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Feb 27, 2020
Hello, my name is Brian Drive, one of the main objectives of every person is financial independence. We must seek to reach the point where we have enough money to no longer have to worry about economic issues. The good news is that financial independence is easier. to achieve today what has been in the entire history of humanity despite the economic difficulties that may affect certain regions of the planet and the high and low characteristics of the markets, the truth is that the globalization of markets and the new technologies have meant that today the opportunities to develop wealth and abundance and our lives can be found anywhere on the planet regardless of what the most pessimistic of financial analysts may think, the truth is that it does not matter where we are living, it is most likely is that today we find ourselves surrounded by more wealth and opulence than ever.
c mo atraer el dinero de una forma segura
Your goal should be to fully participate in what many people are beginning to call the golden age of humanity. Money has an energy of its own and is generally attracted to those people who love it. Treat people well, money tends to flow to those people who can use it in the most productive way to generate valuable goods and services, and it tends to flow to those people who can invest it to create jobs and opportunities that benefit others. At the same time, money is alienates or tends to avoid those people who use it poorly or who spend it in unproductive ways makes it your job to acquire as much money as possible in an honest way and then use it to improve the quality of life for yourself and your loved ones and to achieve this I want to share with you 21 absolutely unbreakable laws of money 21 laws that will allow you to reap great wealth develop the abundance mentality that will attract money to you the first law is the law of cause and effect this law says that everything happens through a reason that there is a cause for every effect this is the iron law of human destiny this law says that we live in a world governed by natural laws and not by luck or coincidence it states that everything happens for a reason whether or not we know what it is each effect each success or each failure both wealth and poverty have a specific cause or causes each cause or action has an effect or consequence of some kind whether we can see it or not whether we agree with it or not this law also says that all achievements wealth happiness prosperity and success are the direct or indirect effects or results of causes or actions what this means if I can be clear about the effect result I want to obtain I will probably be able to achieve it if something has been possible for others it is most likely that It is also possible for you you can study others who have achieved the same goal and by doing what they did you will get the same result the law of cause and effect applies to money as well as any other subject according to this law success financial is an effect and as such it is the result of certain specific causes when you identify these causes and implement them in your own life and your activities it will have the same effects as in many people what is more this is the way in which thousands of people have already achieved achieve financial freedom they have taken on the task of observing how wealthy people manage and manage their time, resources and money and they have set out to acquire these same habits so that in this same way you can get any amount of money What do you really want?
c mo atraer el dinero de una forma segura

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If you examine and do what others have done before you to obtain these same results, you too will be able to obtain them. It is that simple. The most important expression of this universal law is that thoughts are causes and conditions are effects. Another way thinking is creative your thoughts are the main creative forces in your life you build your entire world according to your way of thinking all the people and situations in your life have been created by your own thinking and when you change your way of thinking thinking changes your life sometimes in a matter of seconds the most important principle of personal success success in business is simply this you become what you think most of the time what is important is not what happens to you in life what is truly important It is like reasons for what happens to you.
c mo atraer el dinero de una forma segura
This is what determines how you feel and how you react. It is not the world outside of you that dictates your circumstances or conditions. It is the world within you that creates the external life conditions that you will experience. Specifically, it is the way you think about money and your financial situation that determines your financial conditions today. An accurate diagnosis is half the cure, so if you want this law to work for you and not against you, take the time. necessary to observe the most important parts of your life, your family, your health, your work, your financial situation and observe the cause-effect relationships between what you think, say, feel and do and the results you are obtaining, be honest with yourself and make the changes life that you consider necessary the second law is the law of beliefs and this law says that what you really believe with deep feeling and emotion usually becomes your reality this second law says first of all that your beliefs, good or bad, certain wrong, false or true things about yourself will eventually become your reality so the first thing you must do is ensure that your inner beliefs are true and empowering you in your life.
c mo atraer el dinero de una forma segura
The second thing you must do is always act consistently with these. beliefs especially your beliefs about yourself your beliefs act as a set of filters that block in


tion that is not consistent with them you don't necessarily believe what you see but you see what you already believe and generally reject in


tion that contradicts what you have already decided Whether you believe your beliefs or prejudices are based on realities or fantasies and this is especially true when it comes to money, the best belief you can develop within yourself is that you are destined to be a great success in financial terms when you are absolutely convinced. that you are a financial success in the making when there is no doubt in your mind that you are on the path to achieving financial freedom only then will you begin to develop those behaviors that will make it a reality the worst beliefs you can have are self-limiting beliefs exist when you believe that you are limited in some way this is one of the worst enemies of anyone's success because the fact is not that others are better than you or that they are smarter than you the truth is that if someone else is doing better For you the main reason is because surely they have developed their natural talents and abilities more than you but anything else they have done within the limit of reason of course you can probably do it too you just have to want to do it and learn how. do what you would dare to dream of if you knew you couldn't fail if you had no limitations if you had all the time money talent skills and contacts you could want what you would like to do or be in your life start by understanding that these things you just identified can be a reality and that you can achieve them and that you have what you need to achieve them, the only thing you need to do is believe it, prepare and act.
The third law is the law of hope. This law says that whatever you hope will happen and trust that it will happen. It becomes your own prophecy fulfilling your expectations. You are always acting like a fortune teller in your own life by the way you think and talk about how things are going to turn out when you expect and trust that good things will usually happen to you. will come true in your life if you expect only negative things to happen to you in the same way you generally will not be disappointed wealthy people expect to be rich successful people expect to be successful happy and popular people expect to be happy and popular their expectations are largely Under their control they live a life that is a result of their own expectations.
This does not mean that bad things do not happen to them or that they do not face negative situations in their lives, but when these happen to them they understand that these are part of the life they live. They are the exceptions to the rule and this helps them respond better to them expect the best from yourself imagine that you have unlimited abilities and that you can achieve whatever you want think that your future is only limited by your imagination and what you have achieved so far is Just a fraction of what you are truly capable of achieving.
Imagine that your greatest moments are ahead of you and that everything that has happened to you so far has been only a preparation for the great things that are to come and the fourth law is the law. of attraction you are a living magnet you attract people into your life situations and circumstances that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts this law can be good news or bad news depending on your attitude and dominant thoughts since these are those who determine who will attract you into their life this is one of the great laws that explains a large part of the success and failure in your personal life and in your business this law states that everything you have in your life has been attracted by you and your way of thinking now well if until now you feel that you have brought things into your life that you would not like to experience, the only thing you must do is examine what attitudes or thoughts have attracted these things and you must get rid of these thoughts since you can change by changing your way of thinking when you develop a burning desire for financial success and think about it all the time you generate a force field of emotional energy that attracts people to ideas and opportunities into your life that will help you convert your goals actually look at your financial life today and see how it harmonizes with your thoughts you want with full credit for all the good things in your life those are there because you have attracted them to you then look at the things you don't like and also take full responsibility for them.
They are there because you have certain flaws in your way of thinking. Determine where the flaw is and what you are going to do about it. The fifth law is the law of correspondence. This law explains that your external world is a reflection of your inner world and corresponds with your dominant patterns of thought this is an extraordinary principle this law largely explains the happiness or misery success or failure abundance or poverty that many people experience in their lives after years of study in this area I continue to be impressed with this very powerful law just think your outer world reflects your inner world in all ways nothing can happen to you in the long term unless it corresponds with something that is inside you therefore yes If you want to change or improve something in your life you must start by changing the internal aspects of your mind.
Sometimes this is known as the mental equivalent. Your great responsibility in this life is to create within yourself the mental equivalent of what you want to experience on the outside because the The fact is that you cannot achieve something on the outside until you have achieved it on the inside. It is as if your life were a 360-degree mirror, wherever you look, there you are. Your relationships, for example, always reflect the type of person you are. inside your attitude your health and financial conditions are a reflection of the way you are the way you think and how you see yourself most of the time the law of correspondence is the fundamental principle of most mainstream religions and school this thought of this law is great news it is the key to freedom and personal happiness it is the key to great success and satisfaction there is only one thing in the world that you can control and that is your way of thinking however when you assume complete control over your thinking you take control over all other aspects of your life by thinking and speaking only about what you want and by refusing to think or speak about what you don't want you become the architect of your own destiny you create your world So you must take on the task of creating in your mind the reality that you want to experience in your outer world.
The sixth law is the law of abundance. This law asserts that we live in an abundant universe in a world where there is enough money for everyone. really want it and are willing to obey the laws that govern its acquisition there is a large amount of money available to you in reality the concept of scarcity does not exist since you can have practically everything you want and need we live in a generous universe and we are surrounded on all sides by blessings and opportunities to obtain what we really want, now the important thing to understand is that your attitude, whether of abundance or scarcity towards money, will have a significant impact on whether you become rich or not.
The first conclusion of the law of abundance is people will become wealthy because they decide to become wealthy individuals become wealthy because they believe they have the ability to do so because they believe in this completely they act in accordance with this belief and consequently do things that allow their beliefs to become reality The second conclusion of this law is people are poor because they have not decided to become rich in the book the instant millionaire the mark fisher the old millionaire answers the boy who has asked him about becominga millionaire because you are not rich yet this is an important question to ask yourself how you answer this question will reveal a lot about you your answers will show your self limiting beliefs your doubts your fears your excuses your rationalizations and your justifications so ask yourself why you are not rich still write down all the reasons you can think of go over your answers one by one with someone who knows you well and ask their opinion you may be surprised to realize that most of your reasons are excuses that you have fallen in love with justifications that you have fallen in love with become beliefs because they have lived and weighed on your mind for a long time whatever your reasons or excuses you can get rid of them the world is full of thousands of people who have had more difficulties to overcome than you can imagine and yet they have made it to be successful and you can do it too the seventh law of money is the law of personal development this law says that the fortune that you can amass during your life will be in direct proportion to your degree of personal and professional development many people want their income even without them having to grow or develop personally or professionally, if you invest your time in further developing your talents, you will increase your value in the market and will also increase your ability to generate greater income, it is most likely that at this very moment you are earning the maximum salary with what you now know if you want to earn more then you are going to have to learn more one of the smartest things you can do is invest 3 percent of your salary each month in yourself in your personal and professional development in Become better and better at the most important things you do.
There is no investment that will give you a bigger, better return on your money than reinvesting a portion of your time and money in your ability to make more money. Everyone. who have accumulated great fortunes have learned this sooner or later and all the poor unhappy people are still trying to figure out where the secret is invest in good books audio books and seminars the person who is not willing to invest in himself is negotiating the price of success and The price of success is non-negotiable. Did you know that just reading one hour a day can make you an expert in your field after just three years?
Reading an hour a day will make you a national and international expert in five years. In seven years this single activity can pay huge dividends in your financial life. Listening to personal and professional development audiobooks in your car is one of the most productive ways to use this time that could otherwise be wasted time. Attend seminars and conferences that contribute to your personal and professional development this should be part of your continuous learning program the eighth law is the law of exchange money is the means by which people exchange their labor in the production of goods and services for the goods and services that others can offer them, the truth is that before money existed, barter existed.
Barter allowed people to exchange goods or services directly for other goods or services without the need for money. However, as civilization grew, certain things began to be found. complications with this barter system and people found that they could exchange their goods and services for a neutral medium such as currency that they could then exchange for the goods and services of others making the whole process much more effective today we work and exchange our work for money and which one we use later to buy the results of other people's work. The first conclusion of the law of exchange is that money is a measure of the value that people place on goods and services.
The only thing that determines the value of something is the price that a person will pay for the fact that goods and services do not have a value separate and apart from what someone is willing to pay for them, in this way all values ​​are subjective and are based on thoughts, feelings, attitudes and opinions from the perspective of the buyer at the moment of making the decision to buy something the second conclusion of this law is his work is seen by others as a factor of production or a cost we all have the tendency to see the sweat of our brow or our work as something very special What makes it so intensely personal comes from us and is an expression of who we are as people.
For this reason it is not difficult to accept that where others are concerned our work is just a cost and that as intelligent consumers or employers we all want the maximum result for the minimum investment regardless of the work that is involved, for this reason you cannot put an objective value on the value of your work, it is only what other people are willing to pay for their work in a competitive market that determines What you earn and what it is worth in financial terms is the market that determines the value of your work. If there is a high demand for your work, the market can place a higher value on your work and reward you with a higher payment if there is little demand. by the market will reduce your value which brings us to the third conclusion of this law the amount of money you earn is the measure of the value that others have placed on your contribution to the market the way the job market works is always simple You will be paid in direct proportion to three factors: the work you do, what you do, and how difficult it is to replace you.
The amount you are paid will be in direct proportion to the quantity and quality of your contribution compared to the contributions of others combined with the value. What other people put to your personal contribution The fourth conclusion of the law of exchange is money is an effect not a cause your work contribution to the value of a product or service is the cause and the salary salary or profits you receive for The role you have played in this process is the effect. If you want to increase the effect, you must increase the cause. Many people unsuccessfully search for how to earn more money, forgetting to examine why they earn the money they earn and what they should be doing to earn the money they would like. earn the fifth conclusion of the law of exchange is to increase the amount of money you are earning you must increase the value of the work you are doing to earn more money you must add more value to the market you must increase your knowledge increase your talent improve your work habits work longer, harder hours work more creatively or do something that allows you to get greater benefits and results from your efforts sometimes you must do all of these things at the same time the people with the highest salaries in our society are those who are continually improving in one or more of these areas to add more value to the work you are doing, so if you want to increase your income, carefully evaluate why your work is adding to the market and determine if this is the best way you can be using your resources and skills. and your professional and personal abilities the ninth law is known as the law of capital and it says that your most precious asset in terms of money movement is your physical and mental capital and your ability to earn money it is possible that even if you already have a lot of money If you haven't yet realized that your ability to work is the most valuable asset you have, by maximizing your ability to earn money, you can bring a lot more money into your life each year by applying your ability to earn money to the production of goods and services for which there may be a great demand can generate enough money to pay for all the things you want in life it is important that you understand that, as I said before, the amount of money you are earning today is a direct measure of the level at which that your ability to earn money has reached this precise moment so the first conclusion of the law of capital is your most precious resource is your time your time is really the only thing you can sell how much time you dedicate to your work and how much of you itself and its potential delivery in said time determines its ability to earn money.
Poor time management is one of the main reasons for poor productivity. In any industry, one of the main problems that professionals face today is poor management. cash of your time when we waste our time we are actually wasting life itself time is our most precious treasure and we have more time than we will have tomorrow every day when we wake up we receive a check for 24 hours to do with it whatever we want at the end of This day we will have exchanged those 24 hours for what we have obtained in exchange so every day we should ask ourselves, was it worth what I got today for the 24 hours of my life that I just paid for it?
If the answer is no, I clearly examined what you are investing your time in. This is the only way to determine how effectively you are doing with your time. The second conclusion of the law of capital is that time and money can be spent or invested at a certain level. Your time and money are interchangeable if you spend them. They last a lifetime and you cannot recover them. They become costs, however, you can also invest them and in this case you will receive something in return that can last a long time. You invest your time or money in becoming wiser and developing your talents even more.
You can increase your value by increasing your ability to get results for yourself and others Increase your ability to earn money Your personal money movement and sometimes your entire career One of the smartest things you can do is invest 3 percent of your salary each month in yourself in your personal and professional development in becoming better and better at the most important things you do there is no investment that will give you a greater return for your money better and bigger than reinvesting a part of your time and your money in your ability to generate even more money all the people who have accumulated great fortunes have learned this sooner or later and all the poor and unhappy people are still trying to figure out where the secret is the third conclusion of the law of capital is One of the best investments of your time and money is to increase your ability to generate money.
The purpose of strategic planning at the corporate level is to increase the return on investment, that is, to increase the profits received from the investment of our capital as shareholders or investors. in said corporation and this requires organizing and reorganizing corporate activities so that the company earns more of the capital invested in the organization in its working life. Your personal assets are your mental and emotional capital. Your job then is to generate the greatest amount of income possible for the company. investment of your human capital identify the things that do your job that represent the highest value use of your time focus more and more time doing those things that represent the highest contributions you can make to achieve the highest results continually look for ways to increase your energy gain remember you only have 24 hours and you can decide to spend them wisely poorly or simply waste them and what you get at the end of the day will be the result of this decision

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