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GET OUT OF THE MARKET! YOU'RE BEING PLAYED!! Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Robert Kiyosaki and Bitcoin

Apr 09, 2020
welcome to july in the news, take the biggest news and crypto angel assets and break them down into small pieces today is practically a sideways day, not too much going on just the basics, it looks like we are trading sideways and right now we always I get a little nervous because there are so many things going sideways, we got Bitcoin at 0.03 percent earned tether tether tether light coins went down a little bit and actually the only thing that really went up is because of the Nance coin, probably because of the notification of that they're going to do futures and options and things like that in this type of trading challenge, so that's very good for them and what I feel is that when all of these things are happening and there's a lot of compression or just sideways types of action, I feel like there's something brewing in the background and I need to talk about something today that I think will make a big difference in where you go in the future there was an interview and this is in London rials this is a show I watch from time to time often on YouTube and they had Robert Kiyosaki and he's the creator of the Rich Dad Poor Dad book series, he has an online empire when it comes to financial education and I'm just listening to him and a lot of the stuff.
get out of the market you re being played rich dad poor dad author robert kiyosaki and bitcoin
What he was talking about made a lot of sense in the end, what he is going to do is guide you down the path of investing in cryptocurrencies, digital assets and Bitcoin, and when he talks about these things he makes you realize how much I really don't know, or even if you only knew, there's a big difference between knowing something and truly understanding what's behind it, so I think this is one of those videos that is super important and will lead you to a natural conclusion of where you are. should go, so let's go, everything from the Fed is a scam to how we got there, to education, to you and I


involved in the things that are happening as far as quantitative easing, hyperinflation and that It will lead them to an inescapable conclusion in SK and that is that you need to get out, you need to get out because they are deceiving you and they are going to ruin your money, so let's listen to this interview that I brought.
get out of the market you re being played rich dad poor dad author robert kiyosaki and bitcoin

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get out of the market you re being played rich dad poor dad author robert kiyosaki and bitcoin...

I cut it all out and made it because it's too long so I put it in little segments so let's listen and then before we start I just want to say I sped up the video because Robert talks super. slow and then london rial the other gentleman of yours called him he talks super slow so I heard these things like 1.5 can understand. We wrote this book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, it was rejected by all the publishers in 1997 saying I don't know what you're talking about. I was talking, but academics don't know that and that's the main problem they're running the Federal Reserve with.
get out of the market you re being played rich dad poor dad author robert kiyosaki and bitcoin
They run our government, I mean all these guys, they're criminals because they think they're smart, right? and you posted something on Instagram and Twitter talking about the Federal Reserve Bank saying it's not a bank, it's not federal and there are no reserves and it was something created by a group of men in a back office somewhere in 1910 and, without However, we revere him as this omniscient and almighty. I think you made the Wizard of Oz analogy, where everyone is just afraid of him. and we say he's doing the right thing, but we don't really know what he's doing and when you start looking, like you said behind the curtain, what it was that you made someone pull his strings, it's so important that the strings are essential, that's which is where we see what's happening right now, the six trillion dollar quantitative easing is going into debt, they're just playing the game and they think they're the smartest people in the room and what's going to happen is I think It's going to be seriously detrimental not only to this country but to countries around the world, so let's fast forward when we start talking about how we got here, what happened, how this happened to you and me, this crisis began in 1904, when the


est guys on earth took over education in the states, they formed a thing called the board of general education, it was made up of guys like Rockefeller and JP Morgan and what they got out of education was financial, so the reason why they could scam us to see what I know is through the mechanism of money and that's why I wrote Rich Dad, Poor Dad, it was a warning shot back in 1997, wake up, something is coming down the road, so we're here right now, this is the biggest transformation problem in the world.
get out of the market you re being played rich dad poor dad author robert kiyosaki and bitcoin
From the Industrial Age to the Information Age Brian Rose is doing well because you made the transition. He's doing well for me as I transitioned. I'm making more money than ever before. My problems but I'm making more money than ever. But if you. Have it if you are losing money right now, the problem starts with what they taught you in school because everything related to money they never taught you about a financial status like my


dad, they teach you that diploma is everything so here are a couple of things, first of all. I don't know where you are I don't know if you're in Canada if you're in Mexico if you're in India if you're in Europe Spain wherever you are in us in the United States they didn't teach finance.
I didn't teach anything that had to do with that aspect of education. Now they're going to teach you trigonometry and calculus and things that most of us don't really use in the future, so when he talks about how to do it. We got here is because you're mainly kept in the dark and you don't get to know these things until you go to college or like me you have to learn them because of business, so when you see what's going on it's because I've done this in background to cover your eyes and that's pretty much how it's done, so now let's talk about what does that mean, if they take it away, what's the same as far as society right now with the stimulus packages is all this money


given quote unquote by the government to everyone is actually devaluing your dollar it's devaluing your pension it's devaluing your savings and it's killing businesses so you're dying by this sword Yeah, and the harder you work for money, the


er you will get, that is the tragedy, that is how you talk more about a prison inside your head, but Mr.
Florida, it starts with Lack of information and Lack of guidance, misinformation, lack of guidance and he says how the schools of Dara . Punish children for making mistakes. How else do you learn if you don't make a mistake and learn from your mistake? He says God designers. I'm not going to let you just on that bridge be saying that God designed us to worry about making mistakes. for example, a baby learns to walk by falling, baby learns to ride a bicycle by falling from the bicycle, you know Tiger was great, the world is called endless because he made more mistakes in you and in schools I did it partially . making mistakes, that's good, losing direction, misinformation, so here we go, we're talking about hyperinflation, these stimulus packages, if you're not in the United States right now, they disapproved of essentially a six trillion dollar package to stimulate the economy, it's not a huge amount of money where this money comes from it could come from nowhere the fetish is printing and it doesn't really matter and then we're going to go into huge debt which could lead to a huge economic collapse or maybe even a economic restart in the future because of the amount of money that is being printed because of the GDP, because of the low GDP and of course the debt that we are accumulating on a large scale, so what does it mean in the long term or what does it really mean ? because as far as you know, the younger generation and that's because our schools were basically built to create workers who will do what they're told to do because they value this thing called money and they believe that that will allow them to live a life and that's He's obviously completely wrong because rich people don't work for money, rich people create their own wealth and when a moment like this happens, it becomes blatantly obvious what's going on with the people who understand money and the people who don't, so leave me.
I ask you this, why did you get a coin equipped? Why were you attracted to digital assets? Crypto currency to Bitcoin to a theorem is XRP to chain tomato currency to whatever I will be and I will be currency for all those things. that are out there Tasos, what attracted you was because you thought it was a great investment and maybe you still think that I still think that it is obviously a great investment or you thought it was a good investment and also you had this sneaking suspicion that Fiat currency at some point was going to collapse or devalue so much that you needed to hedge your bet and get into something else that would probably be the future.
I mean, we will look, we will look around us, what is happening. All around us there is a digitalization of our economy, not only of our economy, but also of all information, everything is shared globally around the world. Now I'm surprised that you can't share with your banker, I mean the funds that you have in their bank around the world without it taking days or it just doesn't make sense, so when we see this type of thing happening, like to me , why I got into this, I could see where it should be and there was a big gap in what I thought it should be and where it's not and I feel like a lot of you are on the same journey with me because you think there's a better way to do things. things, there's an easier way to do things in a more transparent way and that's Why we're all here, just my two cents, so let's talk right now.
What Roberts is going to talk about is the crux of this entire interview and he will explain it more or less as how much is being printed. a lot of money is being devalued and why and this really comes down to the heart of the matter: money, dollars or fiat money will be worthless in a couple of years, so you're saying these bailouts are helping the rich, that That's what's happening here, it's a debt check, a mortgage, you know, this is 2008, there were credit default swaps for residential real estate, so they bailed them out. This next crisis is for the hedge funds and private equity that invested all this commercial real estate, so I have another hundred million dollar project on the way. above, they just rescued me, the Federal Reserve and the type of government just supported me, that's why socialism for the rich, unfortunately, this capitalist class.
I want to stop this right here because socialism for the rich, individualism for the


, is a That's a major statement and it's nothing new, it's been around forever and the first time I heard it was reading my history books when I heard it. I learned from Martin Luther King Jr. said this and it's the same thing that the country has socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for the poor and you can look around and you can see all these different bailouts that happened before. It was amazing that you could bail out banks without problems and no one would ask. how are we going to pay for that pot, it's too big to fail and then they would give money and now in this bailout you will see three hundred and fifty billion somewhere out there that is given to individuals, but still you have like 50 billion going to one company 60 billion go to another 35 go ​​to another and it's like well, what happens here, oh, well, we can give it to them because they are huge, they are huge corporations and companies, well, that's socialism, that's social, that's socialism for the rich and tough individual and the poor were screwed over and over again and it is at this time that we now have options and that is why


was essentially created in 2009, that is why the white paper was created by Switch Nakamoto, whoever to be. he or a group of them or she was because in the 2008 accident there were no other options, now there are options and the genies are out of the bottle and that's why when I hear these other things, this totally makes sense, so, what? how does this develop?
For the average worker, Robert, for the small business owner, I mean, what are the next three months going to look like? Because it doesn't look pretty. I mean, people are already being laid off. Redundant businesses were made. Earth, there is no cash flow and most of these businesses, how does it work? that develops one more step just give them the size okay the national debt for world war two is 25 billion a day today every day they are printing 125 billion every day that's like five a day of the Second World War. printing so much money to hold onto it as long as think of a hot air balloon with a tear and they are desperately trying to fix this here but no matter how hard they try the terrorists over there are collapsing financially from the scar debt that the pound sterling now it's gone from 60 to 90 to 105 it's gone to 120 we're broke and they're not printing more and more money which means savers or losers just like I predicted savers or losers and it's the truth that you put your money in a savings account let's say that you did it in 1970 and you say: "You have a thousand dollars and you put them in the bank", it counts because it is worth a lot of money, like where are they worth a thousand dollars now?
I mean,It is nothing negligible. but if that was now in 1970 in thousands of thousands, in 2020 there is a huge difference between the purchasing power of those individual fiat currencies and this only leaves me with one question. I have what GDP is because this will be a central topic in a second, so I have to explain this and before I continue and I'm going to say that this socialism is the democratic socialists and everything else, and communism, everything else. I do NOT have any kind of political position on the matter. I only care if things work and in some situations they work, sometimes they really don't, but in the comments section don't bombard me with things like, oh, you're a socialist, well, I'm not saying that, so, I say, I say, it's surprising to me that in some places they demonize socialism and yet it's okay for a big corporation to be bailed out with no strings attached, that's what I'm trying to say, it's just not okay, then the GDP, so there really is five ways to measure the economy, you have these five parts, US nominal GDP which measured the economic output of an entire country real GDP which is GDP without inflation that's important that's really what they use GDP growth rate which measures the year-over-year percentage increase in economic output and a standard estimate of lifetime GDP per capita and finally, the debt-to-GDP ratio is what people talk about all the time, determines whether income or annual income they can actually pay off this debt and this is the most important number, so let's break it down so that the US GDP is the gross GDP. domestic product was 21.73 trillion for the fourth quarter of 2019 okay that's a big number 21 just remember 21 trillion okay blackjack 21 US GDP is the economic output of the entire country that includes goods and services produced in the U.S. and there are four components and this is personal consumption spending, which is all goods and services produced for household use, it's essentially two-thirds of the total GDP, two-thirds, so , like exports, government spending, business investments, which make up the other third, okay, business investments, purchased by the government from the private sector. spending, which is enormously huge, at the federal level, at the state level, at the local level, the net exports, of course, whatever the United States exports, which I don't know exactly how much we actually export, we sure import a lot, although the real GDP of US World GDP was 19 trillion and remember that is nominal GDP, it takes out the effects of inflation so that is the real number of 19 trillion, that is why it is usually lower.
It's the best statistic for comparing US output year over year, which is why the BIA uses To calculate the GDP growth rate is great, it also used the capital GDP per capita calculation, so the growth, the current GDP growth rate is 2.1 percent, why I really think that seems a little low, you know, it's really that big 2.1 percent. Yes, it is the indicator that measures the annualized percentage increase in economic output, but since the last quarter it is the best way to evaluate the US economic growth. The ideal growth rate is between two and three. Stronger growth means which is AB is a slower boom can mean the bust and If you know somewhere outside of those areas it's a boom or a bust, so two to three is fantastic and we were at two point one percent, we all They are happy or so we think.
GDP per capita for the fourth quarter of 2019, US real GDP was fifty-eight thousand. three ninety two, that is per person, this indicator tells you the economic output per person, it is the best, it is the estimate of the standard of living and in 2017, the United States ranked 19th in GDP per capita compared to other countries . I think I looked up another number in 2019. It was around 13 so it's not the best that you would see as the best and actually like Qatar and those kind of places, it was Singapore, yeah, I think Singapore is in the top three, so what the debt/GDP ratio is what goes down.
Compared to the US debt, the debt-to-GDP ratio for the fourth quarter of 2019 was one hundred and seven percent, when we again said the debt-to-GDP ratio was one hundred and seven percent, which which means we had more debt than we have to gross domestic product, which is a total US public debt divided by nominal GDP bond investors use this ratio to determine whether a country has enough income each year to pay your debt this debt is too high the world bank says the debt above 77 percent has passed the tipping point let me read that again this debt level is too high at one hundred and seven percent and this was written before If we had a six trillion bailout the World Bank says that a debt that exceeds seventy seven percent has passed the tipping point that's when that's when the entire nation the debt is worried that it won't be paid the man is too high rates Higher interest rates to compensate me run read this They demand higher interest rates to compensate for the additional risk When interest rates rise economic growth slows, making it more difficult for the country to pay off the debt The United States has avoided this fate until now because it has a really strong economy, so my question is who owns the debt, who owns the debt, who has all this debt, if it's that big, here's who has who. who owns it here is the breakdown of 21 trillion US debt we investors all bought it and owned about a third 32.5 the Federal Reserve has two point three eight trillion debt okay the government of The US has a big chunk, twenty-seven percent, and that's the majority, but then there are these things called foreign investors and these foreign investors guess who is number one, China.
China has five nice ones and probably more than that, maybe even six percent, maybe eight percent or ten percent, who knows, because you can just look. China Japan Brazil blah blah blah sure cool, the Chinese government or Chinese investors probably own even more US debt acquired through entities in other countries like Hong Kong, Luxembourg or the Cayman Islands, all of which are havens for the tax shelters, so when we look at this kind of what you're like these is who owns debt, a lot of it is the United States owns its own debt, but here we have these foreign investors and what if, oh, I don't know, they say we are calling the markers? you can get you to pay us you need a pass you're going to default and then we'll start taking things and that's how it works because they might call you and that's exactly what it is so let's move on if you look at the national debt by year you'll see that The other time the debt-to-GDP ratio was so high, it's 7 percent, which I can't wait to see the new numbers that financed World War II, that's when it was actually higher after it remains safely below 77 percent until the 2008 financial crisis, even though the economy is growing at a healthy two or three percent rate, the federal government has not reduced the debt and continues to spend at an unsustainable level and that is exactly what is happening all this time. that we had this great economy and everything was happening, what happened, why didn't they pay for it, no big deal, we'll do it later, that's something I would do at home, but I'm not the US government, they should do it.
They should have, I don't know, I've been a little cautious and tried to express it, just my thoughts, what do you think? Tell me in the comments section, so this part here I need to check that and I took a look. Let me upload here the national debt by year compared to GDP and major events. This was pretty good, as the GDP ratio gives an idea of ​​whether the United States has the ability to cover all of its debt. A combination of recessions. Growth of the defense budget. Tax cuts have raised the national debt-to-GDP ratio to unsustainable levels, so any debt-to-GDP ratio above the 77 percent we've talked about is considered a tipping point, just remember that, okay, so I want to show you something incredible: the debt in 1929 was 17 billion, that's all, it was 16 percent of the debt-to-GDP ratio.
Can you believe that was during a


crash in 1929 and then it went up to well, actually once, 16 trillion or 16 billion? Sorry, not billions of billions, the relationship of death. 18 22 33 39 what happened here what happened why it jumped so much here this is due to FDR's New Deal and when I talk about this FDR's New Deal I'm going to draw some comparisons of conclusions how much do you think if this is not history repeating itself so quickly the summary of the New Deal The New Deal is not an economic policy that FDR launched at the end of the Great Depression Americans hit by 25 percent unemployment, droughts and four waves of bank failures welcome the government bailout, does that sound familiar? ?
The difference is that the Great Depression was caused by a stock


crash and the panic selling people just went out and lost their minds because I was like falling, it was the exact opposite of FOMO, this economic recession is caused by the coronavirus that disrupts most areas. of business, these businesses are healthy if they're just open to the public and you can see it everywhere, you can see it just in local restaurants and beautician places, hairdressers, nail salons, all these little specialty shops that can't open. a target, those kind of places aim well at Seoul, but many maps were closed because iris corner is not unhealthy now, they just need to stay open, but they can't, so this is the problem right now, that's why We had that big stimulus package pass, so what happened?
What were the things they did in this new agreement? Well, the first thing is that look, we are going to make an emergency Banking Law and you must prove that you are healthy enough to open. Supporting this Act allowed the banks to reopen once the examiner's family was financially secure, so what will happen later, instead of financial security, will be back there for the New Deal to open up a bit, will be a health exam. in that area or city, what that means is they're going to do some type of health screening to make sure it's okay for this to open, whether it's individuals, I don't think it's emulation, I think it's all going to be numbers based. . the percentage of those that are infected the death rate as it starts to fall so these businesses will be fine to open that's what's going to happen government economics act what they did here is cut the pay of government and military employees by 15%. government spending by 25% and those billion they saved went to fund New Deal programs now this will never happen this will never happen because our government is too corrupt to take a pay cut even though everyone should because everyone are incompetent In the next part, the Beer and Wine Revenue Act legalized the sale of beer and wine and taxed sales of alcoholic beverages, increasing federal revenue this fall through the passage of the 21st amendment that effectively ended prohibition, so if you think about that, prohibition in the 20s is marijuana legalization in 2020, so if we can legalize marijuana, imagine what we could do as far as withdrawing those funds and taxing that type of entities and the product itself.
Now, marijuana. I can tell you right now it's not legal in my state but it seems like everywhere else now there are different parts but it's legalized for recreational or medical use it will always be voted on in 2020 which makes you think they won't start legalizing more marijuana throughout the United States just to increase income. because we have a huge debt, why wouldn't they? I bet they will and that will be good news for most of my friends. I'll be honest, in the next part they made a Civilian Conservation Corps, through On April 5, this program hired three million workers over the next ten years to conserve public lands, plant forests, build flood barriers and maintain roads and trails.
What does it sound like? Well, it sounds like the $2 trillion infrastructure plan that is part of President Trump's initiative. you see the parallels here, well they did it, they did it in the past, they will do it again and I was going to start doing it to the extent that history repeats itself and then the abandonment of the gold standard on April 20, FDR stopped The rush on the precious metals ordered everyone to exchange all the gold for dollars now, what do you think happened as time progresses? maybe they will do this, let's make cryptocurrencies last that standard, let's put these dollar bills, it is difficult for everyone to use more and more cryptocurrency in digital assets for several reasons, first of all, it is much more efficient and saves costs, and then the third thing is that as we use more money,more virus is transferred from money to money, from hand to mouth, to eyes and then of course you get more infections, so if you look at all those things, it's easier to use, it's cheaper to use, it's a better asset to use and that will reduce infection, why didn't they use it?
They almost did it. a digital dollar law, but it was removed from the last bill and that's for that part, let's go back okay, closing this is the most important part and this is what really opened my eyes and really made me want to share this video with you break it down everything and you do an analysis because the next three and a half minutes are going to show you why you need to get out of these markets, let's listen and I said the biggest financial crisis was going to happen in 2016, now I didn't. we envisage quantitative easing that we didn't have in 2006, but largely there was no quantitative easing and there was no policy on services or interest rates oh my God, he was elected so this was postponed for years, today he is here rich, that policy is truer today than ever before, and it's about why the biggest stock market crash in history was still looming.
The Wall Street Journal criticized me, they took me to the cleaners and said, you don't know what you're talking about and I don't blame him because he was threatening. its nest so I wrote this look summits here today a point here resists as you and I know because we have seen the inside of the machine to admit the assistant, the real problem is in thestock market the real problems of the shadow banking system the banking system the financial markets that we don't see you know what the repo market is the consumer the corporate credit market and then the commercial paper market are bankrupt so these things were happening in September of last year, but they continue: yes you're CNBC you know they have a job to do they keep promoting this market so Mark was hitting big peaks so I told my friends everyone has 401k IRAs in all of this.
The financial planner will call you in December until you get out, no, they told you, stadium, they told you to stay, yes, and in the meantime the stimulus package arrives, check the price of the effort aside to deflate the base, came in the stimulus market, they opened it up again so the kids could escape so the rich can escape while they're on CNBC they tell you to hang in there stay for the long haul you know the market will recover Oh give me a break are you stupid? Don't you see what they're doing? and the fact is they can't, so this collapse is, you know, right before the scratch they called you the whole bubble in the stock market Messiah, real estate was high and subsidies were high, gold and silver, the chemical time, the problem now everything is deflating.
I'm in serious financial trouble. At one extreme, because I own hotels and I have eight thousand rental units today, they don't pay rent, that affects me, of course it does, but the way the rich or my rich dad taught me to play is that I have LLC, S corporations and C corporations, I hide behind that so Dickens, technically I have nothing, they can sue me for my money, but they will sue a limited liability corporation, you can't touch me, so that's why I speak up and Father Rich, poor. Dad, then it's not the ass. I have business.
I have real estate. I have shares. Bonds. I don't have any sponsor. I have a gold sovereign. Now it's my kind of troubled pit. Not because I knew it didn't finance. It's while drilling. which you know, some people are doing really well because they saw this coming, so it's not the asset class, it's really comprehensive. I'm looking behind the curtain and I see that the magician right now is Powell and Larry Summers and these guys, I mean, they fooled us. totally so I'm going to cry no so let's take a look real quick so what happened let's take a look at the S&P 500 index this is just for one day and it looks like yeah a little bit down maybe a little dead calf balance UTA people like I love to say, let's look at five days, look at that little bump and then the boom goes down, take a look at a month, it goes down, it goes up, look at six months, when up to here , December, January, it's always about to be new.
I had to discover the chronovirus, then we started to see businesses close and pump and pump and pump and pump and all of a sudden, and in February, which is supposed to happen, the stimulus package arrives. What happens is a boom and a bust is a boom and a bust and for me I was thinking about getting back into the stock market. I haven't known Bennett for a long time and I was thinking, you know, there are a lot of good projects out there, a lot of good companies, you know they will turn around, I mean, Boeing is one of them.
Boeing was above $300 and it fell below 98 and I was like, yeah, that sounds like one good, three, one movie, one good, telecom companies like Zoom, which everyone is using. Now it's been great, but if I do that, I'll be stuck in dollars and I don't trust dollars right now. I don't trust much of anything when it comes to government, especially what's being printed, so for me it's out of the question to do that, it's out of the question now, there's only one clear path that I can see, which is the safest path and this is a funny thing because just two years ago it was the riskiest path, which was cryptocurrencies, real assets and I can see it, I see it clearer every day, especially with the things that surround me, let's move forward, like this that the last last sign, the last piece, is what Robert is talking about here in terms of what might be a good hedge, not a good one, but the best bet for Are you moving forward?
Why is it because the original Hardian the rich are hoarding gold and silver like they were toilet paper and guns? The poor middle class is calling their financial planner. The financial planners are telling you to stay in for the long haul and meanwhile the rich are getting My message is to wake up, and that's it, and he's right, even though we talk about the spot price in that gold it doesn't really move much, it's true in my comments section, someone and a couple of people told me that, look, I mean, it's just a spot price. but if you really want to get physical gold, you want to invest in gold, real gold or silver, you can't find it, it's not available and why is it because they are hoarding this brings me to my next point, which is what Robert is talking about. on his Twitter account and says right here lesson five thousand nine hundred and seventy one dollars debt became debt debt enriches richer debt makes poor and semi poor if the US debt proportion of GDP sixty percent The world is solid actually is yes, but sixty anything but the second was bad today a us. debt to GDP a ten percent increase this is the second of April and we are raising debt in bankruptcy in abundance greed that destroys lives and the world economy very sad to save or accept gold silver and Bitcoin now in another interview I heard today Robert talks about Bitcoin again and says He's going to look, he and he, he went for a steep guy, does anyone see someone like that, not the Fox News guy, some of those do see and he was like, uh, he said, he said, what's up with Bitcoin?, he said it was me, yes,


s, a great option. he's going to Bitcoin he's going for the generation you know it's going to be that magic piece or something like he said he's going but to me it's silver and gold as time goes on Bitcoin is going to become more prominent this is how it's going to be if you're younger he says so yeah that's probably your store of value or something he said but he said yeah bitcoin is that piece to get into and he's right and everything he says is right and I remember reading his book in In late 2000, I forgot about them, they were actually still in the military and it was a real eye-opener and I can tell you that when you have something like this, it just reaffirms what you believe in, gold, silver, Bitcoin, for sure, and I know that we have destroyed We trash Peter Schiff more than we've trashed the target on this channel, it's just because Peter Schiff is such a flamboyant, outgoing type of promoter and I don't really have anything against anyone, it's just a little ridiculous sometimes, but He's right, you know, gold and Bitcoin.
I guess I think the real value of pain is the last bit, so the last bit is: What are we going to do? What are we going to do? How can we get out of this? So let's listen here. I used to teach those two guys. of people the wrong whips and pimps and a Whipple always say where my paycheck is mister and pimples I put it in my pocket sugar so you got a whip or a pimp right now but the best way to be a pimp there are not many Fuller's generalized principles get a complete series.
I'll just go over them: there's no right or wrong, but with the right foot or the no-knob foot there's no down, you know, but the other thing is the more people I serve, the more effective it will be. become and Brian what you are doing is serving people if you focus on that you are doing it with the bad deeds and the more people I serve the more effective I become. I'm not asking you for money and Osmond I get paid for training, I just want to serve people and the information age longs for your role that we're entering because we can share knowledge and we can share wisdom and that's what you're doing, that's what I do, so you and I just focus on serving more people and joining what God wants the first part here to be the first pet of the weak and pimps, which is quite fun.
You have to ask yourself what you are going to do. Know? Are you going to let this fall apart around you or even let those people go away? Well, I know what I should be doing. so I need to do these things. I didn't take steps. I need to move forward. Whatever you need to do to get ahead. Yes, that's up to you. It's not my place to tell you. I can tell you what I want. What I'm going to do, of course, is stay the course. I've always talked about this before about dollar cost averaging in 2050, one hundred and five hundred dollars a week or whatever you can afford, it's up to you, to me, it's a little bit of a different dollar. average cost by writing it, writing it on the way down and up and selling during the bull market and that's how I see things I won't start in the stock market even though I've been thinking about it and I think the best strategy is keep moving forward and the next part is serving the people and it makes a lot of sense to me, this is what I have been doing since I can remember, when I was in the army, a doctor came out.
He became a nurse and a t-shirt came to him and the charitable foundations are the same, so for you who are listening to my channel, thank you because it gives me a purpose, it gives me things to do, especially when I am in quarantine and I will never ask you nothing I never love you guys and first of all I will never ask you for anything as far as your information or anything like that they all are just scammers but there is one thing I am going to ask you today and I never asked for this ever but today I think it's important.
I will ask you to like the video. This will bring it to more people. I will ask you to subscribe if you think this channel was being subscribed. I think so. but I'm biased, I will ask you to share this video if you think it will help someone else and by sharing I mean that you can share it on YouTube, on Facebook and share a Twitter account whenever you can, but I never did. I once asked for them in my videos. This is the rare time I get to do it in the future, but it's the rare time I would do it and it's because I think this is one of the most important ones I've ever done.
I'm especially going to save someone from making a big mistake who might be thinking about getting out of cryptocurrencies or digital assets or you know, taking their money out and putting it in the stock market because I don't think it's going to last and that's how I . look at it well that's all thanks for watching the video if you like write to me it will also appear more on the left and right and that's all for today thanks I'll see you

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