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Der Mordfall Ursula Herrmann - neue Hinweise | Kontrovers | BR24

May 02, 2020
Ursula Herrmann Few criminal cases have affected Germany as much as that of the then ten-year-old girl. In September '81 she was kidnapped here in Eching am Ammersee. The kidnappers hid her in a box buried in the forest. She was no longer moving in the box, so she was found dead on the road where she arrived. In 2010, a man was found guilty of the crime. The central test was a tape recorder. Werner Mahr had recorded the blackmail caller ID signal when I said such nonsense to my wife. Nothing can be deduced from it and certainly to this day there is no doubt as to whether Werner Mahr is the author.
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The Augsburg Public Prosecutor's Office has new information. Based on this information we are checking if there is any criminal process. Seen in the context of the Penal Code, new clues have emerged about prosecutable crimes. Legally the case is closed. Now the matter is moving again. Michael Herrmann hopes that his brother, here on the riverside path near Eching am Ammersee, was kidnapped more than 20 years ago. He said they had caught the perpetrator. It was actually a big surprise that a perpetrator appeared out of nowhere. That really bothered us as a family and scared us, of course now.
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Since then, Michael Herrmann has taken care of his business. The investigation led him to a completely different group of possible perpetrators. The physicist Bernd Haider from Windach am Ammersee also became concerned about the matter when he learned that an expert had assigned the blackmail calls in 1981 to a recorder from a number of people. hundreds of thousands of identical devices. When he wants to fix things, he becomes suspicious. Suddenly, the errors that were made in this evaluation were evident and so I dealt with it very intensely. Bernd Haider buys an identical one. recorder and configures it to work, it corresponds exactly to Bernama's device.
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Then he begins to experiment, he makes Matrix's lawyer make the blackmail calls and he listens to them hundreds of times. He also wants to know what happened when Ursula Herrmann was kidnapped. It is the September 15, 1981, around seven thirty in the afternoon. During a sports lesson in Schondorf, Ursula rides her bicycle back to her parents' house in Eching. Her path takes her through a forest along the lake. There she is detained by her kidnappers. So she was probably already anesthetized because after the defense no signs of injury were found and then from that moment on she should not have noticed anything else.
der mordfall ursula herrmann   neue hinweise kontrovers br24
The day after the kidnapping, the police discovered binoculars at the kidnapping site and something even stranger, a. The power cable, the so-called Belgrade wheel, which ran between the trees from the direction coming here at a height of 250 meters and then descended here in this area and with a total length of about 140 meters. The police do not give any importance to this cable. and leaving it hanging only later does it become clear that the kidnappers probably used the cable to send signals between their observation posts, but then the cable suddenly disappeared. We have to assume that there were a total of three people, so two per Indian cost maintenance. then another person who just arrested the sister of men at least three people from a ring of perpetrators of michael


the bell wire is an important indication of this.
While the police were looking for Ursula Herrmann from the first day, the worst did not happen. She survived the kidnapping. It is possible that Rosel was already dead when she was put in the box. The kidnappers had put a plastic bag on her lap and that's how they found her, Úrsula. She probably wasn't moving in the box anymore, otherwise her bag would have fallen. If we assume that the cause of death was not lack of oxygen in the box but possible anesthesia with laughing gas, then we must assume that the perpetrators used this laughing gas in some way that was not appropriate, i.e. without her. the addition of oxygen, which in certain circumstances would be a sign of murder and murder is not prescribed.
Therefore, Michael Herrmann continues by letter with a ransom of two million marks and as a warning signal calls the Herrmann family. recognition Play a Bayern3 traffic single that was common at the time and say that not a word was said and because only this Bayern3 symbol has faded away. The parents demand a sign of life from their daughter. Then the kidnappers cut off contact. Weeks later, Ursula Herrmann appears dead. Police investigate the entire area, including the former Schondorf farmhouse, a boarding school that was only a few hundred meters from the crime scene. Children of influential personalities also access the Internet.
Member of State Parliament Alex Dorow was a student in the 11th grade. He was questioned by the police. In the field house workshop, all male students were interviewed. It was also examined because it was a wooden box and there is a carpentry in the country. And then the male students' fingerprints were taken. Alex Dorow remembers that some parents made the investigation difficult at the field house and called lawyers. Police collected thousands of tips. Because the forensic experts found something and this box, along with some other objects, may be able to lead us to the perpetrator. Today we also have a special commission at the Kripo in Fürstenfeldbruck.
A special hope for this current cover: on one side, it has a layer of bitumen and, on top, a second layer of silver bronze, taken from the police files, investigates the Soko in the country house again. Suddenly, two students hand them the missing doorbell wire. The students explain that they found the cable at the crime scene months after the kidnapping. The student also testifies to this to an exchange student from Great Britain named Gratia. On the 100 meter track right at the end of the cable, I will give you the branch notice. The exchange student is in Paris at the moment and will not be questioned by the police, so all the clues lead to nothing for many devices.
Ursula Herrmann's case has been forgotten and her family is trying to come to terms with the fact that no perpetrator has been arrested. Then, the police and the prosecutor's office took up the case and in 2008, during a house search of a suspect, they presented a hot trail and seized a tape. This is someone who was already suspected, it is the television technician Werner Mazurek. In 1981 and '82 it was already rumored that he might have something to do with this, but then I found that the forgotten man in retrospect was Werner Mazurek. who was classified by police as not involved.
At that time he was living in Eching and had been seriously framed by a man. This man had stated that he had dug a hole near the crime scene on behalf of his ex. The man recanted his confession and, in the eyes of investigators, he was an alcoholic and a notorious liar. His lawyer Walter Rubach cannot explain why the witness was believed again more than 20 years later, especially since this witness had since done so. died, but suddenly Werner was on the market again in the sights of the police, an undercover detective was assigned to him, then he continued, then a search was ordered and during the search this sinister recorder was found, which was then supposed to serve as One of the main clues in the case, the prosecutor believes that the kidnappers received calls from Mareks.
The recorder was transferred to a dictation device. The kidnappers' calls with the Bavaro 3 traffic volume show acoustic peculiarities that could lead to death. In 2009, Werner Marx was again accused. During the criminal proceedings, an expert explains that the acoustic peculiarities of the blackmail calls probably come from Marek's recorder. He says that a misalignment of a magnetic head causes blackmail's acoustic peculiarities. he calls, so the matrix recorder is probably a tool of crime. I tried to figure out what it probably really means and it said something that I think is significant. You can't imagine there are many more devices like this.
Werner Mazurek is convicted. to life imprisonment for kidnapping for ransom resulting in death. He goes to prison even though the evidence is slim and he. The fact is controversial for physicist Bernd Haider, the report that led to the former Azur's conviction is questionable. The report is based on records. Blackmail calls in the original, seven tones, the sixth tone is a little louder than the others, but in blackmailer calls it is clearly muffled. The expert mentioned the misalignment in Marek's recorder, but the experts did not describe how easy it is. to get the same effect without this special feature of the device, i.e. moving the microphone and suddenly I see exactly the same thing as this device error also gives Bernd Haider does the test if you change the position of the recording device, the volume of the sector also changes, as you can see in the screen on the right.
This is due to the acoustics of the room, which to me means that the properties of this device are actually not that important. The acoustics of the room offer something very similar and with all the devices imaginable. For Michael Herrmann this raises all the doubts. He wants clarity. He sues Werner Markt for damages to obtain new evidence. The statements contained in it are very special. errors even more serious than in the criminal process and it was quite clear to me that Matter had to be innocent and that is why Michael Herrmann resumed the private investigations of him.
They took him to the site of the kidnapping, just a few hundred meters away. Landheim Schondorf was demanding a ransom, researchers pressed to find traces of strange lines whose meaning they could not decipher. Only now it became clear that this was a probability tree from stochastics, an area of ​​mathematics. upper grades 11 and 12 13 the class and that is already clear if this letter was previously in the block where there was previously a stochastic sketch then this of course also speaks for the young perpetrators Michael Herrmann the bell rings again one that the police confiscated from two In 1983, one of the students said at the time that he had rolled up the cable in the presence of the exchange student Gratia.
Meanwhile, Michael Herrmann has learned it by heart. Grazie even contradicts him. an affidavit next to it that she doesn't remember he was there. As a witness, it was discovered that this kick was finished. Michael Herrmann also investigates the lid of the box. It is painted with an unusual color composition. It is no longer resolved. He tried in vain to obtain information about it. On one side it has a layer of bitumen and on top of it a second layer of silver bronze. Michael Herrmann discovered that these types of experimental paints were used by companies that manufactured road markings. even when his sister was kidnapped, there is actually a company in the district that worked with road markings that also did expert experiments and surprisingly, the company that just did it is a father's company, but the father of one of the two students. , was the company of the father of the student who had let the bell ring in his room at the country house.
Coincidence or clue Michael Hermann hands over his investigation to the prosecutor's office The evidence is not yet concluded We are in the middle Giving details about this could jeopardize our job Michael Herrmann now wants to wait and see what the prosecutor's office says about his information. He still hopes there will be movement again in the case.

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