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Dr. Umar Johnson Interview at The Breakfast Club Power 105.1 (08/31/2015)

May 02, 2020
tomorrow, everyone is envied DJ, Angela Gish Alamein, the guy, we are the



, special guests in the building this morning, a very polarizing figure, now you are a clinical psychology psychologist, psychologists, of course, school psychology, it seems like some kind from doctor in clinical psychology, doctor in clinical psychology now. What exactly is Dr. K


Johnson's Agenda because you hear so many different things. I see you trying to encourage young black people. Yes, sir, you know that. Yes sir. Well, my job as a school psychologist is to be the gatekeeper of special education. Any child in special education in America was evaluated by school psychologist if you don't come to us you don't go to special education that's why most people have never heard of school psychologist explains what special education is special education is a Federal law is a program that was created in 1975 to give children with disabilities the right to learn in public school before the age of 75.
dr umar johnson interview at the breakfast club power 105 1 08 31 2015
If you were mentally blind, deaf and autistic you would simply tell your parents that we don't have any program for you. , keep them at home or find a private school, a federal government said, well, that is a violation of the constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, these children have disabilities, we cannot discriminate against them because they have disabilities and the special that was created, however, became a problem why because in predominantly African American and Latino neighborhoods special education became a dumping ground and is still used as a garbage can where they send black and Latino children that teachers do not want to be bothered with the two biggest record companies important and everyone knows about it they learn ADHD was a DD in 1980 it became ADHD in 1987 and the question is why did they add hyper some of those things?
dr umar johnson interview at the breakfast club power 105 1 08 31 2015

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dr umar johnson interview at the breakfast club power 105 1 08 31 2015...

I think it's nonsense, the kids are just energetic kids, they say, I think they prescribed him more, they put him on pills, they put him in special classes and he sent psychology psychologists and then it's on his record and then when it's on his record , they can't get certain jobs later in life, so I think it's Africa. I grew it for children. You are right in the past, but my father never allowed them to put me. There are no medications in the ladies, but it won't work well for him, that's all he does. Side effects yes, side effects are no joke.
dr umar johnson interview at the breakfast club power 105 1 08 31 2015
I mean, it can affect your ability to have children. It can cause diabetes, tic disorders, psychosis, but here's the thing, parents. They are uneducated, but the one thing your listeners need to know, especially parents, is that the labels that we apply are not scientifically validated when we give them, in other words, if I test your child, I give them an IQ test, right?, I make a lot of it. from the performance tests, I could give you some emotional measurements, but when I say he has ADHD, the tests did not give me that diagnosis, it is a professional opinion that I make largely based on my training, my experience, my background, I could be wrong and when 97% of all school psychologists are somewhat different in African Americans, the diagnosis is likely erroneous and given the fact that 97% of American teachers are white middle class women, okay, look at the biases cultural in the diagnosis who they refer these ADHD children to, who refers them for Ritalin and arranges the metadata are teachers and I don't think many of them mean any intentional harm, but the schools are run by women and when the child cannot behave As a woman, he is marginalized and punished, okay? you're saying that the women who are in control in these schools when they see a man who doesn't act effeminate, something is wrong with him when he doesn't exude traditional feminine behaviors, like being able to control himself, sitting for long periods of time, something girls. you can do a little more than boys because boys have testosterone, women have estrogen, so when you're prepubescent you can't sit still for seven hours and the reason schools still ask our kids to sit still still for so long it's because the schools were started by the churches the first schools in America were started by the church and in the church, what do you do?
dr umar johnson interview at the breakfast club power 105 1 08 31 2015
Do you sit and listen to the pastor? Well, guess what, even though research and cognitive science clearly show that children learn best when they are in a movie, then why does public school, private school, charter school, parochial school, Are you still stuck in a church model of instruction? It is convenient for teachers. My son was five years old. My son was 11. He now had a lot of energy and was always getting into trouble. And you know, we're going to We live in the right neighborhood and they told me I had to get my son checked out.
They said I could possibly have ADHD or DD because I was very energetic, very hyperactive and at first I listened and thought: Well, I'm a Tankman I did my homework I talked to my dad and my friends like no, you were energetic too, you know what I don't , do you know what I did? I'm over it, young boy, you like to test men like any other boy, right? I want to test your manhood and you know, I had a conversation with my son and I hate to say that he got in trouble. I mean, I didn't corner him and that made him sit in the timeout.
I broke his butt, but you didn't give him my medication I didn't give him medication I didn't take him to a psychologist and now this 11 year old boy is the best student the best athlete with the best grades no problem the Politis boy and I'm so glad not having done what many other parents do. Give medications to your children. Take your children to the psychologist. Taking children to things that cannot be erased from their record. I had to go see a psychologist and they asked me if I have voices, that's a psychotic disorder, that's something serious, most people don't have all the time right now.
I see the only thing he said Envy, envy your father, your children live with you, right, that's the medicine for ADHD. I refer to ADHD as "ain' No dad in the house, disorder, okay, ADHD 85% of black and Latino boys who are diagnosed with ADHD do not have a male presence in their lives in these homes, so this it is what mothers traditionally through socialization provide the nurturing and love that the father traditionally provides the structure and discipline wait until your father gets home exactly when we get a TD 1980 ADHD 1987 is a coincidence. let it be the same decade that the United States began mass incarceration of black and Latino male parents, of course not, they started locking up fathers for selling crack and then they will give crack to their children, but call it Ritalin or metadata or arrange so they can sit still long enough to be educated.
Here is the same drug that sent a man to jail for 5 10 15 years the exact same drug they are giving us son, the Drug Enforcement Administration classifies Ritalin. As a schedule 2 drug, it is in the same category as cocaine and opium, it is no different than illegal drugs, so how do you lock up millions of black and Latino men for selling drugs and then give drugs to their children so that they can receive a bad education. I had a question about your psychologist, you are a doctor, now you know when he was joking and he was a child who little by little was called, your name, you said.
I was a child before, that is a diagnosis that President Obama just changed, there was no mental retardation, it was the label until 2009, President Obama changed it to intellectual disability because parents of mentally retarded children felt the label was too stigmatizing and it is the whole story 2 years before they were discovered, they were called morons before they were called Emerson they were called idiots, these were the official words, so when we call people idiots now, Justin's gesture used to be a psychological diagnosis, so I'm an idiot - mentally imbecile now it's intellectual deficiency intellectual disability intellectual disability no You know what maybe separate that when I wouldn't do it because Amar is no longer legal?
You can use it in a social conversation, so if you wanted to make a joke that means it's acceptable, not because my friends are no longer there at that moment. You know that she. It was mentally, it's my closet. I stopped using that word because she was so offended that her little sister was there at the time. You know, mentally, so I stopped using that word. Period because you don't realize how offensive it is until you're close to someone. who really has to deal with that, it's like they get really angry, but one thing you should know about them is that if you're a black, Latino kid growing up in America, you're four times more likely to be mentally diagnosed than a white person. child because number one, the IQ test that we use is culturally biased, okay, the school psychologist, our main weapon is the IQ test, that's what we do and it's culturally biased and a lot of black boards and Latinas are diagnosed with intellectual disabilities when they are not. because their working vocabulary levels are low and one of the messages I want to give to hearing parents is to turn off the video games, turn off the cell phones, turn off the television.
The time we used to spend reading is now spent on electronic devices, which has kept our children away from literacy, so when your child sits down to take the standardized test he gets 20 points less, not because he couldn't answer the question correctly, did not understand the words that were used to present the question and that is where The discrepancy is the language that black Latino children do not master because they do not read, they do not go to the public library in high school and in the fourth semester they had me like what was a recovery method was a support for learning. support especially if you learned to say but you get learning support if you were in recovery that's the step before they put you in special education normally in recovery we're going to give him something to see if he can recover well so it was a special good that you could have had that, but technically I was in special education unless you were diagnosed and given an IEP, which is your own curriculum to learn because it's believed that you can't keep up and just for the record, most kids that I refer to special education for reading is reading my special lettuce 85% reading and education also bother me because you have these kids who, like you said, maybe aren't interested in reading, maybe aren't interested in history and they put them in remedial classes, but then if you put them in a math class they are advanced, you know, that doesn't show that a child is slow, it shows that a child might not be interested in that type of thing.
They have to change, how do you teach children? Yeah, you know, those are some of the things I really like. Feeling like these kids are being taught is good, half of the school is being filled for life because I went to school for an education, at one point I was going to be a teacher and I did a full semester of education at Bank Street College and at It was actually like teaching classes and a lot of teachers don't get paid that well in the first place, so it's just because it's a job where you have to be really dedicated and love being great at it, because it's not like the salary is so good and it is a job that you should have and the other thing is that yes, it is true, they are the teachers.
I remember one of the science and math teachers ended up crying in the classroom one day because the kids were out of control. and she didn't know how to handle it, she was just overwhelmed, she didn't know what to do to deal with it, you know, they were normal 6th and 7th graders and she had closed the main random mode and she had no idea what to do, but I took it as if there were a couple of kids in the class that I felt just needed special attention and it's hard when you have 45 students in a class and one teacher for them to really pay individual attention to the students to make sure they make it to next year make sure that want to come to school and a lot of that has to do with the principal now I'm a principal too, okay, okay, when you give a budget you have to decide how you're going to ration getting that money out and many classes that have more academically challenging students or behaviorally they should have a classroom assistant they should have an eight, but let me tell you that many principals do that instead of giving teachers assistants to make their job easier.
They take that money and they redirect it to the football team, they redirect it to the basketball team, so athletics like you come in as help to help that teacher who's struggling to keep the kids in line, that kind of thing like a enforcer, so to speak, but the principles are like: I'm not going to do that because my basketball team was showing up at this high school, my football team is what's showing up and I'll tell you something else, a lot of principals are taking special education. . money and use it for athletics, see, special education comes with money and we must be clear about this, they are notputting your child there because they really want to help, they put your child there in New York, by the way, you the highest payment for special education.
I think for a special education child in New York you get like $15,000 extra. This is a special business, letters, a scandal and this is what I try to make parents understand. That's why when your kids come in, they don't do it. I would like to take them out because I get $15,000 on top of regular money, so special kids are worth twice as much in New York, three times more than normal kids, that's why they keep them in school. All this is true. I say keep me calm today 21st and not at school, okay, the special education law says that the child can receive special education until he graduates or is 21 years old, so here are the 12th graders, it's time for you to graduate.
Your mom discovered that you can't read. but you are a special education student so you have more rights than a normal child because you don't know how to read and the school had the obligation to teach you because you were special, you can stay in school until you are 21 now of course your mom is going to say my Your son will go back to school after all his friends have graduated, it's okay, the school will accept that special offer, that money will hire a tutor and the tutors want I come to your house and teach you and you to where you need to get the money, but the problem is a lot of parents will choose to have the kids graduate, no one, they're not ready, they're just preparing them for jail, that's the part in No Child.
The Left Behind thing, well, No Child Left Behind required special ed kids to take the same test as regular kids in the state, so it changed the game a little bit because now, instead of just throwing out the special ed kids, special education, we want to see how they do. but even with No Child Left Behind, you can still put special ed kids under a special umbrella, so it doesn't really affect your ability to qualify, certainly, with special ed kids. I feel like nowadays especially kids are put on their own island and yes the reason I say that is world star no not world father when I was a kid we had a kid that lived down the block lo We called it ek because it was that word.
I can use this problem in intellectual disability, right? it could have been autism it could have been autistic true, but his parents let him play with us, okay, we knew he was a special education kid, but we still played with him, we knew what his ability was, but it made it easier for him to his mother. very wrong stressor, but none of these kids that I see now, I don't see any special ed kids out there, it may be on social media, people say crazy, I say these are the slow kids that grew up, that's right like me. you really see it, you don't see the special education kids, that's illegal, okay, the law, the special education law is too important to be important, one says that if you have a disability, you have the right to a free public education and appropriate if you slow down your Parents, I have to pay for you to receive education and you better learn.
The other part of the law says they must be taught in the least restrictive environment, meaning that if Charlamagne has a reading disability, Charlamagne should only be special for a green class. and if you have a map, disability should only be a special level class, but you find out that in special education the kids are not special at all that day, which is illegal because special education was legal segregation before 1954, if you were black, they said, listen, you couldn't. I don't come to school, not to this school, this is an all-white school, okay, but then the Supreme Court said you can't wear color after 54, so 20 years later, in '74 , when they were coming up with a special education law, they said, "hey." If we want to segregate black and Latino kids, we're not going to say they're black and Latino and that's why they can't come, we're going to say they have ADHD with learning disabilities, so they use these labels to keep the kids. of color from predominantly white schools and I created it because you know it was segregated because their trailers used to be at the high school, they had lunch in front of all of us, with the other eye, on a short bus and then there was a huge demand where the Special education parents got together and said, listen, our kids are being excluded from the regular class.
Now here's the question of whether people would act if they were special. Why do you want them around normal kids if they can't keep up? There is a psychological reason for that. If your child is autistic, I still want him in a regular class as much as he can handle it, you know why he can absolutely see what a normal child is capable of doing. Sorry, school where older kids teach younger kids, maybe it doesn't show to some extent. I have a little problem with Montessori dough because it is an ungraded ID. You know, even children teach children better than adults.
Yeah, you know, my daughter was talking when she was one and a half years old. that's because I was reading to her because she was with her sisters and brothers, so I think even when I was a child we had children with identification around us, bingo, now I don't see it in our classes anymore and if I do it's very far, very few ungraded examples, this is the problem and I do a lot of assessments for Montessori students, this is the problem if you have a black child who goes to a Montessori school from kindergarten to fifth grade and then a parent decides to send him back in the public or private school in sixth grade you were in an ungraded environment the kids I don't know what your reading level is I don't know what your math level is and then I put you back in a graded environment and then I find We discovered you three levels back, It's part of the Montessori philosophy, it's that children go at their own pace, guess what happens if you come from the neighborhood?
You don't benefit from white privilege, you can't afford to go it alone. pace now Solley in the suburbs whose dad owned five corporations she might be dumb as a doorknob she'll still run that corporation when he retires but if you're a black Latino you don't have a silver spoon so how can your parents realize the luxury of putting you in an unskilled environment where you're not sure you're making the necessary gains, so when you get sent back to elementary school or finally get back to where you need to be, it's too big a risk and I've tested too many of my students. daycare were very behind in what should be so expensive, you know right, that's the point, whoever goes to Montessori is the riskiest and it's okay that they don't learn because you run dad's business independently.
I do a lot of testing at these private schools and I'll tell you what, there are private schools that aren't doing as good a job, you think okay, these white private schools twenty thousand dollars per kid test these kids. I think he is the son of what they want to learn. to st. Francis Prep I went to Hampton University and barely got out, not for anything else, but I didn't really care about school prep in Brooklyn, and our classes were so small that I felt like I got a lot of extra attention. I've had 12 students in a class, yes, and for me that was great and I also had a good variety of things I could choose from, we were encouraged to play sports and do a lot of different things and when I went to public school and I was 30 kids in my class wasn't exactly the same, but why?
Well, what you just said is that your private school experience was better because the classes were smaller, not that the instruction was better than what they were necessarily doing at the neighborhood school. but at the neighborhood school you had 35 kids exactly, it wasn't a private school, you had 10 or 15, so it's not the quality of the instruction, but the environmental conditions that allow the teacher to do what he's supposed to do, What is teaching? from being a behavioral NCO listen to yourself and I don't disagree with what you get so I understand why so many people who don't like you don't want you around young black men because of your hate filled erratic in a negative reinforcement personality . and I don't know well, first I must say that I receive a lot of love from my community.
I'm one of the most sought after speakers in the country, so I get a lot of love. I'll be in Harlem on October 4th, Brooklyn, October 7th and I have to thank New York because New York and Chicago really helped Dr. Umar Johnson, who I am, those types of comments come from a select group of people who disagree with some of my political positions, one of them being multiculturalism. I'm not a Willis coach and the reason why is I'm not multicultural. This is because multiculturalism has been used to attack the black agenda, the reason they want African Americans to pay attention to everyone else's problems instead of their own is a way of detracting from our own. .
We didn't get the civil rights bill to be multicultural, but we got the civil rights bill by advocating for discrimination against African Americans, that doesn't mean you can't have collaborations with rubber organizations and other cultures, there's nothing bad about that, but you have to make sure you stick to your agenda because everyone is doing well with the Jews. the community sticks to the agenda The Latino community sticks to the agenda Arab, Asian, East Indian, an agenda of today and African Americans have the problem of always wanting to include everyone else and in the end you get what you got with the project of civil rights law, a situation where everyone else benefits more from something your ancestors died for and what does that mean when you say our lives matter?
It distracts from the fact that police are selectively exterminating African American men. All lives do matter, but we're talking about black people who tend to get overlooked every time a black kid is murdered by the police, the first thing they say on the news too, you know, yeah, he stole a soda or he was in juvenile prison five years ago, he was suspended fifty times, does that justify taking his life? lazy because I am unapologetically African and I don't push multiculturalism which becomes the problem, another problem obviously is the LBGT issue, it's okay when you want to have sex with the white man right, because I don't hate anyone, you understand and As a therapist , I do therapy with gay men all the time and for many of them one of the precipitating issues that led to homosexuality was childhood sexual abuse by an adult when they were still children, so I have empathy for that, so I don't go to go around ridiculing someone because they are gay or lesbian in sexual matters because I know that there are problems in their childhood that help to achieve this, but at the same time I reserve the right to say that I do not think this is the best for me.
I don't hate you from my community but I'm not going to support it because I don't see the long-term benefit of practicing this type of behavior. Do you think people can be born gay? No, I don't and there's no conclusive evidence for that party, you know, you know, a lot of gay people say they were born that way, they said you know, you're saying a lot of murderers say they were born murderers, a lot of pedophiles say they were born a pedophile, like that. What if we are going to say that this is a gay gene, we are going to have to open the conversation and say that it is a pedophile gene, which means that if I abuse children I should not go to jail because, after all, it was in my DNA, be careful.
When you open a door, you have a hole. Everyone does what I said yesterday. I said if you keep acting like this and for about 15 years people can be like being an illegal pedophile, being homosexual is not illegal, well that's true, but guess what when dsm-5 came out last year, that's the bible of diagnosis. They say they accidentally included pedophilia as a sexual orientation. Accidentally having sex with children was not listed in the DSM as a disease that they had to quickly fix to change that and I think they did. that's on purpose because there is an organization called the North American Association for Love Between Men and Boys they are trying to normalize and legalize my kindness in fact it has already been predicted that when the next DSM comes out pedophilia will be a normal behavior we need a job remember homosexuality some It was once a mental illness until '74 they changed in '74 some people thought homosexuality would never be considered normal in '74 but it was never illegal, it was never illegal, but here's the thing, once you say something is normal, it's easy to make legal.
So if this piece of pedophilia is accepted as normal behavior, it is by no means okay, that is a step towards causing the death of all homosexuals who were born homosexual. You think it's totally yes, most of them, most of them not exclusively, when I find three main reasons for homosexuality and lesbianism. number one the absence of that parent of the same sex when a child excuse me parent of the opposite sex nosame sex father when the child does not receive the love of his father that can create in him a thirst for masculine energy don't stay with me I tell you that what he wants is a father, he wants that because a child has a love story with your dad, not sexual but psychological, your dad is the one who makes you a man if that dad wasn't there to do that sometimes you get thirsty.
The desire for that supervisory male parental figure can lead you to seek it out and what is nothing more than a love or need for a father is misinterpreted and reinterpreted by popular culture as your desire to have sex with that man that the little man called baby . Daddy, you probably see, I'll do anything, but, but, but, follow me on that, you see, I didn't have my father, I still need that validation from a man when he's older. I'm looking at men and I'm longing for their love it's the real Otis it happens you think he's gay he's not gay you just need that male nourishment you never had the same with the girl she never had a mother she still thirsts for it but I'll say this but female lesbianism is often triggered okay by physical and verbal sexual abuse by men and many teenage lesbian sisters who were not sexually assaulted end up becoming lesbians because of this growing hatred and dissatisfaction with black masculinity and what it can do. by them and even by other cultures for ever greater growth. dissatisfaction with the role that men play, so, for example, when I talk to lesbian students in schools, they tell me that I know I was not born gay, I chose this dr.
Umar because men are not good at all They have raped me at the same time They have abused me my dad has not been there Why do I want to be with one of you? I prefer to be with a woman. What's the change? side of a lot of girls are dabbling in this now because guys think it's cool, it's cool, yeah, you can become that. I have also seen children with low self-esteem. Outsiders are particularly susceptible to being recruited by the lesbian. and gay gangs because they are Outsiders, but also because sometimes men, to keep a man like that, can't just be with me, so I'm going to go with the program and also sleep with other women because I know that's what Teresa once had to have.
I see that I hear a lot of things about women doing things, even women don't do things that day. Man one orders freaky-deaky two three things from women the relationship ends and now she feels hurt because I have done something extra that I am ashamed of with a man. I'm not aware anymore, you see, but the thing about women and relationships is fine, they have to come to the relationship with rules, they need to know the principles, which I'm not willing to do anyway, because if you're not Married to him, he can leave at any time, he could do the same in marriage, but at least there is something resembling a commitment, but for Being Donut it is something sexual like this, having all these escapades, he walks away now you felt that you know how many emails I get from women and I've done this and I've done this and now I just fell for using abuse why did you do it?
You have to take some responsibility here, you don't go that far with a man you have no commitment to, but because of the mass incarceration of black men, so many women are as thirsty as I sure am. this because I am not going to have a man and unfortunately many of them were modeled by their mothers with inappropriate behaviors for many black, white, rich and poor women, having a man is part of their definition of being a woman and by having a man is part of your definition of being a woman. Any man would do it just so you can feel like a woman.
You are now a psychiatrist. You know everything says that the homosexuality part always confused me. I have many gay friends and I always say. if they tell me they were born gay I have no choice but to believe it but here's the thing you don't know what you were born with none of us understand it especially when it comes to psychological issues for example some African Americans who I was born hating myself because of the legacy of self-hatred taught through slavery. He wasn't born that way. He was passed down from generation to generation. For example, said alcoholism runs in the family.
Many psychologists will argue this. I disagree. that alcoholism runs in the family, not through DNA, but I grew up watching my father drink, I grew up watching my grandmother drink, it is transmitted from parents to children. Materialism, you're going to tell me, materialism is in your DNA, so the grandmother you know was in love. with expensive things the mother was in love with expensive things a daughter is in love with expensive things so remember again if you open the door and say this is not your DNA then everything is in your DNA and if you are a person of color you have to have be very careful with that because the science of eugenics, which is white racism, says that every behavior and character defect of African Americans was transmitted through DNA, they say that we steal, we kill, we sell drugs and we steal because of defective DNA, They claim that behaviors are based on DNA, homosexuality as an act, okay, if you are going to claim that that is a DNA base, then guess what you open the door for them to also discuss well, if sexuality is based on a DNA, maybe they sell drugs on the corner maybe not marry your wives maybe have 50 children out of wedlock maybe that is also a DNA based if you open the door for behavior to be blamed on DNA instead from circumstantial situations, you'll embrace a whole new ballgame here, so okay? to open this school for boys, the Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy and we are trying to buy the st.
Paul's College, which is a historically black college in Lawrenceville Virginia. You went to Hampton, so you might be familiar with St. Paul's right down the street and it's been closed since 2012. They want two million dollars for the school, so I went there, met with the president, took the tour yada, yes, and we have been trying to raise that two million until now. half a million, okay, we still have one point five more left. I hope we can get this school before someone else does. It would be perfect because it is in the middle of nowhere and will be surrounded by an African American community. the perfect setting to get your kids out of the city center, detoxify them for the first six months, no video games, no, none of that, okay, we have to redo you to detoxify you, all that dirt in the neighborhood and us.
We will teach them the self-discipline of character. We will have agricultural science. They have to learn to grow their own food. Political and military signs. They have to understand the world they live in. Why do police murder so many black men? Why Obama? He was appointed president, there are reasons for all this, why Africa is the richest continent in minerals on the face of the earth, but still, the people of all ports I want you to understand the world in which you live, what is exactly white supremacy? Okay, they know, okay, wow. black people in the condition I am in, even though we are the hottest nation on the face of the earth, worth a trillion dollars gross, and yet we have no schools, no hospitals, no nothing Of course, there are reasons for all this, we are also going to give them a dietary and nutritional curriculum where they know how to eat to live because 85% of black people are dying from preventable diseases related to diet, chicken wings are killing us, McDonald's is killing us, so they need to learn to eat to live. there will also be a financial curriculum when they finish ninth grade they will be able to do their own taxes when they finish tenth grade they will have their own business plan when they finish eleventh grade they will have their own portfolio they will know how to invest in the stock market when they finish the day 11 why we lose they will pay for all this what these students will do what the parents will pay the tuition and do not underestimate the ability of black parents to pay the tuition because they painted in these why waste all the time?
I'm doing IQ tests every day of the people I watch. I'm like if you could pay $15,000 a year, yeah, I could do it for my two kids, they would do it. The reason our parents send their children to white schools is that there are no private black schools that they feel live up to what their children feel. I feel like you know the use of HEC gets a bad rap because I feel like parents don't necessarily think that kids who are getting the same education and the same outlook on life when it comes to the stereotype, but also HBCUs, are getting the hammer. because white schools, predominantly white institutions, have intensified their recruitment of black children.
Look, 75 years ago you couldn't go to Harvard. and Yale just because of the color of your skin now Harvard and Yale got a scholarship just because of blood look Harvard got a scholarship we got you from the neighborhood and you got a 4.0 on a perfect SAT we paid for your entire trip that's a quarter of a million education, you don't pay a dime so because PW is increasing their recruiting and black colleges don't think about it. Envy, look at Hamptons recruiting for new students and then look at University of Virginia recruiting for new students, you might see Hampton. at some of the college fairs, but most of the black schools only go to the black college fair, they go to all the college fairs, they start recruiting more, no, too many, in fact, many of them are at risk to stop being HBCUs because like Howard and others are recruiting so many white students that now black students are worried if this is still historically HBCU or not and half of the HBCUs are about to close anyway because then they got the money, remember these universities started with what land. grant money, you can't index the money they had, so only one state exactly, but with inflation you can run that school unless you have a serious benefactor that doesn't keep that money flowing.
Now I'm going to put the hip. jump community is fine in this case, the reason Harvard and Yale are doing as well as Harvard and Yale is because their alumni come back and contribute in significant numbers. I don't know what puff is doing for Howard, he might be doing son, but if you don't puff, you need to handle Oprah, you went to the state of Tennessee, what you're doing for the state of Tennessee, and even if you didn't go to a black college , Shawn Carter, okay, Beyonce card, everyone should put a point on one of these schools, LeBron.
The 2.1 B schools a little bit why I needed one of these schools to use especially people in the industry, you know when I was in school they seemed to look down on it, disapprove of the music industry and I know the university disapproved of music . they wanted to be the industry, they want you to go to Wall Street, they want to dilute the White Collar but you are also highlighting one of our greatest weaknesses as people, the work product that we exclusively own is music, it is America's second leading export, you want say. Telling me that hip-hop is a black product, a trillion-dollar economy and we don't control it, we don't share it, that's crazy, right?
Imagine if we control black music, it's America's second largest export, if you control that every community would have what it takes from the hospital to work, etc., so we take a look at how we get back to our problems of loving everyone else and not loving ourselves enough why we create so much and pass it on to people outside the culture and then when mclemore eminem gets album of the year he is considered the greatest rapper of all time we We get mad, but you're the one who made it comfortable for them to come in and colonize your art form because you said all music matters and not just black music matters.
You will notice that with cultural products most cultures build protection around them. You will see how Jewish culture is exploited. You will see how Mexican culture is exploited. You will see how East Indian culture is exploited. The only culture that is exploited in the world is black culture because we. I feel like there's something wrong with saying this is primarily for black people, you can participate, but we're in a multicultural darling like we expected there to be money so it would expand regardless of what you see, you look directly from Compton. It's easy to understand and they still direct me to the content of a music that Jerry Heller was paid to play, so you could have expanded and still maintained control over the product, we didn't have to sell it, remember in the 80s if you were signed to a major or they did some crossover music, they said it was sold out, everyone didn't, now you see what I'm saying because everyone was chasing that dollar and the problem with music is that you have to make a decision: exposure versus control of the product if I want exposure I am assigned to a specialty I am not exposed I want to be among the top ten inbillboard but the amount of cells I'm actually recruiting is almost like sharecropping black music you're sharecropping you're producing the product and then a company keeps most of what you said before everything in education, everything is education, education is just what you taught, it was all when I graduated from school and I and I were in the music industry, my mom and dad said: no, you have to get a regular job, you have to go to Wall Street, they didn't believe in have your own, you know, I mean, and most black, African-American parents, they don't believe that they don't know how to teach their children how to undo that was the culture that was created, so how to go about stopping it, okay, They don't know how to invest in businesses they don't know so if they don't know they can't teach their kids and if we don't have school we don't have Jack and Jill programs you won't be able to use CC next time but the problem is Jack and Jill Jill they are so watered down that HBCUs are so bad right now that you feel like I, as a farmer, feel like Iran.
I prefer my daughter to go to an Ivy League school because I feel she will have a better opportunity, but here's the thing: if the community was organized, there wouldn't necessarily be a problem with her daughter going. Ivy League because there would be a reason she would go, she would go to the Ivy League for a particular reason, but Charlemagne's son might need to go to an HBCU for this reason. The problem is that we are disorganized and cannot determine what is and what is not. in the best interest of the community as a collective because we are disorganized think about we don't even have a professional inventory we don't know how many black teachers we have we don't know how many black barbers we have no I don't know how many black psychologists we have, we may have certain professions that have as much black people no other black kids can go to school because of this, we don't care how much you love it, you're choosing something else, that's what Asian communities do that's what these Indian communities do, you don't just run away from college and well, this is what I want to study, aha, what you study must be relevant to us as a people, you will not exactly be a doctor and they tell you they tell you in China they will tell you that you will be and guess what they will not discuss what you know why because I want to serve my people and if serving my people means getting this deal with this doctorate or this Ph.D. that's what I'm going to do, but in the black community it's every man for himself, whatever you want to do, whatever you want. be.
I receive this money, doctor, the question of money is relevant and one of our big problems with our young people, why they drop out of school. from school like crazy it's because they don't make money when we went to school we had work-study once you got to high school a couple of hours of learning in a day in the afternoon they wanted you what work-study but now that's true so black kids are dropping out of school because they say Shakespeare and Columbus aren't going to put money in my pocket. Now the question is: how can they be blamed for selling drugs when there is no economy for them?
An African American child has the most difficult situation. When it comes to finding a job in the United States, according to the Department of Labor, they will hire a child who does not speak English, but for them they will hire an African American child because of the stereotype, so if you don't know why children are still in cars and rushed creditcards and selling crack no one will give them a job crime you are not born a criminal criminals are made by society and the mother of all crimes is Miss Education and the father of all crimes is economic castration if you don't give me an education decent and you don't give me a job I'm a criminal waiting take me I have six degrees but take my doctorate take three my certifications I will be out there selling crack doing something I would never have thought of doing to feed my two daughters because we get to recognize my people and not we know how they are going to eat day to day that creates a psychology of desperation and panic and you will do things that you didn't even think about doing it's easy to judge people when you feel comfortable and that's why I tell educated black people because they can be very bourgeois I can't stand those Bouazizi who grew up as men together, got a master's degree and a doctorate, now you act like you forgot what it was like to be in the neighborhood and now you want to judge these kids instead of giving them a way.
I don't think you should make any decisions out of desperation, but when I was a kid, my mom had a bike. Anna and I sold drugs. I don't. I must like it. I could have gone and gotten a job at Walmart. I could have stayed in school but I chose to be there just because of the association as it was and a lot of kids do but here's the question, you could have gotten a job. At Walmart the question is: Does Walmart have enough jobs or does it have enough will to be willing to give them to all African American men your age and that part of South Carolina?
So we also have to talk about opportunities because we can say that there are some. There are enough jobs for every African American in America, of course not, and one of the reasons there is mass incarceration, one of the reasons there is police extermination of black men is because we are no longer needed for the American government. for the economy to work this is the reality that black people do not want to add we are not needed, they brought us here to serve, they do not need you at GMC, they do not need you at McDonald's, they have more than four million. undocumented illegal immigrants who are willing to work that job for less than minimum wage, no health benefits, no workers compensation or anything like that, that's why illegal immigrants are allowed to stay in the country so they can occupy the place of the lowest minority in this country. which is the African, you know what I feel, you know, but I feel like sometimes they don't believe in each other at all, we don't mean that if you get an accountant, you know, we already have in mind that you need a white accountant. oh you need a white lawyer or you need a white agent or you need a white lawyer and I feel like sometimes that happens because we don't believe in ourselves, which is why most black musicians have white accounts, from hip-hop to R&B. everyone has white account Louis before example I'm talking about my school fundraiser right now okay let's say one of these and I hope they write a check you know what I mean these matter what are you going to have to put that? check another disaster, but no, seriously, we need it.
If you want to donate to the fundraiser go to fund /dr Umar go to fund /dr um AR now whenever you want to go you only have raised 160 but most of my donations have been Mellon checks and money orders, people don't check, I don't trust the internet, so we raised half a million in a year, that's great, but the problem with that is if we only raised 1/2 million. one year in school calls 2 million yeah about four years thanks that will be so I need I need a check I need a check I need jay-z I need that check puff I know you hear puff and we're tax exempt so you can write it off at taxes, help me get this school so we can give our children a new reality.
I like everything you said, it's going to be hard to get a concealer, you said Jay-z called Jay-z, Jay-z and use no, no, no, I didn't know, stay with me, stay with me, talk about yourself first. I don't have any children on YouTube. I don't have my own YouTube channel, but that's not what you know. Listen, okay, every single video on YouTube was uploaded. by someone else and the ones that escaped you choose the title, you understand it, so you pick up something dr.


says all homosexuals should be killed. I didn't say never watch the video, you'll see.
I said it because you said that Jay-z LeBron says his job is to deflect from black issues, well that's the job of the black bourgeoisie. period, if you're at that level your job is to take attention away from the issues affecting black people and put it on all lives, that doesn't mean they aren't trying to make their way, although you understand I've heard some things. and some of Jay-Z's lyrics that make me think he wants to try and break through but look who he signed with so he gotta be careful how he moves cause you know what happens at that level so I focused especially in them.
They look at rich black people more than they look at black people in the ghetto, because rich black people have the financial means to change our situation. Oprah can build ten supermarkets tomorrow and put ten thousand black people to work. Jay-z can build ten hospitals overnight so that Look, rich black people can outweigh us because they have the financial means to change things, oh, you better believe in Oprah, phone ring, jay-z, telephone touch, uh, telephone touch, you see, and I have lines of connections with many of these people. and they all come back with the same message: they love you, they look at your work but they are afraid to be affiliated with you, but my thing is to take care of the money, you can put it in someone else's hands and have them give it to me, so I don't believe that excuse, okay, and my thing is this, even if you don't support me, I support HBCUs with all the black celebrities, we have football, basketball, fast in entrepreneurship, every black college should have a black business sponsor , jay-z and Beyonce, a school ensures. a puff school a Rick Ross school a LeBron school a Carmelo school a school why are these black colleges closing Wilberforce in trouble Cheney in trouble the south in trouble huh you got a millionaire sitting on money who now supports dr.
Umar may be a quote-unquote radical, but you can support an HBCU Roger because he guess what he envies half of our black professionals come from HBCUs if you get rid of the HBCU we are your doctors where your lawyers come from we are a psychologist. Where are their professors coming from if the closure of HBCUs has ended the rest of Germany in trouble because enrollment is down? Nobody wants to go to these schools because it is the combination, but why are there fallen Roma? They don't have the money to pay for the kind of marketing that many predominantly white institutions can afford, that's why they need black support, remember most universities operate foundations built off of alumni money, black colleges need the same thing, where is the black money and don't get me wrong.
You are not in the position of telling Jay-z, Oprah or anyone else how to spend your money. I know you went through hell to get where you got and I respect that, but what I'm saying is you stand on people's shoulders Jay, where you were because of the people who came before you Oprah, where you were because of the people who came Before you, coming back with Mrs. CJ Walker, the first female millionaire or billionaire in America, everyone is standing, standing on their shoulders. So remember that a little bit and give back, we have to give back, that's our story.
Where would we be now if Frederick Douglas, Marcus Garvey's Harriet Tubman, said dr. King said I'm just going to do this, but you have to pay me, yeah, Frederick Douglass is my great-great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, uh, him and my great-great-grandfather, Steven Henry Bailey, we're brothers raised in a st. Plantation I am actually starring as Frederick Douglas for the first time in a play at the Frederick Douglass Resource Center Rochester New York which is where he is buried where he lived on Saturday December 19th from 6 to 9 o'clock Frederick Bellas Resource Center I will be playing to Frederick Douglass I have the wig I have the clothes and I would do justice to the conscience of my ancestors because he will bring that out Charlie I said they said ooh ma Charlamagne will bring up the country because I want to give you a million and I lost it because because of conscience okay, I met her sister online no, I was the keynote speaker at the Marcus Garvey celebration in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, last year, okay, August 17, 2014, she came to the event with her son, okay , I took a photo with him, she texted me the photo, she said by the way, I'm from Philly, no problem sis, when you come let's hang out, she was dressed in cultural hair wrapped in a dashiki dress in consciousness, we came together two months later, I'm In Birmingham, England, keynote speech on African Liberation Day in England and my phone started exploding.
She is on the Internet. Umar Johnson dated me I'm a stripper I did it you didn't tell me I'm supposed to know your striptease I've never been to a strip


in my life so this was one woman's case okay? she basically tried to give me a superhit. I am going to destroy this man despite what he is trying to do to save our children. I'm going to destroy it to try to make myself famous before that campaign to try to destroy my credibility. Nobody knew her. Now he has tens of thousands of followers, it hurts because why would you do that to someone who works like me?
Okay, tell people I'm not serious about my school. This is all a joke. I saw you three times sister, we were together three times, Charlotte, me. How do you get all this information from a man you saw three times in a nine-day period? You sawsexual relations? We have relationships. Okay, but that doesn't justify this and it definitely doesn't justify you attacking my school now if you want. to slander me, slander me, sometimes people do that when they don't get what they want out of a relationship, but they attack this man's agenda to save our children, something you know nothing about about something he never discussed with you and was wrong, yes, like you said.
I love you like a man, that's what hurt me, don't mess with that, that's my life's work, that's my pride and when it comes to saving black kids, black kids don't mess with that and You think it's because you know what you're talking about. the way you talk and it's almost like it's not quite a dial thing. I don't think you're doing that, but people may have said that I never claimed to be a people. I respect black women, but we both made a conscious decision as adults Charlamagne why that becomes the conversation in the community why that personal situation is published and then exploited well filter of lies why did you have to do that why You don't just have a conversation with me that we never had an argument, a fight, all I know is that one day I woke up and this is what it was and certain websites that had never published anything about it, dr.
Umar Johnson was suddenly a retiree and I refused to do an


Angie, do you know why they


me about the war on black children, they interview me about mass incarceration, they interview me about what I'm doing with fundraising funds, interview me about how many thousands of kids I kept out of jail I kept out of special ed I got out of especially away from drugs interview me about something positive interview me about Frederick Dulles Marcus Garvey don't interview me about garbage but our people love negativity sensationalist, for example, that country stripper stuff, those posts were getting millions of views.
I'm like my fundraiser and I get emails, but some old stripper daughters. I mean, I'm a straight man, but I'll tell you this on this level that I'm on. I'm a very humble duke, I'm from North Philly, 18th Street. Block Saint is tame, stop playing that Drake hit on me, okay, and me, come on. Oh, he should have killed me. I think I think the people in this camp told him to back off. I do not do it. I don't know why I would have a relationship with Nicki, but he would have killed Riggs. I'm listening because I'm in Africa, we just got back from Africa, so I heard the Drake joint, I heard the beef joint.
I don't think that in any way. No way, I know you, you walk in, I don't know him personally, he grew up with my brother, you know that, but you walk in, so I think people got into his hair, but I'm a meek fan, you know, regardless. even though he's dating Nicki because you talked about black women wearing weaves let me talk about that let me talk about that at my school because I have to be open Fred Douglas Marcus Garvey Andy they'll be the Anna Douglas and Amy trash that I can't leave out the girls.
Many women come to me, especially feminists. They say why are you not talking about girls. Well, guess what if I saved your son. I'm saving the girls because he's going to be a strong black man. Who could be the husband of someone's daughter? But we are not going to leave aside the girls. We will open the Anna Douglas Amy Garvey cart and all girls who come to school are 100 percent diaper-wearing. By nature, there will be no weaving. permanent hair color extensions at my school why, because being a principal and therapist the number one weapon used against brown and black girls is what is the beauty phenotype that they believe they have to look European to be attractive, they come to my. in a second and third grade doctor ooh ugly mom you are beautiful what do you mean? look at my nose look at my skin color look at my hair they hate themselves black women spend more money on cosmetics than every other woman in america armed for my b school to change let's make you love what god made you , you don't have to be European, it's okay, white women are attractive according to their cultural standards, Asian women are attractive according to cultural standards and you should be attractive according to your cultural standards you shouldn't have to unbutton and put on a European package to be beautiful so mom, when I get married, okay, my queen, she will be natural, my daughters will be natural. but again I don't agree with that, but I don't condemn anyone, you understand, I work with mothers all day, damn, okay, fill me, you know who your woman will be, you know, let's fall in love, what could you fall in love with, Angela Yee. and Angie will come natural but she won't come, but you said I'm not natural, let me tell you why, even though she does this, whatever it is, that thing is pressing on your hair, don't you think, he was never here, forest just got out of bed, how? a long time, well, no, I could take the hit once in a while oh no, no, no, no, that's the one to track, you shaved all that off, but here's a regular bottle, you love a role model, I'm a role model, right? wife when I walk into a school and those girls are sitting eating chocolate little girls sitting I can't walk in with a woman who is imitating a European standard of beauty, that's a contradiction to my message, you can't be with white I can't date women outside my race and not because I consider white women.
I am less than a black woman. I do not do it. They have appointments outside of my representative. Rachel Dolezal is a function of your values. Don't fall in love with someone if what she represents is in any way a contradiction to your values. Let me give you an example. What if I fell in love with the marketing director of the psychiatric medicine Ritalin? So here I am fighting ADHD and I'm married and sleeping with the woman who is pushing ADHD into your life's path. I can't contradict mine to make it real. Don't confuse cultural nationalism with enlightened nationalism with organic nationalism and I know you all see this a lot in The brothers in the hip-hop community have Shiki hair, the clear African name is Kemet, but what you do for black people, you dress with the dress, take off your Halloween costume, take off your costume and what are you doing for the black book?
Because it's easy to seem cultural. easy to be black during Kwanzaa it's easy to be black, you know, during Black History Month, it's easy to be black if you were around our black people, but do you tell the truth to dominate white people? Look, I'm looking for the organic people because All this hot stuff, we didn't do it, we are disrespecting black consciousness in black culture by doing nothing but spreading the information, that's all you hear, information on YouTube, information, information that is good, we need knowledge yourself, but we need institutions, where is the hospital, brother, where is it? the shipping line where is the distribution network don't save the hotel for me until I die give me something that helps people because all you have is information you know better than the church we keep talking about how to go to church you just swam in it black people, you do the same thing that the pastor preaches and you preach, you have nothing for the people and the pastor doesn't always know when it comes to polarizing figures either, you can have a lot of love and a lot of hate.
I see where. the hate comes simply because your views on homosexuality and your views on women, when you have what's my view, when they can't, we're weaving wigs, they don't want to hit it, so I'll tell you something when I go from city to city, the audience, right, there are people who support my work and they and they support me on a regular basis. I have seen sisters go without me pressuring them with just my message. I have seen many sisters go naturally. I never would have thought about it, but you know, let's say I'm in Detroit in December, I'll be back and March, like you just got over the blonde weave, it's straight, baby, you know, so the sisters are watching it, you gotta remember something, how they will dress.
We want them to look, most sisters dress like that and wear hair like that because they think that's the only thing that brothers want on a date and it's true, yes, many of us have a Eurocentric standard of beauty, but the Most rappers condemn darkness. -skinned women and their lyrics, let's be honest, almost every major rapper you name has said something derogatory against dark skinned black women. Oh, watch the videos now. I'm watching videos where all the women in the video are almost white. I never saw that. with a hood video you see it now before she was light skinned strictly she was like a white girl strictly but you feminists in the hood what the darts are is that when it's candy boy in butter armor with a knob of butter, they should also have fair skin. because we have all the nuances, but we let all the nuances be represented, but do not disrespect dark-skinned black women, because that black skin that is the original color of Africans, that is how we look when God gives us put on earth to be natural, right?
I'm a therapist, my job is to heal and that's the only thing I tell people, well, lesbians, gay or black women. I am a psychologist, my job is to heal. You will never hear me disrespect or categorically denigrate any group of people. I will never do it. do that, i don't care who they are or what they are, that's not dr. Umar Johnson my heart bleeds love I am unapologetically African I will never change what I have I have an obligation to my ancestors to finish their work Okay, we're about to go through some things when Obama leaves office, we want to go through some things that they think they're saying police brutality now they haven't seen anything they're about to take us back to Reconstruction and civil rights and we need to be ready and the way you prepare is by organizing but it's hard to organize this all of you. because we love to fight for insignificant things we want to fight for religion we want to fight for the color of the skin we want to fight for the neighborhood we want to fight for political ideology he is more like he is in the whopping he is a pan-African he is a black why do you fight against nobody's things, Charlemagne and I have two different ideologies, the four of us, let's unite with the purpose of building a school, the purpose of stopping violence in the neighborhood, the purpose of building a hospital, the purpose of giving to the world. the first totally independent black man with the musical purpose of my ideology, not religion, but the purpose is to stop looking for perfect people to be right, that's what I believe, please do that, please do that.
I think about losing, oh, it comes out like this, but it does that. So what I can be fair about is when people criticize me, who in these streets fight to save our children from expulsion from prison, special education, ADHD, more than me, if you can name one person, I want to know his name, let no one name it. like me, I'm in jail, don't you know, I'm in jail, I'm in the schools, you ain't norman, soft, I'm evaluating the kids, helping the pen, you don't even do half the things I do, You don't know because I don't think my credit should come from people, my credit comes from the top, that's the only person who needs to see the work that Dr.
Umar Johnson does, but I'm not just one of those conscious black teachers who walk around talking and get paid. I'm not a cultural pimp. When you give me money, that money comes back. We're about to do the black boys college tour next spring, okay? and we will do it with the money I raise for three kings in Brooklyn with David Banner, me and dr. Claude Anderson we were the three speakers, so my money goes back to the people. I mean the people. I was never in love with that money. I respect it because I know we need it, but I'm not in love with money. so I come from nothing Athens susquehanna North Philadelphia my parents I have nothing so I know what it's like to not have and I will never look down on someone because not while I'm in these six degrees I could lose that tomorrow all this I have to I can lose that tomorrow everything What you have is your character, your principles, your heart and your soul.
Fahmy at dr. Umar Johnson comm dr um ar Johnson comm I repeat dr um AR Johnson comm and you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at dr. Umar Johnson a word dr um AR Johnson okay, it's The Breakfast Club, good morning

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