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International Movie Theater Snacks Taste Test

Feb 27, 2020
Today's episode seems like a snack, a


snack, let's talk about that mythical good day, our novel, the lost causes of Bleak Creek, is scary, it's fun and it's coming out on October 29. We have created a very special live event for that week called bleak creek conversations yes tickets are limited and each comes with a copy of the book what each comes with a copy of the book link a ticket and a book in hand so scoobo help go to bleak creek oh talk about scary It was a hot weekend of


s, y'all with episode 2 giving clowns all over the world a bad name, isn't it?
international movie theater snacks taste test
One of the stars of Chapter 2, Nick Hamilton, that's the right resin bond. Whoo, I was talking about fear there too. I'm going to throw darts again. Yes, you are now movie buffs around the world or screaming like scary clowns while devouring your favorite movie snack and today we found out what source of strange food movie lovers around the world were shoving down their throats. It's time for where in the world do these




come from? Okay, we'll do it, we'll try a concession stand snack served in a movie


somewhere in the world and guess which country that movie snack is sold in.
international movie theater snacks taste test

More Interesting Facts About,

international movie theater snacks taste test...

I threw a dart at that country on the map here and we chased the


cartographer, yeah, I've got enough of making sure his hat doesn't raise your hands above your head too revealing, well, it's kind of like that. developer. he stands there, he's going to measure how far our dart is from the correct answer, okay, and the person with the lowest score at the end of the course, of course, is the winner and listen, I mean, the link shook things last time, I shouldn't have given him my new secret but he won last time and that means I have a special advantage this time.
international movie theater snacks taste test
I receive the dart, a handful of popcorn covered in melted chocolate that I can use whenever I want. I know your secret. The winner receives a bowl full of butterfingers. and no it's not what you think, what is happening, you have some kind of stacked situation, there is a straw going through a bowl of rice, chicken, fried chicken sauce on a bed of rice, first you look, you


the rice and the chicken once we are arguing. Getting through it when I'm drinking coke starts to


like fried chicken because everything I smell you call fried chicken.
international movie theater snacks taste test
I know, but normally I would call it orange chicken, let's see if it's orange, yeah. Pretty much orange chicken, this happens in a movie theater somewhere, um, okay, since this time you'll get the advantages because I'm the reigning short-term champion in darts, I'll go first and give you the advantage. Leave your chicken on the dart, that would be great. I'll save it for later. Hmm, because this I mean is orange chicken with rice. You know this is like an East Asian situation. I mean, I have a shot at South Korea, don't forget, if you miss, the board is 50 centimeters wide.
Otto South Korea, don't get too close to the edge, oh yeah. Thanks, chase. I mean, yes, this has to be in the area you threw it right, but what is it? I'm actually leaning more towards the Philippines because in my experience, to fill the Philippines I've been a little more experimental with this kind of thing like stacking things and it just fills you up. been there no, I bet I've been on the internet and your experience with the Philippines on the internet is fine, a little further down seems to be what you wanted mm-hmm, you just had chicken, which is a portion of boneless chicken thighs glazes and a honey soy sauce served on top of rice on top of a fountain drink.
The chicken pile is sold at movie theater concession stands in the Philippines. I almost hit him, yes, Link had 12 and Rhett had four. Wow, am I missing something or just like? Put ice in a glass full of coke no, that's not coke, dude, oh wait, that's prune juice, oh my god, it's very medicinal. I don't know if it's permanent. I think I could slurp this up. I'd be scared if I knew what it was. I might like, it's one thing to get up in the middle of a movie and take a look, it's another thing to leave the kids, okay, here we go, this time you're going to shoot first, okay, again, I've spent a lot.
A lot of time on the internet and what I know about the prune flavor is that it's used in Asian cooking, but it's also something you could call plum instead of prune. Think about it, plum is prune. I learned that one last week, I think it's In India, what I'm talking about is they have that plum sauce that, oh yeah, with a nine, yeah, you can get with a none, and I think this is an iteration of that, so what I'm going to do seems stressful. I'm going for India, oh you're almost there, which is the wrong answer, okay, I have a lot of internet experience with Portugal, oh, maybe it's just because it starts with a P and also prunes, that's a good reason , Yes, I do. thinking what a cow, oh man, that technique is really I mean, it's so close to what you assume now it's not as fun as it used to be I definitely am you seem so much more confident it's this prune juice this isn't prune juice it's called kvass which is a Slovakian fermented drink made from rye bread and commonly known as black bread and is served in cinemas in Russia oh yeah that's pretty close to India what you're measuring today is like dot dot dot yeah , that's been the rule for like three years, man, it's a questionable rule, but it's the rule, okay, link head 26 and red head 17 Oh, thanks for hanging back, no, yeah, it's like we have a link squid, oh man, really squid, there are like squid heads and then there are the squid tails or the legs.
I don't think I've enjoyed this part of calamari before, yeah, I mean, fried calamari is okay because it's fried, but this is hard for me, not bad. It's not good, there's something stuffed inside, it's squid guts, yeah, are you sure it's not like cottage cheese, I think that's what it looks like instead of a squid, I don't know, they should have gotten rid of the doubts when you want. eat that while watching a movie, what's okay, you don't want that happening next to you and you're trying to really get into a movie, that's worse than being on your phone, okay, I'm in the elite, I'm still going to go first Here, it seems like the obvious answer is when seafood gets into situations that most people in the West would find unpleasant, it's usually something that comes from an Asian country, so, following that logic, I'd say it's Indonesia or Korea from the south. man, but that's if I'm wrong and it's oh, it's Brazil or Colombia, but you know what you have to do with your instincts, sorry, you're out.
I'm 17, so South Korea. I'm still thinking about Portugal. Well, I mean, there's a little squid. everywhere there is only squid all over the ocean it is a swimmer a country of seafood I have a hedge my bets a bit halfway between your dart and Portugal one day I am there Thank you okay you just had squid with butter which is chewy deliciousness which is grilled with butter and mixed with soy sauce. Buttered squid is served in movie theaters in South Korea. Oh, okay, I'm glad I went right, so you're not going that far, yeah, I mean, it wasn't that big. a difference, hey, Rhett was nine and Link was 20, he has a little mold here, what are these ants?
They look like ants, what is this black thing as big as a tail or an ant? What lures are eating it right now? It has a very bad aftertaste, ha, the aftertaste. It's like the woman who was my babysitter when I was in early elementary school who has like four broads. Your babysitter's aftertaste. Her breath is like this aftertaste that sounds like something you flip through very quickly in the information guide on your cable. , so I'm losing, so you're not going first, you're going to jump in, you'll have the advantage of the reasoning I'm about to say, I don't know if it's going to be good reasoning, God, it's horrible, now it's okay, again, Asian .
Countries have shown a propensity to be probably the most food adventurous you know on the planet. I would say you would think about what planet. Insects in the theater. Oh, this probably has to be Indonesia because it's the last remaining East Asian country, but I. I know for a fact that ants are an important part, like big ants, it's a very South American thing. I think this is probably Brazil, but since I have an advantage, I'm going to top my bets and target Africa, okay. Going to Africa is not an option. I'm going to make this simple.
I'm acting so horrible today instead of thinking about this. I prefer to consult one of the stars of episode 2. Nick Hamilton. I'm going to make the camels look good. What's going on? Well, they have ants. Well, guys, you wanted to try it. It tastes like someone. I don't like. Yes. That's weird. An unspoken essence. That's weird. Now you are from the land below. You're not going to help, help me. I mean, we're close to Asia and I don't recognize it, so I don't think it is. I mean, Brett said Brazil, but that has type bets, so I think just go straight to Brazil, okay, I'm going to aim for Colombia because that's how I'm going to get to Brazil, yeah, there it is, okay.
Oh, a little high resume, okay, you were right, you only ate ants, roasted ants, believed to be leafcutter ants. an aphrodisiac and are served at traditional weddings and in movie theaters throughout the country of Colombia oh no, happy watching movies, yes, redhead 27 and Link had eight closer thanks to Chapter Two. I don't have any more apps, so I'll leave some kind of The thing about fried mochi is the plantains, oh man, these are so good. I knew it. I have caramel sauce, it's the best thing I've had on this entire program. Wow, and I could eat that in a movie.
To rate the cinema food, there is no link. I'm still winning, I'm winning, so I can go first, but I'm going to employ my dart because I've never gotten cheap before and I want to use it, you want you to do that, you want me to go now, yeah. I at least want to have some advantage to go second, so the rule is that anywhere there is chocolate you can measure it, I have it right, there is also a rule about how much chocolate you can put on the popcorn. Yes, he is now detained and it will not be easy. clean up all that chocolate, I mean, I couldn't lose the board completely, that would make the cleanup worse, I mean, that could happen on my hands, I got the job, oh, aren't you going to put it on your first with your hand and then throw it away I'm going to throw everything or just the content on the board.
I think I'm going to do the con


on the board. It's like a shotgun level. I had never been cheated before. I want to do it right, sometimes it doesn't help. I know I'm almost sure the answer is Brazil, that's fine and I should throw a dart at it, but I want to use the trick. Here we go. It's almost okay, but that's how it is. not Brazil, it's Portugal. I have a connection with Portugal, yes these are really good. I should have thrown the damn dart. Okay, let's see, so first for strategic purposes I'm going to target Brazil.
My answer is Portugal to win, oh man it is. I'll be around man okay Stevie it's a fried plantain um but I'll let Dave and take it from here colleen rather delicious on top of pilang goreng sarikaya sebuah chop melon young decide you're going to be us copy s copy monologuing oh we I can't leave from Indonesia Indonesia, man, there's a I'll be fucked, there's some chocolate there, next to Indonesia, it's there. Link yeah, okay, I'll tell you they solved it there. Rhett was 14 and Link was 59, okay. Dad, that G, you really know, having a swing in the butter family helps a gift for Verret, well, Lachlan, oh, thank you, that's butterfingers Lutheran fingers, thanks, oh, and look, I can wear them , I'll recommend them to you, uh, but okay, yeah. that's not appetizing I don't enjoy it I'm a winner I'm a winner again thank you Nick okay I'll leave that buttery stuff thanks for liking comment and subscribe you know what time it is hello Aaron Lee my name is Manish as you can see I'm about to watch Avengers and it's time to spin the wheel.
I'm into the cupcake, but enjoy some movie


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