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I Got TRAPPED in Minecraft's MOST Secure House with My Wife!

May 31, 2021
Good at parkour now, I'm so proud of you, thank you, oh no, dear lord in the sky, what is this? It's more smoking pipes, what is this? No, Britney. come here I don't know, it's him again it's not impossible there's no way you escaped my bomb oh my god, stop, stop, you're going to die, you're going to die floating in the air, oh, it's okay, bree, let me, let me take aggro, let me take aggro I've got it I've got it my bull is made of steel so wait, you can't, oh, so you can't wait, you can't hurt them, I breathe the tnt, no, no, we can let them charge , let them load here. come here come here okay let me get them on me let me get me off I have a heart I have a heart I have a heart I offered you and you didn't I'm here I'm here let me let me come over here okay I'll click a tnt oh preston I I'm going to die, There's no safe place I'm trying to get to in hearts and I have a heart, wait Preston, I beat you, no, what do you mean you didn't beat me, no one, look, what do you mean you beat me? ?
i got trapped in minecraft s most secure house with my wife
I didn't even die, I was undercover, okay, breathe, we have to use the bull, say you did it accidentally, but use the bull to charge the TNT blocks, okay, follow me, no, like this, like this, follow me, bowl, I'm coming a I hit you like that, look, that's how you do it, baby, oh no, I can deal with this, it's easy though, hello, Mr. Zomb. Yes, this one is actually very honest, kind of relaxing. I like to beat up zombies. Actually, it's better. No, you have to bring them, you have to break up. no, this is my favorite hobby, is bringing them to the CNC.
i got trapped in minecraft s most secure house with my wife

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i got trapped in minecraft s most secure house with my wife...

I have killed many zombies. We really have to continue. I did not think. I thought we had to survive these guys in a timed round, but I guess. actually we have to hit them all, yeah, come here, come here, you have to stand next to the t, I'm coming, I'm fighting, okay, you got this, take aggro, oh, okay, the floor is ready, baby preston sets things on fire. the moment I'm just going to literally pray because my merchandise is made of fire I won't catch fire oh no I told you it would work okay breathe let me down this time let me or you have this, you have this, there you go. do it, do it, no, no, no, no, no, here, I'm going to attract, okay, okay, there you go, there you go, okay, both at the same time, hello, hello, no, a ladder has been created, Follow me, I really hope so.
i got trapped in minecraft s most secure house with my wife
It's not indescribable and it's like he's being framed because if Nathan did this to us, I'll be so disappointed my pickle will turn sour. Oh no, I'll never talk to him again. Brianna, yes, Preston, I have a katana, I want the. bazooka oh you got it uh bernie be careful, it's big shoot that thing be careful you're shooting that thing be careful this does a lot of damage does this do a lot of damage? Well, probably if I'm standing on it, yeah. a lot of damage, i literally put him down, okay follow me, i'm really slow right now, why is there a huge nathan head? uh, because it's time for the final battle, it's the hooded figure, oh no, unspeakatron, uh, prepare to meet your creator.
i got trapped in minecraft s most secure house with my wife
Oh my god, that's the coolest thing I've ever seen in Minecraft. Yes, I picked a good one for this. I think honestly your thing is like, wait, he'll never be able to get any closer than if we spam him like this. i'm spamming him, his health is crazy, make sure the tnt block has to land, like it has to explode near him, he's exploding too much behind him, there you go, good team, he was good, he was very careful, shoots fireballs. shooting fireballs oh my god i have to run i have to run oh the tnt oh my god oh my god i'm regenerating wait did you die no no no no no no just be careful he's doing it like 17 times i've done it too short oh he's dead, catch him, it's over, we're defeated, wait, so the whole time, when I was thinking why are we here, it was because Unspeakatron had


us in a safe


, I think it was in Speakatron, oh, okay Please come escape with me, Brianna. we're doing it on the road to victory ladies and gentlemen we escaped that was an interesting turn of events let us know in the comments what you want us to escape from next and if you hit the comments in the first 16 minutes you'll get An opportunity to have your comments appear on the screen.
Have a safe beautiful day. Subscribe to Brianna's channel and she's trying to kill me.

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