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Creepiest Baby Dolls Of All Time- RANKED

Feb 27, 2020
What is the


doll of all? Let's talk about that mythical good day. Halloween is right around the corner, so to get into the spirit, on Monday we're kicking off a three-day tournament to determine the worst Halloween candy ever, so watch out. Visit our Facebook and Twitter to download the candy pool now, yes, fill it out, see how right you are, but first let's spend some


with one of the


things I can imagine about the


: they're almost as creepy like real babies. What I mean is that babies scream all the


and shit themselves on purpose, that's creepy, but right now we're talking about


, not babies, and the mythical team has scoured the darkest corners of the internet, aka eBay, and has acquired some of the creepiest babies. dolls ever made and let's crown the creepiest doll, it's time for her rings.
creepiest baby dolls of all time  ranked
We've invited five team members to join us today and they are Stevie Emily Jordan Ellie and Josh now guys, each of them has brought along a spooky doll. to introduce ourselves and make their case and tell us that most of these dogs were at one time in mass production and sold to the public, which can be very disturbing. Rett and I will rank them to determine which is the creepiest


doll. Why don't we start with Ellie? Brilliant. I have prepared a speech. Let me paint you a picture. Well, in 1965, the Vietnam War wreaked havoc on free love.
creepiest baby dolls of all time  ranked

More Interesting Facts About,

creepiest baby dolls of all time ranked...

Love abounds and my mother is two years old, actually, and that's not really listening to her, there's Bobby. If that? It just so happened that Hasbro released a doll called Little Miss with no name, yes, Drinker, and she's an orphan doll who has no name, of course, and she has a man, hey, well, she's on hand, she's had a tough life , huge, nameless Little Miss. Yeah, at that time, in the 1960s, there was this whole trend where people were obsessed with big-eyed paintings because it made them empathize, so Houser decided to capitalize on that. One interesting thing about Little Miss with no name is that if you do find out her real name, she will eat your


throwing out names until she so this is an original we got it from eBay oh yeah this was one hundred and twenty five dollars one hundred and twenty five dollars for this is this very old piece of Shit, yes, worse wig than Brittany, yes, this is incredibly creepy, yes, it's hard to imagine a doll being creepier than this, which makes me very excited today, right, I don't know, but for me it is simply sad like the big eyes with the tear. and I mean, if you turn it on correctly and if primarily this causes empathy in you, yeah, I'm sad, I don't have that part of my brain, she had one hand that's like an outstretched hand and another that's like an action motion? yeah, in the promotional photos she often has a coin in her hand, this wouldn't look good today, that's an absolutely fine note, let's put her in the middle, I mean, again, she's very creepy to me, but it's a bit. a little sad, I have to agree with that, okay, we moved in with Stevie, this would not go well today is a very good transition for the doll you are about to meet, this is Hugo, the man of a thousand faces and it was produced. by the Kenner toy company in 1975.
creepiest baby dolls of all time  ranked
I was told it was quite popular. We got it on eBay for one hundred and twenty-nine dollars. The box says that Hugo can be anything his teacher wants him to be. We grab the box. The guy is a hero, a villain. comical character or a scary guy and it was intended for kids ages 5-11 so this is a box to pretend is pretty 70s oh my god look at the eyes does it come with super glue? I think you're supposed to lick the back, oh my god no no. When he does that, the thing is that yes, he is wearing a Renaissance shirt, which I don't quite understand.
creepiest baby dolls of all time  ranked
Renaissance shirt. Have you always wanted to play with your own uncle? This is the creepiest doll, but I'm not 100% sure that all of my comments will be appropriate because this is literally a male doll that was designed by men for little girls to play with. It seems like she now looks like Mr. Rogers' crazy aunt, in fact, the same thing, well, I watched the documentary last night, which is very recent. The thing is, you think they were trying to get around the little girl thing by playing with a man by putting that boy in the box until you realize there's also a Catholic Priest Outfit he can change into, do you mean Serious?
None of the pieces stick together, so I'm like I'm stuck, holding them up, that's part of the fun, you have to find a friend to hold all the pieces to your face and Then the other thing I thought, well, it's nice that don't have the bottom half because you know a lot of things can happen, but then I thought: Where is the bottom half? You know what I mean and I think so, and then at night. you're laying there just thinking about where the nipples are and really what it does to them. I feel like it should also come with a cup of coffee that is secretly filled with whiskey it's definitely creepier.
I think you have to put, oh really, what do you have? You're done, you're going to continue hugging him all the time. He has alopecia, but he doesn't have alopecia, okay? Josh, what do you have for us talking about dolls with alopecia? This is a vintage three-sided doll that was actually very hard to find. There is no information about her, but we found a discussion in a thread on the website. Collectors are quiet weekly, so user Minikin, the only person who seems to have any information about the rights to this vintage three-phase baby doll, is a version of the original Trudi doll.
The Trudi doll is a trademark of the Three-in-One Doll Corporation and dates back to the 1970s to 1980s, but what do you mean by three and one? Let's turn his face, please. I can rotate his face so there are three phases: sleepy, crying and Smiley is what it says so it's actually his poop face and then if you rotate that's his sleeping face, why is it worse? Everyone sees it when Arnold Schwarzenegger steps out onto the surface of Mars and the total reason, even close to pleasant, there never was one. The photo of that doll that brings happiness to anyone, which I think is a beautiful thing, is purely meant to terrify, it's much smaller than the other dolls so it can fit into the cracks, it has some kind of quality of horror that could be creepier, but.
I don't know if he's creepier than mr. Bojangles, what do you call him? Let me tell you it's not creepier because Hugo is the creepier of them all I feel like we made him the creepier version no take off your shirt yeah I feel like Russia Hannah Hart when you yeah oh yeah I've definitely dated someone who looks like, I definitely have a guy with no legs and that's more than a lot of guys in LA, yeah, if you take his chin off, he looks a little like Henry Cabot, just put it, put it in three for now, okay, Emily, oh God, okay, so this doll was made starting in 1939.
Originally, these dolls were for people who had lost a child. Oh wow, it's our little beep, a little shady but also very creepy. Korona, yeah, exactly, uh, so I'm people. You would get some sort of replica of your child to remember him by if he needed some comfort or whatever, but then an artist remakes this doll to be an alternative reborn doll. I haven't even seen the doll and I'm scared. yes, that's what the doll is, oh, there's a skin condition, yes, yes, make sure you know you don't lay your head down, nothing if you like Wednesday Addams but also Benjamin Button, she's perfect for any reunion of the Juggalos, my favorite is the French tips, not only manicures but also pedicures. at the same time, well, everything else makes sense, but what gives me the veins is the skin in all those veins, a lot of detail work, okay, I don't want to stop hugging her, yeah, if anyone's going to be Annabelle, is this one was made for a baby that passed away is haunted is that one don't spank it i'm not going over it look what's going on in my mind that's the creepiest one yet the bond is having a kitten from Coco type of relationship okay, Jordan, yeah, okay, the final doll is the creepiest one for the finale.
I know it's a bold statement, but this one is really bad. 1966 produced by Mattel, so this is a legit toy company. I thought it was fine. This is a baby secret. Secrets for babies. Nice, found on eBay $45. It's also known as lacquer because you'll notice a string back there, maybe give it a little tug and shoulder, yeah, there we go, I like sleeping with you, oh what she says every time there's other things, will you kill me alive? When reading "you kill me a donkey", yeah, it might be hard to clarify what that was that was an ancient curse and our... donkey, I swear, once I took it out and she said you're my biological father, I mean, this thing is fine...used, bought on eBay, someone spent a lot of quality time with this, yes that's exactly what I'm currently on or within quality time with someone.
I feel like someone transferred her own psyche to him, maybe it's a secret. I think we talked about her in a previous episode but we didn't get to experience contact or I'm going to put you on top, I mean she's someone's Horcrux and she gives me an instant headache yeah right yeah you got a demon inside you, I'll blow it into your V, hopefully. no words, suck your No, nothing, no, okay, well, what I will say is that I am CV. Sorry, your dog seems to be having a good time now, he looks at the way he's up there, yeah, I'm feeling you in this, Heath, this. man of many faces and many bandages.
I'll take him home just to comfort me now. Yes, Emma Stone, do you think she's the creepy one? I don't know, she is between these two. I don't think she's the dog with the mini faces. Not really, I don't think she's in competition right now if it was just doll heads, she this she would win I think, but there was nothing but one. Did you see the bruises here? Nice because it's pretty creepy. Did you try to put? Your finger stuck in that moment, yes, it was. I think the fact that this one whispers thoughts to you and the fact that it was produced by a major company, I have wisdom, yeah, and then the last part was just a major company and more widely available. that this one which is a modern recreation of an old one to me this one is trying to be creepy right this one was trying to be helpful and it's unintentionally creepy in a really very disturbing way and look she just laid eggs and it was the face like this What's the name of this one again?
This is called Baby Secret. I think maybe Secret means Baby Doll. Congratulations. Baby Secret. Do you have anything to say in your favor? Okay, the creepiest doll ever. Thanks for liking, commenting and subscribing. Thanks guys. you say you know what time it is yeah hello everyone I'm my recreation room from Crestwood Illinois and it's time to spin the wheel of mythology we do the competition about she's not a doll right click to see us join the team member with his favorite childhood toy in the mythical plus and to find out where the wheel of mythology will land, yes, grab the mythology with this mythical leather keychain available in the mythical points store.

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