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Ielts Listening Test From Real Exam 26 Hard With Key

May 01, 2020
Try a section one, you will hear a woman being interviewed by a market researcher at a gym about her club membership. First you will have some time to look at questions 1 to 5. You will see that there is an


ple that has already been done. For you, this time only the conversation related to this will be played first. Excuse me. I'm wondering if you would have time to engage in market research and what this club is about and your experiences and opinions on being a member. It will take less than five minutes. Ah, okay, so as long as I'm quick, can I start by taking your name?
ielts listening test from real exam 26 hard with key
It's Celina Thompson, it's that Th om p s om, yeah, cool, thanks, the woman's name is Thompson with a P, so Thompson has been written in space. Now we will begin. You must answer the questions while


because you will not listen to the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions one to five. Sorry. I wonder if you would have time to participate in market research? Talk about this club and your experiences and opinions about being a member. It will take less than five minutes. Oh, okay, so as long as it's quick, can I start by taking your name?
ielts listening test from real exam 26 hard with key

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ielts listening test from real exam 26 hard with key...

I'm Celina Thompson. Is that th omp s om, yeah, cool, thanks. What do you do for a living? I'm an accountant, but I'm between jobs right now. I understand, but that is the work I will write down on the form. Would you mind asking what age group you are in under 30? 31 to 50 and over 50 I think we can safely say thank you very much and what type of membership you have. Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean, do you mean how long have you known it's a single person membership? Oh right no it's a family membership and thank you and how long have you been a member oh let me see I was certainly here five years ago and it was probably 2 or 3 years longer than that.
ielts listening test from real exam 26 hard with key
I should write down 8 oh, now I remember it's 9 definitely sorry, I didn't have the problem and the last question in this first part is what brought you to the club. I'm sorry, how did you find out about the club? Did you see any ads? Well, I actually saw it, but I have to say it didn't appeal to me much. I got into the club so it was word of mouth, so a friend recommended you. In fact, my doctor suffered from high blood pressure and said the club was very supportive of people with that condition, so I signed up.
ielts listening test from real exam 26 hard with key
Thank you very much, before you listen to the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions six to ten. Now listen and answer questions six to ten for the second part of the forum. I want to ask you a little bit more about your experience at the club, sure, how often would you say you use the club? Wow, it varies wildly depending on how busy you are, of course, but on average per month, I'd say it's an average of twice a week, well, so eight on average, yeah, and four of them are water aerobics classes, Which brings me to the next question: would you say that the pool is the facility you use the most?
It's fair to say yes, of course. Thanks and is there any installation that I don't use? Hmm, an area. I


ize that tennis courts are never used and there is a simple reason why you don't play tennis. Actually, I'm not bad at it, oh, I'm just not happy about having to pay more for that privilege, oh, I've made a note of that. Thank you mmm now in the last section is there any suggestion or recommendation you have to improve the club just about health and fitness mmm anything good I would like to see more social events it is not just a matter of getting together for games or classes but other things you already know yes of course and another thing I was thinking when I had my yoga class at the gym last night we were all sweltering in the heat was that I think they should put or you know air conditioning that's Exactly what I mean: the rooms are very bright and good designed, but need adequate installations.
Well, I've taken note of that. Is there anything else you would like to suggest about the quality of service, for


ple? Oh, everyone is very nice. They couldn't be more friendly and helpful here, oh but I tell you it's a shame the restaurant isn't open at night on Saturdays and Sunday is fine so the club should open it later on those days, ok thanks. Thank you very much, those are all the questions. Yo, this is the end of section one. Now you have half a minute to check your answers. Now move on to section two. Try one.
Section two. Here a trainer giving a talk to people who want to learn outdoor survival skills. First, he has some time to look at questions 11 to 16. Now listen and answer questions 11 to 16. Good morning everyone and welcome to our outdoor survival program. As you know, this week you will learn some of the basic information and skills you need. to take care of yourself independently outdoors these first two days will be based here in the classroom and then we will go on a camping trip to put into practice some of the things you have learned. I am going to start with the topic of food and to begin I will describe only two methods that we will put into practice in our camp and that use Natural Resources: the steam pit and the bamboo pot.
I have two signs here to clear things up. and I will start with the steam pit here to do this you will need some dry sticks some grass some loose soil and some stones and for this week just some matches the first thing you need to do is dig a shallow hole in the place where you have chosen to cook, say about 25 centimeters deep and 30 centimeters wide, your sticks have to be a little wider than the hole because you have to put a line of them along the top from one end of the hole to the other before .
When lighting them, you take some large stones and place them on top, then you light the fire and wait until the wooden platform burns and the stones fall into the pit. At this point, remove any pieces of hot ash from any stones you may use. a handful of grass and then take another stick and push it towards the center of the hole between the stones, then you cover the whole hole with a thick layer of grass and then you can put your food wrapped in more pieces of grass. like packets, we cover everything with soil, you have to pat it firmly to seal the hole, then all you have to do is take out the stick and pour a little water into the opening it leaves, it should take about four hours.
Your food is cooked as it slowly cooks in the steam created inside the pit. Now you have some time to look at questions 17 to 20. Now listen and answer questions 17 to 20, so simple but effective. The other method that you are going to practice. this week it is the bamboo oven, now the steam pit is ideal in certain conditions because the heat is below ground level, for example if there is a strong wind and you are afraid that the fire will spread, but when it is sure to have an open fire, you can use it. With the bamboo kiln method, you get a piece of bamboo that, as you probably know, is hollow and consists of several individual sections with a wall in the middle.
You use a sharp stick to make a hole in each of the dividing walls, apart from the one at the end. You then lean the bamboo over the fire with the top supported by a forked stick and the bottom resting on the ground, pour enough water on top to fill the bottom section, and then light a fire under that section to heat the water. and then put your food inside the top section and steam coming out of the bamboo through the holes you made. Kitchen. I'm going to move on to the food itself now and talk about some of the wild plants you can cook.
I'm going to start. mushrooms that are mushrooms and poisonous mushrooms. I'm sure you know that some of these are edible and delicious, but some of them are highly poisonous, whether poisonous or not, all mushrooms you find in nature should be. Cook them before eating them because that helps destroy any compounds they contain that may be mildly toxic, but keep in mind that any amount of cooking will not make poisonous varieties safer to eat, unless you can definitively identify a fungus, You should never eat it, it's not worth it. the risk and you need to be


ly sure because some mushrooms that are poisonous are very similar in appearance to certain edible varieties and can easily be confused with each other, so having said all that, mushrooms are delicious when freshly picked and although they are They are only moderately nutritious, containing minerals that the body needs.
I will now move on to the generally leafy plants. That's the end of section 2. You now have half a minute to check your answers. Now move on to section three. Try one. Section three. You will hear a woman named Phoebe who is training to be a teacher talking to her tutor named Toni about the research she has done at the school. First you have some time to look at questions 21 to 25. Now listen and answer questions 21 to 25. How did your school research go, Phoebe? Well, it was exhausting but really valuable. Well, what was the specific approach you chose?
My title is attitudes toward studying among 11- to 12-year-olds, right? and what made you choose that approach well. a little difficult, a lot of my classmates decided to focus from the beginning mainly based on what they thought would help them in their future career, you know, in their first years of teaching, so that's what helped you decide , was that I found a book written by experienced teachers about student attitudes and that motivated me to address the topic. Okay, so what were your research questions or problems? I wanted to look at the ways in which students responded to different teachers, focusing particularly on whether very strict teachers made teens less motivated and from their point of view.
No, not from what I saw. You know from my five days of observation talking to people etc. Okay, we'll talk about the actual research methods in a moment, but before that, can you briefly summarize what your most surprising aspects are? The results are good, what really surprised me were the important gender differences. I didn't set out to focus on that, but I found that the boys were much more positive about being in school, the girls were more impatient, they talked a lot about their desire to grow up and Leaving school was very interesting, yes, it was thanks to the research it was clear to me that you might start focusing on one thing, but you learn a lot of unexpected ideas.
Did you get any insights on teaching? Yes, certainly, I was doing a lot of things. observations of the way children with very different abilities collaborate on certain tasks, you know they help each other and I started to realize that the lessons were developing in really unexpected ways, so what conclusion do you draw from that? Well, I know that it is also necessary to prepare myself. lessons carefully, but it's great if you also allow the lessons to go their own ways. Good point. I am very happy to see you doing this analyzing and drawing conclusions based on data, but surely this is not adequate data because it is derived from such small data. scale the research well, as long as you don't make any big claims about your findings, this data is completely valid hmm.
I like the way you're already stepping away from the experience and thinking about what you've learned about research well done, but I know. I could have done better as you become more experienced you will find ways to reduce the risk of difficulties. Okay, now you have some time to read questions 26 to 30. Now listen and answer questions 26 to 30, so let's look in more detail. about how you collected your data, let's start with the lesson observation, well, overall it went pretty well, I chose my approach and designed my checklist, then the teachers allowed me to enter their classes without any problems, which surprised me, It was after that the exhausting work began, yes, it was time. -Consume, doesn't it make sense to analyze your observation notes much more than the interview data, for example, which were relatively easy to process?
Although I wanted to make sure I used a high quality recorder to facilitate transcription and I had to wait until one became available, right? Did you also interview some kids at the end? Yeah, I talked to ten and they were great. I figured I'd be bored


to them, but it was easy to concentrate, sure one of the teachers was a bit concerned about ethics, you know if it was right to interview the young pupils and it took him a while to agree to let me talk to three of the children of his class, but in the end he gave in, well, what other methods did you use?
I experimented with quizzes, but I really regret that I decided to share the work with another student, but we had such different schedules that it ended up taking twice as long. That's a shame, it might be worth reflecting on ways you could improve that for future projects. You're right, yeah, okay, and the other thing I did was steal pictures. I didn't take as many pictures as I expected due to lack of time, it's pretty easy to just take pictures, but I wanted each snapshot to have a purpose, you know? would contribute to my goalsresearch and found it difficult, well that's understandable but remember it's the end of section 3.
You now have half a minute to check your answers. Now move on to section four. Try one. Section four. You will hear from an environmental studies student. giving a presentation about your project to save an endangered plant species now you have time to look at questions 31 to 40 now listen and answer questions 31 to 40 of my presentation to summarize what I have discovered about the efforts to save an plant species the juniper bush once flourished in Britain and throughout the temperate zones of the world, but in recent decades it has declined considerably Before I go on to explain the measures being taken to save it in England, let me start by looking at some background and why juniper has been so important in cultural and ecological terms historically and today, first of all I want to emphasize the fact that juniper is a very ancient plant.
It has been discovered that it was actually one of the first plant species to become established in Britain in the most recent post-Ice Age period and, as I say, it has a highly valued place in British culture. widely used as fuel during the Middle Ages because when burned, the smoke given off is almost invisible and therefore any illicit activity involving fire could continue undetected, for example cooking illegally hunted game animals. It also has valuable medicinal properties, especially during major epidemics. It is extracted from juniper wood and sprayed into the air to try to prevent the spread of infections in hospital wards and today perhaps its best-known use is in cooking, where its berries are a very valuable ingredient that It is used to flavor a variety of meat dishes. and also drinks, now moving on to ecological issues, juniper bushes play an important role in the sustenance of other living beings.
If juniper bushes are removed this would radically affect many different insects and also fungal species, we simply cannot afford to let this species disappear, so why is the juniper plant declining at such a rate? fast, as a study carried out in the north and west of Great Britain in 2004 2/5 showed that a major problem is the fact that in the current population the proportions between the sexes are unbalanced and without an adequate mix of males. and female bushes are not pollinated. Furthermore, the survey found that in many of these populations the plants are of the same age, meaning that the shrubs age and begin to die at similar times, leading to the rapid extinction of entire populations.
Life is trying to do something to prevent the decline of juniper species. It is currently trialling two major new rescue techniques, this time focusing on the lowland regions of England. The first thing you are trying to do is provide shelter for seedlings in areas where juniper populations are doing quite well. established, these, of course, are designed to help protect plants at their most vulnerable stage. An additional measure is that in areas where colonies have almost become extinct, numbers are being strengthened by planting cuttings that have been taken from healthy bushes elsewhere, I hope. I have provided a clear picture of the problems facing this culturally and ecologically valuable plant and whether the measures plant life is taking to address them.
If anyone has any questions, I'd be glad if that was the end of section 4. Now you're halfway through. one minute to check your answers, that is the end of the listening


, you now have ten minutes to transfer your answers to the separate answer sheet that

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