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Feb 27, 2020
Our eyes observing the noble fruit of a nut remind us that throughout history plants and men have always gone hand in hand in prehistory, plants and other natural elements were used to cure diseases as well as to generate the most important element and vital fire, healing herbs and edible mushrooms were found in the personal effects of ozzy the ice man, but not only did they know its uses, the animals surprisingly self-medicate, the monarch butterflies infected by parasites lay their eggs on toxic plants such as oleander as if from a plant medicine will be treated, they do not give their babies allowing them to live also the herbs that this bear eats calmly kill all types of worms intestinal and stomach bacteria is mountain linguistics or what can we say about this elephant that eating a plant called borja which is used for delivery a few days later she gave birth to her baby finally these African monkeys often look for a plant called aspil already from the sunflower family as soon as they chew its leaves the monkeys shrink and their nose some even vomit and as soon as they eat them Apparently it contains a substance that radically destroys parasites and fungi.
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Well, we leave prehistory and travel to the first civilizations in ancient Egypt. Papyri such as Ebers reflect the use of up to 700 different plants, including aloe vera used by the pharaohs and which It has great regenerative properties for the skin, aloe vera, which is also called, is made up of nutrients, proteins, enzymes and amino acids. Likewise, another civilization, the Mesopotamian, left the use they made of plants recorded in stone no less than four thousand years ago, but it is in China around the year 5000, a book called Thought collects hundreds of formulas and plants that teach the noble art of healing, but in India it is the Tsuru You Anguita who describes no less than 700 medicinal plants, as do Greek and Roman cultures.
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Both used remedies similar to ours that mixed rest with food and pure, clean, fresh air. Their practices were collected by figures such as Hippocrates, Claudius Galen, Dioscorides, or the best known to all, Socrates, Aristotle and Plato. Also, as a curiosity, the Roman soldiers were pioneers in the use of this plant and when the lettuce heads it produces alkaloids similar to morphine which served to calm the intense pain of wounds. We reached the middle ages and classic writings of medicine and science remained in the hands of monks and monasteries, their gardens house whites that they use for their various treatments, however, the Middle Ages were also a dark time and knowledge was confused with energy, yet figures such as Charlemagne contributed to promoting the noble art of popular medicine, as would also the Called wise women, those who developed small herbal remedies and incantations while Europe plunged into the Middle Ages at the hands of Persians and Arabs, the schools of medicine and alchemy founded in Baghdad arose back in the 9th century or if we talk about the new world The conquistadors were surprised to see that wise men or shamans knew the art of healing, jungle plants and mushrooms were used to cure some of those plants brought from America were cocoa, which in addition to being nutritious, lifts the spirit's spirit as also vanilla, which in addition to being a tranquilizer is also an antioxidant and what can we say about tobacco and coffee, the first of which was used then in America but in a completely natural way, but let's go back to Europe, we are already in the 15th century in the resurgence of sciences and of life is the rebirth here the first studies of the human body begin with drawings by the great Leonardo treatises on medicine, surgery and illness, highlighting among them those written by the Dutch doctor Paracelsus, his method was as effective as it was simple, with the ability to cure that went beyond the conventional and in the 18th century the drug appeared, not the study of the chemical composition of plants, being in the 19th that its components were isolated, giving rise to the first laboratory drugs.
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Let's now look at some plants and their uses. From each one we will begin by citing the powerful bass. Science has proven its enormous benefits. A compound called Ali cine gives it great properties. It travels quickly through the blood. It improves fluidity. It reduces cholesterol levels and stimulates the immune system. In addition, blood pressure benefits a lot. The study showed how garlic extract was classified as the drug atenolol, this other plant known as more flight is the most powerful hypotensive agent that exists, it acts on the nervous system, preventing anxiety and nervousness disorders. In addition, its fruits are edible, rich in vitamin C, as are also its leaves although it is in the flowers where we find the medicinal properties if from the previous plant we weave that the hypericum is calming depressive stay its name comes from hyperion god of the sun and precisely with it depressions are cured and its bad thoughts are directed. two substances, hyper and fine and perforin, tone the nervous system and improve neuronal activity and the y perico has been subjected to numerous studies.
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Its extract is as effective as a conventional antidepressant. Mugwort is considered the mother of all herbs, a medicinal plant indicated for women and which, as its name indicates, does not allow the goddess of fertility herself, artemis or diana, is recommended for those who suffer from nightmares and in traditional Chinese medicine is part of the so-called motion in In the Middle Ages, mugwort was used as a protective and magical herb, it induced lucid dreams and astral travel, perhaps for that reason artists and writers of the 19th century took it in the famous absinthe drink, which is used as inspiration for their works for the true and the cells there was no plant more sacred than mistletoe, it had to be cut into a golden cone and always on the new moon it is said that it is an antidote to poisons and tradition says that having a branch at Christmas will bring us good luck Mistletoe is also the symbol of light, allowing, as they say, to explore the gloomy caverns of hell without the danger of losing one's soul in them.
To reach that star, a superfood like alfalfa would be required. Its roots of more than 4 meters give it great power. quantity of vitamins, minerals and proteins, which is why it is ideal for diseases such as weakness and fatigue. It is a coincidence that nettle also has these ideal nutrients for the blood as well as for skin disorders, even serving as an excellent edible vegetable, especially if the problem is arthritis. lack of minerals or sore bones the best plant is the remineralizing and diuretic horsetail. It can be used for bleeding cuts due to its incredible healing capacity.
This other tree is the symbol of eternal youth and for the Chinese the pine was always the tree of long life was consecrated to the wildest and most primal goddess, the great goddess Cybele. Its balsamic property serves to relieve respiratory problems with holidays and flu, and can be enjoyed in a scented bath that will fill us with energy and vigor and vigor will also give us the most precious treasure. from our forests the chanterelle with its characteristic orange color and excellent flavor or the deadly amanita phalloides with which we will have to be especially careful. We will look at its olive green color, its sweet and caramelized smell and its skin and its characteristic bag or powder, on the other hand, macrolepiota is an excellent edible mushroom, we will observe that its small ring can move and slide along its beautiful trunk, but we will be more vigorous if we use the well-known rosemary, also called chinche in Spanish, effective as a liver stimulator, detoxifies the body and is a powerful remedy for tiredness and fatigue, as if that were not enough, a popular saying says rosemary, take away the bad and bring me the good, pronounced three times while burning a dry twig, it serves to attract good luck, but the effectiveness of rosemary can be increased.
In combination with thyme, a great stimulant of solar plant energy and an effective remedy for respiratory and pharyngeal problems, it is also a proven powerful antibiotic, a substance called thymol and other essential oils make it one of the most powerful, although as there are no two without three rosemary and thyme, we can add sage every morning, these three plants guarantee a long life and good physical health and sage comes from Latin except that it means to save or be healthy, it is said that whoever raises sage in their garden does not You have reason to die, however, lavender, although it is also an aromatic plant, does not have the property of a stimulant.
On the contrary, it is an effective tranquilizer. Lavender, which is also called, is also a magnificent mosquito repellent. You can see now that elderberry literally means benefit and is Its flowers are anti-inflammatory, they reduce fever and the plant in general is associated with good fortune, perhaps that is why the Romans placed small stems on the doors of their houses and the Greeks made sonorous and delicate flutes or even magic wands like those of the famous magician. harry potter and perhaps now you are wondering if there is any plant for the lungs because yes indeed one of the best is the mullein with an excellent antitussive capacity.
It is also capable of thoroughly cleaning our respiratory tract and as a curiosity it is also known as herb of fishermen and its flowers dispersed in the water were and are a surprising drug that is harmless to people and is relentless for fish. Rose hips are equally healthy. Their vitamin C content is higher than that of oranges, making them a wonderful restorative if necessary. Since we are cold, for this purpose, a syrup with its fruits or a simple infusion is the best way to use it, as we can also do with blackberries, delicious fruits in which vitamins abound that help us lower our body fever just as it does.
Shepherd's aspirin or barberry, many edible leaves with a pleasant lemon flavor, contain a substance called verbena with a powerful antipyretic effect. It also reduces blood sugar, allowing its absorption, even having positive results for a wide variety of cancers. Here is another effective plant for lungs is the most obvious, the maurine contained in its leaves fluidifies bronchial secretion, expectoration and dilates the alveoli. It can be taken as an infusion and swim in vapors or even smoke its leaves, precisely for this reason it is also known as the poor man's tobacco and these Cypresses with a spiritual appearance are often centuries old, their evergreen leaves and almost unknown wood made them a symbol of immortality.
Likewise, the cypress acts on the circulatory system, curing varicose veins, molds, thrombi or hematomas. Gerardo Diego sang to his cypress like this. black tower give two edges example of vertical delusions mute cypress in the fervor of centuries a very beautiful plant consecrated to Venus Aphrodite crowned the brides' hairstyle and it is the great goddess of love in medicine its leaves after being crushed is They have a strong aroma and an essential oil that regulates the function of the thyroid and ovaries. Likewise, their berries are widely used as a flavoring for numerous alcoholic beverages, although for plants dedicated to the Virgin Aphrodite this is one of the most beautiful, as well as What we do with water or especially with wood, we will also collect the plants in the same way we collect them in places that have not been contaminated, avoiding areas of pesticides or poisons, roads, factories or even certain crop fields.
We will also be provided with a cloth bag, a basket. or some scissors to cut not only a part of the plant, then when we get home we spread them out to dry in a warm place but never allowing them to be exposed directly to the sun when when touching dried flowers and leaves they fall apart in the hand is the When storing them in glass jars, we put a label with the name of the plant, the date of collection and we store them in a dark place, renewing them if possible every year. All plants have substances called active ingredients, these give them the medicinal properties that some have.
Plants have some principles that make them curative, others, however, have others that make them poisonous, potentially paralyzing or even causing death. Let's look at some examples. Salicylic acid, known as aspirin, is one of those principles or substances found in plants such as white willow. bark that is why it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, however other principles are harmful, for example, alkaloids are very active and dangerous substances, morphine which is found in poppy or choline in hemlock are some of them as great antibiotics found in raw garlic rosemary and thyme as we already said more if it is about digestion chamomile anise and fennel if we have heartburn we will take fenugreek flax and olive leaves but for burns hypericum and king dor root like this As for wounds and cuts, horsetail, ubiquitous rosemary and aloe vera.
Now, if it is a problem of anxiety or insomnia, valerian, lime blossom and orange blossom + and anxiety is accompanied by depression, we will use both Iberian hawthorn and hawthorn. For skin diseases, nettle and rosemary are best, as well as chamomile and chamomile are best for eye inflammation, or raw garlic and clove oil forthe irresistible toothache finally if what we have is fatigue and exhaustion we will use rosemary, thyme and sage however not all plants are beneficial we are now talking about the poisonous ones hemlock with its immense power to cause death was ingested by the famous Socrates the who, unjustly convicted, saw how his deteriorated nervous system slowly caused his death.
However, components of hemlock are used today in the pharmaceutical industry since they precisely serve to combat cancer. We also have jimsonweed, a very poisonous plant that causes hallucinations. They made the ointment with it. of witches, which smeared on their armpits, wrists and other parts made them fly into the air as a curiosity, that is to say, their small seeds could be used to hunt mice if we introduced them into a small piece of cheese, another lethal plant is the small black or White that with analgesic properties can combat asthma or Parkinson's, however, its high toxicity suggests that we should not do it.
However, the witches did use it for its hallucinogenic properties and simply smelling its flowers could make us dizzy and headache. By the way, we take advantage of it to say that scopolamine is extracted from this and other similar plants, a substance that unscrupulous people are using to rape and steal with impunity and this we believe should not be allowed but let's continue poisonous species such as hell grass are so toxic that simply their contact with the hands cause an unpleasant sensation in the past they were used as powerful weapons in war they poisoned arrows and darts thus fighting the enemies another less dangerous species is the cameraman despite its name tomato has been used as a tranquilizer but above all to heal the annoying herpes and the belladonna from which for many years a substance called atropine has been extracted that calms us and serves to dilate the pupils but be careful with this other castor bean, just a few seeds are enough to kill although if we burn one of them we can ask for a wish while it burns, which it is said will be granted to us now, well if the desire to smoke we must know that the origin of tobacco is located in Peru and Ecuador, with more than 5 thousand years old, it allows those who use it to reach high levels of concentration. physical and mental, in fact, before the battle, the warriors used the famous pipe of peace, although tobacco, then, has little to do with today and we close the toxic chapter with the tree of life of death, the guardian of the threshold we are referring to the yew.
The Celts venerated it as part of their rituals and used it to hunt because of its poison. Its poisoning is very dangerous and causes death, although in some cases it allows access to the worlds beyond. The contamination of the world is unstoppable, at least. For now we have to endure and even ingest very numerous poisonous substances, but within the plants, some have a cleansing effect. In 2013, a study carried out throughout Europe confirmed that as a result of pollution, the blood of Europeans has on average up to 500 chemical substances, diseases that Today we call them of unknown origin.
They could be due to hereditary factors but also to pesticides, contaminated air, heavy metals in fish, small amounts that, although legal, accumulate and perhaps make us sick. Then natural solutions came into play. We have the so-called plants that he used to be or cleansers. from the blood, one of them is already mentioned above raw garlic capable of cleansing us of heavy metals that the body alone could hardly expel garlic has been subjected to numerous studies, one of them was carried out in a car battery factory proving that in their employees blood lead levels decrease by up to 19% after 4 weeks of application, milk thistle is also at our disposal, its high content in if the navy makes this plant an excellent liver repairer since it It strengthens and activates it more.
We also have juniper. We can do the cure that bears its name for 14 days. We will ingest its small, highly medicinal berries. They contain numerous essential oils. Juniper is a diuretic and blood detoxifier that strengthens the body in a surprising way. From which we can also take advantage of even the root of the dandelion, once roasted, a delicious coffee is made that turns it into a liver cleanser. It is also formidable. Along with the use of these powerful plants, we must say that our body on its own tends to clean itself and it does so through two fundamental filters: the kidneys, which filter toxic substances and remove them from the blood through urine, and the liver, another of the filters through which more than 400 liters of blood pass every hour, leaving it free of toxins if these two organs function, we will be healthy, but if the accumulation of polluting substances is excessive, the natural purification of the body is not possible and the massive entry of toxins could cause illness, which is why detoxification of our body using not only plants but also techniques such as cleansing the The liver and the gallbladder could free us from the disease or simply restore our vitality again.
Let's look at some other curiosities about plants. For example, animals have different digestive systems than ours. This koala digests eucalyptus leaves perfectly, while for us they are completely poisonous. On the other hand, although it may seem incredible, plants are capable of feeling, they prefer certain types of music, they react to stimuli rather than words, and the most surprising thing is that they emit chemical signals among themselves and communicate subtly, and speaking of curiosities, perhaps you might wonder what the tree is. largest in the world, we will talk about the sequoia, a very long-lived evergreen tree that lives between 2000 and 3000 years and can reach more than 112 meters in height and the trees can live for centuries or even millennia.
The oldest are the specimens of the Lonja pines EB have found in North America that are just over five thousand years old. There are other species that surprise us with their rapid growth, one of them is the giant bamboo that can grow 60 centimeters a day, reaching up to 50 meters in height. height in a very short time we were equally astonished but in this case, given how infinitely small the saffron is, to get a kilo of its precious flowers it is necessary to collect no less than 160,000 of them, it is not surprising the very high price of the also called red gold of the stain Another curiosity of the plant world is found in chicory, certain compounds in the plant promote a pleasant feeling of satiety, which is why some consume it to lose weight and its coffee also maintains concentration and mental capacity, perhaps that is why it was also known as the poor man's coffee here is another plant surely present in your garden is the calendula which is widely used for skin regenerating creams or for the menstrual cycle of women.
It has a funny story. In the past they were called goodbye to boyfriends and the girl who was thinking of abandoning him, she carried these orange flowers with her. Meanwhile, when in the distance the poor boy saw her approaching, he could already imagine what was happening. Just as curious, this fact belongs to the family of the police, you could jazz, and the beauty of her frauds made him It will be compared to the beautiful hair of Venus in the same way, the horse chestnut has great vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory power, it is ideal for blood circulation, and a surprising oil comes out of it and its chestnuts, which directly used in the form of an ointment is powerful and proven. sun protection filter and speaking of the amazing sun, the macerated oil of Iberian ham or other plants such as arnica is ideal for bumps, bruises or burns and well, we have something for pain, of course the poppy, its petals are used to make syrup, being an effective help for cough and toothache, while its infusion relieves anguish and anxiety and the use of its seeds is also popular for both parents and muffins, but not everything is eating, which is why the sun flower or orange blossom symbolizes love is the food of the soul, a bag of orange blossom flowers macerated in a good hot bath will allow us to immerse ourselves and remove those negative thoughts and problems, as will the peninsula tea, which does not have any stimulant and is therefore relaxing for the body.
It is rock tea or Aragon tea which has a pleasant camphorous smell and has a wonderfully bitter, very painful taste. This tree contains cedar, balsam resin and turpentine and was burned every night by the Indians to drive away nightmares and bad dreams. majestic tree its wood is aromatic compact and very long lasting and to our amazement the cedar can live up to more than 2000 years well arrived here you may also wonder if there is any plant that soothes toothache and indeed that is the clove chopped with salt and drops of lemon in a small gauze it numbs and soothes the pain in the cheek, especially if it is about filling the pocket, the oak is ideal for business.
We will pick seven acorns on Sunday. They are burned, roasted and the resulting powder is crushed. It is kept in a small yellow cloth bag that we will always carry with us. Ivy is one of Europe's survivors of that primitive flora from the Tertiary era. Its leaves are used to lighten hair, making it darker and brighter, but be careful because its fruits are toxic being formerly used to abort and according to tradition the same person mysteriously enclosed in it is this tree the Celts called it age which means the one who prevents death and the poplar is very resistant a branch fallen to the ground and new plants immediately sprout from it, so we could make our cuttings by placing its leaves in water for a day and saving the resulting liquid for our garden.
Now the laurel symbolizes victory, having been consecrated to the god Apollo, crowning the emperors of God with its leaves. gum, it is also believed that its leaves repel rays, which is why, and in the event of a storm, it is recommended to chew its scented leaves or carry one of its small stems. However, juniper is poisonous and has been used to abort once dried and burned. It is, however, effective help for those who suffer from fears or phobias. It is also toxic. Milk 3 does not contain a liquid or latex and screams that when applied to the skin it relentlessly burns the warts, but be careful, its contact with the eyes can cause anger and if ingested It paralyzes the kidneys and is capable of even causing death.
This other species has the suggestive name of the beggar's herb. In the Middle Ages, beggars rubbed their arms and legs with it, producing tremendous sores and blisters, thus making passers-by sad. and always with the aim of receiving a better alms, the leaves of this small shrub were used as a substitute for hops in the manufacture of beer. More in gardening, the bug has been used for vegetable hedges and in crafts, also to make wooden cutlery and Lastly, its wood is hard and resistant and before moving on to the next section we leave with the tree strip from which we obtain an ideal flower to calm my nerves and anxiety and can also make with it a delicious chocolate that in the 18th century was It was marketed throughout Europe and with that lime blossom chocolate we come to an interesting section, that of wild plants that, in addition to being edible, are nutritious and medicinal and are crucial to having strong and healthy health, our body requires its vitamins, minerals and other compounds.
Fundamentals, our body is like a machine, if we take care of it with good fuel, it will last many years and will take us very far. However, today we know that food is very adulterated and it is not easy to eat what is called healthy. Hundreds of substances are added to our livelihood, food additives, traces of pesticides and even genetically manipulated ones that, for better or worse, shape the current diet. However, science has always wanted to help us. The strange thing is that food intolerances have still appeared, not to mention the new diseases of the century. 21 but the most important thing is that we still have wild plants and fruits that enjoy excellent nutritional and medicinal properties.
For example, many people used the tender shoots of the new white as if they were asparagus. They are edible, although we must be careful since their fences They are highly toxic. Another fruit that does not need an introduction is the potato, the edible root throughout the world that, whether fried, boiled or accompanied, is a true delicacy. However, the leaves, stems and flowers are curiously poisonous, spread throughout the globe. We also maintain the well-known cane. of sugar, like rice, it has been cultivated for more than 4,000 years, always with the sweet objective of obtaining the precious sugar, plus again, chicory and dandelion, which are also used as food, the interim ones with their sweet and sweet fruits.
Acids are appreciated to make the famous pacharán drink with them, more than you would think if we told you that the young leaves of the nettle are excellent edible, as well as exquisite but above all incredibly nutritious, purslane is recommended for disease processes of fatigue or Simply to revitalize body energy and health, it allows us to make a fine paste of great sweetness used for cakes and chocolates, although less sweet than the previous one is the wild version of lettuce whichWe will get the tender leaves avoiding the most bitter ones. Equally edible is the weeping of which the large leaf varieties are especially used and you have surely been able to contemplate these beautiful and fleshy leaves on the stone walls of your city.
We are referring to the cat's claw which Used for eating, it appeared in salads as an appetizer or simply more tiers, although for known plants the most popular is the colleja, today small and tender leaves that boast their delicate flavor both in tortillas and equally popular accompanied by the caldillo, which especially in the south of Spain is surprisingly appreciated in the same way that the hollyhock thistle eats all the flowers and leaves, but above all the round, flattened fruit, which is popularly called panecillo, but not the entire field is oregano, although that will not prevent us from using this aromatic plant that gives exquisite flavor, especially to our pizzas.
Finally, we finish with the hazelnut, a fruit that, found in our countryside, is an ideal food along with walnuts and pine nuts. The documentary is about to end. First, we present some myths that surround the trees. Of the plants, all of them were always the manifestation of natural doors, that is why the cultures of all times generated plants that were closely related to the destiny of men. The mandrake, for example, is one of those plants that are immediately identified with magic. Its mysterious root with a shape reminiscent of the human being has produced milk. Since ancient times, virtues for spells have been attributed to it, considering it an excellent amulet to have good luck.
They even claim that mandrake roots transform into little men that look like elves. and gnomes favor the owner of the plant. Likewise, another plant touched by magic is mistletoe. If under one of them we hug our partner or friend, we will give depth to the relationship and foster true friendship, but the magic of mistletoe comes from ancient times. destroyed Vikings it is said that they used mistletoe twigs collected from the old oak trees and even attributed the power to resurrect the dead in the same very magical way, especially if it contains four leaves, it is estimated that for each one that has this peculiar characteristic there are about 10,000 three-leaf clovers that is why the myths say that the clovers use them to stay eternally young, but if there is a name that sounds among the magical plants, one is the grape used by many civilizations, they considered it as a protector from the evil eye and The Celtic magicians said that the rue defended against spells.
We will also talk about some magical trees. The cedar that we were able to talk about previously already existed in abundance in Byblos in 'Black in Jerusalem. King Solomon himself made the structure of the temple with its wood. It bears his name, but the authors of the Bible present it as the one that was used to make the noble staff of Moses or the cross of Christ itself. Another tree considered sacred and even divine is the symbol of strength and wisdom. We talk about the oak, culture. Greek thought that somewhere on the planet there was an ancient specimen of oak that was in the very center of the world, thus uniting heaven and earth.
That is why they consider this tree to be the great tree of Zeus and surely that is why the brave 'Joan' of bow' does not reach heavenly voices in that famous double of the fairies another solemn tree is the art species that in ancient times was associated with the noble feeling of honor today it is used for the extraction of its sap that produces delicious syrup of In addition, this tree was consecrated to the sitting goddess Na and it is said that the magician Merlin himself stars from it a pure and magical water and honor is accompanied by peace.
The olive tree is a tree of great sweetness whose fruit is proof of longevity and purification. and whose alarm is a symbol of peace and prosperity in ancient Greece' the olive tree was dedicated to Athena, the warrior goddess and protector of demigod heroes, Hercules himself carrying a powerful mace built with its wood, even in the Bible the olive tree is considered The king of trees, being a divine food and a symbolic sacred ointment, we also have so many generous fruits, we have the fig tree. The figs, which in addition to being food are medicines, have the reputation of making those who were born sensible, doing so even without knowing it or driving them crazy. who thinks he is sensible and the fact is that in any part of the world the fig tree always appears, in India it is the tree of the abyss in Greece, the tree of Dionysus in Egypt is the tree of initiation or in Rome where under its leaves the tree was born we will see another surprising tree The willow is the very symbol of death and the other world.
Tradition has it that the author of the famous King tote liked to meditate under the shadow of a willow, being precisely the gift of Confucius and he had one of his transcendental conversations and just as mysterious as the Previously we are presented with the hazel tree but in this case we are referring to the tree whose wood is used in ceremonies and rites and especially used for divination, which is why it is also known as the tree of fortune tellers and it is not by chance that hazel wands They have been and are used to find water.
The hazel tree was also the staff given by Apollo to Hermes Mercury to practice medicine, relieving and curing men of their ills and torments. The walnut tree was also considered a divination tree, having been consecrated to the god. Jupiter tells us that if we find a nut with three seams instead of the two it normally has, we should keep it because it has great magical power to attract prosperity. However, be careful. It is not recommended to sleep under its shadow, which can even cause a headache and the better shade is. that of the chestnut, a tree of great longevity whose nutritious and delicious fruits were the symbol of foresight and vision.
In addition, the chestnut is useful against the divinity of man with my chestnuts often before and after eating your brain will develop like this, he prayed and the writings of Saint Hildegard of Bingen another tree that belongs to Mercury is the birch, the tree of docility, the Romans and also the Gauls used it as torches, illuminating the bride's path to her husband's house, thus symbolizing the arrival of light and happiness and the magical name of the birch states that it means world and was therefore considered sacred by the Celts and the Gauls, representing for them the god of the living and the dead, but to finish this documentary we are going to do it with three magical plants par excellence, one of them from the reed that symbolizes the resurrection or rebirth of Osiris, its long and pointed stem being considered the link between the divine and the earthly.
Curiously, in Japanese mythology the reed was also a thread. conductor that communicated the heavenly gods with the gods of the earth. The other transcendent and magical plant is the fennel, a symbol of primal strength. It is associated with Prometheus, the one who drowned the fire of the gods, later hiding it in the stem of a fennel, giving it to men. for the good of humanity, but of the three, the vine and the wine are the most magical, a wonderful prodigy, a secret already forgotten, an alchemical transformation that teaches us to model lead into gold, the seed into wine, many people drank it diluted with water. with very low alcohol content as we do with the must and I teach this same thing but in a symbolic way the mysterious and strange oyster iso and that Dionysus discovers the culture of wine and the way to extract its precious juice and then he dedicates himself to teaching it to mortals and for that reason it is condemned to descend throughout the earth.
In the Middle Ages, great alchemists transmitted all this but in a symbolic way and spoke of their belief that if one learns the secret of purifying gold, one will be able to use the same technique to purify their soul and body thus reuniting as they believed with the primordial nature of our world and is i here and 3 here i is i i e

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