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Every Pokemon Type Matchup Explained

Jun 01, 2021
Gouri tangs reserve vents, Michael here and tight Pokémon


s can be confusing, not only are there a lot of them as most of the 18 different


s have multiple weaknesses and resistances, but also a good portion of the


s don't seem so logical at first glance. So in an effort to lessen your confusion, I'll go over each Pokémon


, resistance, and weakness immunity and try to explain them logically. Hopefully, these explanations along with some other tricks I'll provide will help you remember them better now. If this sounds familiar to you it's because a couple of years ago I made a couple of videos on this same topic, one for weaknesses and immunities and another for resistances, however, since it's been several years since I made those videos, I wanted to update them and No. just improve some explanations, but combine them into one big video, so even if you've seen these videos before, there will be several explanations in this one that differ from those, so you still have a reason to watch them and also one thing I want to cover really.
every pokemon type matchup explained
Quick, before we start, there's one guy who has a bit of a weird quirk that I need to go over first and that's the flying titan. Flying types simultaneously represent two different things, wind and air, and birds and other flying creatures, as a result. My explanations involving the type of flight will vary and change between something that has to do with birds and something that has to do with just the wind, so I just wanted to cover that before we start, so don't forget to complete your important task of leaving a like on this video and without further ado, let's delve into each type of Pokémon matchup.
every pokemon type matchup explained

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every pokemon type matchup explained...

We'll explain that we'll go through this list alphabetically, so we'll start with the type of error. The bug is weak at shooting, flying, and rock shooting because fire burns easily. insects that fly because birds eat insects and rocks because rocks crush insects insects are reluctant to fight against grass and soil because combat training is rarely useful against an agile insect grass because plants would simply be devoured by lots of bugs and soil because covering bugs with dirt usually means they will just dig themselves up. Fun fact: Swamping and fighting are the two different old guys that resist each other.
every pokemon type matchup explained
Next is the dark type, a type associated with evil, aggression, cruelty, and clandestine battle tactics rather than literal darkness. Darkness is weak to bugs, fairies, and fighting. bug because criminals tend to operate at night when bugs are more active and frequent and fairies and fights because of the concept of good versus evil, fairies represent pure hearted kindness and fights represent honorable combat since Pokémon is a children's franchise, good will always prevail over evil, therefore. why these good guys came out dark resists the darkness and the dark ghost because a master of clandestine tactics is less likely to fall prey to them and the ghost because a dark-hearted creature is unlikely to give hard eradicated frost on the problems of the dead turkeys also immune to psychic probably because the fear caused by a truly evil creature can render someone's mind useless.
every pokemon type matchup explained
The next is the dragon type dragon is weak to the Fairy Dragon and the Ice Dragon due to the idea that only another dragon is strong enough to defeat a fairy because the pure heart The hero in fairy tales often kill dragons and ice because dragons are reptiles and therefore cold-blooded, so they become slow if it's too cold. The dragon resists fire. We can easily take care of power plants because dragons with electric powers are quite common and water because aquatic dragons like sea serpents are also quite common. Next we have the electrical type, the only weakness is the ground type, this is due to electrical grounding, the process of redirecting electricity towards the insulating ground, thus dispersing it harmlessly. electric resists electric flights and electric steel because adding electricity only increases the total number of flights because air, although technically an insulator, is not fantastic, as evidenced by the frequency of lightning and steel because steel. easily conducts electricity.
Next we have the fairy type. The fairy is only weak to steel and Steele because in many myths steel is very harmful to fake creatures and poison because fairies usually have a strong connection with nature, so if the environment is damaged by the toxins or pollution. It also harms fairies. The fairy resists dark fights and dark bugs because of the good versus evil thing I mentioned before. The fights because martial arts are not going to be very useful against magic wielders and insects because in a battle between two small flying creatures, the one unable to think intelligently and without the hands to carry weapons will not do so well, The fairy is also immune to the dragon, this is because both fairies and dragons are magical creatures, however it is clear that the dragon's magic is surpassed by the fairy's magic.
The next useless step is the fighting type, finding this week two flying fairies and psychic fairies because magic easily overwhelms traditional flying battle tactics because the high ground in a battle usually wins in the psychic because a powerful mind and intelligence that can outwit an opponent is generally better than brute fighting skill, hence the term fighting with brains over brawn, resist dark bugs and rock bugs because a small bug won't be able to do much against a strong master of dark martial arts because of honorable tactics to win over the dishonest and rock because stones are thrown. a martial arts master would be broken or dodged.
Next up are fire-type fires, weak against ground, rock, and water, because smothering a fire with dirt will put it out. Rock due to its similar fire blocking capabilities, as when rocks are placed around a campfire. and water because water obviously puts out fire fire resists Bahgat's fairy fire grass the ice and steel bug because the bug would simply burn the fairy due to its connection with nature that I mentioned before being destroyed by flames fire because adding more flames would only increase the original grass fire because the plant would simply burn the ice because the ice would melt and yet because the grassland would simply warm up and maybe even melt.
Fun fact: Steel is obviously the type with the highest resistance, but fire has the second highest resistance and is flying. type and just a reminder, it is associated not only with birds and flying creatures, but also with wind and air. Flight is weak to electric ice and electric rock because paralysis would prevent a flying creature from using its wings. Ice because frozen wings would also be impossible to fly. using and rocking because if you can kill two birds with one stone, you can probably kill quite a few more with one flight resist the bug fight and the grass bug because the bug would just be eaten fighting because the flying creature would be hard to reach with your hand .
Hand-to-hand combat and grass because, like insects, plants would be eaten by flying birds. It is also immune to the ground because anything that happens to the ground won't affect anything flying high above it. After that, we have the ghost type. The ghost is weak. too dark and the ghost dart because malicious cruel acts or murderous deaths are often what makes the spirits vengeful and unable to pass peacefully and the ghosts because only other ghosts can touch the ghosts the ghosts resist insects and the poison are both for the same reason ghosts are already dead and therefore cannot get sick, as a result parasites or toxins cannot harm them.
The ghost is also immune to fighting and is normal, this is because regular creatures or physical attacks will simply pass through a ghost. Next we have the type that should have been called a plant. type grass type grass is weak to insects fire flying ice and poison insects because insects eat plants fire because fire burns plants flying because birds also eat plants ice because cold enough temperatures can kill many plant species and poison because herbicides and other toxins can also be very effective in killing plants. Grass resists electricity, soil and water. Wood is a poor conductor of electricity.
It puts pressure because tall, strong plants cannot receive nutrients or sunlight stolen by smaller, weaker plants. Brown because the roots of the plants simply sink into the ground. and they absorb nutrients and water because those same roots also absorb water. Next is the type of soil, the soil is weak for grass, ice and water, because what I just said about plant roots is because frozen soil can make it useless for planting and walking. water because it eliminates dirt in all types of settings the soil resists poison and poison from rocks because you can't really poison the earth and rocks because the rocks would simply become enveloped by the earth and become earth themselves Ground is also immune to electricity, this is due to electrical grounding, as we discussed above, next is the ice type, ice is weak at fighting fire, rock and steel because if you hit the ice hard enough strength, it will break because fire melts ice and rock and steel because both are much harder than ice. and therefore can break it easily.
Ice only resists ice. This is because adding more ice to the ice will only increase the total amount of ice. Then we have the normal type. Normal is only weak to fight. This is because a skilled martial artist could do it very easily. hit a normal type, normal has no resistances, but is immune to ghosts, this is because while normal people can't touch ghosts, ghosts can't touch them either, after that we have the poison type, poison is weak to soil and psychic terrain because Wrapping toxins in non-poison soil would render them useless and psychic because someone with a strong mind can train themselves to have immunity to certain poisons.
The poison resists insects. once again fighting because a skilled combatant can't fight as well if he is sick because plants are defenseless against herbicides and poison because you can't really poison poison after that we have the psychic type, the psychic is weak to Bahgat, dark and ghostly. The psychic type has a heavy emphasis on the mind and few things can inhibit the mind more effectively than fear bugs, evil people or malicious criminals and ghosts are common human fears and therefore are weaknesses. more logical of psychics, psychics resist fights and psychic fights because of the brain about strength concepts that I mentioned above and psychics because mind tricks do not work well on other people with strong minds, therefore, Jedi Mind Tricks It doesn't work with other Jedi.
Next we have the rock type, the rock is weak to fight against grass, steel and water. fight because skilled martial artists supposedly can break stone grass because roots wedge themselves the process of roots digging into rock and breaking it because over time rocks eventually turn into soil a process accelerated by earthquakes steel because steel tools are often used to break rocks and water due to erosion, the rock resists normal flying fire and poisonous fire because rocks do not melt easily and therefore are effective in blocking flames well because Not even the strongest winds can make large rocks move normally because normal people can't do anything to prevent it. rocks and poison because toxic sludge would simply slide off a rock our second to last type is steel type steel is weak for fire fighting and ground combat because strong enough fighters can dent or bend steel fire because it can heat and melt steel like What if Lac Smith does and is grounded due to earthquakes destroying the main structures of men?
Steel has a lot of resistances that tend to be more exact than any other type, so instead of analyzing and explaining the ten resistances, since the explanation for all of them would be Steel is very strong and durable and this other thing can't do much. Instead, I'm going to explain the types that steel doesn't resist, which are, of course, the three that are weak, two along with Dark Ghost Electric and Water Dark. because evil actions are not generally carried out against metal because ghosts can pass through steel water because steel ships don't mind being splashed by water andelectricity because electricity passes through the steel without damaging any of the interacting parts the steel is also immune to poisoning this is because toxins cannot pass through metal containers so biological weapons are almost always mental as that to prevent any leakage of toxins, the final type is water, water is weak for Gratz and electric grass because the roots of plants absorb water and electric because impure water conducts electricity.
I specify impure because distilled water is actually an excellent insulator, but typical water, like tap water, is full of dissolved minerals that allow it to conduct electricity easily. Side note, since the explanation for water being weak to electricity is that water conducts electricity. It's always bothered me that steel isn't weak to electrical steel and that other metals are better conductors of electricity than water, so I feel like that would make a lot more sense, but at least steel doesn't resist water. fire ice steel and water fire because the fire would simply be put out by the water ice because the ice would simply float on the water and eventually melt the steel because the weapons would simply pass through the water and water because adding more water to water only increases the total amount, so there we have it, those are logical explanations for


type of Pokémon matchup currently in the game, unlike the last few videos, I try not to skimp on explanations by making stupid jokes about them and instead I tried to give at least somewhat acceptable logical explanations.
For each of them, I hope these explanations help you remember the confrontations better. Let me know in the comments below which explanation was your favorite, and if you have a different explanation for either type, let me know too. Don't forget to leave a like on the video if you liked it and if you're new here, make sure to subscribe. I make a lot of fun Pokémon videos all the time, but I'm sure you'll enjoy them, that's all I have for now, so don't do it next time, but the panels should capture the MA.

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