the centrifuge, the centrifuge that it makes separates the sidewalk from the honey, those would be all the steps to follow inside the room we take out the honey we put it in drums and it is ready to sell that is, this is a set because the hive makes the flowering set if it does not have bees if we do not have bees in nature we do not have good production of durán waiting for them of all vegetables because 50 80% of labor also needed ah good time well when everything was good what quantity did you bring me and about 200 kilos a look at quality how they went this year's help that has accompanied us It has we can be able to harvest when finished and each hectare of the oregano basement this year we have five hectares I think everything has turned out very good the same quality I think it is enough for all of us something more sra the characteristics of oregano - they are no longer due to the climate which is a typical dry mountain climate is produced in the area of ​​San Carlos and 90% of the production of Argentina's Mendoza.
If we are going to talk about quality, we guarantee that the oregano is fresh or is an oregano that has been cultivated. Within 30 days we are selling it to the public in a cleaning process of no more than 20 days because we have it within the area and once harvested within 20 days the consumer was testing it which we have to try to that over time we can maintain this sales system that was generated 127 years ago and we have to fight so that this can continue in the sense that the client can grab a product, read it, try it and if so, just be able to consume it and not want to instill a sale. of a product that we do not know when it is divided that you do not see it that it is on a shelf and you feel passion and satisfaction working the hive when I taught the hive how to work we will see a job that I like, it is a very nice job and I It seems that above all it is a job that belongs to one, it is for one, they have to have their own flight.
I don't know if my grandson in one of those is going to like oregano more than friend, or if he is going to have some other specialization, how important is it? to be in contact with nature and for me it is very important not to lose that contact and I have always continued with the same thing and now thanks to those of the daughter it is okay that she did not say it I have while the oregano flower grows in Argentine lands The stories of the men and women who live accompanied by their aroma also grow.
The family of producers who know their secrets. The stall holders at Mendoza markets and the beekeepers who guard their flowers are part of the route of the species.

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