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How To SURVIVE A Nuclear Fallout! | The SCIENCE... of Fallout

May 01, 2020
Dear Bethesda, what the hell is going on with the rest of the world? Foolishness! I forgot to say the thing. Hi, it's me, Austin. You thought she was done with you, didn't you? But not! I have all kinds of nonsense running around inside my head about overanalyzing the powers of


and today I am finally going to address the biggest question that has always bothered me, the plague on my brain for years that I have wondered about? What's going on? With the rest of the world outside of the United States in the Fallout games? We've got a lot to cover today, from extensive nerd lore, nitty-gritty, social


, global commerce, numbers, ecology, meteorology, and God knows how much Elsa, let's get to work defeating Todd.
how to survive a nuclear fallout the science of fallout
Okay, that was terrible, but I have bronchitis right now and I regret it. nothing! Alright, so my show is called SCIENCE, so let's do some legitimate science using the scientific method. The first step is to ask a question. And we did that. What the hell is happening in the rest of the world? The second step is to do background research. We'll get to this in a second. We will jump to step number three, the most fun part, we will build a hypothesis. I think that given everything we know about the consequences, from the size of the


weapons, the attack zones of various countries and all the data that was given to us in the games that most of the world, specifically countries in Africa, South America and Switzerland specifically, are thriving as futuristic utopias, while the rest of the world looks like this before we can go over why this is okay.
how to survive a nuclear fallout the science of fallout

More Interesting Facts About,

how to survive a nuclear fallout the science of fallout...

Move over real quick and flex my sleazy muscles and let an old friend of mine, give us a ride Tamriel In the days of the twins before the bombs fell America was 12, it was different Hunger was rampant, The cars were stopped in front of the houses. People without driving hid in their homes. Encouraged by the US government to avoid ice cream social gatherings. due to a virulent disease known as the new plague that was ravaging the world and in April 1952 resource wars began as oil fields around the world dried up, nation against nation fighting for the last drops of fossil fuel they needed to maintain exponential growth.
how to survive a nuclear fallout the science of fallout
Energy demands were met. Europe went to war with the Middle East over rising oil prices less than three months after resource wars began. The United Nations collapsed. Resource wars raged for generations, erupting on battlefields and proxy wars around the world for 25 years. For years, the biggest superpowers with the biggest energy demands burned the last vestiges of the very resources they were fighting over until eventually there was nothing left. It was between the United States and the Chinese red state. The United States had annexed Mexico and Canada to complete supply lines that will finally and officially dominate the entire continent in 2066.
how to survive a nuclear fallout the science of fallout
Westtech introduced the first raw microfusion cell, a technology that would revolutionize the world and alleviate energy demands everywhere by use of hydrogen, the most abundant element in the entire universe, as a fuel source. Unfortunately, it was too little too late despite their best efforts Microfusion technology simply couldn't reach the mainstream market fast enough to stop the inevitable 13 years later on October 23, 2077 at 9:47 in the morning ET, a


fire broke out. United States within two hours, as dictated by the military doctrine of mutually assured destruction, every nuclear-capable nation on Earth launched its arsenal in its and one ten-millionth of a percent of the total time humanity has been on Earth directly .
Humanity changed forever. And this is now the world we live in Anyway, this is most of the history you'll need But here's something extra the bombs used primarily in the Great War the event that caused the world of Fallout to be relatively small Accepting relatively a Fallout manual that I like If you are an aspiring historical science junkie, I recommend it because this is deeply researched. They're bananas. Anyway, according to the manual, most of the huge Tsar Bomba style bombs had been retired because the smaller bombs could actually be more destructive because they don't shoot radioactive


as high into the air, but rather disperse it over the area. surrounding area where it can cause irreparable and long-lasting damage to local residents and the environment in a science video I made about 100 years ago.
I estimated that it would take approximately sixty-six thousand six hundred and seventy-six of these weapons to turn the United States, including Mexico and Canada, China, Russia, Europe, and the Middle East, into the useless, irradiated waste we see today, which is many. nuclear weapons when fission bombs, bombs created by forcing fissile material such as uranium to undergo a nuclear chain reaction in which atomic fragments flying away piece by piece cause other atoms to throw out other fragments, which Yada-yada -yada, which releases ammunition, but a ton of energy in the Unfortunately, most of the fissile material does not actually react, but rather these highly radioactive metals vaporize and spread out in a cloud of hot dust. that's what


is, it literally, you know, falls from the sky.
Most of the radioactive material is transported into the hot clouds of gas rising from Ground Zero. A mushroom cloud is known because we will look at it anyway and very high energy detonations. which are measured in megatons. These clouds can rise very high into the air into the troposphere, where most of the radioactive material will remain for quite some time. The negative is that this will block sunlight around the world as debris spreads across the Earth, which in the case of a detonation is not a big problem, but in the case of something like consequences. Oh my, this would create a nuclear winter that could last for God knows how long, thankfully, although at the time of the Great Fallouts War nuclear weapons were much smaller.
As there are diminishing returns in destructive explosion radius with higher returns, requiring exponentially more. uranium to create exponentially decreasing blast zones with an exponentially increasing cost to build them and at 750 kilotons the majority is nuclear. Debris won't reach the troposphere Giving up a nuclear-induced winter death cloud This also has the added benefit of making the bombs infinitely deadlier, as all that dangerous radioactive metal will rain down on anyone unlucky enough to have


d the initial explosion that seeped into the soil plants and made its way up the food chain to animals and humans, where it will cause all kinds of cancers, all of them, all cancers.
¿Why am I telling you all this? Why review the well? Okay, not really the nitty-gritty because I really wanted to get into the detailed physics of mushroom clouds. But there is no time anyway. Why focus so much on the size of the bombs because it turns out that this lower bomb yield completely changes the global impact of a large-scale nuclear war, on the one hand, it reduces the impact of radioactive materials to local areas, mainly in this case, the United States, Europe, Russia and China, and to understand why this is important to discover. How other countries in the world are doing, we have to talk about the military doctrine that makes all of this possible.
Mutual assured destruction. Mutual assured destruction reduced to insanity, as if you have to be crazy to put this theory into practice. Proof is a military doctrine that became gospel during the Cold War with the invention of nuclear weapons and the proof that they were absolutely devastating during it. Oshima and Nagasaki, the owners of these demonstrably destructive weapons capable of wiping out entire regions, quietly accepted a basic idea. I won't bomb you if you don't bomb me. If anyone broke this agreement, all hell would break loose and, well, everyone would die. But the most important thing to keep in mind is that while the gun is aimed at everyone's head, it only targets the heads of those who are armed.
It's a Mexican standoff where everyone who has a gun is at risk, but if you don't have a gun you're not even playing the same game. So in the case of the Great War, only nuclear powers are at risk, which means that people who do not have nuclear capabilities or at least do not have enough capabilities to be a major threat are off the table. Meaning? Specifically, only the major countries that fought the resource wars, China, Southeast Asia, Russia, Europe, the Middle East, and North America are targeted. This means that countries in Africa are safer, perhaps Egypt, Angola, major oil exporters, and South America, except probably Venezuela, are not only safe from nuclear oblivion, but are probably prospering, but why are these nations would thrive in a world where? 80% of the world's economies have been destroyed and all energy reserves have disappeared.
A nuclear word, not a word. Oh Lord. I can't even count two words nuclear fusion Nuclear fusion and, more specifically, microfusion were on their way to stopping resource wars and, by extension, the Great War by providing the world with basically infinite energy for everything, but it couldn't spread hydrogen fast enough to The fuel that is easiest to fuse also happens to be the most abundant element in the universe, with the planet's biggest antagonists and exploiters out of the way. African and South American countries have a huge power vacuum to fill with little or no resistance and now effectively infinite. energy now things would be difficult to start with the United States Netherlands Germany.
France, China, Spain, Canada, Belgium and Italy are among the world's top 10 food exporters. Where asbury kina Faso Cameroon Central African Republic Chad Democratic Republic of the Congo Djibouti Eritrea and Ethiopia are among the world's top ten food importers. Which means that at this time they do not have the ability to grow their own food sustainably for their population. Africa and South America are among the richest regions on the planet when it comes to natural resources, and although the limits of global trade would be totally ruined for years, perhaps even decades, having


d the nuclear holocaust with governments and social programs intact and with their biggest competitors and, most importantly, exploiters. off the scene and the greatest energy breakthrough in history at your disposal.
These countries would be exploding. Metaphorically, even food is not a problem because Brazil is one of the largest food exporters in the entire world. Working together, these nations could dominate the planet, but if that's the case, why don't we see them? in falls one to four? Why aren't they colonizing? Well, for several reasons: why the United States, China and Russia? Now they stink, they are depleted of radioactive natural resources. Why bother screwing them up and letting them rot too? Maybe they do a little. The Rangers in Fallout New Vegas are mentioned to have fought in Baja California against a strong army as the new California Republic attempts to spread south.
They could easily come into conflict with South American colonies and armies and three. They're all dead Wait, I just realized they might actually all be dead. Oh God, maybe they're all really doomed. Did I miss something, damn it? Alright, let's take a look at this magnitude that ruined it again. Well, I can't really experience anything other than launching real nuclear weapons. I'll just cross out this part and put things that think too much. I think there was something, yeah, here it is. They are models of the latest studies on the effects of nuclear war that involve an exchange of just 100 World War II-sized nuclear weapons, many times smaller than those used in Fallout and far fewer than my conservative estimate of 66,000 would cause famine. and global death regardless of location due to a global temperature drop of more than six six degrees Celsius on average, shortening growing seasons to just a couple of months in the warmest places on Earth and even then they might not receive enough sun.
Actually grow anything, but why does this happen? If nuclear weapons are not releasing radioactive fallout high enough to cause a nuclear winter because it is not caused by the initial explosions. It is caused by the consequences of a raging inferno. Nuclear weapons are hot enough to set fire to concrete and fires that would burn for months, perhaps years. Then they would dump tons. Literallytons of soot and ash into the air, more specifically, hot ash would rise into the stratosphere. peer It would absorb and reflect sunlight away from the Earth in a sense of why this is a bad thing.
Look at this wind model of the Earth dot null Schoolnet These are the wind patterns at the surface, nuclear fallout would remain largely regional here moving a little bit But not much, but this is wind in the stratosphere. It would then rise from the nations that were bombed for literal months and sweep across the entire northern hemisphere before slowly seeping southward blocking the Sun across the globe in less than a year. They last for decades making growing food completely impossible and food reserves would be completely depleted in a couple of years leads the new hypothesis these countries the entire world is doomed the only countries that survive are the Americans hidden in vaults that are not experimental vaults destined to drive them crazy.
Someone who hid in China, Russia and all of Switzerland? Which has enough nuclear shelters right now to protect its entire population. This is really this. You know, what sucks the most about this. This is the best case scenario, the Fallout games are the best case scenario. If mutually assured destruction were to be achieved, what is much more likely is the complete and total extinction of all humans on Earth. Great, just wonderful, oh and just for fun. There are still more than fourteen thousand. The nuclear warheads on Earth right now are nowhere near the amount of radioactive fallout needed to blow up all of Western and Eastern civilization, but they are far more than enough to create global famine many times over.
Great, we're all doomed. Yay. Sincerely, Austin Oh Hi Sela, please subscribe. to the canal I'm barely out of breath anymore because of course I got sick after moving to a new cityMore than several hundred miles and my chest is barely functioning. So let's get to work subscribing.

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