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I did DAVE RAMSEY for 6 months. THIS happened.

Jun 05, 2021
Hey guys, I'm Nina and I'm back with another video, so in


video I'm going to talk about the infamous Dave Ramsey and the fact that I've followed his plan for six



year, so yes, I'm going to talk about how . That was the experience. I'm going to talk about the philosophy of the day and why she ultimately decided not to follow his plan to the end. I'm still doing some things from this plan, but I've modified some things just on my own. sanity, so if you're interested, keep watching, so growing up I had a very common idea about debt, a very American debt philosophy which is basically when you turn 18 you get a credit card, it's a rite of passage, Adulthood equals death and I felt like every time you have a credit card and pay it off, that means it was time to upgrade to a higher credit limit because your credit score would go up.
i did dave ramsey for 6 months this happened
I always saw that as something inevitable that you would have. If you need it, you need a good credit score, all that kind of stuff, so I heard of Dave Ramsey in passing, but I always thought he was a get-rich-quick kind of guy and I like money. Money is good, but I've never been like that. I want to be rich. I've never been like that. I always wanted to be comfortable. So people selling the get-rich-quick idea just wasn't really attractive. one night I was with my brother and we were looking for an engagement ring for his now fiancé and he mentioned something about Dave Ramsey and I was like you really know Dave Ramsey and I was a little surprised because my brother is very down to earth.
i did dave ramsey for 6 months this happened

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i did dave ramsey for 6 months this happened...

I really like even the cured type of person, so I thought he's okay, my brother knows him and maybe I should check this guy out if you don't know who David is. He is a finance professor. I want to say guru, but he's a very well-known guy. finance teacher coach all of that has a huge platform has a radio show has a youtube channel has podcasts and they are all like baseball on the radio show this is a huge debt free platform cash is dead king is slavery which is yours The whole philosophy in a nutshell, most people look good and are broke, so I started watching YouTube videos the first time just to entertain myself and it actually felt good because I thought, well , I don't have four hundred thousand. dollars in songs about student loan debt.
i did dave ramsey for 6 months this happened
I did well, and then the more I listened, I thought, "Well, you may not have that much student loan debt, but you do have student loan debt, you have credit card debt, and honey, you need to do your research." in front of the mirror and stop enjoying other people's suffering and figuring out your own stuff so basically I sat down, looked at my finances and got a pretty big wake up call about how I was spending my money one month I had spent $600 when food came in super eats and goes out to eat and just and I realized that I just accepted that to read, so there are people who explode on the show and do these debt free screams, which is basically where they tell their story of how much debt they had. how they found a


of what they did to pay off and there were a lot of young people, a lot of people my age, Millennials, that were paying massive amounts of - thousands, tens of thousands of dollars, let's listen to a debt free screen, let's do It's three , two, one, I really got inspired and felt like okay, that could be me, so I decided to just start the piece.
i did dave ramsey for 6 months this happened
Let me give you a quick overview of what Dave Ramsey calls baby steps. All of these are part of the Total. Money makeover, so the first step is to save a thousand dollars. The second step is to pay off all your debts with the debt snowball, which is basically paying off your debts from lowest to highest. The third step is to create a three to six month emergency fund. Step 4 is putting 15% into retirement Step 5 is the same for kids in college Step 6 is paying off your house and step 7 is just living and enjoying your wealth and continuing to prosper essentially if you're really going through the day planned that is promising. to never go into debt again, this means you would never use credit cards again, she will never take out a car loan, the only thing he allows you to do is have a mortgage because let's be honest, it is very expensive to own of a house.
In certain parts of the country I'm in the DC area, no one pays $500,000 to buy a house in cash, okay, basically you're not going to go into debt, you're going to get your life flowing. I started planning. salaried from April 20 to 19 and the first thing I did was go through my apartment and look for all the things I had that I wasn't using. I had like rugs rolled up in the corners, a two-seater sofa that I bought and that I kind of used when guests came over, but I didn't really necessarily need them. I had other chairs that people could sit on, so I sold them.
I saw the rugs. I sold a bed I had in the corner for about a year. Basically, I sold that. and I made about $500 and that was like in a week or so and that infuriated me once I started making money selling things and that's all your selling things, that's so many things that kids think are next thing wants you to do is set a strict budget, meaning only what is necessary and strip everything down to the basics. He calls it a scorched earth lifestyle. You don't go out. You don't have a life. don't do anything except pay your bills, food, electricity and water, and he has this app called every dollar he actually used.
In fact, I like this application so much that I use it every day. It wants you to go in and track every dollar. It's called zero-based budgeting, which means you take all your income and allocate four things down to zero, so once you've budgeted, everything will be accounted for and you won't be sitting on a pile of money that you have to give away. every dollar is a name base so one of his famous sayings is rice and beans beans and rice which basically means you're not going out to eat okay it says you won't see the inside of a restaurant unless you work there and yeah, he just really wants you to keep everything to a minimum, so some nights I literally ate only rice and beans because I actually like the rice and beans that I always have in my house, but it doesn't mean literally just eat not only that, but it's just the philosophy of a very simple life, plus it's selling everything he also wants you to work as many jobs as you can, so I started delivering super at nights and weekends, in addition to my full time jobs so I probably work something like 60+ hours a week so getting into the plan and actually going through the full course actually wasn't that hard for me because when I get convicted and there's something that really want, I just went ahead and went into full warrior mode that I used to do. just being someone who just got up and did whatever I wanted to do at any time I'd take a random trip here and there I'd go to an unplanned show I'd just get up and do stuff like that being on Dave Ramsey's plan that whole guy canceled everything was planned and regimented it was all about me working working to try to pay off the debt and my family and friends knew what I was doing and generally everyone respected it and everyone was like man I wish I could do something like that and I was like well you can and I'm doing it by cutting things in my budget, making the rods and YouTube income and then selling things in the beginning.
I ended up making an extra thousand dollars a month and threw it all away. and it was really cool to see that I could make extra money on top of my career, so in five


I paid the IRS bill, paid for a MacBook Pro, and then paid for some furniture from West Elm, which amounted to five grand. dollars, so I made an extra five thousand dollars in five months by working hard, taking all the extra money I could hear and time. I just got a whole new mindset about my money, the idea that I could budget and that I could actually plan ahead for the month.
It was completely unheard of, something I had never done in my life, everything I did was essentially in my notes, I would write this, this is what I spent, thirty-five dollars at Sephora, 40 dollars at Target, I would just write things down after the done, but it's okay. This is where the money goes, but it's not really a plan for money in the six months, making a budget and just planning my money really became a reflex and it's not a situation where I'm looking at this lump sum in my bank account and I'm like, well, I can go to dinner with someone so I can buy a ticket to this show here.
I can take a little day trip to New York, so no, what with the IRS bill, the MacBook, and the Western furniture I freed up. Two hundred and forty dollars a month was still in a no-interest phase on the MacBook, he was very low and the goal was to knock that bad boy out before the interest kicked in and then when it came to things he wanted to work on, was the credit, for example, I really wanted this new vacuum cleaner, that's how you know you're getting old when you eat on a vacuum cleaner, so time one this vacuum cleaner was on sale and I was like, well, I didn't put it on the budget for this. month, so I'm going to do a lot of ovarian deliveries and that will give me the vacuum.
Im going to pay in cash. I will pay once. I will be a good job. I replaced credit cards and really that's how it should be right, we work for our money, we don't just get free money unless you're super rich. I felt more in control of my finances. I felt more like an adult and was very ashamed of feeling like I was making good money. but not having a plan for that money, a real plan, there is a difference between never being taught something and never learning something. I took learning into my own hands, that's what we have to do most of the time and I changed things up and then I got to the point where I started to feel like I could have more because I would pay cash for it and it wouldn't follow me, you know, in the future, so those are some of the pros of Dave Ramsey's plan for me, so some of the cons Dave is very serious about you will have no life while doing this plan, that's fine and it can be very intimidating.
He is a church-going man. He has the thick southern accent of his. I'm sure he's an expert on his opinion and will tell you quickly. Someone you know you can do whatever you want, but you called my show, so this is what I would do. If I had a lot of fire. I like that fire language because that's what really made me get up and do something different because he's always talking. about how you're out of control, this stupid, why are you doing this, but sometimes it can be a bit over the top and a bit demanding.
Dave Ramsey is not for the faint of heart, he will break your new one, which he always talks about. I didn't like not going on vacation, so I went to New York for a cousin's party and I felt guilty and that was a recurring theme for the six months where every time there was something I wanted to do, I just felt so much. of guilt it was like, oh, Dave won't sit in the seat next to me when I'm on a plane, it's fire and brimstone, there's no room for argument, no, this is the plan if you really get into it.
Dave, you can't look at anything any other way, it can be very discouraging if you do it for years, so my full payment plan would be two years and that's two years of no life, two years of just hustle and effort and reward. everything and then it brought up a lot of questions like, well, should we really focus that much? I am paying a lot, yes I want to build well, yes I want to be free, I don't want to be in debt to the bank because of debt, but I also want to live and enjoy my life because life is short, so why is there no space in this plan?
So one of his sayings is that adults design a plan and follow it. Kids do what feels right and I really love that. said, I've used that saying to convince myself to leave the bakeware aisle at Target, well, yeah, it's like control is a big part of the plan, but also, I don't know, I feel like you have to live just a little bit. little you have to enjoy life a little bit you shouldn't feel guilty for wanting to buy a new sweater you know buy a plant things like that I don't know just simple little things and I feel like you need those little rewards to help you move forward on the planet.
I really understand where you're coming from with the payment mentality because a lot of Americans have that, the only thing that matters is if we can afford the payment. We don't think about the fact that it's $30,000. A car that you know, could have been a down payment on a house, could have turned into a million dollars in our retirement account. We don't think about that, so I understand what you're saying, but I don't know if deprivation is the answer. I necessarily feel like there has to be a middle ground somewhere, so while I was making the plan for the six months I got to the point where I felt like there were more important things in my life than delivering results. debt debt is very important but my relationships with people are important there are ways to maintainrelationships with people you don't always have to go to lunch if you're hanging out I mean you go to the park and I don't know, bring some fruit and sandwiches so there are things you can do, but I felt like overall I wanted a slightly different approach to paying off my debt, but after six months I treated myself to a cash trip to New Orleans and That's when I thought I just needed to have these moments of decompression.
I need to have this time where, you know, I focus on myself, I focus on living, and where I am today is that I'm still 100% using every dollar app that I use. I'm still doing my budget. I'm still planning for the month that is crucial for me and that has been a lifesaver. This is how I want to live my life safely. In fact, I got a very nice raise in October and thanks to Dave's principles, I know what to do with that extra money, it will now go towards paying off debt. For me, credit cards are still off the table as an option. main form of payment.
In fact, I've gotten to the point where I use them as a tool in my budget, meaning I budget $100 for groceries every two weeks and feel like I need to add more because I always stick to it. I need more than that, but for example, I know I'm spending $100, so I've gotten to the point where sometimes I put it on my credit card because I know I have the cash and I pay it instantly. I receive the money back. of that on my credit card and Dave always talks about how no millionaire ever got rich with cash points, airline miles, I totally understand all of that.
I just had to test the waters and see if I could do it and It's still something that stings every time I use my credit card even though I know I have the cash. Oh, it's a credit card, but really it's just about being able to have the discipline and so my discipline with money has increased exponentially. I'm thankful. so, but really Dave Ramsey gave me a major reality check on my finances, he was yelling at people telling them they're out of control. I'm sitting and looking at other people and I don't realize how safe it is.
The things apply to me, so I can only be grateful because they opened my eyes about a lot of things, they changed my way of thinking, they changed my whole philosophy about money, so yes, I can only be grateful for that, but there is a which I really don't like. these approaches that everything is very fear based, he has a saying about the intensity of the ghazal which is basically imagine you're a gazelle running away from the lion, the lion is dead, you know you're just running and running and running for your life. and in Step Two: When you're paying off all your debt, this is how you're supposed to do it and it works.
I paid things off using gazelle intensity, but I also felt like I was too focused on the debt, too focused on the money and just not living it as just letting the wheels come off, but just not being so afraid and not being so decided. I slowly began to consider other perspectives, to consider ways I could take my new philosophy around debt and just do it a little. more livable and accessible in some ways, if that makes sense. I think Dave Ramsey is an excellent teacher. There are some things that he has that will probably stay with me for years to come.
His idea is to live like no one else, so later you can live and give like no one else, which basically means that you do all this hard work and sacrifice yourself in this deprivation, basically so that later you can enjoy the fruits of your labor, you can give and be generous and you can just have a good free light and that's beautiful, that's wonderful, that's what I want, but I'll be somewhere like in the Middle where I'm paying my debts but I'm also enjoying some things of the life. I'm not going to start anything new. debt and really the reality is that there are so many things in life that you have to do, who works for you, that is the answer to almost everything in life, so if you feel that you can live a scorched earth lifestyle and not have nothing, do it if you need it. more balance, do that.
I'm not going to advocate for debt, but ultimately it's about what you need to do for yourself, so that's it for this video. I hope you enjoyed. Let me know if you have any questions. I am prepared to listen. some rebuttals all that's fine this is my life this is my money i'm just talking about what i'm doing if you like this video please like subscribe if you haven't already and see you next time time

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