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Dante Gebel #485 | El pecado del silencio

Mar 10, 2020
It's gloomy here. Well, if you're afraid of offending people, sooner or later, you're going to end up offending God. It always happens. If you want to please people, you're going to end up offending God at some point in the equation. If you're afraid of offending God, that is, you're afraid. to offend God at some point you are going to end up offending people it is one or the other my advice offends the religious the Pharisees is what Jesus did with great intentionality with a lot of consistency I always mentioned that keeping peace is not the same that to cause peace is to sweep away what happens to us to sweep away the crisis to sweep frustration under the rug that is to maintain peace to cause peace to cause peace sometimes requires having an attitude of war although it seems incongruous that is what causes peace to maintain peace I don't speak confronted I keep my mouth shut I make myself smaller so that peace can continue but it is a fictitious peace in reality a time bomb at some point is going to explode if you don't confront if you don't say if you don't have serious conversations hard yes sometimes you don't You talk to your children in a firm way, which is not disrespectful or provoking them to anger, but saying what is right and what is wrong, what is possible under a roof and what cannot be done under your roof, whether they are 8 years old or 35 if he is under your roof you are the priest of the home as the priest of the home sometimes he has to confront you cannot say how I am going to tell him something if he is already over 21 years old of course if he lives in another house he made his life at most you will be able to give him some advice and sometimes he does ask you for it but when he is under your roof, as I say, he always doesn't pay rent and he is there using your last name, your food, your roof, your shelter, there has to be a rule, a norm of coexistence, for that you have to sometimes confront s confrontation t speaking for example the example of children could be spouses it could be in a church in a political committee in any area if one does not confront a boss an employee between two employees so that things work if one at a time does not confront it sweeps under the mat that we propose over and over again and say well but at least I am at peace no you are not at peace peace is to provoke it and when one confronts sometimes it seems that peace is put at risk because of course we speak firmly because The atmosphere is not the best but after that comes true peace when one was able to confront that Jesus.
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The religious have made a Jesus in their image and likeness. I realize when, for example, they say to me like this, I wouldn't respond, Jesus. They don't know Jesus. They always do. They see it as if I were a wimp, a pushover, as if someone who maybe portrayed by Hollywood but is not the Christ portrayed in the Bible, Jesus, is someone who knew when to keep quiet because he did speak when he was going to the cross, not about our sins, but at other times. He didn't shut up when they asked him trick questions, even when they weren't even talking to him, he said the word and seeing what they were pondering in their hearts, he told them, hypocrites, look, you have to confront what the other person is thinking because you say, I had to confront it because I didn't.
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There was another one because he came and robbed me but Jesus didn't even expect them to speak to him and seeing what was going on in their hearts, he hypocritically told them what a tail the mosquito is and you swallow the camel seeing what was in their hearts, in other words seeing him in their faces. shamelessly, he confronted them, he didn't even let them speak because because he wanted to provoke the teaching, he wanted them to grow, he wanted to make them uncomfortable because sometimes the discomfort of a confrontation leads us to grow and takes us to another level, if one wants to avoid conflicts, one is going to remain silent.
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It's going to be immense. Jesus did not avoid conflict. I go through the four gospels and I see that where he went he caused a commotion and calmed the storm on the boat, but when he was on dry land he caused a commotion. I have all the biblical bases to tell you how he created conflict because because conflict is the catalyst for growth when one is in conflict conflict grows frustration is what makes us grow say I learned from this situation it will never happen to me again if one does not have confrontation if one does not have adversity it never grows who we are Daddies, we would like to give our children a pill or a concentrated dose of experience so that they don't have to suffer, but I have bad news.
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They are going to suffer disappointments. They are going to have their frustrations. Someone, perhaps, whom they love with all their soul will tell them that you were not confused on your own. I love you as a friend and it breaks my heart. I would give anything so that no one breaks the zone of Megan or any of the men, but I know that is going to happen. Eventually, they will be fired from a job. They will do poorly in some subjects at the university. things that I will try to prevent from happening to them but if they do happen to them I know that it will make them mature it will make them grow we cannot put our children in a wrapped in cotton and in a glass house so that they do not suffer because suffering says the word is the catalyst of growth in the world you will have affliction but trust because I have overcome the world receive the word yes or no now one of the biggest mistakes I made when I was younger let this not happen much I am extremely young but I was younger it is like leader to try to make everyone comfortable and then if I regret anything it is not having demanded more from those who were in my inner circle.
I speak even when we lived in Buenos Aires many times I did not demand because I wanted to make us uncomfortable I didn't want to be the bad guy in the movie and then one day I knew that in the long run that did not benefit anyone that I had to redefine my description as a leader I had to redefine my way of leading and one day he understood that like Jesus my job was to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable clear the afflicted come let the consolations come the comfortable come I'm going to afflict them that is part of growth so as a leader I have understood that human beings tend to stay comfortable we look for the comfort zone and if we don't have someone to help us demand that someone who continually makes us uncomfortable take us to walk on water we are getting flash deadlines we are staying in a situation of emotional spiritual rickets we need to have spiritual adventures that is why I say that as a leader unlike the leader I was about 20 years ago behind I continue to console the afflicted but I like to afflict the comfortable and afflict the in the sense that discipline in long-term demands helps to grow and sometimes postpone difficult conversations because we lack the emotional energy or courage causes a problem to large scale are underground problems that sometimes explode in the church and generate terrible divisions and sometimes it is okay for us to save a difficult conversation for a time when we are better emotionally because of people who postpone all those difficult conversations until one day they ask a parent who He has a lost son not only in drugs, it could be in crime that he no longer speaks to him and if he manages to be honest he will tell you, I had a lot of talks due to lack of time because I arrived tired because I didn't want to fight because I hate shouting because I argued a lot and it means postponing difficult conversations, postponing confrontation because I believe that there is a house full of peace, lots of garbage under the rug, it depends on the leaders to remove those spotlights in time, as if provoking, saying things in real time because when one truly loves It requires hard decisions, hard conversations like we have to do with our children Jesus I read the scriptures and I am increasingly fascinated by the life of the Lord the other day I realized that Jesus purposely healed on Saturdays I could have chosen any other day but he said it is It's more fun to heal on Saturdays the Jews no no no no they didn't bathe they didn't cleanse themselves they go on Saturdays but he said 'I'm going to heal him to kill two birds with one stone' with the same stone because he healed the sick and got under the thin skin of the Pharisees who justified themselves so by the way I had not noticed that perhaps the Jews had accepted that Jesus healed a paralytic on a Sabbath day the explanation is logical if a little sheep falls into the well because it was He's not going to leave her until Monday until Sunday, it makes sense, but the issue was that on Saturdays they couldn't carry anything, they couldn't make the minimum effort, and Jesus says he's already healthy, so I'm going to provoke, take your bed and go, he should have said no. touch the fact comes to get him tomorrow he's going to touch me on Saturday but he doesn't load the bed and that's what bothers the religious.
They can't see the miracle because they are seeing a man exerting himself on a day that religion says he It means that you don't have to make an effort. Jesus irritated them. He was prodding them and that's what he does when you love someone. Neal said it so that he has to go out into life. Many of our children need to be prodded and we have an age at which they are staying in the nest protects them, covers them, but when they transform into mammoths you have to be stinged. The eagles build their nest. The mother eagles with thorns are all thorns. straw I take a huge job to make a comfortable mattress and one wonders why they would put thorns underneath but the eagle knows or the mother eagle knows that there is a moment when her chicks will have wings to fly but the nest is so comfortable that they will not want to fly so what the eagle does is instinctively stand on the adjacent rock and invite its chicks to fly in its eagle language, it tells you guys, you can fly, you are not chickens, you should leave the nest and the mammoths are there and there it is When the payment is made, the mother has to fight with the ambiguity that I want to keep them too, that mom no longer feels that her son is her son, even if her son is 50 years old, he will always be your son.
Oh, what's wrong with my baby? The baby is 38. yes and that is not bad but at the same time one has to know that they have to fly their own flight if we are not doing them harm we are making them intellectually weak mentally spiritually dependent and that will sooner or later cause them to suffer from bulimia and an anorexia so great that it is worse than if they had it physically because if the father is not there to tell them what they have to do, the mother to tell them what decision they have to make, to make a mistake, then the eagle invites them to fly and The eaglets by instinct will never want to fly, which would change a comfortable nest where every morning they bring the worm in their beak here and single people who don't get married because of that because they talk in their beak like that and the worm falls on them and each mother grows the worm.
My God, then what each eagle does instinctively does is that it approaches the nest and begins with its beak to remove what is comfortable from the place and such mud removes the straw and the thorns remain and that is when the children have to choose between the sting or fly they think, I suppose they think that throwing me off the cliff is a probable death. I have never flown, but look at the child, he says that it is a certain death and between certain death and probable death they jump into the void because literally all the eagle chicks that start to fly they start to fly hurt everyone all have blood from the thorns from the stingers and they start to fly and you will see that they hit against the rocks but by instinct they open the room and start to fly they never return to the nest and they go on their own Little worm, he who has ears, let him hear after searching for his brother, look for your worm, the one who has only one mouth arrives.
He was healthy now. If one were to see the loam objectively, he would say that she is heartless, that they have been given this saying, as something similar does, they sensed even by instinct. what ecclesiastes says the words of the wise are like goads a goad is a stick with spikes to direct cattle and sometimes we have to say something and do something hurtful to help even if you don't believe it because if we really love them we will goad them to herd them now I want to clarify this a little because it is not a license to hurt people either because just as some say if I had not thought about it there are others who say they continue for that reason I am from Gijon some who love it so let me clarify this we have a license to go out to hurt the motivations have to be correct you have to use the right words at the right time and fundamentally in the right spirit because even if you have secret or hidden motivations you have to keep the following words to yourself because you are not going to cause peace you are going to cause more war If what you are saying to someone is to vent their frustration or you are going to say something to feel good about yourself to say well I told you so, don't think it's stupid that causes war as a pastor I continually have to go through the filter if what I'm going to say It is to vent my frustration that I have them because I am human like everyone else or because I really love the person and I want to correct them, I don't want to lose them and one is a filter that one must continually go through the same thing when you talk to your children, they say no.
He provoked you to go to your children, what is he saying? It's not going like that, it's your frustrations in your children, don't shout to say oh, if he didn't shout at me, I was going to go to bed badly, no, you have to know that God gave you people that you have to create you have to make them grow or help them grow to solidify and not provoke them if you are drowning frustrations in them it is the same as hitting them physically you have to understand that correction is correction so that they grow better because you love them and even if it hurts you more in my soul, as my old woman said, my heart hurts more than your fret, the old woman tells me that you, than your buttocks, translation to the cosmopolitan church, my heart hurts more than your butt, you in favor of them, I have them inThe heart more than the butt, I said, because I didn't sit down for a week because the old woman didn't come with psychology, it was the flip-flop and it hit me like that in the crisis and I escaped the worst because it hit my leg and that hurt more.
I'm not saying that I have it. hitting children was a time many years ago when parents still believed that that was the only way to create a child, but I believe that the old woman could discern even when she was very little when the old woman or man was drowning her frustrations. Or he really wanted to correct me because when he really wanted to correct me, the old woman cried and said, "It hurts me more, I'm miserable, leaving you without a television, leaving you without watching bonanza, it hurts me more and more, the old man immediately said, 'Well, it's okay, it'll go away when the years go by.' The same thing happens with the high school teachers or the primary school teachers whom to this day I respect more than the one who in my sting I to raise myself to a new level the one who demanded of me I do not respect as much those who They took things easy with me but more with respect to those who saw my potential, they stinged me and helped me get out of the nest, which hurt me at the time I wanted to kill him for kicking me out of the nest, I couldn't understand how the father told me, so leave school well there is no problem or problem a day to sleep like Monday Tuesday the kilo they work here no but I have to get whether or not they come home the lazy ones I don't support no but what happens if I don't get what I do no come home or come back with a job or don't come back like that you say but it lasted I went out the first day and I didn't get a job so I said how do I do how do I do as a magician we have to come back with a job so they were frying some hamburgers next to the train station at the train terminal these in buenos aires in constitution were frying hamburgers I tell you let me fry hamburgers no nn no kid we don't hire people for free even though it leaves me cold from a hamburger and I don't even know why because I have to go back to house smelled of something so I went to try a hamburger and then he gave me a tip and I came back he says dad and you got cold food hamburgers and so much studying for free hamburgers well but I'm not trying of course at the moment it hurt me wait so and so don't say anything to him little guy is at home watching TV today I understand that they forged in me a philosophy of hard work and a way of seeing life that pushed my sting to fly high and I want to tell you that they have a shepherd who is crazy about you because when I say that since what we are already paying for the sand somewhere is going to complicate our lives wow gandhour dolby saved la vega or israel but if not we don't grow someone is hearing these words not me now I have two vital questions for you to answer in your heart Who do you have to sting, who do you say, if the truth is needed, and leave the sting inside for a little while, this is the question that is easily answered.
We all have someone who we know we have to sting a little bit, otherwise, they won't move if we don't push, no. It moves forward but there are people who, if you don't push, don't have to. You weren't born with factory-sold gasoline, leaving the car, but if you don't push it, it won't start. There are people who are like that. The second question is who did you give license to so that your son? You gave it, I give you authority that if you see something wrong, tell me, I give you the authority and I'm not going to get angry, I'm not going to be offended.
I know it will be a difficult conversation, but iron does not sharpen iron if there is no friction, so I give you permission. Because there are people who do not give that license to anyone, no one on planet Earth except God can say anything to them and when God speaks to them and Satan reprimands them because they do not believe that the person you give permission to does not have to be your spouse because sometimes Precisely, familiarity produces a lot of contempt, underestimation, sometimes a lot of familiarity produces underestimation, you say something to your brother, iteisa that my brother knows these things and my wife, sometimes familiarity produces underestimation, that's why there are bosses who can never have a relationship with their employees. because not all employees know how to find their way and they believe that because they went to the boss's house on Monday they can arrive an hour later and then the boss knows how to tell him, that is to say yourself eating barbecue and the boss does not postpone the conversation because The employee is going to be offended and says not to tell me anything because we are already friends so that is when the discontent of being with each other is generated because of a friendship that confused the rules of the game so I think that sometimes we have to have Of course, not everyone around us can screw us over, but you need a leader, you need a mentor to tell him, look, if you see something bad, you would tell me if you see that I'm acting badly.
I love it when someone tells me, look, show me what I'm doing. bad that I should change because this happens to me with this one and with this one with this one with the other one who believes that it is the pattern that I am operating wrong in my life so that everyone treats me this way that you are saying to someone it stings me If you have to do it, it won't hurt me. I'm not asking for sweet words or for you to say nice things to me. It's the only way to grow. That's why I'm saying who did you give license to so you can sting yourself.
I always told my children, "Bryant, I'm older." kevin or at least one of my most frequent prayers and I have told them on occasion that they have to have a soft heart towards their parents towards God but protected by a tough skin, thin skin is not enough to protect a heart white and it is very often hurt proverbs 1911 says glory is overlooking the offense so I have decided that my heart becomes more and more tender with the Lord but my skin becomes tougher to protect that tender heart and I have decided as they say the scriptures being a hard man to offend is wonderful and for life being hard to offend like the bruce willis movie die hard good hard to offend it's nice to be hard to offend let people say what you have to say to this one so that he is offended he is never offended he takes everything with humor or he doesn't register you or he is on another level so there is no way to offend him everything he takes everything with irony with humor he looks like a child that is wonderful there is nothing better than glory is passing through stop the offense because when the arrow of criticism penetrates your heart, not passing through the filter of writing, it is talking about biting criticism, the one that wants to destroy you instead of making you grow, it destroys you, remember those who went to high school to school secondary school because no one graduates from secondary school, the majority survive at some point at some point we have had some bullying for something or physically for academic preparation and we survived we survived we got ahead when I reflect I realize that this does not stop in life real in a different way but today things have changed fortunately not and the safety of a child sometimes we go the other way to the point that anything can offend our children understand what I am trying to say to what I I point out that I take this to the spiritual realm.
Sometimes we are so sensitive, our skin is so soft that any little thing hurts us and offends us. Our skin is so thin that anything, any criticism, we are ready to leave, another church, the leadership has left, I am going to take it. a sabbatical because we feel that it offends us when we should have a skin prepared for what he told us neem madrid - no one says amen but they look at me strange a cut I knew that my bad half is strange that's why I have other questions when was the last time it's a diagnostic question when was the last time you were criticized that reached your ears that people spoke ill of you if you were not criticized a long time ago it should make you nervous because you are going with the flow instead of challenging it and you cannot distinguish yourself if you do not produce Or you have to put them in the boat even if the others don't like it.
Towards Jesus when he arrived and there one Saturday he went into the synagogue and went around the money changers' table. Do you know what I discovered? No preacher taught me this. that the temples, the synagogues had Roman guards, but Jesus was not recognized as the messiah, he was a rabbi. I mean, how is it that none of them acted ex officio, the Lord does not touch the table, the money changers, how is it that none of them defended the business of the Jews, if they Romans were in favor of the Pharisees, how is it that they all remained undaunted by the revolution that Christ made when he said, you have transformed my house into a den of thieves, I shot those who sold doves and threw away those who were exchanging coins, the Romans intervened and I realize that Jesus acted with such authority that the soldiers for some reason were afraid to stop him.
They taught me one time that he was going to enter a place without permission between security. I have entered the government house - like this the days and I know that Even the governor, girl, tell me, but if I say good, I don't even continue, he asks, do you know how the race began, although Spielberg Universe a studio the first time it was inaugurated and universal, it wasn't a theme park, there was simply a traffic that ran through the studios, he went there. as a tourist and he was so fascinated, he was 18 years old, Spielberg was so fascinated with what was happening and the universe of studies that one day he got on the transit with a briefcase and at one point he got off the train and got into a plate in a place of He was on a filming set and he leaves when all the employees leave, so bye until tomorrow he made sure that the one who was there would have said until tomorrow it was a tourist that the little train came in, don't get any ideas about this many years ago the next day with the same magnet and he said good morning, for months, no one asked him who that man was who came in every day, sure to learn, he didn't do anything wrong, he went to the film set to learn until someone asked who he was and he said the tourist who came in six months ago.
I believe that Jesus acted with confidence when he turned the table of the money changers that no one dared to talk about Neal if what you are doing because he was sure what my house also said and said you saw critical my case must be the owner of everything This is what I see as a provocative Jesus, a Jesus who offended the religious in his response but also who was not easily offended because look, they said things to him, so I have a third question: how easy is it to offend, but yes, amen, honest, because inside he is saying I no I no the truth is that they can say anything to me no it's not like that it's not like that don't be a liar because it's not like that how easy do you get offended if you say well it's because I get offended easily then because you're not willing to deal with unpleasant situations when you get offended you easily become defensive and the kingdom of god cannot advance through you because you have when you become defensive stop doing you stop being offensive to the enemy instead of being active start doing don't attack me Don't tell me, but because they told me that, yes, you already leave the house with a preconception, they're going to offend me, they're going to offend you, that's going to happen, it's going to happen in the dow, someone's coming back on Saturday, someone is your neighbor, no, no, it seems like there, they're telling me.
Me, why did he say it to me? I didn't like the way he said it to me. If you're willing to be offended by what they say to you, you're going to feel bad about it. Being offended in life is an attitude that one takes in the morning, the way the world handles is very offensive. people are offensive or not that's why they saw it like that in the world it offends me not that way people drive if you come across me you don't want me more as a pastor if you see me driving but I drive as if I were in Argentina but well the attitude except offending me It means that at the end of the night you have a list of offenses and no one at home can stand you and how did you get old?
He mistreated me and then the pastor called me. Did you see that the pastor always calls you last minute? My name is little guy and that's why he leads me and it's a list of offenses. Look how the world mistreats me. Then you realize that your skin is thin, but what's worse is a thin skin is because inside it has a hard heart I prefer a thick skin and a soft heart because that is what God can use rhinoceros skin tender heart when you receive this word tell me amen so I don't know this is a message with many questions but I don't know if your attitude to life to mine because I also ask myself these questions is to wash your hands like Pilate or to wash someone else's feet, both have to do with hygiene, washing your hands means not taking responsibility for anything and Washing the feet means serving others, even if they are offending you, that a pair of their feet will be in the courtyard of Caiaphas in a few hours, offering you for a few coins, although many of those feet, none of those feet that he is washing, there are 24 feet, none.
Of those 24 feet will be at the foot of the cross everyone will flee in terror and the Lord decides, despite the offense of premeditated betrayal, to wash the feet of those of us who go through life trying, I am not saying that we do it because we are born trying to wash the feet of others makes our hearts become increasingly tenderer and our skin harder in the face of the traitors whose feet you are washing because many times when washing the feet of very dirty people they know and I'm not talking about women I'm talking to you about perverse hearts deal with people and I speak with authority because I am people I am also not an alien and the fact that the one who precedes my name in this case eventually has a title of pastor or leader does not make me less of a person nor less human nor less erratic gives me authority to say people are complicated we have dark parts in some things we say sir it could be that I have a bad way of thinking and if that's how we are that's how all people are saying the opposite is disguisingthe congregation of hypocrisy now the Lord says that we have to wash each other's feet that was the lowest in the Jewish 'top-ten' which was washing the feet was for him the lowest of the social ladder or chain food of slavery and Jesus washes the feet giving us an image of what we have to do Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent but he lacked the moral courage to let Jesus go there is a verse that says how he wanted to satisfy the crowd to be on good terms with the people ordered Jesus to be flogged and handed him over to those who crucified him, this guy was complacent, he acted like a pushover instead of a man, he didn't confront, he didn't provoke, he let life pass him by and he washed his hands and this word goes to Those who say I am a man or woman of peace lie what you are is a hand-washer instead of a foot-washer, the one who washes his hands because he does not want to correct his children says, oh, I am the popular one. with my children you are not the popular one you are washing your hands instead of the feet instead of serving in the priesthood that God has given you washing feet is an active attitude I am going to do something even if they don't thank me even if they don't thank me betray why because it hardens my skin and softens my heart washing your hands hardens the heart and softens the skin washing your hands not committing to anything is what I call the sin of silence that's why I have more diagnostic questions this afternoon or this morning are you living for the applause of the people or are you living for the applause of the hands now given with nails because eventually if you want to please god you are going to offend a lot of people it is part of acting as a man and as a woman there is an old adage that says you can please some people all the time you can please all the people some of the time but you can't please all the people all the time it is impossible I cannot be the pastor loved by all the people I know that there are people who leave here speaking badly or they call you jazzy no longer at 9 but 12 is terrible people are going to hate you they are going to detect you is part of that now what do we do I believe and I am going to culminate with this that the sins of commission that we sometimes commit are not They are as serious as the sins of omission and let me say this, I am not saying that there is a scale of sin for God because in the same list of the murderer the gossiper appears in the Bible, the one who exempts at home is the same as mate, he is a person so If you are going to speak ill of your mother-in-law, it is better and she is going to pay for the same thing, but what about the sin of commission and committed a sin and we repent, what about the sin of omission, what we omit to do, the absence of evil, no. it is necessarily the exacerbation of goodness it is not that you say I do nothing wrong jon adulterer I do not sin I do not kill I did not murder so I am a good a good person not the fact that you do not commit does not mean that you are not omitting things that you should do because one day, as Martin Luther King said, one day we will have to repent not only for the hateful words of bad people but for the horrible silence of good people for what we did not say for what we did not confront for the times we were silent in Silence sometimes says stronger and more sordid things than someone who speaks and many times we will have to account for the times we do not speak.
It is a horrible sin that the Lord crosses us with someone who needs Christ and we remain silent. Because no, I don't have a day to preach that God, I crossed paths with him on another occasion and maybe you were the last station of those people and that person ended up committing suicide after meeting you and you keep your mouth shut. One day we will realize why. the times we are silent that's why I started saying this message to someone we have to offend but we can't be silent I ask again who has to goad I ask again who you gave permission to tell you neve tell me if you see me wrong correct me if I'm doing things are wrong the Lord speaks to us this morning and tells us you have to allow someone to correct you when you need to be corrected and you have to wash feet instead of washing your hands like Pilate you have to serve you have to do something for people who perhaps never They are going to thank you, I never thank you for washing my feet, there are people who don't give them to you, they believe that it is your obligation to wash their feet and you say, but unfortunately, I never do it again, they say, come back again because I also died because of the insurance. that a drop of blood for this one too and that's when he understands that we are in a business that surpasses us in something that is bigger than us that it doesn't matter if it offends me if it offends me if it doesn't offend me it doesn't matter to me He says well now so that it makes your skin tougher but they are going to offend you that's how people are that's how religious people are and we have to cause a ruckus move the boat by confronting saying things with the right spirit at the right time and under the right anointing Is that the church that God raises up whoever if you believe that God spoke this morning

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