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I played a 7 year old on NBA 2K21

Jun 06, 2021
I look like the New York Knicks here, this is embarrassing, it's Adam Sandler, okay I'll be honest, this hasn't been the best


so far for me in nba 2k 21, but don't worry, I need to find myself. I need to go back and do something I haven't done in a while. That's right, let's pack and play. These are the best packages to do it. We have Mikael Jordan and of course Kobe Bryant, so I just did it. i sent out an open challenge to take on anyone in a group and play let's take a look at some potential candidates troy dan first of all you literally have a brain second of all i don't know how old you are because you never make it clear i think Yeah.
i played a 7 year old on nba 2k21
You're like what 70 plays with me right now so I can make you eat yours I'm 70. Do I look 70 to you? Don't answer that, then if you don't blame me, I'll leave you, okay? I'm going to leave you and if I leave you I'll leave you, okay and holy cow, I forgot how embarrassing you guys are, oh my God, just play with me, daddy, come on, spray, daddy, yeah, just play with me right now, hit yourself, buddy . Okay, this is creepier than hotties. It'll be a short conversation, but I've never spoken to you before. Nice to meet you, but I have the, so hold on.
i played a 7 year old on nba 2k21

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i played a 7 year old on nba 2k21...

I have the oh, what's wrong with them? Guys, like dead eggs, come in, I will destroy you in 2k. and by the way my dog ​​is better than your cat like times 10,000 say hello peanut butter okay this is starting to get a little weird um and by a little I mean a lot hey Jordan yeah Will you ever face me? You're going to die just saying, "This friend needs an exorcism. You have a demon inside. Come down. You have a bald head. You look like Alex Cruzo. tree because she's a boy, I don't know what's wrong with your brain, son, it will be You better draw dicks on your face before I come and steal your kids from the basement.
i played a 7 year old on nba 2k21
Okay, I already drew a dick on my hate, hey bro, come on Jordan, you're doing great bro, but you can't even add me buddy. Come on bro put me on it why does everyone want to sleep with me Yeah this is the rapist of the neighborhood Joe please pick me to do what I can play or else I'll still be the best for me . man everyone laughs I'm starting to wonder if this was a bad idea team let's open packs and play with each other like piggy why did he just send another message? , but you can give me some.
i played a 7 year old on nba 2k21
I was pretty good until you came, oh, okay, what are you doing challenging me to a package and playing piggy? You know very well that you don't have money. Well, you could give me some. Can you, but can you give me? Wait, this was an open challenge for a pack and play. and you want me to give you vc to play with me, that seems fair to me, ok you win, i will give you 200k vc code and you can use it to play with me in a pack and play. Are you scamming me? Yes, I understand, no, what.
You're scamming me huh, you said you were scamming me? No, I said I understand you. Okay, I thought you said you were scamming me. Oh, you wouldn't scam me. No? Okay, this is how this works, piggy, we're going to open clutch packs, not the deluxe ones, the clutch ones, we're going to open 13 of them, okay, oink, oink, good enough for me, okay, then I'll start, I'll open the first package, okay, oh, okay, let's do this, I forgot to buy vc piggy. I mean, wait a second, idiot, we have the coin. Wow, yeah, here we go right now.
Boom, okay, let's see if we can get a lot of money, a lot of money. I expect something big. You know, it doesn't matter what I get. I can beat you. anything I can beat you with kyle lowry caleb martin and karl anthony towns that's great, okay, okay, my turn is ready, I have Kyrie Irving, no, no, I did it, it's my turn to open a pack so far, Not a great start. but then again, i don't care what he gets, i mean, just a little bit, i care a little bit, we got robert horey, the money shot, peggy, you know about the money shot, no, of course not, You're seven


s old, Richard Hamilton, wow, right? i know who he is i have no idea he was the first openly gay nba player third pack give me kobe we need the mamba i know he's here please please an amethyst oh for the love of god what is this shit okay i have andre robertson and robert horry again then I guess I just got Andre Robertson.
Awesome, let's see what I get. I need something good. It's rubbish. I hope you get the trash faster. Better. Shane Battier. Oh, a little French. How do you feel about the French? Piggy. Well, the next package. Come on, I need a. amethyst for the love of god or a diamond there are no diamonds here it is there mon montrell herald oh i have thief hory rob that's mr money shine i need something good here this is not the luck i want this is the best time to get an amethyst and I'm not getting anything at all, in fact I'm getting Chris Middlet, come on, you're not getting anything, I know you're not, you're not as lucky as me, I'm getting Jason Tatum, really, yeah, my move of choice. shut up piggy it's okay we got oh my god I got kobe bryant I got kobe whoa no I got mario ellie oh b what the hell okay so far I think you got a better team I'm not going to lie, I shut up, whoa. yeah, oh, yeah, okay, oh, I didn't get Kobe, I got Damari from Rosie, that's bad, oh, it's a sapphire, it's about time, you know what it is, oh, Jimmy Butler, I gotta get a macao, I didn't get any of those, I have a cat again.
I have to open another package. I keep getting kang. Okay, next pack, if I get a cat again, I'm going crazy. Okay, this is also garbage and it's Tony Cuca. Tony Conchick, Bronze, Bronze, Sapphire, Russell West, Brick Diamond, I'll take that stupid Caillou guy. damn we have sergey ibaka and hassan whiteside crying out loud no I have a ruby ​​okay carl anthony towns and jimmy butler I'm having the worst dogs I've ever had and they keep going I have one oh my god I have a I have another one purple zipper and no you didn't, why do you lie when you're older?
Please no, oh my god, wow, oh that sucks, piggy, that's horrible for you, oh, you want two colbys like that, you're not even opening the deluxe one. one what you have pigs are lucky okay you have to open another one since you have a duplicate please don't worry John who is Jon you have John John Cena no John Paxson John Paxton oh no I know, ten packets, you need two. more to catch me blake griffin blake griffin okay so we both have 12 players right now I guess we can also open the deluxe pack for the last one it's a deal okay let's do it I'll go first right now deluxe pack please give me an amethyst this is so dumb you got two and I got none and I didn't get one I have trevor aries no I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy I swear to god if you get kobe come in diamond no no diamonds ah kawhi leonard what well piggy this is the team I have but unfortunately I'm missing a point guard in fact I don't have a backup point guard so I'm just going to buy john paxton because I don't have all day it's not like I'm really getting anything special here anyway Little pig, are you ready?
Little pig, if a random person approaches you in a park and you don't know them, what do you do? No, it's true, you run. but what if he is faster than you? What are you doing? Then you are close to the application. You could close it. No, I mean, in real life. Then I call my dad. You call your dad, but what if you don't have time to call your dad? dad, so what are you doing? I don't know, you kick him in the balls. I pulled out two Kobe Bryants and they weren't even in the rarest of packages.
You are very lucky. I'll be honest. You have a pig. I need to turn into a pig. I am not lost. You know what you are. seven, I'll give you a seven point lead, that's right, seven points in the house piggy, I'll let you know that we're in the Lizzo dome, oh yeah, you like Lizzo, that's right, she's beautiful, okay? ? you can have seven points right here for your range, no problem, okay, we'll leave you open for the three whoever you want to shoot with kobe, that's probably the best option and you missed it, okay, let's do it and there it is have. see peggy seven points that's the last time you score today yeah i know what dribble i saw it's davis videos oh look at this oh oh piggy oink look at this oink oink look at this right there wide open faceless tony okay listen what are you doing?
I know you're saving, that's not going, oh for God's sake, no, this is not it again, come on, Campbell m's in the chat, come on, little m, there it is, oh, for God's sake the food, damn, that Kobe card is everywhere, there, okay? I'll figure it out Trevor, it's open, no, oh, yeah, yeah, Dion, I can't believe you got Kobe, I can't, damn it, come on, get this rebound, please, no, piggy, I'm late. It's okay, Derozan, if he shoots, he doesn't go into one, oh. but i don't have to shoot that puts it at eight points kobe piggy i bet a thousand dollars tonight on the raptors against the celtics i made a good decision oh the game hasn't happened yet who do you think is winning oh i hope the raptors, me too wait.
I'm going to be very sad because you didn't make a good triple. You didn't think I could dribble the digital pig, big man, giants, no more of that, oh, I got you, I got you, trick for the earth, what and what? Come on, oh, all the way, you gotta watch out for Pax, right there, the white side, you gotta protect me better than this little loser pig. Are you serious, little pig? I'm going to have some bacon for breakfast, well, I've got two puppies, a little John Paxton, come on. in you're trying to load the cheese piggy, grow up, it's a one point game, now he shoots, come in right, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, stop with that piggy, gotta let one go oh, john paxton, oh, oh, look at these dribbles. it moves oh do you want my dribble mixtape, do you want my dribble mix tape, oh no, thanks why not, I'm so good, you got Kobe on fire, no, damn lesbian, damn, piggy, no, that okay, no more, mister good boy You just started a fire in my belly and it's not because of the hot tacos right there.
Oh, I'm not losing any seven year old again. Can't you, can't you stop this right there? Trevor popping the glitter. your piggy face there's no rebound that's right, I'm at my best I think I spent my life in this game I lost everything in this game you didn't beat me it ends today you will never bully me again that's what you get you don't pass with toby you have to know I'm not going to ruin this I'm not going to move move moo moo oh okay come on get back there come back come on dfg no you're not you're not oh brother come on we got this come on campbell everything the wine all the way, campbell, campbell, off to the races, campbell, campbell, come on, no way, no way, guard, kobe, kobe, come on, cody, call me, get up to kobe, no, no, no, No, no, I'm there.
I'm there I'm there I'm there I'm there I'm there no why is it open we're not going to do overtime in time three minutes damn it's a female referee why can't I what is this camera angle What is this? What the hell? No, no, for God's sake, no, I have to make a substitution or something that's not possible, I was there to cry, okay Troy, here we go 65 65 57 on the clock, let's do this, let's run some play money . I have the worst luck at the game in real life right there they derail the shot don't shoot don't shoot going up disgusting what foreskin no why not damn okay this sucks come on John steal this steal this no , I almost caught him, don. don't worry I'm piggy here we go I'm ready let's do this let's do this two point six we have to pee here we go oh here nothing big ever goes oh there's no way you're getting Kobe twice 'cause you're watching Mean old man, how dare you call me So, you little idiot?
No, I could throw you in a river and no one would find you. Delete your YouTube channel. I will accept it. No, this doesn't let me talk to your parents. Do not you know that? I'm going to do a little oink oink out of here you better not come back here damn it, I can't keep losing this seven year old, this is really hard on my self esteem, I have to get better, I need help, I need to turn to an old man Dude I can't believe I'm about to do this desperate times come desperate measures

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