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Generaldebatte des Bundestags: Rede von Alice Weidel (AfD) am 07.09.22

Apr 20, 2024
Thank God, the navel gazing between Mr. Merz and the Federal Chancellor is over. They have clearly demonstrated that they do not have the seriousness for the situation in which our country finds itself. Germany is heading into the worst storm since the Federal Republic existed. Livelihoods are at stake and countless citizens are threatened: the impoverishment of the mid-sized economy, the collapse of state finances, permanent disruptions and the captain of the Titanic is on the bridge of the launch ship and wants nothing to do with icebergs and appease people with empty advertisements. This is what we have just heard: ending with a Federal Chancellor who is involved in a fiscal and financial scandal and certainly does not remember anything, a Minister of the Economy who exploits citizens to give money to lobbyists and energy companies, but.
generaldebatte des bundestags rede von alice weidel afd am 07 09 22
He has no idea about the economic and technological connections and doesn't even know what bankruptcies are like yesterday. At night, on the talk show, a Finance Minister who systematically hides debts, an Interior Minister who is blind in his left eye turn a blind eye to Islamism and abuses the protection of the constitution as established protection, a minister of Justice that arbitrarily restricts basic rights, a Minister of Health obsessed with a virus that would flee would be the same and meaningless. There is a Defense Minister who can apparently only do something with military equipment if it is suitable as a holiday vehicle and, finally, a Green Foreign Minister who promises to support Ukraine, no matter how harsh and devastating the sanctions are; his oath to prevent harm to the German people.
generaldebatte des bundestags rede von alice weidel afd am 07 09 22

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generaldebatte des bundestags rede von alice weidel afd am 07 09 22...

Perjured ideological fantasies and arrogant adherence to For them, wrong decisions are more important: their stubborn adherence to the closure of the last nuclear power plants is the best proof of this. They are ruining this country economically to serve the irrational dogmas of the green clientele and lobbyists. Fear a hot autumn and winter. Because citizens have every right, Mr. Merz, to take to the streets against such a government and against such policies. Of course, you're entitled to rampant inflation, a dying currency, and skyrocketing energy prices. This means that millions of citizens are more than a little cold, as if they are being condescended to from above.
generaldebatte des bundestags rede von alice weidel afd am 07 09 22
This is also said to affect the existence of middle class families who can no longer pay their bills. Their reserves, pensions and pension rights are rapidly being depleted. If they are devalued, they are threatened by impoverishment and dependence on public welfare, which, as we can already see today, is finite in creating contributors to the destruction of existence, many of whom today can still feed their families. They will lose their jobs in large numbers. Medium-sized companies are already stopping production because they can no longer meet energy bills. Bakers and fertilizer factories, porcelain and glass manufacturers, foundries and aluminum plants.
generaldebatte des bundestags rede von alice weidel afd am 07 09 22
Inflation and the energy crisis are destroying the business middle class and the bourgeois middle class. He has his aid package for our middle class and he has nothing left for our middle class. They promise subsidies that the working population will have to pay for themselves. They distribute money that has already been taken from citizens several times and present it as a blessing. 60 percent of German households have to pay their entire after-tax income to cover their living expenses, the only thing left to save is a study of savings accounts. Here in the Greens it is not necessary to shake your head, you just have to read the report.
There are studies that do not want that and that have no idea about it. They demonstrate with their policies that this is the green economic miracle that was announced in the electoral campaign. So, thank you for me and for your hypocritical calls and slogans of perseverance. citizens to limit themselves, to make sacrifices and to take cold showers, to use wipes for Ukraine, for the energy transition or for a climate that you can save yourselves. That's what people don't want to hear to survive in this crisis, our country has to address the causes of inflation. Energy crisis I have not heard anything about that in this debate.
Inflation and energy prices have been rising for more than a year. Bad policy for decades, the energy crisis is homemade, it is a direct result of the energy transition, which with its closure of goods and its torrents of taxes and tariffs has artificially made electricity more expensive and has led us to a unilateral Dependency of Russian natural gas. That's true, the Greens shouldn't do it. The desired goal is to increase energy costs and thus limit demand. Now they have achieved the goal. excessive money creation for the ECB's zero interest rate policy to finance highly indebted and inflated national budgets during two and a half years of blockade - politics and a senseless sanctions policy in response to the Ukraine war have brought down the castle of cards, the consequences are obvious, only your government since they do not see and do not take appropriate measures.
First of all, we must reduce taxes, reducing taxes on energy, value added and income tax. Elimination of the CO2 tax and a true elimination and abolition of the indescribable. EEG Secondly, the dezb must be responsible for fulfilling its mission and ensuring monetary stability. Thirdly, public spending must focus on what is essential, internal and external security, guaranteeing the rule of law and public order, the end of ideological politics and clientelism. and distribution of money around the world 4 illegal migration Changes in social systems are already above the 2015 level, but they are opening the last floodgates and sending new migration signals through almost unconditional naturalization 5 energy supply must expand we must generate energy and energy imports demoralize, that is, in simple terms, the end of resource regulation for wind and photovoltaic energy, they are not crisis proof and I have a secure supply.
Wind energy only contributes a fraction of the installed capacity to nuclear energy supply, almost 100 percent. normalization of gas imports from Russia and, if necessary, opening of Nordstream 2 yes, of course 7 extension of the useful life of nuclear power plants that are still active, reactivation of recently closed plants and, of course, construction of new power plants, we need nuclear energy energy for clean, safe and affordable energy and it is good that the CDU now seems to gradually understand this, Mr. March, your party for 16 years After the green and red pipe dance, we must thank in first of all this misery.
The energy transition to nothing is the result of her and Merkel's 16-year policy and the continuation of the energy transition and the misuse of the crisis to force it further lead to certain ruin for the citizens of this country. The working population and the middle class. The industry needs freedom and air to breathe and they don't always need new regulations and long hallways and they certainly don't in this situation. You have to imagine that a new infection protection law in most countries will be corona. Virus already treated like a seasonal flu virus without measures, chaos, mandatory masks and mandatory vaccines, the law that wants to be voted on tomorrow turns the state of emergency into a permanent institution and the restriction of fundamental rights into the norm. and that is an accusation for the FDP that they are giving in so a bucket is useful here nothing but maybe and that is what I suppose they already want to ensure a way to prohibit demonstrations against their politics by disinfecting the door Mrs.
Feser I do not waste the opportunity to put the demonstrations critical of the government in the corner of right-wing radicalism to declare the bankruptcy of this government that tramples on demonstrations and freedom of expression, stop the German ghost voyage in the energy and immigration policy of the coronavirus, come back down to earth, correct your wrong policies instead of making new bad decisions, yes it's okay to face ridicule from the Greens, remember people will remember how you react here, how this country is going straight to the wall because of your policy and if you don't If they are willing or unable to change their course, then please resign because that would be the best relief package for our country.

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