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Conferencia Matutina de AMLO, 06 de noviembre de 2019

Feb 27, 2020
Well, we are going to inform how we do it daily to all the Mexicans who listen to us, see us at this time, let's go and tell them first what everything related to the investigation into the unfortunate event in which family members lost their lives was raised to be discussed extensively by the security cabinet once the conference is over they will present a report on how the investigations are going yesterday the secretary of foreign relations the chief of staff of the ministry of defense was at the scene of the events Secretary of the Navy, the staff of the Attorney General's Office of the Republic also met with the governor of Sonora and the prosecutor of the state of Son.
conferencia matutina de amlo 06 de noviembre de 2019
Now they are going to inform you in detail about this. I want you to make it known that yesterday the Chamber of Deputies approved two very important reforms to the constitution, first modify article 35 and facilitate the holding of citizen consultations and what do I know? It is the way of citizen participation, participatory democracy, we had made progress and that was not completely in representative democracy, but now participatory democracy is being strengthened. That citizens are the ones who have the reins of power in their hands is not electing the authority. and that whoever represents the government can do whatever he wants, but that the citizen always has the possibility, as established by the constitution, to change the form of his government.
conferencia matutina de amlo 06 de noviembre de 2019

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conferencia matutina de amlo 06 de noviembre de 2019...

The other very important reform is that the acting president can be judged with the application of the method of revocation of the mandate, this is very important, citizens will be able to be consulted after three years. In my case, this consultation will take place in March 2022 and I would like it to be on March 21, 2022. To ask if you want the president to continue or resign on the same day, you have to look for nothing more than a Sunday. I think we could already know March 21. You know, it's a good day. This is very important so that just as the people oppose the people always have the possibility of removing bad rulers and in a democratic way, yes the use of force without violence that is an unprecedented fact except that it will already be established is also very important and the fact that the reform to article 108 has been approved of the constitution so that the president of the republic can be tried for all crimes as we have special guests here, it is important that they have the background that in our country since the mid-19th century since the constitution of 1857 the president of The republic could only be established for treason, there was constitutional impunity, now the constitution is modified and the president can be tried for all crimes, of course for the crime of corruption and for serious crimes, as any citizen is tried.
conferencia matutina de amlo 06 de noviembre de 2019
That is a great reform. This is a very important advance because it has to do with the changes that are being carried out in the country. The truth is that the work of the legislators must be recognized. In many cases they are our initiatives. In other cases they are initiatives of the deputies of the senators but in the end they are the ones who approve these reforms and it has been very important what they have carried out these changes and modify the legal framework to end corruption with impunity with the main problems of Mexico what they are and or were depends on how You can see and the corruption and impunity that prevailed for a long time, so with this new legal framework, a lot of progress is being made.
conferencia matutina de amlo 06 de noviembre de 2019
By the way, today another issue is going to be discussed in Congress and I want to give my opinion in a respectful manner. Today it is going to be discussed in plenary and it will be discussed. He is going to vote on an initiative to reduce the budget of the parties by 50%, hopefully this reform is approved and he reported it so that citizens are waiting to see who is who in this matter on this issue because enough of the rhetoric of simulation of demagoguery, the truth is that a lot is spent on maintaining the electoral institutes and the parties and we are in times of republican austerity in the neoliberal period to pretend that there was democracy, all these very expensive devices were created, they served only as a parapet like the commission of human rights that it never saw anything about serious violations of human rights or the transparency institute that never saw anything about corruption and it meant economic burdens, superfluous expenses, devices to simulate that corruption was being fought, that human rights were protected that there was democracy, seminars on transparency on human rights proliferated master's degrees doctorates post doctorates pure simulation and onerous spending so in today's case the approval to reduce 50% of the budget for the parties hopefully it will be achieved because a majority is needed no simple yes no absolute majority two thirds of the vote I hope it is achieved and if that is how it is decided in congress that is what I wanted to report that is what I have for today we are open for questions and answers man woman man and woman first Mr.
President My name is Achúcarro and I am here representing an international mission made up of 17 international and regional organizations from around the world that have come to Mexico to learn first-hand about the situation of violence that journalists are experiencing and the situation of impunity around crimes against them, we thank you for giving us the floor here today, although we also hope to have the opportunity to dialogue with you in a longer and more extensive manner on an issue as important as this for the democracy of Mexico. In these days we have Meeting with more than 30 journalists and representatives of civil society from more than 19 states in Mexico and also from the capital, they have described to us the context of insecurity in which they work and have also shared with us their proposals on what to do so that the The practice of journalism is safer in Mexico, so the mission, together with these Mexican organizations, has come together and developed a series of recommendations, measures that could be taken for this purpose, and in this sense, in fact, today at 10 in the morning we are going to give a press conference and present these recommendations at 10 at the barceló reform hotel, mr. president, this thursday, the government of mexico is organizing an international conference on the issue of impunity for crimes against journalists and we fully trust that you will take advantage of this event and this event to be able to announce concrete measures and not only concrete measures but above all concrete measures that are accompanied by a specific budget that can make these measures effective.
Your government has more than five years left and we believe that you have the opportunity to start the path towards the end of violence against journalists and impunity for crimes against them. We, the mission that we are represented here, would like to ask you three questions. Each of the questions will be asked by different colleagues, so I am going to pass the floor to you. To the colleague who is going to ask the first question, thank you, thank you, I had been president, thank you very much for the space, my name is, I am not a representative in Mexico of the committee for the protection of journalists, which is a member organization of the coalition.
You assumed the presidency with a truly terrible legacy of violence and impunity against journalists when you assumed the presidency in fact you recognized this situation and you commented that you were no longer going to allow the murders of journalists and more impunity however unfortunately this year alone Mexico has become the most lethal country in the world for journalists and the levels of impunity remain at 99 percent until this summer, its government received from the representation of the high commissioner for human rights of the united nations a diagnosis on the operation of the federal mechanism for the protection of human rights defenders and journalists.
We value very positively that this report is prepared at the express request of the undersecretary of human rights of that coup, your government is therefore aware of the profound challenges that this institution faces in particular, just as the fire concluded, the lack of resources necessary for the proper functioning of said institution, Mr. President, what we want to ask you is what concrete and immediate measures your government proposes to combat impunity in crimes against journalists and you. is committed to ensuring that the federal mechanism will have a sufficient budget to be able to function properly during its administration, thank you very much, look, I am committed to guaranteeing peace and tranquility in the country, they left us with a country in the process of destruction, they could not finish the country because it is The culture of our people is very strong and why it has and a lot of economic potential in our country.
We have an extraordinary people and many natural resources, but they did their best to plunder Mexico throughout the period that we call neoliberal, the neo-Porfirists, and they were not concerned about the people, that's why people became impoverished like never before, enormous and monstrous inequality was expressed throughout this period and this was what encouraged insecurity and violence and we are suffering from that policy of that inertia that the policy of looting left us in the policy of looting, the so-called neoliberal economic policy, they wanted to confront the problem of violence with violence, they accused force of being used for what and to try to solve the problem of insecurity and violence, and they further aggravated the situation because violence cannot be confronted with Violence, peace is the fruit of justice, so that is why the crimes, the murders, and in this also the murders of very regrettable journalists that we are doing, what is our commitment, first, to change this reality of insecurity and violence, by guaranteeing peace, by guaranteeing the tranquility no longer having the use of force as a fundamental strategy but rather addressing the causes that give rise to insecurity and violence that there is work that there are good salaries Mexico throughout the neoliberal period was the country in the world where the salaries of workers decreased the most Workers, although it may seem incredible, the salary is higher in Central America than in Mexico.
When the boom in China begins, it was said that the comparative advantage that China favored was low salaries and that they could become the factory of the world and if in fact they were more wages were lower in China than in Mexico, but now it is the other way around. In the neoliberal period, wages fell sometimes below inflation. 36 years of the neoliberal period, the purchasing power of wages in Mexico lost 75 percent of its purchasing capacity then. That was what caused the insecurity and violence, the state would be worse if not because many Mexicans, millions of Mexicans responsibly made the decision to leave the country, there were events for many years in search of better living conditions, better working conditions. years in the neoliberal period in which up to 600,000 people left so that helped because then the period of the new economic growth there were no jobs they dedicated themselves to nothing more than looting and stealing that is the underlying problem so this causes violence it affects all journalists why The number of crime increases or rather the organized crime gangs grow, all of this also due to complicity with authorities through the same corruption and this leads us to this situation in which journalists, those of us who are working in the Ministry of the Interior, lose their lives. which was previously a sign of authoritarianism and disappearances and torture, has now become the second day for the defense of human rights and that secretariat is now in charge of protecting journalists from social activists who are at risk due to the activity they carry out and They are protected and we have said that in the case of the defense of human rights and the protection of journalists there is no limit in terms of the use of budget resources whatever is needed there is none a limitation I am following the recommendations in the diagnosis presented by 1 will be followed by all those who are there if all that is required is support and protection to a considerable number of journalists who have protection from the state and that we have guaranteed so that this protection is maintained and If you have proposals to improve the protection of journalists, I would ask you to seek an interview with Alejandro Encinas, the undersecretary of the Interior in charge of this matter, and that you can contribute your ideas, your proposals, what you have collected in the research you have done in the country. with absolute freedom we have nothing to hide that is also change we do not oppose observers from other countries coming from this on issues related to human rights and on any issue why he who owes nothing fears nothing then and on the contrary we congratulate that they are here with us in this work, Mr.
President, I am going to ask you the second question and we positively value the commitment of Mexico in everything that is Mexico's support for the United Nations resolutions and very specifically the latest United Nations resolution on the protection of journalists who for the first time in the history of these resolutions very specifically ask and call on public authorities to refrain from denigrating journalists as this resolution says that Mexico supported the narratives thatstigmatize journalists increase the risk that these journalists will be the object of threats and as this is believed, threats end in real violence, this president is happening and in Mexico this is what these more than 30 organizations and journalists from more than 19 states have told us.
Those of us who have spoken these days, these journalists, are concerned that the highest authority in the country uses language that could legitimize other public officials in the states at the municipal level, language that could denigrate journalists and sometimes even to threaten them, of course we defend the freedom of every person to express themselves - so do you, Mr. President, but we do believe that in a country where journalists are threatened, kidnapped, disappeared and killed, we believe that from the presidency of the government we must be extremely careful with language. As you know, journalism is a fundamental piece of social and political transformations and how Mexicans know how to receive information, that is, having access to journalism, is crucial to deciding the future they want for themselves, for their sons and daughters, which is why Mr.
President, you are asking me today, do you commit here today at this moment from now on to use language that in no case could stigmatize the practice of journalism or the journalists? You could simply answer me yes or no if you want to explain the answer as well, but I All it takes is a yes or no. Do you or Jackie commit to using language that you couldn't that doesn't stigmatize journalists and that doesn't stigmatize journalism. Thank you very much. I have never used language that stigmatizes journalists. I want to stigmatize corruption, not journalists. Here what there is always is a circular dialogue and before I don't know why the press was subjected in Mexico with honorable exceptions - subsidized so now there are full freedoms and the only thing that is done here is informing the citizens guaranteeing the right of the people to information that is what we do this has not been properly understood because there were large consortiums that dominated the so-called public opinion there was no plurality the dominance of the press was predominant at the service of the regime so now it is different now everyone is demonstrating expresses that we have enormous happiness in the advantage of having social networks, so the conventional press, which set the agenda, destroyed opponents, silenced what was convenient for the regime, applauded, remained silent because they do not feel comfortable because the situation is different, but we do not use offensive language, we are respectful only if we exercise our right to reply because, as you say, we also have the right to demonstrate, we are free, there will be no censorship for anyone and I remind you because perhaps you do not have all the background information, but first The journalist who criticized the government could be fired and so during Felipe Calderón's government, José Gutiérrez lived, he had to go into exile, she is protected in the US, his company was destroyed and no one defended him in the last six-year term, something similar happened with Carmen Aristegui and also no one, very few, defended it, so now there are changes, there are full freedoms and those who had the power, those who felt like the owners of Mexico who had dedicated themselves to looting, stealing prost and educating everything, including journalism, because they do not agree with what we are doing but never ever in the time that we have been fighting have we had this victim attack a journalist nor would we do it for a matter of principles of conviction yes Mr.
President but for example some of the things that these fellow journalists have shared with us of the states, for example, last week you said here in one of these press conferences that the media bites the hand of those who remove the muzzle or for example on some occasion you have been able to refer to someone as enemies of your project or as a journalist to tell him he lies as he breathes, the reality is that these comments are a commitment to democracy for democratic transformation. If we would like you to commit to my question, would you commit to clearly and forcefully showing your support for the role of journalism in This society is a democratic and participatory society, although this journalism is critical of the government, I have always respected everyone, I do not see them as enemies but rather as adversaries, but before, these were untouchable columnists and television radio hosts who earned 16 now, how much, but up to a million pesos a month or two million, vested interest groups, almost all of them have media outlets, so that's what's at its core, but from asking those questions to us limiting freedom of expression, there's a big difference, we always We are going to respect and the freedom that all citizens have to demonstrate.
No, I have never asked any editor of a newspaper or a radio station. I have never complained against a private journalist. I have never never done it and we have suffered from war. dirty orchestrated by the national and international media the memory almost 8 columns of the country in Spain' after he there was an election in Mexico with a worker owner is a burden and by then fortunately social networks already existed and I answered I used my right of reply now that is an advantage that we have because if not we would be in a state of defenselessness if we are going to continue being respectful I cannot accept why we are acting disrespectful to the media in no way are we ever going to do it and it is a matter of principles, we know what the independent press is, the press that has confronted the power and we also know and have suffered from the press at the service of the power for the journalists, all our respect, all our admiration and it could be any journalist, this one of the more contrary to us rude of those who slander the most of those who insult the most and there are never answers in the case of the phrase that corresponds to what happened after the triumph of Francisco y Madero who is the apostle of democracy the press that had been in the service of Porfirio Díaz, who has been burning incense to the dictator for 34 years, broke loose against Madero and his brother expressed that phrase because Madero, with respect to the press, tells you that one of their mistakes, for which they were sacrificed, was because What did he not submit to the press either with money or by force?
He was a good man, a democrat, and I believe that in history he is the most vilified president of Cádiz, so that's where that phrase comes from, but it occurred in a very special context here, if It comes out if it is taken out of context because it begins with what I told you, we were talking about a situation that was experienced at that time. Yes, I understand that it is referring to the moment, but well, I have also mentioned other examples that have no concrete reference to any historical fact. In any case, if I wanted to, I understand from your answer.
If you can correct me if I'm wrong, I understand from the answer you have given that you are committed to using a respectful language. It means that you don't have another language. I don't have to commit to it because you simply acted with Regarding everyone, thank you well, I'll pass yes, yes, the president, thank you very much again for receiving our questions, solís fernando garcía from the network in defense of digital rights, as you may remember, it has been documented how in the previous government the pegasus spy malware was used against of journalists and human rights defenders, cases that generated great social indignation that remain unpunished and that have motivated various international recommendations, including that there is a moratorium on the use of this type of systems until there are legal and techniques to prevent very expensive systems from being abused.
By the way, also last week the WhatsApp company announced that it detected more than 1,400 cases in which users of that platform were infected with the Pegasus spy malware and mentioned a significant number of them. that occurred in Mexico between April and May


, that is, already during the current administration, given this information, could you confirm if the federal government continues to use the Pegasus malware and if so, could you report the dependence on Lopera since when and what measures the government considers taking. to guarantee in a verifiable way that these tools will not be adjusted again with impunity, thank you very much if we give ourselves these mechanisms that have to do with manipulation of social networks, we do not hire bots, we pay the companies that are dedicated to that type of activities, we will never We have done it, I have never been paid for my messages and social networks to be disseminated just to clarify, Mr.
President, the Pegasus system is a spy system for the intervention of private communications, not necessarily to disseminate, we would like to in case the federal government confirms that you They are not using Pegasus, I started WhatsApp, it has evidence that it is still used in Mexico, I considered that it is important that it be an investigation to determine who is operating Pegasus, I chose but from now on I tell you that we are not involved in that, here it was decided. that no one was going to be persecuted before, we in the opposition were spied on bye, I started to be spied on, well, since 1977 there is evidence because we opened the files of the old investigative police that existed and there was a famous man Nazar Haro and this one and he signed the reports that had to do with my actions since 1977 and all those files were all opened and it was remembered that what the cisen left and that espionage activity and listening to phones is now prohibited, we have not bought equipment for listening to other things because of the corruption that it meant to buy all this equipment at very high prices from foreign companies espionage systems a lot of money was spent there is still unused equipment that the previous government bought we do not do that and we do not do it as a matter of principle what Yes, I say here it is that the conservatives, but there is nothing wrong with this, there are very few conservatives, if they have a double standard, if there is a double standard, the language, because we suffered in Mexico, was a conservative policy or conservative thinking that led to all of this. espionage, persecution is something more serious than disappearances or massacres, even with this human rights commission we have never received a complaint, a resolution, a human rights recommendation of violation of human rights in the time we have been in and this is not just because It is our political duty and respecting human rights is a conviction, we are not going to deny ourselves and only last pledge is to be precise, we investigate and immediately inform you if you have pointed out many times if it is appreciated by the civil society that you have mentioned Several times that this government is not going to ski, it has also mentioned that there would be openness and transparency about what previous governments spied on.
There has been talk about the files of the final security directorate, as well as those of the system, but it has not been back for several months now. to address this issue that this government remains committed to mainly letting the victims of espionage of previous governments know that they were victims of espionage, which is what was known because while the people who have carried out this espionage continue in impunity, they continue vulnerable to being victims of extortion of interventions in their private life and even, as you very well mention, of being the subject of physical attacks on their users personal integrity if they have access to all the files that is an instruction since it has been given and protection protection to all those who have been victims of espionage that is already over, also to inform you that this is historic the presidential staff disappeared and I give you a piece of information in the repression of 68 and it is proven the presidential staff intervened I am talking about the student repression of '68, in addition, in an elite apparatus, eight thousand elements took care of the president, nothing more so that he would have a common complement.
Last year, the presidency exercised 3,600 million pesos and this year we are going to exercise 800, why are the expenses no longer paid? of the presidential staff, apart from the arrogance, this dark record was a very expensive device. Look, the elements of the staff returned to defense secrecy and are part of the national guard, so what was happening in the country is completely different and I understand this Because of the changes, there are different opinions, this is normal. Furthermore, we are building an authentic democracy, we are not building a dictatorship in democracy, there is plurality and discrepancies, the right to dissent must be guaranteed and the dictatorship is a single thought, repression, so that is why.
We are also living a moment on this side in that sense we have to see the good part of course we are comfortable because the old has not just died and the new has not yet been born, it is a transition but the purpose of our government is to bring about practice the phrase one of the important famous phrases of President Juárez nothing by force everything by reason and law and so we guide ourselves very well without finishing now let's go I am president good morning Daniel Marmolejo of the fourth republic and voices of the journalist the actions of the 4th have been very important in the issues raised by the financial intelligence unit and the attorney general's office of theRepublic there would be many missing there are files there that should be resolved very quickly Mr.
President of white collar criminal crimes but these actions have curiously come with a timeline of the violence in Mexico and in the last extreme acts appear generals who had very important positions in the period of Felipe Calderón and armies of bots also appear along with all this unconventional actions are dirtying the progress of this government in something that we have documented and we call hybrid warfare this study this work Mr. President we are close to making it known to the people of Mexico Of course, also from you, but well, Senator Tom Cotton appears in the United States, a Republican senator who says that the peace policy of the Mexican government is a fairy tale.
What would be the position of the Mexican government regarding the offer made by the president? donald trump to contribute with these issues of violence in Mexico in response to Senator Cotton's accusation and whether it would be possible in this spirit of cooperation and also maintaining a distance from interventionism at least having information about former presidents and their relationships with organized crime because in this possibility that Mexico has to develop participatory democracy we are sure, I believe that it is something that is managed in the entire spirit of the people of Mexico that before prosecuting you there are others who are pending thank you very much Mr.
President well look we have to have an attitude of respect different positions approaches opinions it is natural to defend the use of force by a sector a group conservatism is very given to that it is a fascist thought they want to solve everything with the use of force they forget what violence is it cannot be confront with violence that evil cannot be confronted with evil evil must be confronted by doing good I are two different visions the Culiacán thing occurs and that thought arises the observer is to say how they let an alleged criminal go free if they had to stop it with blood and fire no matter what it costs and the most letter 2 theorists of conservative thought talk about the reason of state but we have a different vision we think that the most important thing is life taking care of the lives of all the lives of the military the lives of the alleged criminals and the lives of civilians and if we had acted as the authoritarian conservatives were asking, imploring, then to rise in there have been more than 200 deaths, this has also been a regrettable thing for the Lebarón family, regrettable painful because they have the Children's life hurts a lot but we are going to want to solve the problem anyway by declaring war and in the case of our country it was shown that it does not work that was a failure that caused more violence to act like this we thank the present trump for his willingness to support but at the same time At the same time, we thank him for being respectful of our sovereignty and we also respect the opinions of a Republican senator because that is his vision and we respect it, nothing more than we do not share it, as we respect yesterday's bad street journal editorial, nothing more than we do not share his vision so we are carrying out a different policy because the policy that they applied for 36 years was a resounding failure and caused a lot of damage, a lot of sadness, a lot of deaths, a lot of losses for Mexicans, so we are not going to continue with the same thing and we are going to demonstrate that our proposal It works even though it is not an easy matter.
We are sure that we are going to achieve good results. We are already achieving good results. We have already stopped the increase that was manifesting itself in terms of the increase in homicides in the country and there are these cases that do occur. This, regardless of the politics of the media, affects you intimately, they hurt you and because they are innocent human beings in this case, but we are going to move forward with the new strategy. The other thing is the irrational. The war is the most irrational thing there can be and that is not It will be an option in our case.
Well, now a woman, you, good morning, President Jocelyn Gutiérrez from the politician Punto MX. Yesterday, Chancellor Marcela Brad declared that it will be the FR who determines whether you will receive help from the FBI. In this context, we want to know if you have communicated with the attorney general and how would you see the participation of American investigative agents in the case of the Lebarón family please yesterday they went to the scene of these unfortunate events said 'I am members of the security cabinet and it was Marcelo Ebrad he also participated in this activity and A representative of the attorney general's office was there, so they are going to inform you later, at the end of this meeting, that we are having this meeting now.
They are going to inform you of Marcelo's opinion, which I expressed today and I support it in the sense that just as they allowed us us to follow up on the investigation in the case of the murders of Mexicans in El Paso Texas and the investigation is being carried out by US authorities as appropriate but they are not allowed to follow up on it. The investigation was an agreement that was made the same for this case we We ensure that justice is investigated and that justice is done and we do not have any limitations so that we can inform them of how the investigation is going and if they want to participate, they could do so.
I hope that the members of the cabinet will surely explain it to them. This is allowed by bilateral agreements that we have with the United States thank you very much president good man the day president alberto rodríguez sees you news just to clarify if president trump during the call he had yesterday offered him what he had said on twitter or if It was nothing more than something he did that I did on the air on Twitter. Possibly there was a formal offer to send troops to Mexico to put an end to certain organized crime cells.
On the one hand, and on the other hand, the investigation would not have to start first from a local attorney's office. And after it was absorbed by the Attorney General's Office of the Republic, yes, this case also occurred, yes, the investigation was first local and from there it became federal and finally what you just said about the revocation of the mandate, I am reviewing the legislation and it seems to me No, it could not be possible to request the revocation of mandates that have to be the first 15 days of the month of December and there the national electoral institute will have 20 days to issue the official call, that is, it would be January 5 and Hence this process has to be carried out in the following 60 days.
It is March 5 and it would not be until March 21. He proposed his opinion on the matter. Well, first of all, they are going to inform you if the Sonora state prosecutor's office is participating, yes, so What is the first question? If this filter really works, if he offered support, help to confront organized crime, and he stated that he would be attentive to any call from us in that sense. I thanked him. I say the same thing again. First, I thank him for his interest in participate in this issue this matter and at the same time I thank you for being respectful of our sovereignty that you have not said we are thinking of sending one, a team, a group to Mexico, but your approach was, we are in a position to help you when you decide, when you decide. determine that it is different then how because the sovereign free country how we do it with the United States we are respectful of its sovereignty the same we are going to and act with independence as the free and sovereign country that we are but we are very grateful because it is not that interfering desire that arrogance want to intervene in matters that only concern Mexicans, if it is not a manifestation of solidarity of support, if we request it, then since yesterday we have made it clear to you with all due respect that we are attending to the matter, the investigations are being carried out and we are going to ensure that Justice is done, that is what is evident.
There may be those who think differently. We return to the same thing to improve. The conservatives would like this if they came from other countries to attend to matters that correspond to us. They have already done it in other times. They have gone looking for even princes abroad and even armies and they have invaded us because that is how the conservatives are but now you have not heard any expression in that sense fortunately we were fine this has been evolving when what happened in Culiacán a leader did say that we had to entrench ourselves there but that is proper not from that thought that in addition this in these cases the experts always appear for everything the know-it-alls and well it is easy to say you have to entrench yourself no but send it out from Mexico City no don't go there juliaca and what is the other question I have It is understood that it is the first quarter after three years, which is also good news for the conservatives who organize themselves, that it is this compact that they prepare and there they will have an opportunity and it is simple to go to vote and everything will be resolved there, nothing But I wanted it to be two and a half years later, it gave me more time than I am asking for to consolidate the transformation, two years this year and one more, since in December I am already ready, December of next year is already ready, the transformation work is finished. see how they are going to do it to reverse it how they are going to go back there and establish corruption how they are going to do it so that it is no longer reported every day and return to the press releases how they are going to do it to increase the allocated budget People are not going to allow advertising and how are they going to do it to stop helping humble people and poor people?
If the welfare state is going to be established in the constitution, then there is only one year left before they no longer eat cravings. There is little left and you are moving forward with your legitimate position, Mr. President, good morning, Juan Carlos Machorro from the Expo portal. If you allow me a question, the municipal and state authority of Nuevo León made a working alliance some time ago with the private initiative FEMSA and other companies and various social organizations. creating a security body called civil force that deals with problems of collection of extortion fees among other crimes and to give results worth the redundancy positive this let's say security body what would be your opinion on the matter and how do you appreciate this let's say participation of other sectors social in these security tasks, but in the case of the new lion, in fact, the fact that the municipal governments, the state government and civil society work in a coordinated manner has given good results in the issue of security in the case again, Leon in other states did not result in other successful experiences.
What happened in Laguna was that there was a lot of violence and there a coordination of the army was created, a special command of the army to Laguna and the problem was resolved in Torreón Gómez Palacio in The gap is another experience to take into consideration and there are other good experiences in the states that must be considered and also states where the problem has been going on for a long time and progress cannot be made, for example the problem of insecurity and violence in Baja California and the return is now going down we have problems in Jalisco Guanajuato Veracruz Mexico City is already going down - it had problems the number of homicides had not grown much working here the problem we still have is the robbery of house-room, a question that should also be known, there were no gangs of foreign criminals and they settled in the city from other countries that I am not going to mention and they have already been identified and they are basically dedicated to robbery in private homes but what are homicides? has decreased in general throughout the country, vehicle theft has decreased considerably, both vehicle theft with violence and vehicle theft from a parked vehicle.
This is considerably reduced, but those experiences the houses mentioned do work in the case again. León there was a lot of violence and it is reduced so that if it is possible the first thing is that there are options that there are alternatives that there is well-being that young people are cared for never again turn your back on young people that they are guaranteed the study that is guaranteed The job is to ensure that there is no corruption, that the line between crime and authority is clearly drawn because when that border no longer exists, there is nothing to do when crime is the same as authority or when there is collusion and complicity between authorities and crime.
The fact that there is a presence of police from elements of the army, there is not enough presence here, those who accompany us, it is good that they know a fact according to our constitution, the army or the navy could not be used for public security tasks and only It had a federal police with 10,000 troops for the entire country while the army has 230 thousand elements and the navy 65 thousand elements and they are institutions that have been formed for many years with professionalism with discipline with facilities and with something that is very important, they are institutions that emerged from the The people are not an elite army.
The high command of the army in Mexico does not belong to the oligarchy. This is not the case with other armies here. The soldier is a uniformed people. So it was achieved and all the parties participated in this. The constitution will be reformed so that it is created a national guard with military police with naval police with the federal police and now we already have 80,000 elements from 10,000 to 80,000 and we are going to have 140 thousand it is already a more important presence but the same thing that happens every day and continues to happen because we still do not have All the elements that are needed, recommended in the states, are the same and in two municipalities they are missing.police officers, there are municipalities where there are no police officers, very poorly paid police officers without social security, that is, everything related to public security was completely abandoned and we are all working with that purpose and we think that with all these actions there must be good results and this woman woman, it's true, let's see, you president, good morning, there's already the rose, the correspondent of Grupos Kill and the impartial of Sonora, the chronicle and border of Tijuana about the Lebaron case, President, yesterday it was said here at the press conference that they were possibly confused by the criminals in the three ladies who were murdered and the children, what information did they give him to suspect this hypothesis because then those of us who are from the town who have lived in the mountains can know that in the mountains all the people know each other and all the people know that there are cars What vehicles does each person have and more suburbans then what specific information did they tell him in the security office to suspect this hypothesis also according to Mr.
Julián le Baron the people of the region had been allegedly warned by the criminals not to use those roads and that they had reported it to the federal police, what actions are carried out in cases such as the one in which it is reported that the spaces or roads are taken by criminals, what actions are carried out, thank you very much precisely for that reason there is going to be the press conference to clarify this and ensure that the information is not going to be distorted but those who have all the elements explain them so as not to fall into what I said yesterday, conjecture if it is better and act and with attachment to what happened to reality and with the guarantee that I don't know anything about the fact that we are going to act as always with absolute transparency, so it's a matter of waiting for the conference and for you to ask that question from news notimex oh, I would like to ask you president, yesterday Javier Sicilia issued a public letter in the case of Baron, he assures that you betrayed your promise of peace and that the president would respond to this letter and there is a second question that I would like to ask you, president, after you answer my first question, well, the first question is that it is his right, he has A different vision is from ours, so I respect his point of view but I don't share it.
What we are looking for is peace. Now, if it seems to him that acting as we are doing means betting on peace and betting on violence, well, this is it. his conception but that is not the case because he has the right to demonstrate to express himself because as I understand what he is proposing is that we have left peace aside, that is why he is proposing whether he betrayed his promise to give peace to this Mexico, president, yes, well, he is not here. I share your right to express yourself, to demonstrate, but we want peace and that is precisely why we do not opt ​​for violence.
President, yes, in the letter you suggest how good it would be to mobilize again at the national level like this movement of justice for peace. What would your position be? Regarding a national mobilization, if they have the right to do so, they can demonstrate and we do not have to be thinking the same thing with him for a long time, we have not thought the same, or in my house from a campaign, well, don't let me They kissed on one occasion, we already have differences but you are free to express yourself, President, and finally a while ago we talked about espionage and that they still had espionage equipment with which it was carried out and I would like to ask you what type of equipment is the one that you point out that they still have in its power and if there are contracts that were made for the purchase of this equipment, thank you if there are these investigations that are being carried out, there must even already be complaints filed by equipment that was purchased, which cost a lot of money and is being put to use. consideration of the secretariat, I say of the attorney general's office in this case, but then we informed you, I do not want to give information like that, better information, woman, good morning, Mr.
President, I wanted to ask you about the case of Max N Andrew, a Haitian immigrant who died in an immigration station in Tapachula. Approximately three months ago, the defenders of migrants had collected testimonies from other migrants who heard him dying and asking for help before dying. I wanted to ask you if the authorities investigating his case have been able to verify this testimony. That is, we are going to ask for information about that. Fortunately, we have been assisting the migratory phenomenon without loss of human life this case this was something special and we are going to report well on what about the death of this Haitian citizen when I think we can obtain information because it has been extreme morning life tomorrow and a second question what measures They have been taken since the death of Macs N to prevent this from happening and to improve the condition of the migrants during their passage in Mexico.
All the authorities have the indication to respect human rights. I said that there have been no victims. We have no human rights recommendations on mistreatment of migrants. We have taken great care of this. The bad thing is that immigrant defenders have not been able to enter the immigration stations to review the conditions of these stations. They are open. This is the first time I have heard this, but this morning we will come. to say how they can arrive and supervise and be aware. I am informed that the influx of migrants has decreased considerably and for the same reason the shelters are half occupied, that is, we have spaces and the migrants continue to be cared for with everything, food, medical care, everything.
They need and demand but tomorrow we can inform we come tomorrow yes thank you have a good day president we finish with one more on the fence and they sign up tomorrow hans at random it had to be done so that we can give a chance to the conference on chihuahua they are sauce at random zm gen news political group virtual zócalo president two points the first the statements of julián lebarón yesterday neither the attorney general's office of sound nor that of chihuahua arrived at the scene of the events no matter how much I talk to them I don't know if they are afraid or if they protect them The criminals who accompanied me were the federal police and the army.
The statement was verbatim. The question would be, in this context of Julián Lebarón's statement, do you consider that there is support for this policy of the federal government's strategy against insecurity on the part of specifically the governors of Chihuahua and the governor of Sonora approximately two weeks ago I asked him if he felt supported in the case of the issue of Culiacán by the governor of Sinaloa now I ask him the question with this issue specifically if he feels supported if he feels yes perceive that there is a real involvement to be able to face this specific case that, unfortunately, due to its seal of help and everything until a second question, everyone cooperates and this is a very delicate matter and I already said it, very sad because children lose their lives regardless of how it happens.
They gave the facts who are responsible, it hurts a lot that children are murdered, it is very painful, terrible, so I would not say that there are authorities who do not want to help, everyone helps, everyone is cooperating, what happens is that well, they come to us first and others later, that is Yes, but there is no ill will, there is no bad faith in the state authorities, regardless of any situation. We are responsible. The federal government has the responsibility to guarantee peace, to guarantee tranquility with the cooperation of local governments, but why should we blame ourselves?
We have to face this problem and request cooperation and support as the local authorities are doing. That is what I can do. Second question, President, regarding the consultation that has already been expressed here regarding the revocation of the mandate. I would like to bring into account the information that most Well, the question remains about whether to push for a consultation to prosecute former presidents because a few months ago you said that there was a lack of constitutional reform to be able to do that, the issue of corruption is still very strong, the question would still stand.
Jim's proposal in justice to accuse former presidents still stands in my free proposal and not to prosecute former presidents, my approach still stands that having this reform, citizens who consider it necessary can and comply with the requirements and ask that This consultation is held to gather the opinion of the citizens, if they want the former presidents of the neoliberal period salinas zedillo fox calderón peña nieta to be prosecuted, as I expressed it at the time and I continue to maintain it, I would be against it because I am in favor of the final point and As I have already said, starting a new stage, I think that that would not help us, but I would respect the decision of the citizens, why it is to rule by obeying, that is what the consultation is for, so if now that 35 has been reformed, you can request that consultation, you have to see the number. of signatures but this there is that way to be able to proceed against the former presidents I would say that I would express as I am doing here and I would explain my reasons I would give my reasons why not this the final point should also be done as I have done That is said, it is for those who left, for those who are no longer here, for us to judge, but we removed the impunity in the constitution from this and zero corruption and zero impunity, that is, in the case of this new stage because we are convinced of all this.
Regarding the violence, all of what we are suffering originates from the political corruption that prevailed in the neoliberal period, here also for those who are visiting us from other countries, never before in the history of Mexico, not even during the colonial period, the three centuries of domination. colonial era, a looting has been carried out as great as the one carried out in the last 36 years, Mexico has never been so looted, there is no precedent, so that had to produce the inequality that we suffer, monstrous inequality that we suffer and the violence Yesterday it was raining on an American millionaire and I recommend them on the networks talking about him how the model they have imposed produces more and more inequality and in the end causes violence and becomes something self-destructive, something that affects the beneficiaries themselves, unlimited profits. and about the abuses that the strong commit but it is very interesting because I think he was like the founder of Amazon and he is dedicated now he says I have a plane I have Jats I have mansions but I feel that this system that produces more and more inequality continues, he gives the example of how inequality has grown in the United States and gives the example of how inequality grew in France before the French Revolution and if I feel that the mob is going to destroy us and it was raining and it is totally valid that is what happened in the Porfiriato There are still sensible people who say that Porfirio Díaz was a good ruler.
If he had been a good ruler there would not have been a revolution. It is proven that an economic model that does not promote justice or an economic model that only benefits a small minority impoverishes the majority. Well, it will always generate violence, it is what is being seen in other places, those of us, meeting the needs of the people, ending corruption means governance, peace, tranquility, they are going to understand it little by little, to see if we suddenly pass through it. the conference, I don't think they're going to accuse us of plagiarism, this man assumes himself to be a very powerful man.
Let's see if anyone remembers, he dedicates himself to that and it's very interesting. This is something like what Buffet did and others who inherit it don't. their fortunes, understanding that it is necessary to change the model, but let's see if tomorrow has happened, we'll see it because if it's interesting, it takes about 30 minutes. If not, maybe it's not complete, but to recommend what's interesting. Good for tomorrow. See you tomorrow. I think. welcome month then you don't believe if you are there very good morning to all of you thank you for allowing us to continue this press conference as offered by the president we are here with the purpose first of informing you that yesterday the president ordered the presence of an intersecretarial commission at the scene of the events related to the attack on the Lebarón family, if you have the relationship there, please, well, the members of this commission and interest, or rather the intersecretarial commission was made up of Chancellor Marcelo Ebrard, Mr.
Admiral Rafael Ojeda, Secretary of the Navy and by General Homero Mendoza, Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Defense, representing General Sandoval, who is on a mission outside the country, went to the scene of the events. The Chancellor will provide additional information. related to this binational community of Lebarón in the state of Chihuahua, Dr. Gallo was also a guest of this intersecretarial commission. After the visit to the scene of the events, a coordination meeting was held between local and federal authorities in Hermosillo Sonora and via videoconference. and interacted with the authorities of the state of Chihuahua, we will present some information but he announced that the Sonora prosecutor's office has already opened a corresponding investigation folder that the state authorities of both the state of Sonora and Chihuahua have all the support of the federal government to carry out the investigation, this support will be in charge of the intelligence division of the national guard, which will coordinate all federal support for this investigation, to which any possible contribution from the national intelligence center will also be added.
In this meeting, the word elseñor cas chancellor andSubsequently, General Homero Mendoza only announced that in the first investigations into the collection of casings it allowed us to recognize the caliber of Point 223 casings manufactured by Remington and of North American origin. This is one of the most relevant data that at this time we can provide to you and I leave the Chancellor here at the microphone, very good morning, there will be a very detailed report of the visit, so I am going to concentrate on the issue of accurate foreign relations because the visit because I was instructed to participate because this team is integrated to make know and emphasize that the person leading the indignation in Mexico regarding these events is the president of the republic, which is a binational community, that is, as you know, in Mexico there are probably around 2 million people who have North American citizenship who live in the country.
Mexico, in the case of this particular community, the majority have dual nationality and live in Mexico and travel to the United States, so obviously we have to take care of them and for that reason the Foreign Ministry has been instructed to participate very closely in this process, I must also say that our country will give the corresponding authorities from the United States the same treatment of access to information, transparency in the open investigation, in the same way that both local and federal authorities in the United States have done with Mexico in this government in particular and I mention especially the case of the passage but there have been many others everything that we request access to the files interview with the district attorney hear the testimonies everything that we have requested I must say whether through the secretariat or through The Attorney General's Office of the Republic has not denied us, but on the contrary, there would be no reason for us to take other titles in the case of this investigation.
The Attorney General's Office of the Republic will have to determine in accordance with the Mexico-USA Cooperation Treaty on Legal Assistance. mutual agreement, which is a current treaty, the prosecutor of the republic will have to determine if it requires other types of support from, for example, the FBI because, well, here it was already mentioned a moment ago by the secretary of security that the first investigations were one of the things investigated are the weapons that participated in these events and as already said it is very likely that we will find weapons that are manufactured in some proportion in the United States and then we have to do joint work because we have to see how these weapons are handled in the area, as they enter, they have to do that investigation, the Attorney General of the Republic will surely do it and the information will be shared with the FBI so that they can do the same as the US.
This will be an example of cooperation because, as I said at the beginning, it is a binational community. And another thing, there is very good communication between the president of the United States and the president of Mexico so that we have a good condition in the binational relationship for this cooperation to be effective because at other times in history we have faced circumstances or situations where What prevails are mutual recriminations to explain why things do not work in this particular case, the instruction we have, Mr. President, is as already said here, for the Secretary, that the investigation clarify the facts, that justice be done, that the perpetrators be punished. responsible and prevent the actions of these criminal gangs in that area, that is what I would have to inform you for now, today we will be in communication with the US authorities and I will continue to report on the progress that there is, I insist on the scope of the participation In your case, the FBI or other instances in the United States will depend on what the Attorney General's Office determines and the way in which it works is with the Department of Justice because what the cooperation treaty says on mutual legal assistance, for now the The instruction we have is that they be given access just as they have done with us in all the investigative processes that are ongoing many times.
Good morning to all of you, I am going to allow myself to specify some aspects that were also referred to yesterday in Regarding the timeline and adding two very relevant aspects within these events, please go ahead in the first life, Mr. Secretary Durazo already mentioned it, the intersecretarial visit carried out specifically to tour the road section from Bavispe to Janos starting from the population of San Miguelito, the municipality of Bavispe, we attended, as already mentioned, the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the Secretary of National Defense, attended on behalf of the Secretary of Defense, and Dr.
Felipe de Jesús Gallo also attended. by the royal prosecutor's office of the republic, it was done after taking a tour for reasons of time and we arrived in Hermosillo around 5 in the afternoon and we transferred by helicopter, the flight was approximately one hour 10 minutes to reach the point where where the incident was and he consumed our time then we were only able to recognize or visit the first place the place where the first attack was carried out well ahead please is the part where the meeting was held at the air base the number 15 Hermosillo where the authorities participated, the governor of the state, the attorney general of the state, the staff also from the secretariats or the public security area of ​​the state, well here they are seen in coordination with all of them and it was verified that they contracted some data I would like to start With this this first map to locate, surely many of you already locate or know well the point where you saw Bavispe, it is located to the north east of Hermosillo between Agua Prieta Janos in the eastern part of Montezuma here there is a paved road in excellent condition then traveling this road of approximately 158 kilometers of agua prieta davis p is done on a normal route by train an average of 3 hours 20 minutes agua prieta janos also has a length of 160 km but it is a better road with better conditions of the first order, that is, it is traveled by seat, sorry, in two hours, one hour less, about two hours and twenty minutes on average, the section that is not listed here because it is a dirt road is linked to Janos passing through the community of Pancho Villa and reaches the and principles of the San Miguelito community from there on the pavement well because I mention this because precisely the Lebarón family and the Monfort family regularly use this this this route on a route on the route in a routine manner and obviously it was not The exception on the day of the events is understood to be that for that reason the families moved only women and minors, which justifies or makes valid the nature of the movements with him - security measures, so it is then inferred that it was a memory. a route that they did very regularly and obviously it deprived comfort in good and I want to tell you ahead please before touching on this I want to mention to you that there is a very relevant fact that connection or links are being found with this event at 3 15 hours on November 4 in Agua Prieta between members of the line that has a criminal organization with a presence in Chihuahua and the Salazars with a presence in Sonora had a confrontation a confrontation and in which the C4 of the municipality of Agua Prieta refers o receives a report about detonations of firearms at the scene, ministerial agents, municipal police and firefighters went and located a house and a military vehicle on fire at 6:10 a.m. outside a funeral home in the municipality of needy municipality, a lifeless body of a male as well as in the hospital at the hospital you quality above a person injured by a firearm projectile well this this fact is found and is one of the first lines of investigation that the prosecutor's authorities are following general of the state well, starting from this it is assumed that in the criminal organization of the line that before there is the threat by calling it that the intention of the Salazar to enter Chihuahua they decide to launch or demand a cell between Janos and Bavispe today to limit as a result of that confrontation of that confrontation that is actually taking place in the limits of both states decide to send a cell and it is assumed that this cell that they send to stop any incursion or penetration of any criminal cell of the salazar towards chihuahua which is the one that is being attributed the materialization of these attacks on the lebarón and langford family well and something here this is the place where the family refers the families on the move were in the mora pass here by The highway leaves San Miguelito and from there the dirt road begins.
The distance between this point and the place of the first event is approximately 56 km. This allowed us, well, it allowed the military personnel who arrived previously to consult about the probable time. of the event and residents of this community report that precisely the first act or the first aggression occurs right now we are going to see it in the timeline it occurs at 9 40 / from this point from the first point of the aggression to the second point there is a distance of 18 kilometers, yes, of those 18 kilometers on dirt terrain, in the best of cases it takes between 40 minutes and an hour, we covered these 6 kilometers in approximately 15 minutes and then the presumption is justified that the second event It happens at 11 o'clock, well, something somewhat relevant here, something that was mentioned and that will surely be included in the investigations, is that initially four vehicles were going to leave from the rancho la mora, one of them had a flat tire at the exit. and that is why some of the occupants are transferred to headquarters and it is understood why there are a large number of passengers in some vehicles, but this is not a record of the number of passengers in the three vehicles, well in the event that I refer to the first event takes place then at 9 40 now we are going to see it and the second event takes place at 11 o'clock here with the results of all of you known in the first the first truck here something that is also establishes that the three vehicles attacked in Lyon del rancho la mora but at different times and were not yet integrated into a convoy from there and then why a single vehicle suffered an attack and subsequently suffered the attack two vehicles that were practically very very close to each other well here with the results that you know I repeat the first in the first vehicle a shortcut van that also turned out to be on fire with the shots here those that you see were transported unam in a woman and four minors They all die and this vehicle that catches fire is not found in it until at least this vehicle is not observed, we had it in sight and it is not apparent that there had been any intention of arson but rather due to the product of that of the doctor, as a result of the shots, the engine would catch fire, this would reduce it, it will not be under consideration by the investigating authority, the second vehicle, once a suburban van, a woman was transported in a woman and six minors, two minors and the woman who died here die.
He was driving the vehicle and four minors fled the scene of the incident in suburban number three, a woman and four minors were also traveling. The woman died and the minors were found alive nearby. Rumors are not known in science and that was the perception we had. that in the last case, the people who attacked the occupants let the minors go, then we could establish some premise that it was not a direct attack, which is why the type of vehicles they used are very common to see in the areas of the mountains as vehicles in which organized crime criminals regularly travel suburban type vehicles, there we leave it for the investigating authority to determine if this assessment is valid.
Well, seeing here, it is important to emphasize that in the first event where it remains has The vehicle was burned and in the other two cases there were no more than 200 caliber cartridges, as Dr. Durazo already mentioned, a point 0.2 23 caliber Remington brand of North American manufacture. These calibers are the ones used by the m 16 and r-15 in its two versions a1 and a2 well in total then in this event in this in these tragic moments 33 of the 33 vehicles a total of three females die six minors and receive care and support from the military personnel who arrived late But the troops who arrived at the scene were an injured minor with a cut on his left cheek, the loss of a minor who was later found, and five minors who were found during the night during the night. transferred with the support of a Mexican air force aircraft.
In summary, we have been accounted for. They inform us that on the part of the Lebarón family there are 5 deceased people, one adult and four minors, and on the part of the Langford family, there are two adults and two minors. It is the information that we can have at this moment. Well, please follow them on this timeline. Yesterday, the director of the national information center had shown it to you. They had given us, that is, this information was confirmed and now we have confirmed it. these moments I repeat this we obtained yesterday the one that at 9 40 the first the firstattack on the vehicle that was in third place, the one that catches fire where an adult and four minors die at 11 a.m. the attack on the second and third vans, two female adults and two minors die here and there is a gap in information because The military personnel and the national guard personnel had no knowledge of it.
It is reasonable to call it that since the locals at the time of hearing shots because they all avoided approaching the place for their own reasons. For security reasons, the information is known and until 2:30 and 30 p.m. when the information is known, the commander of the Agua Prieta military garrison receives it and began preparations to go to the area of ​​the incident, adding more or less the hours that Agua Prieta required until The view is the justification for why they arrive until 6:00 p.m. and 15 minutes there in the town of San Miguelito at 6:40 p.m. He makes contact with the authorities of the Bavispe Public Security Secretariat and with some members of the Langford family at At 7 p.m. a reconnaissance began and, knowing that there were indications that there were four missing minors or four minors who had taken refuge, they surely began a search at 7 or 8 p.m.
They located a vehicle with the four charred bodies and that is the information they have 20 30 hours they locate and provide first aid to the five minors 20 45 hours military personnel evacuate the minors to the Bavispe clinic 21 15 garrison commander makes contact with the national guard the national guard had already located The two vehicles that were 18 kilometers away in the direction of getting off at 9:30 p.m., an officer accompanies them in the company of family members, also carried out the search for the missing local minor, locating the 9:45 p.m. at 9:45 p.m. at 10:00 p.m. The garrison verifies the health status of the minors in the Bavispe clinic and coordinates the evacuation by air at 11:40 p.m.
The transfer to Agua Prieta of the five minors begins and here 22 family members are added to the cells with 15 minutes the arrival of the helicopter, the helicopter arrives at the Agua Prieta airfield and they are transferred in a Red Cross ambulance to the border line at 0 hours and 30 minutes, the crossing is made and the well-being of the people assume responsibility for it. that one of the determinations that were made last night in the meeting in which the federal and state authorities participated, it was determined to strengthen the operational deployment that was in place at that time. area, please, now they have restarted, we had very few personnel at that point, there were no references in previous months, then the needs to provide security by both the national guard and the regular army troops are oriented Generally, we did not have reference to the conflict areas as such or so the presence of troops between the two institutions was scarce.
Today they are being strengthened. We are committed to closing these days on this day at the latest to complete these troops. and assess whether we need to move more troops to strengthen the place, I want to express here as complementary information that the national guard in Sonora has 2,140 troops on average, obviously not all deployed, some who are in action in administrative activities but who are part of the part of the regional coordinations and the army the army here if the effective deployment is 1,210 men here in detachments in operational bases in Sonora let's consider that Sonora has an extensive territory as far as Chihuahua is concerned in Chihuahua the army has 1,500 deployed troops and the national guard with the same consideration are 1980 men who are assigned to the four regional coordinations and who obviously also enter into a process of personnel management who is responsible for all this where all this deployment and institutional strengthening in the area of ​​the area both limit the bordering area between Chihuahua and and Sonora is the commander of the military garrison of Agua Prieta comes to the end as stated by Dr.
Durazo, it was determined and the instructions were given to us and they gave the instructions to all the cities participating institutions for please continue to carry out joint work between the state prosecutor's offices and the attorney general's office of the republic in the case in which it proceeds with the full participation of the institutions that participate in security, whether called the national guard or the Mexican army, also obviously included here the secretariat of the navy - in the territorial sea, the permanent presence of the secretariat of the navy - secretariat of national defense and the secretariat of security for citizen protection in the region, privileging the development and use of the search for information and the iii by the intelligence production, coordination will also be maintained because it is a bordering area and right now it is good to see the responsibilities or direct participation of the security entities that correspond to a very close coordination with the state of Chihuahua with a conviction to seek clarification of this This action is reprehensible because it concerns minors, it remains reprehensible because it concerns any human being, and even more so when it concerns women and minors, it is said that everything necessary will be sought or done to dismantle the responsible groups and of course the instruction is maintained and What we have been given is to maintain close communication with the family with the two affected families.
Well, this is the information. There will surely be many doubts on the subject, but I ask you to take into account two issues, firstly, that the investigation is ongoing, and that there is a responsible entity. and institutionally responsible for carrying out the information and that what we are providing today will be delivered to those bodies so that they can determine what is appropriate. The second is that it is an ongoing investigation and that consequently, new elements of evidence could modify what we have today. In that context, it may not be necessary to ask many questions, surely we will not be able to answer many of them at this time, but we will continue the presentation of the information.
We would ask three questions if you like, please there, and a good ending to ask if this is The jaguars then no longer have any relation to what the Chihuahua prosecutor had said, it seems to me that it would be related to an attack by the jaguars and here you mentioned the line and the Salazar so I wanted to ask you if there would be any line of investigation on your part in around other criminal groups, especially because this group that was mentioned, the jaguars, was not in the reports that have been made public by the Attorney General's Office of the Republic and the federal government itself.
Thanks to Nancy Flores from Contralínea, we are going to investigate thoroughly. With all the intelligence elements that we have, I can tell you that there are enough intelligence elements to collaborate in a very important way with the entities responsible for the investigation and the information from the Chihuahua prosecutor. Of course, it must be attended to and taken into account because one part of the investigation is in your space and in your responsibility and also the information that has been put here on this information that has been shared with you, I believe that this is not the time to disqualify any information.
The progress of the investigation will indicate to us the veracity of some of the information. the hypotheses and we had said someone here ahead and then there ahead forward Jesus, good morning, I just want to ask you how you came to this conclusion that it could be an attack, not a direct one, but a confusion if in this area there have also been conflicts over territory and for water historically even these families have been involved in these problems thank you well first is the intelligence information not because of the events of now but the historical collection of information about the groups that have been confronting each other in this territorial space along the line dividing line between Sonora and Chihuahua and the media and other investigations speak of additional elements such as those you point out will correspond to the corresponding instances.
At this moment we have absolutely no information to confirm going forward and with this we would conclude and we would remain with the commitment to give you continuity in the presentation of the information as it is generated, it does not make sense to reiterate Luis Cardona the option of a small version. We have information that the Sonora prosecutor's office had a detainee in this case. Yes, do not confirm that and another thing is what the attack on these is like. bands of the ico salazar line that constantly have incursions from one side and the other, which ones do they serve, what is the strategy used to contain these groups and if the passage is so continuous in this community between Bavispe and Janos, well, we actually reported yesterday of a detainee and that two gagged people were with him.
In a first assessment of the information, it is estimated that he is detained. He is not linked to the aggression of the Lebarón family regarding the combat strategy against these groups. I have already presented General Homero here. mendoza a strategy to strengthen the presence of federal forces in the region in such a way that it gives us the capacity to combat them effectively this new chancellor there is a question for you here Carlos Wells from the oil energy magazine ask you sir chancellor if these acts of barbarism have tensioned relations with the United States and a question also for doctor durazo doctor durazo is it a coincidence or is it a sign that this massacre is seen in bath and p the place where you were born and also ask him if this action we now expect the shooting down of a plane or the attack by some strong character because that is how it was experienced in Colombia.
Thank you, we do not expect that it will be seen from what the events that occurred do generate indignation for us due to the barbarism exhibited in the atrocities committed because the same thing happens in public opinion and in the government of The United States, but we do not expect it to foster tension between both countries because Mexico has the absolute resolution to clarify the facts and ensure justice is done, as I said, President López Obrador is leading the indignation and this is going to translate into what is here. Immediate actions have already been explained to clarify the facts and ensure justice is done, so I would not expect this matter to become a focus or a point from that meeting between the United States, which is a binational community and we are going to act together but at the same time.
The Lebarón family comes from the United States, when are they going to have this catalog ready for you, which they are going to present to the United States authorities? The ambassador understood and you mentioned it yesterday that this catalog is being put together, when they are going to present it to you and Also, what measure is the government of Mexico going to take through you as chancellor, a measure of protest before the United States - precisely because of this issue of arms trafficking, well, and in this regard you will give up the use of the secret security word, but let me tell you As I informed you before these tragic events, there is a high-level security group headed by our secretary, Dr.
Durazo, present here, and all of us who make up the head of security, plus the chancellery and other agencies, participate on behalf of Mexico on behalf of In the United States there are various corresponding agencies and the plenary meetings are important. They are chaired by the United States by the new ambassador to Mexico Chris Lando. One of the groups from the beginning was dedicated to the issue of illicit arms trafficking of all types of weapons and there has been considerable progress in this regard. It was not the reason for this conference but surely the doctor Durations will be able to say but we are ready to be able to make public things that tell us when it would be and we would participate like the rest of the colleagues in the cabinet to be reporting by tweet about this there are 32 Mexican women from a mexican we established contacts directly with the highest levels of the government of jordan the king himself is pending the minister of health led the surgical intervention the two people who have more serious injuries a delicate situation the individual who perpetrated this is detained and there is no reason to Explain why you did this.
Will you announce theft to us? Will it be if he is an unbalanced guy? We don't know that yet, but he is already detained. The ambassador is there with the mother of the one who is most affected and so far we have received all the support from the government of Jordan because They are very concerned about this unfortunate event. Sorry, the mother is there, and with the ambassador at this moment we are giving him the commercial information that corresponds to the state prosecutor's office, his honor as attorney general of the republic. At this procedural stage, the only thing that can be done is share the information later if the attorney general of the republic is required, information on the weapons, caliber, casings, data, other complementary data, etc., the prosecutor's office will then determine what is the scope of the participation with the FBI due to Mexico's position, as I already said, it is act with very broad openness and total transparency in this investigation for the case of public opinion in Mexico, of course also for the US government agencies because it is a community of nations, many times to close I tell you that it is a regrettable coincidence, indeed, the municipality where I was born is very extensive, it is 3,200 kilometers, it is practically the size of the state ofTlaxcala and has 2 very important borders, one with Chihuahua and another with the United States and another part with Agua Prieta, is historically a quiet town but also the region, precisely because of its location, is historically detention among criminal groups.
He reiterated that at the direction of the president everything the commitment of the federal government for all the entities responsible for carrying out and the investigation and complement only to conclude that a high-level group made up of representatives of at least 15 agencies of the federal government with their North American counterparts has already been constituted to begin operating in immediately the border sealing program to control the trafficking of weapons from the United States to Mexico. This is a serious problem that we have in the country because the smuggling of weapons, particularly from the United States, is what has increased the firepower of criminal groups.
Various statistics inform us that of all those weapons linked to a criminal act, 70% of them come from the United States via smuggling, so the collaboration of the North American government will be essential in this task to achieve good results. The Mexican government will do what we want. corresponds and we will continue through the social communication indications and in contact with you to permanently update you on the progress of the investigation thank you all thank you secretary general daily

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