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Is The Virus A Threat to Your Religion?

Jun 06, 2021
became so significant, people have practically dissipated this fundamental wisdom. It was very important to have a child. Not because of gender discrimination, because the nature and format of society was such that if you had daughters, at a certain age they would leave. So even if they are ten or twenty-five kilometers away from you in a nearby town. Well, either you're pregnant or you have a small child or you have responsibilities for that house you've been to and fifteen miles you have to walk back and forth, there's no transportation. So chances are if you're dying she won't come.
is the virus a threat to your religion
This is always the case. Again, we have gone to the same place because most of the people, their children, are in some other country, some other far away place that they cannot come to, or it is because of the


that they cannot come. So that's why having a son was very important because a fundamental duty that was very well established in this society, unfortunately forgotten today is, the moment a father arrives at a place where the man gets married... the son gets married. . The moment that happens, one of the duties of the son is to take the parents on a yatra to the places of pilgrimage.
is the virus a threat to your religion

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is the virus a threat to your religion...

This is not tourism, this is to remind you that you are mortal, that


time is coming quickly. This is the time to invest in


inner well-being. Recently there was a video that went viral across the country, in which a man is seen carrying his elderly mother. Have you seen that video? Because this man was very sick when he was young and he... everyone thought he was going to die, but his mother did not give up and prayed to some god, so intensely and without any medicine that this man recovered. . So since then he wants to take his mother, who is his dream, to places of pilgrimage in the countryside.
is the virus a threat to your religion
Now, being a poor man, he had no money, he simply put a bamboo thing, on one side some things he needs: clothes, this and that, on the other side his mother, and he carries her and walks from all the places to places. Wherever he wanted to go across the country, carrying his mother and another similar load on his back and walking, this video went crazy throughout the country. Because this was the fundamental duty, before they became unable to walk and do things: a son must take them to the places of pilgrimage. Places of pilgrims not for tourist purposes but to remind them to look inward.
is the virus a threat to your religion
Well, that's not our thing anymore, we all think, even if you're seventy or eighty, you should go to the movies, you should go to the party, you should do this, you should do that. , because all this has come to us from the West, even if you are eighty years old you must behave as if you were eighteen. Now you should be on the dating app too! Yes they are. Unfortunately. Therefore, telling him suddenly may not be a good idea. This is something only you can judge... based on an individual person, there is no common prescription, but it is important, before they get sick, this should be communicated to them.
They should not go with this ignorance that they are going to live forever. So they'll get involved to some extent with their kids, then with their own careers and jobs and whatever, they're retired, now they're getting old. Now they are desperate: "Grandchildren, where are the grandchildren?" How do you love those unborn children so much when you don't worry or worry about the children who are on the streets? How is it that you love children who don't exist so much because you want to commit to life once again, as if it were a new beginning? Because it will give you a new life, another level of involvement, another level of illusion that "things will continue forever." So if all those things aren't there, people will get frustrated, people will lose their minds, all these things will happen, unfortunately.
So whether or not you should tell them if they are sick and moving towards their time, maybe not in so many words, but you should create an atmosphere that is familiar to them. Otherwise you are committing a great injustice. You are doing a great injustice by creating a false atmosphere: "Everything will be fine, no, no, we are going to go home, you are in a hospital. Don't worry, we are going to go home, everything." Everything will be fine. And then your grandson's wedding will come. Five years later, we will do, what will we do? This is a garbage way of existence.
It is very important, for every human being, that when we approach the close of our time, we do so sensibly and consciously, to the extent possible. If you are absolutely aware, there is nothing to say about it, that will be managed. Otherwise, they didn't live like that, they don't have that ability right now, but you have to create an atmosphere that it's moving in this direction. I may not be able to tell you directly. You can be terrified, you can be scared, and you know all those things, but you must create an atmosphere, a spiritual atmosphere.
When we say spiritual, something that is not of the body. That's all. Right now, life is taking you to a place where it is no longer about the body. You must understand this point. But in a lot of homes today, it's... I've... I've been in some homes unfortunately, where this happened, they're trying to cook all their favorite foods and they're like, "Eat this, eat that." Maybe if that's your way of anticipating his death, he'll be unlucky again. That's not the way to do it. It is very, very, very important that bodily concerns be reduced: food, comfort and clothing, we have to reduce it and make it very clear, if not in words, creating an atmosphere that our time is coming.
It will reach all of us. When it comes to this person, it is important that the necessary atmosphere is provided, and that the whole family or whoever is there, creates that atmosphere of not attracting them towards this or that, but allowing them to move in that direction. There are many simple things one can do. I think in the book of death we've handled this in detail, but simple things you can do is just an oil lamp, a vegetable oil lamp, or a ghee lamp. The oil lamp is better. Sorry, a vegetable oil lamp is better, a lamp.
Some simple song or something that reminds you that it's not about the body. If there is so much reminder, there is enough wisdom in life to hold on to it. But if you haven't said a word until now, if someone is not oriented in that direction at all, you suddenly say to them, "You're going to die," that could be very cruel and could unnecessarily create a disturbance that is not necessary for that person. So how it should be done is important. Everyone... Look, don't try to create a situation of normality around that person. Everyone joins in, the kids come and say, "Grandma, Grandpa, I love you, everything is great," you don't believe that.
Even if there are children, if they enter, they should enter slowly and be like this (Gestures). They must understand that situations are changing. If you don't even believe that, you set up a movie theater, you do this, you cook all their favorite foods, your bo... you know, bouncing around them to make them feel like everything is great, this is not the way. It's important... There is nothing wrong with death. It's just a part of our existence. It's just the way we carry it out. It's very important. This is a fundamental duty of children towards their parents that when their time comes, they will turn out well.
The simplest thing is that if you become spiritual, initially they will resist, they will fight. But after that, it's a natural intelligence of a human being: "Someone who is half my age is not focusing on, you know, physiological and psychological compulsions and doing something with themselves, what am I doing?" This will occur naturally in any human being. So if you're doing some spiritual practice or something, it's good to do it in front of your parents even if they're not interested. Yes. Even if you have resistance and are not interested, it is good to close your eyes and sit down.
Little by little you will realize, because there is a deep intelligence within this (Referring to oneself) that knows that this is not forever. It is in the body. Unfortunately, it hasn't gotten to the head. Speaker: The next question is from Ananth Bhushan from Patna. "Namaskaram Sadhguru. Indian farmers are already poor and struggling. Now with the


situation, thousands of migrants are returning to their villages. Won't this put even more pressure on farmers and farmlands and lead to greater poverty? Is there a solution to this?" Sadhguru: Well, I hope this migration movement is a temporary movement. The only concern is, if... if this had happened at the beginning of the lockdown, if we had designed and organized this at the beginning of the lockdown, and six weeks stay in the village and they had returned, now it will be good to start the whole industry and business.
But now it's happening at the end of lockdown. This is not very good. But no one knew how long the confinement would last. Initially we thought it would be fifteen days. So we try to keep them in the cities and get them housing, food and work. But when fifteen days was not over... Everyone was fine until fifteen days. When the second lockdown came, they were alarmed, because the majority of the migrant workforce, at least in India, are only men. It is a male population. Their wives and children are at home in the village and continue to visit them.
When the second extension of the confinement occurred, that was when they became alarmed: "What is happening to our wives and children?" Because many of them couldn't pay the phone bills to stay in touch with their families. Now they wanted to leave. They began to walk, many of them walked two or three hundred kilometers, and people traveled more than 1,000 kilometers by bicycle to reach their villages. Now they are organizing trains, but now we are planning to break the blockade, but now all the manpower is moving away from the city, which is not the best way to do it.
Is this... some kind of problem for agriculture? No. Agriculture will work fine, because this has been a major problem in the villages: there is not enough labor to do any work. Now, if this labor comes back, it will be more than enough or surplus, but still, of course, the labor... you know, the amount that has to be paid will go down. So the farmer could benefit from it, unless there is a complete influx of population. No, because in the city it looks like this: when they go to the villages, they will spread to hundreds of villages or thousands of villages.
So this migrant labor which seems like a huge force in the city, when it reaches the interior of India, it will spread to thousands of villages. I don't think there will be such a large influx, except maybe a few villages in northern India. So that will not be a problem for agriculture, but it will be a problem for various companies, households and industries and, above all, for the construction industry, which depends mainly on migrant labor. That's right... there are many challenges out here. It is not a simple situation; It is a situation never seen before. The number of immigrant workers in the country ranges between one hundred twenty and one hundred and forty million people.
Having so many people move from one place to another is a recipe for many problems. Unfortunately, sixteen of them were walking along the train tracks and moving around, they were so exhausted that they slept on the tracks, and a train just ran right through them in the night. That's why these kinds of unfortunate disasters are happening. But this country has a certain resilience and is capable of recovering, because our economy is built a certain way. This is not run by a few corporations or this or that, but by a billion Indians. So it has the ability to recover, because... our production and our consumption are largely within the nation itself.
Well, everyone has to look for many ingenious and innovative ways of doing things. The same old way of doing things won't work for anyone. It's not going to work even for us here in Isha. We will have to change many things and innovate in many different ways to keep what we are doing working, and everyone has to do it, every company. Well, a business segment can become irrelevant, new possibilities can arise, there are many, many things there. Without a doubt, these are difficult times. So, as I said at the beginning of the lockdown, one concern is that people should not move towards famine.
Fortunately it hasn't happened. Well, people have struggled a bit, but everywhere, many organizations and state governments have responded and ensured that there were no deaths from hunger. So if we make sure that something doesn't happen, that we're all deprived of something we had six weeks ago, I think that's fine. I think it's okay. I know a lot of people are going to criticize me for this, but I think it's okay, we'll live with a little less, it's perfectly fine. It's ok with me. It should be okay for all of us to live on a little less than what we were making.
In many ways human beings have been excess. So now a little less is fine, but we must ensure that no one goes hungry and no one goes without basic foodstuffs. If we deal with it, in a few months it will recover, but the problem is that the whole virus situation is very volatile right now. We were talking about breaking this lockdown on the 17th. When we talked about it two weeks ago, deaths in India were less than a thousand. Today it is around 23:00. And fortunately, it has all come down to one segment of the country.Mainly, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Delhi – these are the main hotspots and unfortunately, Tamil Nadu.
No, it's unfortunate everywhere, but I say this is an isolated event, they are all connected. When we say Maharashtra, for those of you who don't know the geography of this country (Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Delhi), they are all connected geographically. So it's happening there in a big way. Tamil Nadu is totally in the south, but unfortunately this happens here when the other states around us are free from this, which has happened for certain reasons. I think at some point there needs to be some study or research done on why it happened the way it did. Anyway... But the number of fatalities increases day by day.
I think right now every day about one hundred and twenty to one hundred and fifty people are dying in the country from the virus. It's much better than the United States, but that's... neither a consolation nor a solution, because once we broke the lockdown... America didn't lock down as rigidly as we did. Despite the confinement this is happening. Once we relax the lockdown, no one knows. So I want all of you, all of you, wherever you are, to understand the real responsibility of maintaining social distancing and all the other protocols that have been talked about repeatedly really start from the 17th onwards.
Until now, most of us have been protecting ourselves by isolating ourselves. Now, when we have to go out and other people start coming and going, that's when the real challenge arises. This is when it really matters how responsible and sensible we are: once the lockdown is over, when the economic process begins. Well, will it get out of control or what will happen? We have to see. An advantage and a disadvantage of this is, well, there's... people always compare this to the Spanish flu that happened in 1919, which killed over fifty million people, twelve to seventeen million people died in the India.
Spanish flu, why did it come to India? It did not start in Spain, it received that name because after the First World War there were many transactions from that place and it exploded there. Then it spread all over the place. But we don't have to compare this to the Spanish flu, because the Spanish flu largely killed people between the ages of twenty and forty. It involves killing people who are generally over sixty-five, seventy years old or other vulnerable population with certain problems inherent to their system. And another thing is... the negative point about this is that it doesn't kill as quickly as the Spanish flu, but there is asymptomatic transmission in this one.
With the Spanish flu, the moment you contract it, we would know you had it and no one would come near you. But at that time we didn't have antibiotics. Now we have variety of medicines, even if we get infected, there is a way to deal with it. So we are not facing that level of deaths in the world. But to what extent our activities will be paralyzed, that is a question. Well, there are a lot of people who say... you know, all kinds of people use scientific language to say that we will develop herd immunity. To develop herd immunity, sixty to seventy percent of the population would need to become infected.
If this happens, we will eliminate a significant segment of the geriatric population; people over seventy-five years old, we will almost eliminate that population from the world. And maybe also babies under one year old, and all vulnerable people, those who have undergone transplants, people with heart problems, diabetics, and various other things that fall into this category. So we will be eliminating the entire vulnerable population. So herd immunity is not really a solution in that sense, because that means that we are deciding... the very word herd is something that I cannot accept when you refer to human beings.
Herd immunity refers to this in animals. We are also talking about that... about human beings, because the virus has come from animals right now, and all this. But it will eliminate the vulnerable population if you look at seventy percent infection worldwide. So how to stop it? Nobody has a clue. The only thing is that we have some ideas on how to slow it down. And the best thing you can do is how to improve the immunity of your system. We can give you a protocol on how to maintain this. In the ashram of... in the next three days, we will post things about how to improve your immunity beyond what it is now, because from the 17th, people from outside can start arriving, transactions will be carried out, we will I'll keep it to a minimum, but it's still inevitable.
We can't be closed forever. This is true everywhere. That's why some simple things are important... (Aside: Do I have that sheet? Okay.) One thing is strict maintenance of social distancing. This must become your


. Well? That's if you're religious, I say. Otherwise these (gestures) should become your sadhana. Well, at the yoga center everyone pops the neem ball in the morning, neem and turmeric. So in the next two days the green ball will disappear. There will only be the turmeric ball, but there will be neem leaves. So before you go for your morning sadhana, you should take eight to twelve leaves, put them in your mouth, chew them and keep them in your mouth.
It is very important that it is in your mouth. It is most effective when it is in the mouth region. So you should keep it in your mouth, chew it for one or two hours. Leave it there, don't wash it, don't drink it, leave it there in your mouth. Do your sadhana with that. Wherever you what? No, I'm just trying to avoid bad breath in the sadhana room. So wherever you are, at least in this country, you find neem leaf, you can do it. There could be other herbs and things in other nations where there are no neem leaves, but you better find out, I don't want to suggest anything.
I'm not very familiar with that. Turmeric balls are mixed every day, if you have organic turmeric, we will be... we are working on this. Probably within a month we will have a supply of well-grown organic turmeric, which may be a little more expensive than regular turmeric, but it is better that you consume it every day in the morning and leave it in your stomach. before eating anything for at least an hour. This will do wonders for you. And nelavembu kashayam, which we are distributing all over the villages, here to the workers and everyone, to the migrant workers and all that.
One thing we have noticed is that in this part of Tamil Nadu where we are working, there has not been a single case in the last two months, not a single case. One thing is effective social distancing policing by us authorities, nelavembu kashayam and some other things we are doing. So if you maintain these protocols, you can very easily improve your immune system, because ultimately, that is the only way you have. Another thing is that this is the season of amla, which is the nallikai for the Kannada people, the bettad nallikai. So right now the season is on, not that huge amla, you know, golf ball type, that's all hybrid amla, that's fine too if you can't find anything else.
But otherwise, what grows on the hills is only this size. You simply crush an amla, add some salt and chew it. You have to keep it in your mouth and it is most effective once again in your mouth. It should barely be in your mouth for one or two hours. These simple things will greatly improve your immune system, and to drink hot water, about four to five times a day, just hot water or you can put some cilantro or mint or you can add a pinch of turmeric or even a little lime juice and drink it regularly.
And, well, in your living spaces, walking spaces, places that you are using, spray Lizol, don't drink it, don't inject it. And this will happen here at the Yoga Center. We are planning how to accommodate them and what to do. This may seem a little awkward to many of you, but you have to do it. The vulnerable population of the ashram will be separated from the younger population. It is very important that this is done because what may be perfectly fine for one young person, for another person could be fatal... could be fatal for the other person.
That is why we want to separate the vulnerable population. This work continues, you must also do it in your homes. If there are people over a certain age or have some other ailment that makes them vulnerable, it is important that you clearly distance yourself from them. Even when we don't know. Nobody knows. Nobody knows. Right now, if you look at the Spanish flu as it happened, it started in the month of January. It took a certain toll. But... Again the second wave happened in the month of August, September, which is when it took the maximum number of people.
For this reason, certain doctors and scientists expect a second wave to occur between October and December in most countries. Whether it happens in India or not, or whether it happens all over India, because the weather conditions are very different from place to place here in this country. In the United States it may also be true, in southern America how it works and in the northern part of the country how it responds could be different, we don't know for sure. Because they have shown resistance to survive in any type of climate. There were hopes that when summer came they would go down, but that is not happening.
Now we have new hope: when the monsoon comes, it will subside. This is only our hope. The virus can learn to thrive in all of these conditions. There's no... There's no evidence that it's actually going to go down. So when the second wave comes, when we relax our guard and start to get active, when the second wave comes, that's when humanity can pay a very high price. That is why we want to separate the vulnerable population. Each of you in your homes, if you have people like that, must maintain a clear distance, an absolute distance. How long?
Unfortunately we don't know how long, no one knows for how long. Everyone makes guesses. Don't make assumptions about people's lives. And about migrant labor and all this that is happening. If you ask me, it's not necessary for all of them to return to the city. I've been talking to business groups and, you know, entrepreneurs around the world. Yesterday we had an event with TiE, today with a... with a news channel. So this is something that I'm constantly trying to convey, this has been... we've been doing this for over fifteen, twenty years. Many people are listening. Few actions have been taken, but not enough.
The simple thing is this: the statistics say that about seventy-two percent of the world's investment is in about thirty-one or thirty-two cities or thirty-six cities, I think. When seventy-two percent of the world's wealth is concentrated in a few cities, why won't people move there? Naturally they will move there. It is estimated that in the next ten years, before this virus it was estimated that in ten years around 1.6 billion people will migrate in the world. I want you to imagine the horrors of that. 1.6 billion people dragging their women and children and you know, picking up their things, leaving places where they've lived for generations, for hundreds of years, and going somewhere else - the atrocities they go through are incredible.
In India, it is estimated that two hundred and twenty million people will move from rural India to urban India. Well, those of you who live in cities, I want you to imagine, say, ten cities in India, two hundred and twenty million people, even if they are distributed equally, which will not happen, you can imagine the plight of those cities. So one important thing that needs to happen is that investments need to spread. This whole Manchester style of construction industry, because that's where this mass production system started and they took it everywhere, everything has to be done in one place, everyone comes to one place and works; this has to go away.
Right now a lot of people are talking about working from home and things like that. But this is only relevant for a certain group of people who do a certain type of work, but for others they have to go somewhere. But that place does not necessarily have to be concentrated in a single city. It needs to spread. If we do not focus on this in the more than seven hundred districts of the country, if the industry does not spread, even if it is a little difficult at first, if we do not do it, migration will go crazy.
Another thing is agroforestry. Agroforestry is a sure way to stop migration, because one of the reasons migrants move is that every time there is a drought on agricultural land (it happens every five, six, eight years, there will be a big drought ), when that happens, the waves Many migrations will occur, people will leave their land and go to the city, and never return. If you had long-term crops on your land, if you have trees on your land, you're not going to abandon your land and walk away because there's money there. Agroforestry is therefore one of the best ways to stop migration to cities.
If we don't do it now, our cities will be uninhabitable. Not only in India, but in almost the entire world, this migration, if these billion or so people start movingand crowding into a city, no one will be able to live well. This idea of ​​a concentrated population is a breeding ground even for a future pandemic. If the whole... We generally like to call this a global village, if it really was a village, I tell you, the virus would be pretty helpless, because it's a city. The city of Wuhan itself is supposed to have eleven million inhabitants.
And how many cities have more than ten million inhabitants in the world? There are too many. Why have ten million people come to one place? Is it because they are in love with each other? I do not think. Simply because all economic opportunities are concentrated in one place. This has to spread. If we do not spread this, not only in India, but throughout the world, the economic possibilities must spread across the geography, it is very, very important. Agroforestry is an important step in this direction. Participant: This question is from... Sadhguru: Oh, do we have time? Okay, last question, please.
Participant: This question is from Ahuti. "Namaskaram Sadhguru, women are socially conditioned to protect themselves from childhood. Also in one of your talks you mentioned that the survival instinct is stronger in them. Will this self-preservation mentality of a woman be an obstacle for her in the spiritual journey? “ Sadhguru: This happened in Alandurai. For those of you who don't know, Alandurai is a town just about twelve kilometers from here, where we are. It is actually named after an Englishman who was a hunter in this region, an elephant hunter. His name is Alan. And at that time you had to call them teacher.
All English and local people had to refer to them as teachers. So in the local language, it is durai. So it is Alan-durai, it has become Alandurai. So in this Alandurai two donkeys were found, really, that is, four-legged. In case you're thinking I'm being nasty, no. Real donkeys they met. One was very well fed and feeling well. Another one arrived, he was emaciated and looking quite pathetic. Then they started talking and asking about each other, they're not worried about the virus so they're talking about their own lives. Then one asked the other: "Why are you stuck in this job with your owner?
Look, I ran away from my master. I am mine. I go and eat what I want. Look at what I am. Look at you, pathetic." creature." Then the other donkey said: "Yes, my master is a cruel man. He hardly feeds me, he hits me, he mistreats me, he uses all kinds of bad words, he even mistreats my mother." It's a common habit, you know? Then the rich donkey said, "Why, why are you with this type? Why do not you come? Come with me. Let's go." He said, "Look, he also... he also has a little daughter. He also abuses her in a similar way.
He doesn't forgive her mother either. And he also hits her with the same stick that he hits me with. And he continues to


en her: "If you don't behave well one day, I will marry you to this donkey. So my job has better prospects." The survival instinct is something very strong. Not only women have it. When you create situations where they could be physically vulnerable, then of course a woman's sense of self-preservation becomes very strong. This Therefore, therefore, creating a civilized place in which her physical weakness does not – when I say weakness, I do not say weak, weak in that way I say muscular weakness – compared to a man does not work against her.
She is very important. That is why a spiritual space is created in such a way, a woman does not need to think if she is a man or a woman, she can simply do what she wants, this is very important because she does create. In a space where she is physically


ened, she will naturally become very aware of her survival process. So this is the business of every civilization, this is the business of every society, to create a situation in which those who are physically weak, children or women. or even physically weaker men do not feel vulnerable.
This is very important. Well, many men who are also office people, if they see those muscular thugs walking on the street corner, they will also feel... all spirituality will go away. You will also feel that the survival instinct will arise, because this is natural for everyone, but as a woman she is vulnerable in many different ways, that is why it is absolutely important to create societies where there is no physical threat to her existence. or the basic dignity of it. If this is solved, the survival instinct works the same way in everyone. Actually, I have always noticed that in the initial parts of spiritual growth, women always take very fast steps.
Men, you know, they're trying to put two and two together, but their math doesn't... mathematical knowledge doesn't help them put two and two together, they keep fighting, fighting, fighting. But they will reach a medium level, and women will get a little distracted here and there. This happened with Gauthama. You... What's your name? It's a beautiful name. Who is Gauthama's disciple? What's her name? Sangha, Sanghamitra. Then Sanghamitra argued with Gauthama: "Why don't you let women become monks? They should also become monks. Gauthama, you know, he's not... he's not on social media, he wasn't. He doesn't care." opinions of other people Then he said: "Look, if I only have male monks, this order will live 2500 years.
That's what I'm planning. We have reached 2500 years and we are still alive. But if I allow women, he will die in five hundred years." Then she asked, "Why?" Then he said, "If there are only male... male monks, you can always attract them to Buddhahood. , that means a quality. But if you allow the woman to be here, initially she will go in search of Buddhahood, then she will want to go in search of Buddha." So to get her to cross that middle step, it is a little bit of hard work. But if she crosses that, then When it comes to a sense of abandonment, a woman has a greater sense of abandonment than a man.
It takes a lot more for a man to get to a sense of abandonment, because when he gets to that place, his sense of self-preservation is greater. strong than a feminine thing. The moment a woman feels well protected, she easily comes to a feeling of abandonment. Look, just look at what has been happening traditionally or even now, you do one thing, you marry a man and he does it. You send her to her in-laws' house to live there, you'll see how she will fight, because she can't become part of anything, she has to go there, if they are kind, she becomes part of that home absolutely. of that home than the people who live there until now.
Yes, she will, because she has the feeling of erasing her boundaries and becoming part of what she engages in. That's how it is. a wrong way to look at it. It's just that the physical vulnerability is definitely greater in a woman. Therefore, the most important thing is to create societies where that is not exploited. It's because of this physical vulnerability that all this... all kinds of humor in the world about how a woman always lies about her age and things like that. This happened. I think it's time we create a female version of Shankaran Pillai. Well, she went to a casino.
She doesn't have a name yet. She went to a casino and kept... at roulette she kept losing. Then the guy running the thing said, "I've seen this work many times. Why don't you bet your age?" She said, "Okay, twenty-nine." She put it in and the wheel stopped at forty-two. She just passed out. Because age is vulnerability, physical vulnerability, that's why. Sadhguru chants Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya

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