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May 07, 2020
Well guys, hello everyone, welcome to my new beauty product. This is my new skincare line and I would like to share with you how to use this product. First of all, the name of my brand is Stewardess Beauty Secrets. As you all know, I have been a



for almost 20 years and I am actually 44 years old. I was 20 almost 23 or I was 23 when I started flying and it's already been like that, yes, 20, almost 20 years, 20, 20, it's my 20 years. It is very difficult to keep your skin clean, especially we put on makeup every day, basically when we fly, so it is very difficult to keep your face clean and keep your skin hydrated and keep your skin hydrated, especially when we take a long


and it is also very It's hard to prevent your skin from getting acne, you know, like some pimples and there's a lot of impurities, and you know, like the dirt in the airplane cabin, so for me it's very, very essential to really cleanse my skin and exfoliate it.
flight attendant beaute secret instructional video on how to use it
So one of the things I would like to share is that I do a lot of exfoliation, like every two months or every three months, at most it is six months, when the weather is not hot in Dubai, I would peel my skin to have a product. that I have developed for skin peeling, now there are many things you can do with this cube peeling set that I have first. I have a soap because you know we are Asian. I am Asian and I would like my skin. to be white normally and I would do it vertically I would like to tan before because I like tanned skin but the only part of my face that I wouldn't tan is my face, I mean the only part of my body that I wouldn't tan is my face , so I got this amazing product, it's a three or three times whitening, so this is licorice and kojic glutathione, so imagine that normally we just want to have glue to stick the soap or kojic soap or licorice soap, so let's put it in three, I mean.
flight attendant beaute secret instructional video on how to use it

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flight attendant beaute secret instructional video on how to use it...

Let's put these three in a stick and that's what I have and then a lot of times we wanted a toner. This toner will actually also help you exfoliate like two skin peels. It is an absolute astringent. It's a medicine. Medicated astringent cooks. So it can be. strong if you don't know the trick, so I'll show you in a moment and then I have the


cream. Okay, this is a


cream. This is one of the top products that will actually exfoliate your skin. it's very very essential during skin exfoliation and then sorry this is the secret cream this is the secret cream stop here and then I have the collagen cream okay and we also have the sunscreen this It is SPF 45 with 100% pure Shia. butter, so many times not everyone knows it, but I just realized that with all the products available in the market they only have sunscreen, whitening cream, kucik soap and medicinal toner or astringent, that's what they have, but What happened? it's when you're exfoliating your skin, okay, actually I've already started, so my skin is already exfoliated, so when you're exfoliating your skin, it's very, very important that you moisturize it afterwards, okay, so when you're exfoliating your fur. the first two three degrees or layers of your skin will exfoliate the first second third layer of your skin will exfoliate so much so what happened is when you don't moisturize the new skin it will stay the same, right, it will stay the same, so it will be dull and then it won't be protected so it's still very exposed to the sun so it can get damaged easily that's why you'll see a lot of people see this melasma or free calls or I don't know the pigmentation on a lot of them because they don't really exfoliate and I mean, they really explain and then they don't protect or moisturize, so my product is my flight


flight attendant beaute secret instructional video on how to use it
The beauty secret is my flight attendant. The beauty secret will give you everything you need and a few tricks so the first thing we're going to do is wash so we're going to use this so I have one that's open here you see it's been used. Because I don't know how many of us already shower using this because you can also use it in the armpit of the body and it's very difficult, you know? Basically, when I'm wearing makeup, I use a sponge. ok this punch will be available but for now yes you see I don't have any makeup anyway so I'll use it there ok then leave it on of course it smells really good if the scent is It's so amazing you could put it on and keep it on your face for a while, so just lather it up, include your neck, of course, you have to include your neck, rub it gently on your face, you see, and it's not very strong, sometimes I really like it.
flight attendant beaute secret instructional video on how to use it
Your face or eyes hurt, basically like that, so you leave it for a pretty good minute. Well, that's what I wanted to make a really good


, like a professional one, but anyway, we don't really need a professional. In the


you would understand how I would use it and you would know how to do it easily so just grab a towel and then fold, fold you know this is your time for me and then what I will tell you is we are going to use this medicine on your first two weeks, okay, you'll just use this one, okay, you don't mix it with anything, so the first two weeks you use it and then what you do is just you know.
See, see, can you see? Because I already had them, so just use the cotton swabs to save. You can use only one. Okay, you don't need to put much of this in, so let's do it this way. We have some blemishes here, you can see, there's like a pimple, especially when I come back from a flight, that's when I get those pimples and when I'm about to have my prayer yard, look, it's all there, yeah, it's already exfoliating because I have. I've been using this for about a week because obviously it wouldn't do anything, it wouldn't sell anything or this is my new product so I have to use it.
He was on trial for me for about three months. my things to try it too so not just me so now the next step would be the secret cream so this is my secret dream. You see the color mmm it smells good, so what you do is you put a little bit, okay, you put a little bit. For the most part you want to exfoliate because this secret cream actually has very good active ingredients that will exfoliate your skin, so okay, so you keep massaging your face, your neck and then you leave it. let's say you leave it for about 2 or 3 minutes, okay, let it absorb into your skin so that all your dead skin or if your dead skin cells soften, okay, they will soften and then gently exfoliate on their own, so now that I've had this, what we're going to do is put some collagen cream, okay, so after three minutes of the secret cream, you're going to put some collagen cream, okay, at the same time , even if you wanted that dead set that is your skin cell to go away or peel off, you still want to put some collagen in, okay, so whatever it is, you still want to hydrate it and it's actually like age defying. because part of your skin doesn't peel, you know? that there is a part that does not peel, so it is important that you hydrate it or this collagen also helps to stop softening your skin, okay, so that you feel it, it is so, so soft, so that's what you do for the night. for the night, before you go to bed, now during the day, what you need to do is use your soap again, wash your face and then what you need to do again is put some collagen in, okay, put some collagen cream, okay, so that's the during the day and then your sunscreen, okay, this is your sunscreen and shea butter, so don't just leave your skin alone with the sunscreen, you also want to protect your skin from sun damage and you need to moisturize it, so you need to make sure you use it like this in the morning you use this soap, you wash your face, you don't use the secret cream and then you put on the collagen cream and then your sunscreen, okay , so that's the only thing you need to do and have to do. these steps for at least two weeks, okay two weeks, so once, because after three or four days you can see that your skin is peeling.
Do you know if you've noticed it in some of the skincare kits they had when you first started doing it? If you remove it, it will look good, it will be noticeable because you don't have the collagen cream and you also don't have the pure butter in your sunscreen, so just by using the sunscreen, the peeling of the skin will really show, it's very obvious, but Because we have collagen and shea butter in your sunscreen, it's not obvious that your skin is peeling, so you wouldn't look like a snake, God, don't come out of your old skin, okay, so another trick, like this that after two weeks when skin is already exfoliated and if you are already happy with how this secret toner exfoliates, you can mix it with water, you can mix it with water so that it is no longer so strong because we no longer need our skin to exfoliate, right? some products have like step 1 step 2 step 3 whatever is right motto but this product my product you can just create something to use every day, so for example, this if it's already like half, you mixed it with water and that It's just your toner. your daily toner and it won't peel your skin as hard as when it's pure medicated astringent, so you can mix this with water now, secondly, you still have some secret cream left, okay?
Remember what we did before the first one was the secret cream. on your face leave it for 3 minutes or whatever three to five minutes and then you put the collagen cream on now, which you should do after two weeks when you are already satisfied with the exfoliation, it's okay because you don't want your skin to get keep exfoliating. Even if you're already exfoliated, you know, I mean, you can't do that, you have to leave it, okay, you have to let the new skin shine and make your skin glow, so after that, okay, after this , after two weeks, you are going to mix.
This together so what you do is put your secret cream and immediately you put your collagen cream. You don't need to wait like three minutes for the secret cream to absorb. What you can also do is take some secret cream and Grimm and then. you mixed it and put it on your face, that's why my product is called the stewardess beauty secret because I, I mean me personally, I just realized that there are so many things you can do with your skin care. that you don't need to keep buying. things that one step two step three rejuvenating jet I don't know what else you can do yourself, so that's my secret cream, so if you want to use this for maintenance, you can do what I told you, put a little bit of water. your medicated astringent, you mix your collagen cream and your secret cream so you'll still have that exfoliating agent that you know so whatever you want to exfoliate or you can just use a single collagen cream or Deshea butter sunscreen with chia butter and If you really want toner, go ahead, you can buy toner and mix it with water so that it has triple whitening ingredients.
Another thing I'm going to show you to share with you is my vitamin d3 and then I get my vitamin d3. so if you want, okay, so this is my secret, everyone has seen me using it after your exfoliation or whatever I can use, this is like something extra if you really want to keep your skin hydrated and free. of wrinkles and whatever is right and that's why my skin feels so soft. I don't know who started this Glass King and even to be honest I like the idea of ​​the glass chamber, it's just that it basically hydrates, exfoliates, hydrates, voila, that's it.
So that's it guys, once again please try my product, the flight attendants' beauty secret. Okay, I reveal the world's beauty secret to all of you. Did you see that we traveled all over the world and we know all the secrets that you have been using and now? I thank you for looking, I hope you use my product, bye.

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