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I Challenged a JUGGERNAUT to Camo HIDE AND SEEK!

Mar 29, 2020
Hello Hello how are you? Sorry for watching the video. Guys, I have a quick little announcement. You know there are some crazy things happening right now in the world and I want to make sure you are safe. Make sure you're washing. hands, make sure you stay inside because there are some serious things going on and hopefully you guys will also stay busy watching a lot of YouTube videos and then playing some video games or maybe also doing some exercise or learning that it's important to keep that up. Noggin Fresh I want to try to help everyone during this time, so what I'm going to do is if you order any merchandise and spend more than five dollars just in the next 48 hours, I'm going to give you a free autographed photo.
i challenged a juggernaut to camo hide and seek
I will personally sign a photo for every order that costs more than five dollars over the next 48 hours, so be sure to check out the merchandise. There's a link in the description or you can head over to WWE and talk it out, but seriously, guys. Please stay safe, stay inside, wash your hands and relax, everything is going to be okay, how am I going to get out of here? In today's vlog we are playing extreme airsoft




with James Gabe and Preston, the


rs have a balloon above. their heads and if I explode them with my machine gun they lose they have five minutes to hide and I have 15 minutes to find them well guys, five minutes to hide and then I have 15 minutes to find them, I will find them in 15 minutes.
i challenged a juggernaut to camo hide and seek

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i challenged a juggernaut to camo hide and seek...

Win I Have a Pop of Your Balloons This with What's the Timer? Start anything right now That's not a clock I'm not going to lose anything I don't care what I didn't do It How dare you do something like that to me? Okay, pull. They take down the mask in five minutes, all I have to do is pop their balloons. I mean, let's be honest, most of your balloons will probably pop next to the trees. I hope they catch James first. Okay, the cameras don't look very good. I'm like looking where I'm stepping, no, I don't even know what this place looks like.
i challenged a juggernaut to camo hide and seek
Guys, don't forget when you play airsoft or paintball, always keep your safety glasses on first, here we go, you know. I ran from there, crazy skin, come on guys, oh you're going down there, where's the imbalance? I don't know, look, if we don't know what the out of bounds is, then everything is in bands exactly. I like it. My original idea was to hide in a barrel. I totally forgot that we have balloons, so it's already our hiding place in a barrel because my balloon will stick out of the barrel. Why don't you hide there? I don't like snakes or spiders, I went out with you, yes, but then if they find me, what am I supposed to do?
i challenged a juggernaut to camo hide and seek
You just stand there and take the bullets for your brothers, no, no, no, no, gays, it's not being a team player, guys, it's getting cloudy in my mask actually. misty 50:51 wow, that's a different feeling. I'm not going in there, boss, I see there are no good hiding places. We're looking around as much as we can right now and I feel like we can't find anything good to hide it from, buddy. I feel like our best option is to hide in the forest and the forest is so terrible it's not even very thick, there's no way you can climb a tree right now guys 72 73 74 there are bushes that way, this way, I don't know.
Where to hide Hi Gabe, you can hide in this pipe here. You're not the first person to mention it. I feel like if I hide here they'll find me right away, but like Laura, my other options, oh my god, are a disease. In there you see that rainbow there a rainbow of dirt I can't say hello the boys like danger but I choose a green balloon They're going to find me very quickly and I think I'll hide behind this fence oh look this leaf is beautiful, this is probably my best place and it is very hot under this master, there is no air flow.
I don't know if James, who gave it, found his hiding places, yeah, this is bad, here we go, yeah, you know, I think I'm very confident in finding these guys, I mean, I just have to look for a big balloon and it will be Pretty simple, okay, we have to be getting close to that five minutes by now, seeing tires that are really in the woods like I could. It will be difficult for me to get to this mini gun that fires around 2,000 rounds per minute. I've got the rotary gun going at about 350 feet per second, which means one of these rounds goes all the way across the football field and in one second these guys are coming at them fast.
I'm going to try to trick Nathan. I'm going to try to hide near the main entrance to the fields, hoping it will just walk past me. I definitely won't find Preston. Preston has played hide and


a lot. He's probably going to find Gabe first I don't like spiders there's a spider shape yeah I'm just going to hide in the back I feel like I should be in a better place but using a very bright green balloon all black in my strategy is to hold my balloon so Flying? I don't think this is cheating, but I'm going to hold my balloon so it doesn't fly away because I'm hiding behind this tree so my balloon flies like this.
Nathan will watch him play in plain sight. True, I give it about nine and a half minutes. I do not know where to go. I am very afraid. I don't want to get shot either. Oh, that's a thorn bush. None of those hiding have weapons. This is a bit unfair. and I love it maybe I can leave Nathan behind all the time maybe I can't leave the babies behind. I'm pretty sure I could outrun this, so here's my plan, if I get caught, I'll just throw the balloon away because I really don't. I feel like getting hit with that machine gun.
There are mosquitoes everywhere. There are ants. There are thorny bushes. I'm worried my balloon will burst. I don't want that to happen, guys, please put some fire. Mo G in the comments for me. Oh, there's the longest one. five minutes of my life I don't think he'll find me until he's close. I would like to be completely lying on the ground. Why didn't we have


uflage balloons? We have red and green. I think it's a good place right behind it. This is like a small fence. I lost Kristen. I know Gabe is somewhere out there. I'm going to try to move as much as possible.
I think if we stay in one position, Nathan will find us all. We have to go. to where he used to be, so as soon as Nathan goes into the woods, I'm going to try to get to the front of the field where he goes four minutes in 30 seconds, four minutes and thirty-one, sit here and take a nice nap this is a good thing but also very bad because I can't see four minutes and 37 4 minutes and 38 I think Ethan is about to come and get us. I'm terrified of that minigun 20 19 18 22 thousand likes on this video you better leave a like on this video ladies and gentlemen oh my gosh Nate that's coming.
Nathan's time is up for these guys. It's been five minutes to see where they are hiding. I don't see a single balloon in sight. These guys hide beautifully. Well, okay, so I think we'll do a quick pass down the middle of the field to see if we see anything obvious and then we'll see what happens from there. You know you probably won't be able to see Nathan. Nathan is right at the end. this brush right in front of us I think I can definitely hear it why I want to start checking some of these tires hey there's no one there okay the game has begun.
The seeker has to find us now and I really don't want to just shoot. by minigun right there, sir, no, there's no one there. Nathan is in the middle of the field right now. He's near the ravine we jumped over earlier. Yes, he's out looking for us. Look at those tires. I'm going to take a break. Wait. I think so. I see something over here, it's so scary with that man, he looks so creepy. I don't really have a plan if they find me. I keep moving. There is a deep forest around here. You might want to go take a look.
My name is. you can't talk and i have a machine gun i will find them all i will find them all this is getting scary it's getting closer and closer there's a big place there's a lot of places to hide the only problem is these guys have to do it remember they have a balloon when they hang from the top there are plenty of places you can hide a red balloon oh said red you see use the balloons on me going crazy i lost sight of them so nathan is somewhere deep in the woods that way . oh no, where did he go, where did he go, it's okay, there's no one here, the coast is clear.
I will say that wherever these guys are hiding, they've picked some pretty good spots. Okay, I'll walk around here so I don't want to stay in the same place check this tire this is a big bar oh it's close he's very close that would be a good hiding place I have these guys there some of these guys must have burst their balloons because no I see nothing. The custard is a failure. I don't think they've seen me that well until now. I haven't heard Nathan fire the gun yet, which means I don't think he found James or Gabe.
A lot of guys may have seen me, I'm nice. I'm impressed that anyone is here. No, the coast is clear, just keep moving. I'm going to this forest over here, look for it. I have no idea where we are now. We're so deep in the woods. I came here because I thought maybe I could do it. See what Nathan looks like or where he is, but I have no idea there's no flank around this back here, look what we can find, I shouldn't be back here for a while until you've checked everything else, entering a very deep forest around here. well, I think we just found the divine place, you see that black net, this net is off limits.
I think I'm in the southwest corridor of the map, so unless Nathan checks this specific corner, he won't find us. and we have this giant tree blocking his view of us. I feel like if he found someone he would see them, there's nothing out here. Wow, could you look at that's a big pile of tires? Nobody is there trying. breathe trying to breathe it is very difficult to breathe your mask could you choose this mask? Oh yeah, because it looks amazing. Is right. I don't know if you could see it, but it's pretty far away. I have a fun night escape route when I'm always playing with the ever familiar xscape.
I feel like I can't talk to you guys very loudly and I can't laugh because if I laugh he'll hear me, come on there are plenty of places you'll hide in a forest. especially with the red balloon I found someone who was quiet God pranced with wait I see James James is running he's in the woods I lost my sight he probably fell down I see him I just saw jeans running through the woods Do you do it? Yes, he is outside. the tires where the spawn started Nathan talks about the ticket if I see Ethan there are so many places this guy can go Nathan screwed James I haven't heard the minigun so I don't think I've found anyone where are you going James? have you executed this? way we weren't best friends anymore, I'll say guys, it's kind of hard to run with a 50 pound machine gun.
I've got him trapped in this corner, he's cornered, he's cornered, oh you're not going anywhere, buddy, I think he could escape your bullets. He can leave me behind, this boy ain't goin' nowhere, leave him, bro, oh you hit him, but he rings. I can hear him really far away from me, he's really yelling or something, so I guess you found someone. I'm pretty sure he found someone. here's something I think was the machine gun it must have been very far away if it was I'll even let the balloon go for you Oh my God, did you just hear that James just blew up his balloon?
That was terrifying, that's saying something. Screaming, that's what happens when you play, buddy, you had a machine gun on the balloon, your catch, buddy, so it doesn't get water. That scream sounds like you've definitely found someone, that's one down, two more, time to find Preston. We have some dense forests around here. I haven't checked this field it's huge so far no one's side I think I'm going to run back to the back of the field if Preston and Gabe were in front they probably got scared and ran back while I was dealing with James Way Preston is right there Just I don't press and I run behind the fence a hero I can't see anything because of all this force press in motion I thought I saw something moving but it was just an ant I don't have eyes on Preston right now, but I know it traveled here at a speed quite high, it's coming this way, we have to go, we have to go, we have to go.
I'm going back to my original hiding place. I'm still here. I don't think he would survive that long. In fact, it could last 15 minutes. I don't have eyes on Preston. I have no idea where it is. Oh, guys, I'm sweating. I'll tell you that I'm going to check this from the back. field side I hate that direction that's my variable toe he can see me easier so I go to crawl and OH I see something red in the bushes here do you see what I'm seeing right now? Preston is the last one, how did you get James?
James II was running around like a wild animal trying to play with me thinking he's skilled although he doesn't realize this is a minigun which sounds like something James should do at least I can get out of this bush now that I've been here for a long time time. My Bush plan worked, but it didn't work well enough, so maybe next time we'll find a thicker Bush and maybelet's get a green balloon instead of a red balloon, okay the last person to ticket is Preston, he was chasing me because James ratted me out and we just went full circle, if they think he's following us he'll get out of there Preston Preston Preston Preston, everything what I smell is TB and our smell that frogs with the fire logo can always sense fire it probably wasn't the best idea to wear white, she wore blue jeans and colorful products, so knowing that Preston Preston is very tactical, I He likes to run, he's everywhere, so when I got back there he probably went back to the front.
This is just going to be a big game of cat and mouse and the problem is that I carry a 50 pound machine gun and I'm the cat. I am a very big and fat cat. This is a full time job. exercise guys, I'm glad I skipped the gym this morning. I don't have any eyes on Preston. Preston could be anywhere. This field was huge. They've found Gabe and James, which means we're the only person left. This is intense. The boys probably have a pair. There are minutes left and I have one more problem that he hides from me: since Preston is good, Preston has this field like the back of his hand even though he has never played on it, this man trains and was born in the airsoft and paintball fields, this man knows how to hide a red balloon I'm just looking for any movement any movement I see Nathan just ran away from us no no no I just heard Preston I just heard the Preston boys just oh that's all Nathan Nathan doesn't have to know the fuck I just saw Nate there he saw me there he's running he's running where he's going this is a pot of wool did he just pop this balloon with a smoke grenade?
He's going to feel really bad but he realized my balloons are ready to burst. Should we lie to Nathan and tell me that he burst our balloon? I don't think so, like a balloon, this man runs, come on baby, let's play some games. Hey Nathan, I've been hit, boy, this is surely the end. Where's your balloon, friend? Well balloon, I was running, does that mean yours? In my world, you're the last one left, you won the championship, yeah, I'll give it to you, buddy, you were definitely the last one hiding, you definitely put up a good fight, Haven, when I walk past those tires I was hiding there, you're here I weight the video because you're like this laser focus I don't know how you hid that red balloon red balloon in this green forest I didn't see it anywhere easily you had to snuggle up, I loved it, wipe away the sweat, subscribe to Preston, just subscribe me, me like and subscribe oh yeah another one here you do it: how's the one goo?

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