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It Takes ABSOLUTELY NO SKILL to use this SNIPER in apex legends

Jun 04, 2021
Grab it, Jesus Christ, damn, as soon as I hear it's cancer, hey, come on, we made it, oh my God, no, he wants you with the life preserver, come on, be light friendly, she's going to say no. take Maybe I've got a man, mate, oh, he's a little down, I killed him, I knocked him down, he had one, he did have one, I got him, I got him. Come on, come on, oh, he had one all the time, we could having done it all the time, even though that wolf was the best thing ever, she was just there and then she wasn't, looks like I'm better than bjorn again, you're the best idea though, guys, I'm her champion, let's do


, you will know where to go, where, there, oh, that's a good idea, wink, yes, you have been promoted to the best charge rifle, you want to die to harvest the lightning. it's the ultimate charging rifle beam, imagine if a charging rifle was really here, the first thing is wow, well, and I knew it, oh yeah, oh shit, how are they getting guns?
it takes absolutely no skill to use this sniper in apex legends
I only have one loading rifle, that's all you need to unload. of these two buildings a little more a little more I will find him in charge of the rifle yes, I'm going to go with the rifle very close oh no, it's not seasonal we don't need it oh, I have it six times I'm going to use the stabilizer, it's early, grab it, grab it, grab it, we've set it up and we fight Todd and we load the rifle for the fourth time, there's no


for that, Todd, I've got one, oh, what's a guy up here, Nike,


, oh, I broke the. frisco shoot them there's so much time here's the zip line let's take them down come on let's go oh she's running away what the hell can't you run away oh rifle squad charge rifle squad ride see traffic charger ahead getting six hitting 50 i don't have a scope this is too bad 59 meat oh that's it we're pushing okay hmm someone behind us isn't okay okay we're going okay and they're fighting another team third party loading rifle that's all we can do is no


squad actually looking at me nine fifteen catch him oh they push you too from the other side I'm trying not to get hit oh god no they go from left to right they must be swept I find the right purple cracked and low ahead we have to use our short range weapons for this , I've been waiting, this could be the last guy, shoot him, ah, the traffic, get him with a loaded rifle on this last one and a pioneer, we charge 'em, buddy, they gotta wonder why they're doing this.
it takes absolutely no skill to use this sniper in apex legends

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it takes absolutely no skill to use this sniper in apex legends...

We'd be dead by now why are they using charge rifles oh oh oh the hound I'm just going in fairy mode oh 60 meat oh yeah guys how long was it bad? Damn look what happens when people have skill and use the charge rifle it's terrifying crack there's something up here I'm going for it okay she's almost broken she's almost broken she's just broken oh well oh my god that was b me just oh no I'm just trying to have a good time testing with a third party okay, listen Listen, the charge rifle doesn't require skill, so I think you should also use it like it's not a skill game.
it takes absolutely no skill to use this sniper in apex legends
Join us, join us, we'll drive him out. Enlace hears that, hears that spectators become part of the game without skill. Where is the boss? load the rifle, that's the box, okay, I have to give it to you, remember to take it to your next life, no, I need it, would you like me to give it back to you? Yeah, I don't know how to aim, Fiona, that's why I use this gun, where are they? over there it's okay, oh yeah, there, oh, I've almost got my armor, I don't see eight damage, it's a little crippled, Jesus, oh, it's, it's down, it's running uphill, it's down, it's down, we're not having the peasant vision oh, load the rifle, you should have a bigger radius, so you say, uh, you shot, when did you get excited before they did everything?
it takes absolutely no skill to use this sniper in apex legends
We did good, they actually ran down, so yeah, they ran down, oh no, they picked it up, they picked it up, don't use child trafficking shots. them normally and then we finished it with the loading rifle I became a coward oh oh my God, wait, wait, I missed the left somewhere, okay, crack, right, cracks, right, crack, one of them, yeah, two of them are cracks, so come on, don't use the delicate one. I almost caught you from far away so now we will load the rifle oh god yes in order to survive I just need to get up wait where is the first guy's box?
No, oh no, we don't have time, I'm afraid, yes, I know it's round. two and it's as far as so far I just want to stop of course you're up there everyone's pointing to oh Watson's friend what's his friend? Okay, Watson's friend is fine, the other one's crack, yeah, oh my God, we could show it. so going down that watson but no that'll be later look at that she's so adorable I'll do this I'll do this a smiley face yeah come on she has so much faith in us it's amazing once she crashed , broken lifelines. oh, come here, yeah, yeah, oh, good load, rifle squat, oh, he's going to revive, I just put him down, put him down, I broke him, he's going to push out again oh, I gotta fire him, no, he's standing, he's standing here, I'm going to scare him yeah, there he goes no, he's curious, I've got it again, okay, you want a little finisher guy, ah, high five, wow, she's going to grow on bodies, I think knows what to do, we can charge while they fall. from the sky you can see them oh, she made the mark, but did it hurt her?
Where did she go? I'm sitting up there, you can sit up there, but she'll die after 30 seconds, she'll be there, she's fine, no wait, she can. No, oh, there it goes, three damage, six damage, I didn't even see your capsule shot is there ready, it falls down, okay, we need a ritual, we need a ritual to kill, approach her first like this, she's being blessed Okay, everyone point their load. rifle in the rafe okay three two one fire three two five now you know what to do watson crouch well well well all three two one fire oh let him be alive no don't kill her I'm just I'm just getting free damage I'll do it again I'll do it again that's all everyone above ready three two one fire goodbye watson


radiant that was a good sacrifice now you why can't I fight maybe now we'll be blessed if we're skilled oh wow okay brad hey guys, Thank you for watching, we have no skills and if you want to see more, remember to hit the notification bell and our zilbrad will see you later.

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