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How to Read Female Body Language and Decode Women

Jun 02, 2021
Welcome back to am Northwest, our first guest is an expert at





and he says we can learn a lot about people by picking up on their non-verbal cues. Today we focus on


and welcome back the author of Human Lie Body Detection.


101 Vanessa van Edwards It's good to see you again Vanessa I think your segments are always very funny and sometimes we think we al


y know some of this and actually some of it is innate, isn't it? So almost naturally try without even thinking about it some of this is intuitive you know you're like oh that makes a lot of sense right some things are a little surprising I hope I can surprise you today well let's talk about flirting because you say there are certain signs and this is for him male audience and actually for


, that's the case, they want to flirt and they don't know exactly how to do it.
how to read female body language and decode women
One of the first things you say is that women should look up and to the side of the man. So this is the look of coming here, right? And we naturally do this when we're trying to attract a man, it's when we tilt our head to the side and show the roundness of our face and look at a man who's looking this way and the reason is because it releases pheromones for men, so when we tilt our neck up, that's why men love that kind of neck area, it's delicious for a man, yeah, that's why here's a great photo of a woman who's tilting.
how to read female body language and decode women

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how to read female body language and decode women...

Her neck is up and that is very attractive to men because it also shows the roundness of our face, which is why we are estrogen photos. Does the hand on her neck indicate something correct? So touching our neck or moving our hair is another kind of flirting move. and this is because it releases pheromones, it also attracts man's attention to our neck and this is a soft area of ​​our


, the estrogen of our neck, they love to see that roundness of our face because men do not have that right, exactly, okay? the harrods launch oh yeah, i didn't know it was a flirty wave.
how to read female body language and decode women
I just thought it was a habit. You know, it actually is. It becomes a habit because it is an attractive movement and releases pheromones, but it also shows the shine. hair men love it from an innate perspective we love shiny hair because it shows that a woman is very fertile oh stalking okay then you say tossing your hair rubbing your neck women raise their eyebrows lower their eyelids to attract a man yes so this is a very tempting pose that looks like a woman in pleasure, that's why we do this, you'll see Marilyn Monroe, one of her favorite moves, she says it sounds like a photo of Marilyn Monroe and that's why she does it, it was literally to indicate to a man that pleasure is part of a man's brain, okay you say when it comes to power, now when women want power you say women pluck their eyebrows to look helpless and raise the sister of a man exactly, so let's first talk about the things that disempower women.
how to read female body language and decode women
I often like to look submissive because that means it increases a man's testosterone, so there's a reason we pluck our eyebrows down here. It's a terrible experience. I mean, every woman knows how horrible that is. The reason we do it is because it makes us look helpless. and then having a man who increases his testosterone take care of us, so that was really the reason why we plucked our eyebrows so high and let them fall, we redrawn our hyper brows. I had no idea, that's why I thought it was like that. He looks so hairy that it makes him look more vulnerable, yes, and also women expose their wrists to show his vulnerability.
You notice that men smoke like this woman looks like this. Yes, there is a reason for that is because exposing our wrists shows that I am vulnerable. I'm submissive, which unfortunately in our culture means feminine, okay, and then limp wrist is kind of true, but you share the doing. I know you write this. You will see this with women. Yes, it is also a demonstration that I am feminine. submissive so men women act like women you notice that they always go well that's just a sign of submission you say that women can claim territory to show assertiveness so we claim our space by extending our arms and then also when we are standing to really claim our space firmly plant our feet a little shoulder width apart, that is a way to take back power if you want to show that you are powerful and feel confident, that is the way to go now, how do you do that? planes because I tell them what it's like to be stuck in the middle seat on a plane.
I never do, you men just split up and get stuck like this and I and I are ready to do this right. I am and then I'm not. I don't want to because I'm worried about how it would make him feel because a man like that is hiding claiming his territory. You want that elbow room, take it, take it, take it, because that's actually a sign that the earth controls. your space you're claiming your territory yeah that's just a problem with socializing so use one of the things you say about women, women don't like being approached from behind so I don't think anyone would like it They don't care if they approach men.
Women, every time you look back, their cortisol levels skyrocket, it's a stress hormone, men don't care, so if you're a man and you approach them at a networking event, always make sure you try to get closer to her. side or lightly tapping her on the shoulder is a much better way to start the conversation off right, otherwise she'll get nervous if you approach, shake her behind her, that makes a lot of sense, also use nice body language, yeah, like that that if you are a woman talking to other women or you are a man talking to a woman pleasant body language this is very important for women an expressive face showing your hands and leaving your arms uncrossed that is the way to establish a relationship with other women Yes You are just trying to be friendly, show that you are nice, this is how you do it, show your hands, let them loose and smile, body language when talking about women, especially, flirting is so powerful, I can tell you from experience that I had. a roommate who really wasn't that attractive if you just looked at her, but she made all those signs that you're talking about her hair moving her neck, looking down, that sometimes I see an AK.
I know this, Abby's movie. Dad and the men loved it, that's because for a man feminine attractiveness has everything to do with signs of openness, it has nothing to do with the actual shape of the face, which is why men see women who are more open and willing as more attractive unconsciously when I want. to ask him about the way women walk because sometimes it seems to me that women really can walk in a way that attracts a man versus a way that doesn't. Yeah, so men's hip movement actually can't do it because their hips are too wide. where they can't move their hips that way, so when women do it it's literally saying look how much estrogen I have, that's literally why we do the same thing with swimsuit photos, if you look at Sports Illustrated the way The way women pose is a way that men can't do because their hips are straight while women have curved tips, so let's say you're in a bar and you want to attract a man along the way.
I'm doing this for our single producers, there's only one, okay? so you only meet her if you're, let's say, out of your depth and see a guy you're attracted to, what should she do to make men miss an average of three courtship signals? Men have to do it at least three times. Do a hair flip, you want to look to the side, look up, so yeah, yeah, and then you can look away and you have to do it at least three times because on average, but look at it, are you staring? ? no, no, you want to look to the right side and show the roundness of your face, maybe push your hair back and then look back so that it's the side look that really has that look from an evolutionary perspective and then do it three times. us at least three times these three times and then we wait for him to come up and ask for your number exactly and mate and if you're the man make sure you don't approach him from the front very well but I say you're so good I appreciate that well, again the title of the book en Human lie detection and body language.
Thanks again, it's always a pleasure to see you.

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