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Best Space Marines in Science Fiction | Mega Video

Jun 09, 2021
Hello friends, welcome back to another episode of Generation Films. My name is Alan. Over a year ago we started an epic


series about the




. We look at six different factions and talk about their 10 flaws and 10 strengths, more importantly, at the end of each one.


, you guys rated which faction you thought was the


now a year later we have tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of votes which is crazy and at the end of this very very long video we are going to count them all those votes. and let you know once and for all which


marine faction is the best enjoy the video each glen soldier was cloned from the genetic material of the famous bounty hunter django fett who was considered one of the most elite warriors in the galaxy now in theory Each clone has inherited all of its positive recovery rates and none of its weaknesses.
best space marines in science fiction mega video
The kamino and cloners were supposed to be among the best in the Star Wars galaxy, but it's entirely possible that they missed some genetic markers for certain shared weaknesses or diseases in the fat DNA that has a unique genetic template making it very easy for an enemy faction to manufacture a specific virus or bacteria that targets only fatty DNA, which is one of the main reasons why Emperor Palpatine would continue to phase out Startrooper clones rather than in war. The less your enemy knows about your troops, the better in the case of clone troopers. If you know one of them, you already know them all, which really puts the clones at a serious disadvantage.
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More Interesting Facts About,

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Now, scientifically speaking, genetic diversity is an important part of creation. a strong and resilient society, that's why incest is frowned upon in most cultures, and it's also why when a writer accidentally includes incest as a major plot point in their story, they will try to reconfigure it somehow. manner; There are even studies that show a positive correlation between interracial couples. and their descendants are taller and healthier; In fact, mixed-race children generally have fewer birth defects and genetic disorders, so instead of relying on one model for cleanliness, the republic really should have used a variety of different DNA samples that were as diverse as It is also possible that it was relatively difficult for a clone trooper to go undercover because he was immediately recognizable to anyone familiar with what a clone trooper is supposed to look like.
best space marines in science fiction mega video
Now most of the space


on this list are recruited from civilian or citizen populations and not made. in a test tube like clone troopers, the benefit of drawing soldiers from your population is that you don't have to start from scratch, there is no waiting period where you literally have to sit there and watch them grow, so when you start your space marine academy and you are using civilians or ordinary citizens, you already have a whole stock of able-bodied men and women that you can recruit, all you really have to manage is train and equip them because clown soldiers don't have parents, the state takes care of that. responsibility of being their guardian during childhood, which significantly increases the cost of training and housing a clone trooper.
best space marines in science fiction mega video
Civilian soldiers or normal citizens have their childhood subsidized by individual families and are much less dependent on state aid now that the clones were also created for a specific reason. What happens if they get injured? What happens if they withdraw? There really needs to be a support structure for these clones. In case something bad happens to them, this would also add additional costs to the clone trooper program, so the cost of this program is easily among the most expensive of all these factions, the republic needed to take care of the clones and train them for approximately nine years before they were ready for combat.
Civilian and citizen forces have a much shorter training period typically ranging from a few months to a few years. Kids might be wondering why I said it only takes nine years for clone troopers to be combat ready because that would mean they were basically sending children into battle. Unfortunately, that's not all that far from the truth as it looks to reduce cost and speed. production, the clones were genetically altered to age twice as fast, at least physically, a shorter development cycle would create significant instability in a clone's mental stability, so while the clones have the body 18-year-old physique, they had the flexibility. and innocents of a nine-year-old child and while this did indeed speed up the process of creating a clone, it had the ethical problem of sending nine-year-olds into battle and it also meant that by the time a clone was 20 years old they already had the body of a 40 year old man and they were already slowing down and ready to retire now there were clowns like captain rex who would continue fighting well into their old age but he was an exceptional individual we are soldiers ezra this is what we were born to do, not only did it take a long time, It took a lot of resources and money to create these clones, but they also had a relatively short lifespan.
The clone trooper armor was the precursor to the stormtrooper armor, which is universally laughed at. A terrible piece of equipment, some clones such as Captain Rex who have used clone and stormtrooper armor have noted that clone armor is superior in protection, yet Stower's armor is generally built to protect against thermal energy by using a reflective coating along with conductor and insulation. materials to absorb and redirect the wearer's damaging energy, while the armor has limited protection against explosive shrapnel and kinetic rounds, it is definitely on the weaker side of space marine armor after all, the outer layer of this armor It is made of deroplast, which is just a fancy way of saying plastic, although the clones were well versed in hand-to-hand combat, they were not particularly proficient in this area of ​​combat despite being created from an excellent genetic reserve.
Clones are in no way superhuman like their Jedi counterparts. Above average strength and agility for a human and had great martial skills, but were often outmatched by aliens and machines in hand-to-hand combat. This is more about the genetic weaknesses we have as human beings. This is also because the clone troopers relied heavily on a lot of time. range weapons the great army of the republic was not oriented or adapted for hand-to-hand combat and its arsenal lacked good protection or hand-to-hand combat weapons the clone non-commissioned officers and commanders were fantastic in the field, they understood their men in a way that only clones could understand their other clones. but at the battalion level, clones were often led by Jedi commanders, while Jedi were excellent individual fighters, they were not necessarily great military commanders.
First of all, the Jedi code often limited their ability to be effective combatants, but again, that's not a big deal, anyone can tamper with a code. doing a bit of moral gymnastics to justify any kind of action you want to take, what's really more important, the jedi order had not been involved in the military command structure for almost a thousand years, the jedi were officially part of the judicial force and served as peacekeepers. negotiators, diplomats and law enforcement officers of all kinds, very few of these Jedi had battlefield command experience and this really shows that during the opening battles of the clone war, the battle of geonosis was a pyrrhic victory for the Republic, the clone troopers suffered enormous losses mainly due to the inexperienced Jedi. generals who led their troops into suicidal frontal attacks in open fields against an army of technologically advanced droids with huge lasers and missiles and unfortunately the clones were quite docile and trained to follow orders, so no one really protested these relatively stupid orders, then you had generals like anakin skywalker who was quite talented and loved by his men but occasionally forgot that his soldiers were not jedi like him and would often lead his clone troopers into situations where only someone of their abilities could survive. , the Jedi were unorthodox generals and, while some of them were quite effective leaders, most of them had no idea what the hell they were doing.
Another reason Emperor Palpatine decided to eliminate the clones was because of Order 66. Now you might be thinking, didn't Palpatine create Order 6 C6 so he could destroy the Jedi, you would be right, that was probably one of the main reasons. why palpatine chose the clones. He was able to plant biochips in their brains that had a series of orders that could be activated by the government of the republic, these were known as contingency orders. of the grand army of the republic and there were 150 orders in total Palpatine created the other 149 orders to be able to hide order 66 within the rest without raising any suspicion, in reality there are several rules that were intended to dissolve the senate and also even the office of the chancellor, now that this universal code had fallen to the wrong ends, he could easily control the entire terrain by arming the republic and even destroy palpatine's government, something palpatine saw is too risky, especially after the galaxy found out about the order 66. despite all the genetic manipulation. made by Cameron Owens to make the clones more docile and dedicated soldiers.
These men were still very much human beings. Now these clones might not have had a traditional family or a life outside of the gar, so they simply saw their brothers in arms as their family. and they saw the gar as life, but as the clones grew and were exposed to the rest of the galaxy, depopulated worlds like Coruscant, they began to understand what they were missing: there are basic human drives, for example, to start a family, so some clones actually defected. To do that, other clones became disillusioned with the mission of the great army of the republic and even betrayed their brother clones, others saw order 66 and the control chips in their brain as a great breach and trust on the part of the republic, others began to worry about their future.
As their bodies began to age rapidly, the clones were created as a finale of Palpatine's rally to destroy the Jedi, but no one really thought about what would happen to them after the fighting was over - what do you do to a clone when there is no war? to fight, they simply retreat or you exterminate them or try to reintroduce them into society somehow overlooking these questions and not answering them will have serious consequences for the morale of this fighting force and possibly even lead to mass rebellion or desertion. in many ways he was a bastard he was a mortal man who was able to take advantage of the situation and emerge victorious he was a competitive individual and highly motivated to improve his own circumstances in life these are great personality traits for the owner. have, but not so good if you are trying to create a soldier who is basically a slave, so Kamen Owens designed the clones to be less individualistic, less aggressive, and less selfish, while some of these personality traits may be quite negative, these are also some. traits that are the best motivators for a human being, consequently, because most of the clones had similar basic personalities, they were easier to predict than other factions.
The clown soldiers, for all their flaws, were some of the most elite soldiers in the galaxy and a lot of that was thanks. Due to the meticulous work of the kamino and cloners, the fact that clone production was concentrated on one world was a great responsibility for the gar and made the path a very obvious strategic target for enemy factions. Some of the warriors on this list could be professional soldiers. some might even have been trained from birth to fight, but the clones were literally born and created to be the best soldiers possible from their DNA onwards, although the clones were slaves who fought for the republic's army, they had the luxury of having a purpose. purpose that was conditioned to them in their education and training, they knew that they were clones and they knew that their purpose in life was to protect the republic, it was a simple concept that kept them very focused and motivated and dare I say happy because the truth is No. all human beings want freedom or, more importantly, freedom of choice.
Many clones fit this personality type. The world we live in is a complicated place and can be a scary place that is difficult to fully understand. How does our political system work? How does theeconomy? How can I make a living? There is a reason why so many people believe in ridiculous conspiracies and extremist views because it is much easier to mobilize your own people against other people rather than against ideas or concepts such as corporate consolidation, advances in technology, machine learning, declining demand. The failure of our education system and, of course, dolphins, all play an equal role in the disappearance of jobs in certain sectors, as much as cheap foreign labor does, but that is too complicated a topic to understand and , therefore, becomes a topic that is too difficult to address.
Bring people together, so let's blame something very physical and very real in front of us Mexicans, so there is something attractive about having your soul and life purpose focused on one thing: being a good soldier, you don't need to worry for the world around you. In all its complexities, simplicity is really what many of us desire and that is the luxury clones enjoy. All they have to do is focus on staying alive and being the best soldier humanly possible and they excel at doing it. Now this purpose was. further reinforced by the lack of distractions, you have heard this phrase in one form or another, be careful of the man who has nothing to lose because he will fight with little restraint and considering his safety, also be careful of the man who is naked running towards you. and probably with bath salts, crack pcp or all three at the same time, the clones were isolated from the rest of the galaxy during their training, they had no family other than the others, their education focused on making them better tacticians and soldiers, not on prepare them.
For a future job market they barely had time between training and class sessions to develop hobbies, it wasn't really until deployment, when standards and their daily routines were relaxed, that they began to show more individuality. The clones were raised in an isolated warrior culture where death in combat was probably the best trait any of them could have. You'd like to combine that with modified fat DNA, some groupthink and you have individuals who are already resigned to the fact that they will one day die on the battlefield, this freedom from the burden of having a future means that even the brightest clones are newly out of kamino will not break or panic on their first real combat experience, it's not that the clones didn't get scared, it's just that they were mentally and physically conditioned to not let fear freeze them and their culture also reinforced this idea that being a good soldier was the most important thing in life and that being a coward was worse than being dead.
We mentioned in our last video that clones age twice as fast as the normal human, this reduces their training time to just nine years to adulthood. However, that does not mean that their experiences and minds were also well developed, that is why many Jedi upon sensing his presence in the force became confused, they saw a man standing in front of them but felt the presence of the force of a specifically nine year old boy, so while they were extremely professional as soldiers they were still a bit naive and inexperienced with certain more advanced concepts like life, death and love, for example, at 10 years old most children have a pretty good understanding of the permanence of death, although this could be modified depending on what your religious beliefs are, but most children during this period do not think about death from an abstract point of view and, more importantly, Children don't necessarily fear their own mortality or have learned lessons about how vulnerable they really are until they are much older. and when they reach adolescence, that feeling of invulnerability only increases.
Children are also much easier to indoctrinate, especially in the case of clones, where they are raised in an isolated, controlled environment where the republic can carefully shape their values ​​and worldviews. Children also lack what is called formal. operations or abstract thinking ability they can now be taught what is right and wrong and learn about morality through stories and can even make connections with real life things that happen to them if they are guided in the direction correct, but they lack the ability to make their own. judgments in many situations and rely heavily on information given to them by people they trust.
It's as confusing as it sounds. It makes children ideal soldiers, which is why they are used on battlefields ranging from Syria to central Africa and Southeast Asia. Canadian General Romeo Delaire, head of the UN peacekeeping mission in Rwanda, once said that children were the cheapest, expendable but sophisticated human weapon, noting that they have no real sense of fear and that , when indoctrinated at a young enough age, their capacity for loyalty and barbarism surpasses it. Of adults, the root of the word barbarism is not being a barber or being good at cutting hair, but rather being barbarians, since they are really good at carrying out massacres, so while the clones were indoctrinated by the republic, They were also individualistic enough that Palpatine had to place control chips in their brains, although they were exceptionally loyal and disciplined, they were not completely stupid drones and were very capable of thinking individually and even disobeying the order, they combined that with a great sense of altruism and duty, and the clones were very much the best that humanity had to offer.
It's a little ironic that the best of humanity was created by a group of cruel, godless, fish-headed aliens, but that's really what clones are, both physically and mentally. The thieves were exceptional young men forced into a terrible situation that no nine-year-old child should have to face, but most of them did not break and were able to withstand the horrors of combat despite being led by incompetent Jedi leaders against a numerically superior strength. The clones were disciplined and brave enough to never break, but flexible enough to be unpredictable in combat and adapt to the rapidly changing battlefield, they are also able to feel and have compassion for each other and even the people they saw.
On the battlefield, the clones were truly the best of all of us, as important as nature is. Upbringing also has a profound effect on the type of individual you will become when you grow up. The clones were trained much longer than the average soldier. Most clones received nine years of constant training in the different aspects of warfare. This meant that the clones were not only okay. Trained as infantry soldiers, they also had time to learn many other things, including how to operate a wide variety of vehicles and weapons, including alien and foreign technology, if necessary, it was prohibitively expensive for the gar to do this, but in exchange they created the best trained soldiers in the galaxy the training facilities on the way were also quite robust they are well equipped with giant simulation rooms and flash learning facilities the biggest bad of the galactic republic was that the clones were not seen as different from the droids they had They had no families, no property, no lives outside the gar, and most importantly, they were not technically citizens of the republic, meaning they could not vote without a vote, they had no representation in the senate without a voice, no They had a lobby. or groups that fight for their rights.
I love democracy and this is a very important thing, since most Americans probably know that the greatest weakness a republic has during wartime is war fatigue and waning public support due to attrition, and that was the beauty of clones that do not. Never mind that the Jedi led tens of thousands of clones to unnecessary death in a suicidal head-on charge during the Battle of Geonosis because they had no grieving mothers, fathers, or wives to really complain about the unnecessary loss of life, these clones were just numbers. . Stock that needed to be replaced allowed the Jedi and other Republican leaders to be more careless with the lives of their men while also being able to better focus on mission objectives rather than protecting their men.
It's a ruthless way to conduct war, but within reasonable limits it also gave the republic a huge advantage, although I personally don't have one. I've heard that the bond between twins is special and goes beyond what even normal, non-evil siblings could experience. Now imagine a whole army of identical twins. individuals who share that connection, although the clones eventually began to develop different personalities and physical appearances, they all understood each other in a way that only twins or clones could, this meant that they were more cohesive on the battlefield and their movements and coordination would not. It would be ridiculous to suggest that they could even predict each other's movements.
This definitely made the clones a more effective fighting force. It also made it incredibly difficult for any clone to infiltrate their ranks - even with a helmet and full armor on, a clone can simply recognize another clone. From the way they walk and move, the fact that each clone was the same height and roughly the same weight meant that acquiring equipment and supplies was simply easier for the clones - in theory, everything from armor to the rifles, the first aid kits could be customized. their exact body types and needs, this helps save a lot of cost and space and eliminates waste, which I guess offsets the ridiculously expensive creation costs of clones, while some of the space marines we talked about look similar more to security forces or defense contractors, the clones.
They were professional soldiers in a large republic army with a wide range of different weapons and vehicles. With their nine years of training, this also meant that the clones had time to practice a variety of combined arms tactics, including some basic cross training that It meant that each clone had a basic knowledge of most of the weapons in the republic's arsenal, the clones were vastly outnumbered and lacked adequate reinforcements and were also constantly rotated from one front line to another, there really is no time for rnr, so the clones had a ton of real world experience and the battles of the clone wars were massive, it was not uncommon for a clone to be involved in a battle that was fought across the planet using armored air support and space support, all at the same time, the superior discipline of the clone. and the bond with their fellow soldiers made them extremely adept at communicating and coordinating a wide range of vehicles and weapons effectively, while the basic clone unit was typically mechanized and attached to it laat or att for additional heavy weapons support.
The clones despite their inconsistent leadership were largely a modern fighting force with modern tactics, vehicles and weapons. Most of the space marines on this list will use traditional firearms or laser weapons. However, the clones had access to blasters. These weapons had several advantages. They fired superheated plasma beams that had much more energy behind them than the average kinetic weapon and blaster lasers, yes sir lasers can't even penetrate our navigation shields, don't you know these weapons could also be extremely compact and They also had smaller ammo packs than kinetic weapons with much more energy? The shots worked well against most types of armor and unarmored units, which is pretty important.
Some of the space marines are on a list, it's just that we are focused on fighting a certain type of alien or just other humans, now when it comes to the clone. Pros I thought it was important to take a closer look at who they were as individuals rather than what kind of team they had. The clones were the result of a failed experiment that controlled every aspect of their development and experience the first defect that we are going to find. The coverage begins at boot camp training, we see in the movies that mobile infantry recruits face harsh training practices, the federation forces even push to attract the most talented students of the federation to fight for them, but in general my training is not too specialized and most importantly it often does not start at a young age like the great soldiers of history and tradition: we see many recruits join the mobile infantry when they are young adults, as is common in modern Western armies to create true sociopathic killing machines.
Space Marine recruits need to betrained young and not raised in a bubble where they receive a suburban education because many of the mobile infantry soldiers start their careers so late that they are not desensitized to the violence or darkness of war, instead we see emotionally weak soldiers mentally in the mobile infantry. experiences fear in the face of the enemy and weak stomachs in the face of the blood of battle, we certainly cannot compare his training and preparation with special forces like Halo Odst and that is exactly why this happens. A tough life lesson, yeah she'll be fine, listen.
I'm going to say this right from the start: in many ways, the average mobile infantryman from the Starship Trooper movies is simply not suited to deal with the harshness of war because technology and society have advanced to the point where Life is pretty good, aside from the giant alien bugs. threatening to wipe out the entire human race the next flaw is the lack of discipline in the ranks the mobile infantry is simply not a very impressively organized fighting force the soldiers openly cavort with infantry of the opposite sex and engage in hooliganism with little repercussion this He might look human but he is weak in the face of insect scum.
Juan Rico does practically what he wants in the movies, he does not act like a leader absolutely committed to defeating the aliens when his lieutenant discovers him having sexual relations with humans at work. assigns him. Give him more time to fool around before going out to respond to a distress call that isn't a fighting force that believes in a humanity-first doctrine and is seriously committed to defeating a superior insect force. Surely there's something. of discipline captain dip is whipped for getting a fellow soldier killed but the rules of the mobile infantry seem inconsistent and sloppy at best, I mean, boys and girls bathe together in the mobile infantry.
What kind of ridiculous oversight is it that this is a core of soldiers who are equally threatened by disarray in their ranks? as it is for the killer arachnids, if the insects don't catch them, so do I, next we will have battle gear. Now many of you who know will say that actually the mobile infantry team is exactly what sets them apart from other space forces. After all, their power suits designed by author Robert Heinlein were instrumental in the field of futuristic military


and we'll discuss that as a bonus in our next video, but for this video, the power suits are mostly absent from much of the starship.
In the Troopers movie franchise, we'll be looking at standard mobile infantry equipment in this video and said equipment isn't much different from what we see available to modern SWAT teams or armies. The mobile infantry soldiers in the movies are equipped with a thin body helmet. armored gloves and combat boots, this would be fine if the mobile infantry were deployed against human enemies, but that's not the case, they have to fight aliens and their armor clearly does little to prevent the soldiers from being impaled by insects or bitten the extremities. I believe that a futuristic army living in a world of advanced and ubiquitous technology would have designed armor that was capable of protecting its soldiers against the enemy.
Of course, it's possible that the leaders of the United Citizens Federation are just giant morons who don't think about the cost. protecting each and every soldier is worth it, okay I stand corrected, that's a giant hole naturally, next we have to cover the weaponry, the standard weapons used by mobile infantry are the morita assault rifle, the morita assault rifle 2, the pulse.44 rifle the morita assault rifle 3 combat knives the e-pulse 88 rifle rocket launcher and nuclear weapons oxygen tactics nuclear weapons we will list them as an advantage and we will talk about them in the next video, since the rest of these weapons are quite advanced in practice. terms and can be effective in fighting arachnids if a mobile infantryman has good enough aim to hit the nerve stem;
However, none of these weapons are as impressive or provide mobile infantry with a significant advantage over insects and although most of their weapons are similar to modern firearms, they are actually larger and cruder than modern weapons and They provide a major disadvantage in close combat with giant alien insects. The ammunition in these firearms is not even much different from the ammunition used in standard firearms today. which they use are simply not made to defeat insects our next flaw is the tactics the mobile infantry along with their lack of discipline has a poor strategy on the battlefield in other words the inferiority of their weapons is only aggravated by their shitty tactics Once again mobile infantry tactics are more suitable for human warfare something that is largely a thing of the past and starship troopers after the meteor attack in buenos aires the united citizens federation launched an attack against clandathu the bug home planet the results were devastating for the mobile infantry the plan was If the federation forces swarm and assault the planet and mass after securing the initial beachhead, the forces would spread out and eliminate any errors in their path.
The plan ultimately failed due to the federation's arrogance and abysmal strategy. In an old-fashioned way, they lacked artillery or air support and relied. In terms of numbers, they attempted to engage in a war of attrition, poor planning resulting in hundreds of thousands of casualties among mobile infantry, including one hundred thousand dead in just one hour. Don't get me wrong, I am proud that humanity has stood together as one. hashtag for Argentina, but the response to an attack on Earth is not to send half a million mobile infantry on a suicide mission. This brings us to our next flaw.
Poor government structure. Human society and starship troops are ruled by a military elite following the collapse of the 20th century. In the Western democracies of the 19th century, the world is still rife with wealth, as far as we can see, and technological advancement has led to a higher quality of life; However, although ordinary civilians are generally free, they do not enjoy the same rights or status as members of the military, government leadership positions. They are reserved for veterans and therefore military-minded people lead the way for society, as we see in any society ruled by a military elite, genders never end well because they do not understand the need to moderate militaristic behavior or a balance of ideas in the government.
This manifests itself in a united citizen federation with a mobile infantry crazed with war-hungry soldiers in command. The lieutenants do not hesitate to commit violence against the infantry and training or placing a lot of value on the lives of their soldiers. Harden the soldiers for war. it is a throwing thing to pierce a recruit's hand with a knife and incapacitate him is foolish, mobile infantry urgently needs the supervision of more politically inclined people. The next flaw is that the mobile infantry is a volunteer force. This is both a weakness and a strength for today's video we will consider.
The aspects that make it a flaw in the federation is that one chooses to join the military, but doing so is the only way to become a citizen, so there are incentives to do so, but the lack of compulsion means that mobile infantry cannot force the most talented humans. Among the populists who fight for them, on the other hand, this means that the mobile infantry will have to make do with the best soldiers they can get, like Juan Rico, a full putt, that is, kill a fellow soldier by removing his helmet during a live fire simulation, yes captain dip just called a medic even though the soldier has no head, this highlights perhaps the biggest flaw of the mobile infantry, their main hero is inept, he has no specialty or skills elite and it is not.
Not so smart, while many elite soldier forces are defined by a heroic figure like the master chief, the mobile infantry is stuck with Johnny, it's that time of the month, rich, he almost abandons the mobile infantry, a force to which who only joined because of a girl because of the helmet. incident, this is an intensely weak-minded person who will become a general, reflecting a very flawed career ladder. Next we have the mobile infantry transport vehicles in the movie Starship Troopers, the main vehicle used for space travel by the UCF is the corvette transport. Corvettes were often used to deploy landing craft carrying mobile infantry platoons.
Corvettes are fast but along with the landing ships they carry they appear to have weak defenses and lack many offensive combat capabilities. The corvette landing ships suffered heavy casualties during the first bug wars and were easily shot down by the bugs during the first battle. from clandathu again the transport vehicles available for the mobile infantry do not seem suitable for the battle against the alien enemy they are fighting and finally our last flaw should be quite obvious even though the mobile infantry exists in a world of advanced technology As we have discussed above, they largely fight giant insects on foot, they don't use much like an air force or ground vehicles and in the movies they don't have exoskeleton suits that give them enhanced abilities in warfare, this seems almost ridiculous. , but the lack of an alternative means of engaging the enemy is a catastrophic flaw;
In other words, there is a degree to which mobile infantry is at a technological disadvantage, the first advantage. what it covers is unity mobile infantry is a unified, cohesive fighting force that encourages unity and prevents disorder mobile infantry the military component of the federal armed services of the terran federation is made up of units called platoons and these platoons are made up of soldiers of no specific region or allegiance there are no nationalistic tendencies among the platoons there is only dedication to a cause the perpetuation of humanity society in general could be better served with a free market where individualism thrives but the deadliest armed forces of history, including the American military, eliminate the individual and encourage and reinforce a single mind among their ranks in the mobile infantry there is no deviation from the mission no soldier greater than the fight itself platoons are homogeneous not only in cause and loyalty but Also in valor the mobile infantry prides itself on its esprit de corps, they never leave a man behind if they can avoid it and every soldier is a combat soldier;
In other words, every soldier in a unit goes into the fight, every member of the mobile infantry is committed to the same cause and must put him or herself in the line of mission, even if a rich Johnny General can't shy away from the field. of battle, it is not surprising, of course, that robert heinlein made the mobile infantry so organized and so cohesive that the man more than all else despised the communists in china and russia and felt that the western world had done too much to capitulate to them. He saw the evils of war and the militaristic pursuit necessary to combat the spread of communism and Soviet rule.
Insects are organized into class cooperatives beyond the capacity of individualistic humans such as communist societies. and heinlein believed that without dedication to militaristic expansion humanity could be destroyed the next advantage is related to the last and is simple bravery, you may not think this one counts, but i say what could count more over and over again despite the probable death of the mobile. Infantry put themselves in the middle of the fray to win or at least kill a bunch of damn bugs, no matter how many weaknesses they may have. Their bravery, a bravery cultivated by the unified human society in which they were raised, allows them to never give up and means that they can never be discarded until they are eliminated.
I don't know about you, but when I see a small mobile infantry unit of Martian human soldiers fresh out of training standing in front of a horde of thousands of insects. knowing that they will die if they do, but standing their ground and releasing all their ammunition against the alien enemy for the good of humanity, it brings a tear to my eye, it is a beautiful thing, the next advantage we have is training and this is really an area where we see a separation between the book and the movie. The film portrays some harsh training practices among mobile infantry recruits, but overall the whole process seems pretty manageable.
The instructors break some arms, but that's more sadism than rigorous training. the bookis much more draconian and some recruits even die in the course of its completion. Juan Rico states that from an original commercial unit of 2,000 men, only a few hundred manage to make it to the end. Now this may seem inhumane and it is nothing more than these soldiers. They are not training for modern warfare that involves human-to-human combat and often low mortality rates, they are preparing for war against alien insects that are superior in physical strength and sometimes numbers, and wars of Insects mean that humans are crushed by the thousands like ants training, therefore. must be demanding, emotionless, unforgivable, we need more mad dogs unleashed on misbehaving child soldiers, the next advantage is large platoons, mobile infantry platoons consist of 36 people, each platoon is divided into four squads of eight soldiers each and a command element of a platoon commander, platoon sergeant. a sniper and a communications operator complete the unit now, 36 personnel may fall short of the 41-member clone platoon, but they are clones compared to the 25-member colonial marine rifle platoon, the human advantage is obvious Of course, errors can cause that number of 36 to decrease. quickly, so the large platoon is necessary, but there is no doubt that, face to face with other space units, the mobile infantry has the necessary support.
So when we consider that all 36 will be equipped with powered armor, the platoon becomes a small army, but more on that later. The next step is service for citizens. Now one doesn't necessarily need to serve in the mobile infantry to gain citizenship, but everyone who does will, and the mobile infantry appears to be the path to citizenship for the masses. This might not appeal to their internal democracy. ideals, but it still has its advantages in a simple sense, the Terran Federation is able to recruit masses thanks to this quid pro quo, but beyond that, there are positive externalities that are produced by service to the citizenry, each member of the mobile infantry did not grow.
By assuming their rights in society, they have an idea of ​​what they are fighting for. This must be part of why we witness such commitment from mobile infantrymen to the cause, even if it requires the ultimate sacrifice. Robert Heinlein's book was a critique of what he saw as a devolutionary American culture where young people were becoming spoiled and undisciplined and therefore threatening the future of the nation. That's why he had Rico's high school history and moral philosophy teacher scoff at the notion of inalienable rights and argue that the only rights are people. Those who have are those who are willing to fight and die for mobile infantry.
They are ingrained with this philosophy and are therefore driven by more than just fear or compulsion. They have a sense of duty. The next advantage is armor. Obviously, in the last video I criticized the weak body equipment of mobile infantry in live-action movies - after all, it offers little protection against the enemy they are fighting - but outside of those movies, mobile infantry mainly fight with advanced suits called powered armor. The powered armor suit is strong enough to withstand most conventional weapons, bugs can definitely still penetrate it, but at least it offers some protection against them in close combat, plus the suits have a built-in arsenal of weapons.
The armor and suits come equipped with jump packs and rockets, allowing them to cover great distances in a short time and traverse heights with ease. The suits give the user the strength to crush a tank, but are also dexterous enough to allow them to handle objects. Carefully, the next advantage is the tactical oxygen nuke. In the last video we listed mobile infantry weaponry in live action movies as a disadvantage and their weapons are basic, but this does not include portable nuclear weapons. They use the tactical nuclear oxygen bomb. What they keep in their employ is a tactical nuclear munition the size of a grenade.
The nuclear bomb is an ultra-low-yield pure fusion weapon that, in the case of starship soldiers, does not produce nuclear fallout due to the lack of fissile materials involved, allowing mobile infantry to launch the nuclear weapons. from rocket launchers close to the target and still remain on the battlefield to fight against practical nuclear weapons like this one in the live-action movie or those contained in the powered armor hold a great importance in the hearts of the soldiers of starship robert Heinlein was motivated to write the book in part because of his anger at President Dwight Eisenhower's decision to suspend nuclear testing in 1958.
Heinlein was completely pro-nuclear and considered the proliferation of nuclear weapons necessary to defend the United States against the program. of nuclear weapons from the Soviet Union and I thought it was foolish and foolish to suspend the US program in the face of such a great threat. In short, basically Russians are giant arachnids. The next advantage we have to talk about is transportation. Yes, last time we criticized corvette transports and landing ships. The mobile infantry used to traverse space are very fond of other technology and spaceship soldiers can resist bugs, but live action films do little to portray the Terenkov's capabilities.
The Terenkov drive introduced in the novel is a faster than light system that allows Terran Federation ships to travel across the universe using a combination of ion thrust and Terrenchov radiation physics, although it is not specific to mobile infantry as they are ground troops. The fact that this technology is available to them gives them a huge advantage, they can transport troops anywhere in the galactic bug war in moments, but don't let a giant queen bug take control of your ship and they will all be Well, this is a general rich-to-the-earth defense. commando the johnny warden is under insect control and enters the earth's atmosphere damn the next advantage is tactics the tactics of the infantry and the movie are brutal they basically have a tactic sacrifice as many humans as possible to kill as many insects as possible in a war. of attrition, but live action movies Mobile Infantry is not Robert Heinlein's Mobile Infantry Heinlein's Mobile Infantry dominates the battlefield and uses their numbers much more effectively The new Mobile Infantry uses the shock effect to an extremely high degree cash put the bugs under constant pressure with Fast Advances and fully engaged, plus we see the mobile infantry use much smarter tactics in the animated films, devising ways for a few soldiers to take on thousands of bugs.
The last advantage is one we see throughout the franchise. Advanced healing technology. Mobile infantrymen are capable. Healing pretty serious wounds thanks to this technology, okay, having your head explode can't be helped, but pretty deep wounds can heal in short periods of time and, more importantly, advanced mechanical prosthetics are a fact. of the present, a soldier who loses a limb. He might even find himself more capable than before with his robotic limb. This type of technology mitigates the biggest weakness of mobile infantry. Human fragility. The insect's main advantage is that they can kill a human with a single hit, but the effect of this is reduced with the technology available. to humans technology that insects do not have and thus we begin the first defect that we have to cover today are the private interests of the uscm the national security law of 2101 formally established the colonial marines in its structure therefore in theory they are an army of the public under the united states allied command their duty is to maintain security for all united states signatories and extraterrestrial colonies that fall under the control of the united states of america however the uscm has a very questionable relationship with the weyland corporation -Yutani a large British and Japanese multinational conglomerate founded in 2099 through the merger of Weyland Corporation and Yutani Corporation.
Weyland Yutani is primarily a technology supplier making synthetic human spaceships and computers, and of course one of their customers is the United States Colonial Marines, who they also supply weapons to on paper. USCM is not directly controlled by Weyland Yutani and yet the company often employs them as a security force to protect its interests. In truth, it is not entirely clear how independent the uscm is from weyland-yutani and for the most part it appears to be the latter. exerts significant control over the colonial marines, a control that only becomes more absolute over time, the problem here is that private control means that the uscm does not necessarily work for the common good and weyland yutani is constantly portrayed as a predatory company immoral, even they are. willing to sacrifice human lives, colonial marine lives to get their hands on living xenomorph tissue, so the USCM doesn't really have a clear mission or creed that can unify and motivate their soldiers and while I can appreciate Weyland Yutani's goal of capturing to xenomorphs to create weapons of mass destruction from their biology to ensure that humanity remains the dominant species in the universe, killing humans to keep aliens alive goes against humanity's first code, specifically article 2x , which states that no human being will in any way assist in the perpetuation. or take actions that could benefit alien species, even if said actions are primarily intended to benefit humanity, but I digress, the colonial marines really can't be trusted due to the influence that weyland yutani has over them, the next flaw It is the size of the platoon of colonialism.
The Marine platoon is lacking in terms of numbers, the USCM platoon is composed as follows: First, a rifle squad consists of four Marines, including a corporal, a lance corporal and two privates, two Together squads are led by a sergeant and together with a driver of an armored M577. The personal transport constitutes a section in operations where a ud4 transport ship is required attached to the section, which requires additional crew, in addition, two sections together form a full rifle platoon usually numbering about 25 marines, although As we see, this number is usually lower. There are benefits that come from the smaller platoon size, such as mobile efficiency, but since Marines are taken down by aliens with little effort, numbers would help a bit, the Starship Troopers mobile infantry platoon outnumbers the USCM by 10 soldiers and clone troopers have 41.
For a platoon, more numbers also means the group has more weapons and ammunition and more marines to carry out strategies against the aliens. The next flaw we have is the USCM armor. The core of the colonial marines' armor system in the 22nd century is the M3-pattern Personal Armor, an armored vest manufactured by Battlefield Armed Systems, one of the companies that recently obtained its data from Facebook, is designed to balance Lightness and comfort with optimal protection, optimal protection against ammunition, in addition, the M10 pattern ballistic helmet provides protection for a sailor's head. M3 armor does not perform very well when dealing with high velocity ball ammunition or high explosive armor piercing rounds, however, it does provide adequate protection against low power ball ammunition, explosive bullets and grenades or artillery fragments of course , the problem here should be that the weapons are unclear.
Xenomorphs don't kill people and clearly the armor of the marines in the 22nd century is not built to make the fight against them fair. When the Marines first encountered the Xenomorphs on Level 426 in the 2170s, there was no way they knew what to do. Expect it to be said in the video game aliens colonial marines the uscm has acid resistant armor available specifically designed to provide resistance to xenomorph acid blood. However, the Xenomorphs are able to tear through Colonial Marines with similar ease as the Arachnids do through mobile infantry thanks to outdated armor. The next defect we have to talk about is exoskeletons.
The Colonial Marines have plenty of exoskeletons available generally, that's a good thing, but the famous p5000 powered work loader that Ellen Ripley uses to dispose of the queenxenomorph aboard the USS Sulaco really isn't. Great, the electric loader is a mechanized exoskeleton used to lift heavy materials and objects. The p5000 is widely used by the United States Colonial Marine Corps to load supplies aboard their spaceships. Electric loaders are equipped with hydraulic claws that can be used to hold and move objects. The exoskeleton may be powerful, but it is heavy, clumsy and slow, providing very little protection against attacking enemies.
Ripley somehow manages to defeat the alien queen, but inside the charger actually seems like the worst place to be if a xenomorph is after you. Yes, the p5000. It's not designed to fight aliens, but I'm not even sure it can load a ship faster than a standard forklift, plus since mobile infantry have power suits available that give them godlike powers, we have to count chargers. of p5000 energy slow and unwieldy as a strike against the colonial marines, the next flaw we have to talk about is the low use of synthetic humans, also known as non-human robots, each platoon usually features only one synthetic bishop, the android aboard the sulaco is much smarter and apparently more physically capable than the marines themselves, he is an expert in multiple fields of


and technology, it is also much more difficult to kill an android, don't get me wrong, I know there is a risk of rebellion if a platoon uses too many synthetics. but a few more wouldn't really hurt and sending synthetics to confront the aliens so humans don't have to die would seem like a tempting proposition, xenomorphs don't attack synthetics as easily as humans anyway, okay that one was an exception, but since most xenomorphs only target living organisms in general, it seems that when the terraforming colony at lv426 fell silent, it might have been smarter to send androids to investigate, especially given Ellen Ripley's warnings about killer super aliens, the next flaw to consider is the colonial marines.
Weaponry now the colonial marines are very technologically advanced and in general their weaponry is very good the m41a pulse rifle seems to be an exceptionally effective weapon but still for an intergalactic space force the weapons of the colonial marines are not ideal, they wield some weapons that They greatly limit your mobility, the m56 smart gun for example is a stupid weapon, as is the cargo exosuit, it's heavy and clunky, maybe at range in open terrain the gun would make more sense, but it was completely debilitating for the vasquez soldier to have to carry the weapon inside buildings and through narrow corridors moving xenomorphs what the colonial marines really need are small and powerful weapons the noisy cricket of the men in black would be a good option for them, this brings us to the Next flaw, which is poor management, the colonial marines are not a well-managed force in On the ground, somehow, a completely inexperienced officer and Lieutenant Gorman are given command of the mission to investigate lv-426.
Now maybe the mismanagement here was intentional on weyland-yutani's part, but they sent a new commander to face what could be based on Ripley's warnings. The alien invasion is tremendously stupid plus the marines are constantly ill-equipped when investigating the atmospheric processing station at lv426, they carry rifles that fire explosive rounds into what is essentially a giant fusion reactor and the team at lv426 has absolutely no contact with no one on base. Back on Earth, no one seems to be monitoring the mission from afar, the team on the ground seems to be able to do whatever they want.
In general, the worst mismanagement is to send just one platoon to investigate an entire missing terraforming colony. that if the entire population in lv426 went silent maybe more than one team should go check it all feeds into the following flaw the marines are poorly trained as much as the colonial marines are promoted as an elite fighting force they do little to live up to that name they act like overconfident idiots before the mission and in the field they get scared in combat situations and aren't sure what to do. Lieutenant Gorman knows how to follow the rules but doesn't have the ability to improvise or think on his feet when things happen.
If he goes wrong, he completely loses his cool just like Private Hudson. The Marines don't seem too skilled at using weapons either, aside from Corporal Hicks. To be fair, they didn't expect to fight giant xenomorphs, but they just shoot without thinking. not indicative of well trained soldiers, they even almost shot a girl because they were too quick on the trigger instead of being calm, cool and collected, in fact the most proficient person with weapons in the marines seems to be Ripley and, of course, the next one. The defect has to be the tactics. Colonial Marines have almost no battle strategy except move in and kill.
They don't carefully lay out their plans before entering buildings and don't do much in the way of assigning different roles to different marines. the path to the atmospheric processing station at lv 426 the opposing sergeant shouts some direction but generally everyone seems to be going the same way staying together as a large group along the entire route through the tunnels and grouping together in a linear fashion There was little patience in planning even though the marines had a complete map of the building, they had almost no plan in the event of an ambush, other than runaway bad tactics cost them six marines in this case, finally the last flaw is that the colonial marines are also scattered. thin according to the colonial marines technical manual in fiscal year 2179, the year the colonial marines landed on lv-426, the core strength of the USCM was 165,000 marines with 50,000 more in reserve, it is expected that the USCM protect the territories. across enormous distances in space, perhaps this is the reason why they were only able to send one platoon to lv-426.
Firstly, the Starship Troopers mobile infantry were able to lose over 300,000 soldiers in the Battle of Clendathu and still carry on quite easily. Colonial marines can't sacrifice anywhere near those numbers against xenomorphs. The first advantage to mention is that, as an institution, the USCM is a very experienced combat force. Yes, the squad that reaches level 426 in Aliens is pretty green, but throughout the Aliens story. The USCM could not have been more battle tested, fighting on worlds across space in a variety of different environments and against a variety of different enemies. We know they have fought on at least two dozen worlds, from Baron BG-386 to the environmentally diverse LV. -1201 extensive experience centrally endows them with a vast knowledge of space and how to approach and adapt to certain worlds and enemies, this makes them incredibly adept at forced projection and by being able to hold territories away from earth, they would also have a significant advantage On many other space forces, if launched into an unknown environment, the next advantage we have to cover is technological prowess.
Now we'll get into some of the details later, but we should dedicate a full advantage here to their overall technology because, whatever they lack in terms of their soldiers' abilities, they definitely make up for it in technology, surpassing most other space marine forces. In terms of variety and access to technology, we're talking, they have all kinds of planes, dropships, escape vehicles, speeders, exoskeletons, tanks, armored vehicles, turrets, radiological weapons, directed energy weapons, flamethrowers, sentry guns. , anti-tank. weapons mortars grenade launchers rail guns machine guns pistols pistols infrared technology jet packs parafoils environmental suits and more in every way the colonial marines are a sister force with a military industrial complex only composed of a


corporation in weyland yutani that feeds the weapons thirst of the uscm and technology speaking of technology, the next advantage we have to discuss is air support on starships, the united citizens federation fleet is separate from the mobile infantry and it is easy to see how this creates tensions and differences between the two arms of the armed forces of the terran federation.
The Colonial Marines, on the other hand, have their own aerospace wing. They have ships and pilots that are part of their platoons and can therefore work in much closer coordination with the soldiers on the ground. The pillars of the USCM aerospace wing are the conestoga. Allah-class transport ship, the USS Sulaco, and the UD4L Cheyenne dropships carrying the Conestogas, this giant floating cannon is nothing more than humanity's metallic phallus, penetrating the fabric of space-time to dominate lesser species throughout. the universe. Conestoga class ships can carry 90 crew members and more. up to 2,000 soldiers in hypersleep pods allowing for mass troop deployments to the far reaches of space, and while the transport corvette and starship are weakly defended and offensively inept, the conestoga is armed with eight twin beam anti-satellite missiles. 800


volt particles. twin railguns on its dorsal and ventral turrets 60 orbital mines and twin 80 megawatt infrared lasers the conestoga class also employs a romberg rockwell cygnus 5 tachyon bypass hyperdrive and for you physicists, the word tachyon should let you know that this Ship can travel faster than the speed of light if necessary.
The UD4L transport ship, on the other hand, carries our next armored personnel carriers, specifically the M577, a troop transport vehicle. The M577 consists of a titanium hull lined on the inside with boron carbide ceramic tiles, each of which has been coated. With a polymer resin to prevent cracking or breaking, the M577 is not necessarily an adequate preparation against anti-tank weapons, but functions as a solid, although not impenetrable, reinforcement against xenomorphs. Inside, the M577 is a tactical operations center that allows the colonial marines to plan and monitor. On the moving battlefield, they have all kinds of imaging and radar technology at their disposal, allowing them to track targets up to 3000 meters away in open terrain and, most importantly, the M577 is offensively dynamic and It has two Gatling guns, two phase plasma cannons and an automatic light mortar.
The next advantage is powered exoskeletons. Yes, last time I criticized the p5000 powered work loader for being no better than a standard forklift, but Weyland Yutani and the USCM learned their lessons from the p5000s. It lacks an exosuit, for example, it is a militarized version of the p5000 motorized task loader. designed for heavy combat use, then of course there is the berserker, a combat cyborg developed specifically for xenomorph clearing operations, a berserker unit is heavily armed and armored and operated by a human who is sealed inside and wired. neurologically to the suit's control systems when it is not in operation.
Human operators are kept in medically induced comas and then, during missions, fed a potent cocktail of stimulant drugs that make them hyper-aggressive against the aliens. For the last part, imagine something similar to what Stan Lee had done before he died, except replacing the aliens with nurses. The berserker was born in response to thousands of uscm casualties at the hands of aliens in individual battles. Berserkers are armed with pulse rifles, grenade launchers, and flamethrowers and have acid-resistant armor to protect against xenomorph blood. The next advantage we have to mention is the m314 movement. The tracker we see so often at USCM, the motion tracker, is a high-power ultrasound scanner that uses Doppler shift discrimination to filter moving objects from a stationary background and then displays them on the tracker's monitor as a series of shapes of probable locations of objects.
They allow colonial marines to monitor perimeters and remain alert for any imminent attack. Trackers can also scan objects, meaning targets can be tracked from inside buildings or vehicles, although their range is limited by obstructions. The next advantage is synthetic humans. Last video. We criticize the USCM for underutilizing droids, but that's only because they have enormous potential as an advantage as long as they are not allowed to gather en masse and rebel, as we see that the synthetics are much smarter and stronger than humans and therefore Therefore, they are very valuable products. For marine platoons, one of the main advantages of synthetics is that they are much more adaptable than humans to different environments and can function at a high level evenin the absence of a breathable atmosphere and are also immune to xenomorph aggression most of the time, meaning they can move around an area filled with aliens while the marines are trapped in their synthetic hideouts make the colonial marine platoon more smarter and more capable next we have the m41a pulse rifle the standard weapons and starship troopers do little to give the mobile infantry a significant advantage over the arachnids, the troopers waste ammo on the bugs, but unless they hit them On the nerve stem, insects do not fall easily.
The same can't be said for the colonial marines' weapons, especially the m41a, the weapons with steel-coated explosive tipped bullets take down the aliens. pretty quickly, that might have more to do with the xenomorph's defenses, but having the appropriate weapons for the enemy you're facing is an advantage, too, while the USCM wields some unnecessary, bulky and heavy weapons, like the smart gun m56, the m41a is the official size and construction. Made of an ultra-light alloy, the weapon weighs 10.8 pounds or pizza kilograms when fully loaded and slinged, this is in line with modern American marine rifles even though the M41A mounts a grenade launcher under the barrel, the following advantage we have to talk about is armor yes the m3 pattern personal armor is shit but the marines using it against xenomorphs didn't know what they were getting into at lv-426 the m4x armor that appears in the video game aliens vs Extinction Predators is an advanced upgrade to the M3 Vest's body armor system.
The M4X armor provides better protection against high-velocity impacts than the M3 armor but sacrifices almost nothing in terms of mobility, obviously an advantage when resisting xenomorph attacks, The M4X provides full body protection, including armored sleeves, thick gloves, and a full-face helmet that contains a lightweight ballistic-resistant visor. The lightweight armor helps the Marine maintain balance when absorbing hits from alien bodies and even has slight resistance. to xenomorph acid blood, of course, in terms of anti-acid armor, there is also the ape suit used primarily by weyland yutani personnel and colonial marine flamethrower units. the ape suit completely protects its wearer from xenomorph blood burn.
Our last advantage to talk about is the combat fitness of the colonial marines. Yes, even if the uscm is experienced as an institution, sometimes individual marines have lacked experience when entering the battlefield, especially when facing for the first time to the xenomorphs, but what definitely cannot be said about any of them is that they are not suitable for combat. The Starship Troopers mobile infantry has a volunteer army that forces people who want to be citizens to join and therefore we end up with a lot of unfit soldiers, the USCM marines on the other hand are all killers at heart and they are ready for the horrors of war, they were born to be on the battlefield and that is very important in terms of dealing with the enemy who they do not hesitate to kill and, apart from Private Hudson, they are capable of facing the possibility of death and even Hudson falls bravely overall, such combat aptitude means that unlike starship soldiers, mobile infantry, colonial marines are not just aliens. bait, they can defend themselves, and while heavy casualties are possible, especially when undermanned, the USCM is unlikely to face the kind of devastation that the mobile infantry suffered when it lost over 300,000 soldiers in battle by clendathu.
Well, worms, it's time to cast your final vote. for the colonial marines by clicking on the top corner next allen still has another video on halo unsc and my next video will cover the noblest fighting force of all, a force that takes on the most evil aliens that have ever lived existed, the UNSC or United Nations Space Command was a powerful comprehensive agency that focused on exploration,


and defense on behalf of all humanity, with humanity united in an effort to conquer the stars. The UNSC provided international support to allow Earth's colonists to safely expand into the unknown.
At its core was the US Navy and Expeditionary Marine Corps. A few hundred years later, at the end of the 25th century, humanity had colonized over 800 worlds and, like the Star Wars galaxy, the outer edges of humanity's territories were sparsely populated and used primarily for resource gathering. which were then refined and sent inland to the single system where most of the manufacturing and wealth was centered in the interior colonies. The source of many of the investments for these outer rim projects became richer and more powerful. The enormous gap in political power and wealth between the intercolonies and the outer colonies naturally created much tension.
An insurrectionary movement began in the outer colonies and these freedom fighters or terrorists, depending on who you asked, began actively clashing and fighting with the UNSC security forces for 30 years. so-called fought against the rest of humanity by greatly expanding the power and budget of the UNSC, it did not mean that the UNSC security forces mainly focused on training tactics and weapons to fight other humans and more or less this considered the possibility of a hostile first contact scenario. which unfortunately meant that humanity was woefully unprepared when it encountered the covenant if it hadn't been for dr. hasley we surely would have been doomed the story of halo takes place 500 years in the future but for some reason humanity still relies on relatively primitive kinetic energy weapons and no, I'm not talking about portable railguns, but old fashioned gunpowder weapons with more or less the same stopping and penetrating power as the weapons we have today.
I find it really alarming that there is so little development in small arms technology, especially when you compare it to other technologies that humanity has managed to create, including ftl travel through the use of the slipstream generator, and they were even able to create an A.I. completely sensible with all these incredible technological advances, owning firearms in the 26th century seems very outdated, which is even more worrying. is that many of the firearm designs we see in halo seem to have taken a step back from our time, let's take a look at the ma5b, the primary assault rifle for the UNSC marines, it was an unnecessarily large and bulky weapon Compared to an M4 carbine commonly used by our current US Marines that looks like this, the MA5B is actually closer in size to a squad automatic weapon.
Part of the reason the ma5b was so unwieldy was because the mi5b housed the larger 7.62 millimeter bullet in a support weapon size. 60 round magazine, it is quite possible that the UNSC will use this larger round due to advancements and body armor and simply the increased use of body armor. Our own military is facing this problem right now, as more and more insurgents and enemy combatants can afford cheap body armor. Online and on the black markets there are now a variety of political, economic and tactical reasons why NATO chose the 556 over the 762, but one of the main reasons was weight, depending on the type of material it is made from. an AR magazine that houses a 556 bullet.
Generally 20 to 50 percent lighter than the similarly sized 762-chambered AK magazine, so the ma5b, despite having more stopping power, is incredibly heavy and not practical for cqb environments. The ammo is also too heavy to carry more than three or at most four. extra clips due to the 60 round capacity and furthermore the ma5b is known for having terrible aim and accuracy and at ranges just over 40 yards it was relatively difficult to hit individual targets, to make matters worse there were no fire modes selectable. It only fires in full auto mode, so essentially what you have is an entire infantry force equipped with light machine guns.
The weapon only makes sense ergonomically if you're a seven foot tall genetically modified superhuman, while the 7.62 millimeter ma5b projectile was considered quite powerful by our own modern standards, they really weren't all that effective against the Covenant wielding a variety of different types of shields and armor, while grunts were easy to quell with a short burst of automatic fire, everything from the jackal on up could prove problematic for a marine. fire equipment without heavy weapons or the ability to flank the enemy, in fact, combat records show that, on average, a marine had a hit and an elite at close range with at least 45 shots of ma5b before being able to record his death, which I find funny and extremely sad.
It's the equivalent of Tom Hanks with the Colt 45 versus the Tiger Tank. Maybe Tom Hanks will get lucky and get a shot through the driver's hatch. Maybe a P-47 will jump out of the sky and blow up the tank, but... most of the time resistance is futile, the only portable firearm the marines had that was capable of consistently taking down the enemy with a single shot was the srs 99 anti-materiel sniper rifle that fired the ridiculously large 14, 5 millimeter that was originally first designed by mankind as an anti-tank round, side by side makes the 50 bmg look like a supermodel, plus the srs 99 only had a four round magazine and is only about two inches shorter than Tom Cruise without the benefits of Scientology, it's simply not practical as a versatile infantry rifle.
The problem wasn't that humanity couldn't design a firearm, but the fact that they were using firearms in the first place. Just one limitation with gunpowder weapons, the more you increase the power the bigger the weapon and the ammo becomes just as awesome as the srs 99 anti materiel rifle. Realistically you could only carry maybe five magazines at most because they were incredibly heavy, not to mention the massive recoil you get from the anti-materiel rifle which was the beauty of the Covenant's plasma weapons, although these were also quite large by human standards, they also possessed greater firepower capable of defeating Covenant enemies.
Larger Covenants, even the least powerful plasma pistol when overloaded could take. took out a spartan 2 and mule neural armor in about one shot, which is why early on the UNSC started training their own marines to use Covenant weapons in case they ran out of ammunition, but my question is Why didn't the UNSC engineering corps or the oni do it. start doing your own reverse engineering of the covenant plasma weapons, they are obviously superior to our own firearms and would have dramatically increased the effectiveness of non-spartan regular infantry. In one of our previous videos, we analyzed the various components of the Murano Halo armor and determined that O and I's scientific capabilities were extremely advanced having been able to reverse engineer the Covenant Shield technology, by far one of its pieces. of more impressive technology, the covenant shield technology was definitely more advanced than their plasma weapons and I think or and I could have easily reversed it I designed these weapons as important as the Spartan 2 immunity projects, where they are really only for special forces and are designed to be used on a very small scale.
Imagine equipping your entire infantry force with weapons that can actually kill the enemy, which would be a game changer. You want to see that the marines normally used the m52b body armor or similar ballistic armor along with the ch-252 helmet made of metal alloys. These pieces of equipment were excellent at stopping human-sized ballistic bullets. Human size was the keyword you coveted ballistic weapons. Also, if you look at the giants as the brutes, they could wield two 15-pound carbines that essentially fired gigantic metal stakes to kill vampires. I mean, look at the size of that thing, it's over a foot long anyway, the point is that human armor was useless against Covenant ballistic weapons like needles and spikes and it's not even properly designed to stop a round of plasma.
We're not exactly sure how much this gear weighs, but you're probably better off going into combat wearing shorts and a t-shirt that way you can at least move around and if you're going to melt your face off anyway, you might as well feel comfortable. The boar has always been one of my favorite vehicles in science


. It's something I would really lovehave someday, but unfortunately. It is poorly designed for the type of battles the Marines participated in as a ground vehicle. He's not fast enough to outrun banshees or ghosts and at the same time he's too poorly armored for a really heavy assault.
It also doesn't have doors. and there's no roof, which is both good and bad, good because the warhog had a tendency to flip over very easily, so it's easy to come out upside down. bad because if the warhawk flips over and you fall off the vehicle, you could be crushed by something. Another really worrying fact about the warthog was that if you look closely at UNSC history, the Warhawk has been in service for 200 years in comparison, this is what humanity was using 200 years ago as a reconnaissance vehicle, so yeah, 200 years really emphasizes that the platform is used beyond its reasonable limits like the humvee the boar was a weapon designed for a past war and was not well equipped for the current one he was fighting now the boar was not moving all the time due to Its high center of gravity and extremely soft suspension was also because for some reason the UNSC had some of the worst drivers I've ever seen.
I have a theory about this in the future. It is very likely that all cars will be autonomous. This will likely happen once the technology is mature. Enough is enough and insurance companies realize the costs and benefits of removing human error from the equation, so at this point driving yourself will probably be a luxury or even illegal, which is why most humans They probably don't really understand how a car works in the 26th century. That's why the boar is continually flipped over. Another big disadvantage the UNSC Marines had was the lack of air support besides the Pelican drop ship and a few other gunships and vetoes, the UNSC Marines seemed to lack true air superiority and relied heavily on the UNSC Marine to provide cover for their ground forces and many times could not even do that, which meant that the vulnerable Pelican often had to fall into highly contested areas without any air cover, which is stupid because not everyone is Spartan and capable of surviving falls from extremely ridiculous heights and as we have seen time and time again, even if the UNSC marines are able to achieve a victory in land, the Covenant can just take their fleet over a planet and crystallize it, I mean, this really limited the marine strategic options. and it was very demoralizing to see a planet that one had just risked their lives fighting for become a lifeless molten mess in a matter of hours.
Ultimately, the Marines were tough and flexible enough to adapt to the Covenant threat and protect humanity, primarily its flaws. lay in their equipment and vehicles and not necessarily their training or mentality, despite being pushed to the brink, the marines were able to win enough battles to help humanity survive the alien attack, the united nations in the future, the line halo time is much more focused and powerful in comparison. Due to the bureaucratic mess we have today, in 2075, the UN established the United Earth government and its indoctrination, it had limited control over the internal affairs of national governments, but as humanity began to spread throughout solar system, it was the corporate sponsored colonies that were most ambitious and therefore generally most successful as individual nations began to see their power when the United Earth government stepped in and became more influential as the main regulatory body for this corporate expansion through the solar system in the 22nd century.
The Earth and its colonies are compromised as what became known as the interplanetary war, overpopulation and resource scarcity led to the rise in power of two extreme populist factions, the communist Kosovics and the fascists, joking freedoms the ueg responded by deploying marines of the united nations against the rebel forces on mars the mission was extremely successful and the ueg would begin to take more and more power as the war progressed until it finally unified the earth under its flag, the united nations space command was established or scnu and the un marines were reorganized into the scnu marine corps, now this could drop troops from many In different regions of the Earth and even in its colonies, the UN Marine Corps was closely based on the United States Marine Corps.
Everything from how their unit was structured to their cometary philosophy and identity had been carefully shaped in the various conflicts the United States has been involved in. In the 20th and 21st centuries, the US Marine Corps was perhaps one of the most prolific fighting forces before the establishment of the United Nations Marines, which is probably one of the reasons why its successors, the UNSC, were able to successfully defend humanity from the Pact and other xenons. threats part of the tradition of the united states marine corps that would continue with the unsc marine corps was a strong and very capable veteran noncommissioned officer corps these were veteran fighters who earned their rank usually through life combat experience Royal led smaller units into combat and served as an intermediary between officers and men, although they were outranked even by the most junior officers, it was not uncommon for the noncommissioned officer to be the most experienced man in a unit, which often meant that the NCOs would serve as mentors to rookie officers during a A strong NCO corps was especially important when the UNSC was fighting technologically superior fires like the Covenant, as entire units and headquarters officers suffered heavy casualties and the traditional structure of a combat unit fell apart.
NCOs were generally still able to effectively coordinate small unit actions against the enemy in asymmetric warfare. When faced with the horror of alien weapons, giant monsters, and things that training can never prepare for the average grunt, it was up to veteran NCOs to maintain the line and inspiring the men around them not to break into thinking about the commissars, but instead of using the fear of death against their men, the NCOs jumped into the trenches along with their fellow Marines, so it is not surprising that the UNSC's greatest infantry heroes were usually non-commissioned officers. There are individuals like Sergeant Major Avery Johnson or Sergeant John Forge or even The Master Chief himself, a capable non-commissioned officer, was the key component of a modern, flexible and intelligent military organization.
Another similarity between the US Marine Corps and the UNSC Marine Corps was that it was specifically designed as an expeditionary force, which meant that the Marine Corps was supposed to be able to function without the support of other forces. branches of the military over a period of time, expeditionary forces could usually deploy very quickly to foreign or extraplanetary locations, which meant that all of their equipment and vehicles had to be relatively light and mobile compared to the UNSC military that ran their role. planetary defense and larger operations. The UNSC Marine Corps was relatively lightly armed but still had its own air support artillery and heavy armor.
Humanity in the 26th century was spread across the galaxy in over 800 colonies, so a mobile reaction force was incredibly important. only the most fortified worlds would have a significant UNSC presence. Most of the outer colonies were defended by the colonial military administration, which was basically a light militia. You hit Maureen, no sir, then listen when I joined the car, we didn't have any. Sleek, sleek tanks, we had sticks, two sticks and a rock for a whole platoon and we had to share the rock up, boy you're a very lucky Marine, the sergeant major is what we like to call a warrior poet, deadly with a rifle assault while With his words, what he is saying may be a little exaggerated and dramatic, but it is not necessarily false, whether a hareen is using a stone or a Mark 1 stick or a Spartan laser, they will find a way to kill the enemy, no matter what it is.
Another tradition that the UNSC Marine Corps received from the US Marine Corps, although fully capable of waging high-tech warfare using combined arms, each Marine, first and foremost, is a rifleman still trained to excel in their work using only the most basic tools at hand. The United States Marine Corps remains one of the last services to still have bayonet training and it seems that the UNSC Marine Corps has not forgotten these lost arts, this type of mentality proved to be very useful, especially against advanced alien races. whose technology often surpassed and even denied ours, the unsc moraine understood that a well-trained soldier is much more important than a fancy boy compared to other branches of service, the unsc marine corps had a very clear warrior culture, In general, enlisted men were not only willing to fight but wanted to fight, this meant that most Marines, even during their free time, studied military history or different forms of martial arts and acquired other skills that would make them into better fighters, so the Marines were not just enlisted men or officers or even professional soldiers. and breathe combat, that is why the pact would come to respect these humans not only as soldiers but as warriors.
In the last episode we heavily criticized the ma5b assault rifle and it was bulky, heavy and had terrible aim, but to be fair the UNSC were pretty quick to remove the equipment. The MA5B updated For the ma5c, the bulky 60-round magazine was reduced to 32, the barrel was changed to a longer, heavier version, greatly improving accuracy and range, and the rate of fire was also reduced, although the weapon it still could only fire in full auto mode overall. It was also lighter than previous weapons, so it had interesting firearms like the m7smg. This was a fairly standard cqb gun, but it had two special features, including a horizontal magazine and caseless ammunition, which meant the gun didn't have to open its cooler to power. expending empty bullet casings, which led to a more reliable weapon with fewer moving parts, which was less likely to jam, the horizontal magazine could hold 60 rounds and due to its orientation had a much lower profile, this meant that the m7 was ideal for use with two weapons, which was very useful when facing a horde of floods, although at the beginning of the 26th century humanity had spread throughout the galaxy, we had not yet encountered other sentient beings apart from the meddling dolphins that lived beneath the tara oceans, so we still had a very important sense of duty to humans.
Race, even the toughest and oldest, like Minister Sergeant Avery Johnson, had reservations about killing his fellow men, including insurrectionists, but when it came to killing aliens, the more the Sergeant Major slaughtered in combat. The easier he slept at night. night and because the Covenant and the other alien species in the galaxy posed an existential threat to humanity, the Marines got a major morale boost knowing that every step back they took was one step closer to the enemy glassing our cities. . and eat our babies, this meant that the Marines often refused to break and fought for the last man, whether during one of the human colony's harvest retakes or the frantic skirmishes at the 4runner 4 installation.
Being made of intelligence and individualistic fighters, the Marine Corps was often very stubborn and okay with pure victory, as long as it was a victory, although the Marines were, first and foremost, infantry men, they were well versed. ​​in combined arms tactics when they were available in the last episode. I mentioned that the Marines relied heavily on the UNSC navy for fixed wing air support, but one outlet seems to mention that the UNSC Marines had their own air core that not only flew pelicans and other gunships, but also advanced aircraft. fixed wing like the long sword, whether the pilots were Marines or Navy, the important thing is that the Marines were able to coordinate short-range air support, which was sometimes the only thing with enough power to eliminate one of the terrifying weapons that they had to face.
The m808b main battle tank was light enough to beunfolded. by a pelican and was powerful enough to take out an enemy breach tank in two or three shots, it was quite maneuverable and fast for heavy armor, making it the perfect complement for an expeditionary force that needed to move quickly and be ready to fight in a split second, the m808b was an excellent platform and even respected by the pact, it could also be modified for a variety of other purposes, including anti-aircraft operations. The first flaw to mention is that the secaps are involved in a long-term commitment in a foreign country. planet the secaps are playing outside the house pandora is full of exotic forests and a terrain more than unknown to human beings they have no knowledge of the earth or its ins and outs in the battle for the home tree the next defect is that the main ships Secops do not have ejector seats.
The At-99 Scorpion gunship is a great aircraft in many ways, all of which we will discuss in the following video, but it does have some flaws and one of the main ones is that it does not have an ejector seat instead of an inertial one. Auto-rotating or landing without power is the preferred method for surviving a power outage scenario, but you would think that, for an aircraft built for combat, its engineers would have anticipated that there would be cases where the ship could not land without power because it has been impacted. with a missile and is spiraling towards the ground or just exploding in the air seeing Trudy sitting helpless in her plane after it was disabled made her disappearance seem pointless this is a force that has figured out how to colonize a planet more than four light years away.
Earth and we still cannot get the pilots of damaged planes to the ground safely. Our next flaw is the wildlife on Pandora, while security operations are very technologically advanced. It doesn't seem good enough to dominate wildlife on the planet. They are active and occupy one. I would think that with their already long stay on the planet they would have developed technology that is prepared to deal with the animals of the planet such as the hammerhead titanotheres. We see that while the Na'vi are easily taken down by Sec Up firepower, the other wild creatures on Pandora are not, they rival the best of Sec Up technology and are omnipresent on the planet.
The next flaw is that the Secops are a private military force in many ways, this is an advantage in others, not so much, the GDR is more powerful than any land government. and therefore, in a way, it is a government over humanity that does not submit to the will of humans, although this may be favorable, at the same time, they also do not necessarily work for humans and therefore, if they found non-human clients who can pay, could easily turn against humanity and carry out missions that are not in the best interest of the Earth, the next video, the next flaw is the lack of breathing technology, now here you could say, but American Bend Sec Ops has the exo package, light atmosphere filtration. system that allows humans to breathe on Pandora by filtering toxic elements in the atmosphere, but I see this as a serious disadvantage.
The exo pact becomes a target for enemies as they can simply target the mask and if they manage to destroy or remove it, the human. The user will die, that's a pretty big weakness when he faces creatures that can breathe on the planet naturally. The Colonial Marines on the other hand have atmosphere processing plants or applications thanks to Weyland Yutani that can equalize the atmosphere for humans or even potentially make it unsuitable for a planet's native inhabitants, yes the applications take a long time to build and constant equipment to maintain, but for groups like the colonial marines or the secaps who are in the long-term colonization business, they make a lot of sense, the exopak also only works on planets with the necessary oxygen in the atmosphere to sustain the human life, it only filters out toxic elements, so it is not a panacea to aid human colonization efforts throughout the universe, finally our last flaw is oversight, as recently pointed out by a commenter in a previous video.
In this series, one of the best advantages of the colonial marines is that, quote, they know when to go out and bomb the entire site or they don't roam freely in space. They are still overseen by international treaties, the United Nations, and the Interstellar Trade Administration. and the intergalactic regulatory body's power to use nuclear weapons or to proliferate other weapons arsenals is heavily restricted by these entities. It is difficult to say whether the Weyland-Yutani Alien Corporation or the Resource Development Administration has more power, but certainly Weyland Yutani operates with less responsibility. In all space we have to start with the most obvious advantage of the GDR: the avatars themselves.
Avatars are genetically engineered human navi hybrid bodies that humans psionically connect to. The avatar's brain and nervous system are modeled after those of its human operator, but the avatar's cellular biology is matched with that of Navi, therefore, through avatars, humans can survive on Pandora at the same level. than the navi and mitigate any physical advantage the navi may have. The technology that humans have created here also has broader implications for the potential of secondary operations. If they can create a navigation avatar with proper funding they could create avatars of alien enemies on any planet they operate on, it's unclear how humanoid the alien needs to be for the science to be feasible, but the possibilities here are many.
Imagine if colonial marines could build a xenomorph avatar. The next advantage is the healing technology. After all, the world in the mid-22nd century has clearly seen that medical technology has come a long way, as long as one has money or the right connections, even a paraplegic can win. the ability to walk again Grace Agustine dies from a gunshot wound, but that's only because she was left at the mercy of the whims of savage society to save her, who instead of stopping the bleeding tried to pray to turn her conscience into a avatar body, his injuries were probably easily treatable. at the GDR base in Pandora, so given the technology available, there is great potential to heal wounded soldiers on the battlefield and send them back.
I have figured out very well how to repair other serious injuries seen on the battlefield and many of the soldiers. We see that getting hit with arrows in the movie might not be over after all, the next perk we have to talk about is the mech suits. The mitsubishi mk6 amplified mobility platform used by security operations soldiers is one of the best mech suits out there as far as exosuits go. It doesn't have the capabilities of the Starship Troopers' powered armor, but it appears to at least surpass the powered loader used by the Colonial Marines. The amplifier is capable of duplicating all the functions of the human soldier.
The raider is capable of passing through dense objects. thousands of pounds in the air and greatly decreases the need for manufacturing and combat labor on the battlefield itself the suit protects itself from all types of harsh conditions the next advantage we have to discuss is the weapons between the avatar from movie, game and activist published by rda survival guide Security operations have been shown to employ a healthy variety of weapons, from rifles to missile launchers and grenades, but even more importantly, almost all of their weapons have proven to be effective and appropriate to confront your alien enemy in Pandora Amp.
The suit operators employ some of the best weapons humans have at their disposal, the GAU-90, a massive hip-fired 30-millimeter autocannon that can fire up to 250 high-explosive armor-piercing or incendiary rounds. per minute. Do you really need the bayonet under the barrel? It's questionable, questionable, but the United States, this leads. us in our next advantage which is a weak enemy, the navi might be more humanoid than other sci-fi alien enemies, but they also die much easier, unlike xenomorph arachnids and almost any alien in Warhammer, the navi cannot Withstand being hit with almost any firepower. Not at all, a few shots to the torso and a ship will come down the ship are also much less ferocious than their alien counterparts in other sci-fi worlds and pose much less of a threat to humanity, whose fight is not yet over.
The next advantage. is that the Secops are a private military force, it is true that the supervision of international and intergalactic organizations limits their ability to erase the Navi from the face of Pandora with a single blow of a nuclear bomb, but the GDR retains sufficient sovereignty against the public and external control as well as its status as a private entity provides the secaps with some benefits. I know that private control was listed as a flaw in our last video, but there are aspects that make it a pro and a con. The advantage is that they don't have to.
Worry about public funding As long as the GDR is thriving and wants security operations to always have the necessary equipment and other technologies for the environments they operate in, security operations also seem to have quite a bit of freedom to make their own decisions. about the operations they participate in, they need to act as often experienced by other military forces the next advantage is the gdr's small aircraft, it is worth making this advantage more specific than just saying aircraft in general because the sa-2 samson and The 1899 Scorpion Gunship are very effective additions to the Secops arsenal, while a major mistake with other Space Marine units is that most of their firepower comes from weapons carried by foot soldiers, most of the Secop firepower is released from the air, both Samson and Scorpion are fine.
Armed the Samson with a pair of door-mounted MBS 9M Hydra or M60 machine guns and missile pods in the rear of the pylon cockpit, while the 1899, which is more of a fighter aircraft, lacks the cannons of the side doors of the samson, but it makes up for it with superior ones. Frontal Firepower The Scorpion has two front-mounted short pylons armed with four gimbal-mounted 50-caliber cannons with a cyclic rate of fire of 700 rounds per minute. It also carries two triple-barrel 20-millimeter Gatling guns. The Scorpion then has two pairs of short-wing pylons to carry its 190 tk-411 envelop thin aerial rockets on 10 19 2 rocket launchers.
Eight Hellfire Hawkeye missiles can also be used to engage air-to-air targets. Additionally, both aircraft are highly maneuverable and fast and operate well in Pandora and the atmosphere and can be flown in Pandora's flux cons, which are concentrations of intense magnetic fields, the 1899 due to its flux shielding and the Samson due to to the lack of metal in the plane, although instruments on both planes would still be affected and in some cases rendered useless by the flow. Disadvantages Of course, the next advantage is the large plane or the C21 dragon assault ship, while the small planes of the GDR are built for speed and maneuverability, this plane does not have the same type of movement capabilities, but it serves As a capable transport and cargo ship and boasting devastating firepower, the ship has an impressive array of autocannons, air-to-ground missiles, air-to-air missiles, incendiary rockets, gas canister launchers, grenade launchers and automatic Gatling gun systems, so It can serve as a lead assault ship, but what is even more important is its size and space gives security operations the ability to transport amplifier suits and soldiers throughout Pandora.
There is literally no place on Pandora where security ops can't get their mech suits as well to take on the alien enemy. The next advantage that security operations have is specialized units. His growls are omnipresent in Pandora and serve simply to add power through numbers; However, Secops employ other more advanced soldiers and also have reconnaissance units that perform reconnaissance and unexplored territory missions and send intelligence back to the base. They have elite grenadier units that are usually deployed. in the rear of the secaps forces and launch high caliber grenades at enemy strongholds from a distance, they have heavy gunners who provide the ground units with long range rapid fire support and then there are the commando units who are soldiers elite units that are trained for assault missions, all of these units are not only better trained and more adept at their weapons than the grunts,They are also usually equipped with more advanced armor than regular infantry and finally, our last advantage is none other than Colonel Miles Quarich.
Yes, his exaltation is a defect. The first flaw is inconsistency. The astra militarum is by far one of the largest military organizations we have seen so far. The 40k version of our galaxy, the Milky Way, is completely filled with hostile xenos and constant wars. Travel and communications across the vast empire of man are difficult and fraught with danger. To reach faster-than-light speeds in this galaxy, one must traverse the warp, a sea of ​​extradimensional chaos formed by twisted reflections of sentient beings in the universe. normal space, something like the comment section of a youtube video, if these extremely malevolent energies pierce the protective bubbles around ships traveling through the warp, disaster will befall the crew as they descend into madness and begin to murder and probably eat each other, which is why faster-than-light travel is not taken lightly.
In 40k, this also means that it is relatively logistically difficult to centralize and standardize military operations. There are no standard uniforms or armor produced on any central forge world because the members of an astra militarm regiment are usually recruited on a world. It largely depends on that world or the surrounding planets what kind of equipment and weapons they are given. The departmental munitorum. The logistics corps of the Imperium of Man is comically overworked and needs to prioritize certain things over others. The tithe that is usually paid in resources or guard regiments is much more important than what color the robes of those guards are in general.
The only thing that is consistent among all Imperial Guard regiments is that they are equipped with some type of laser weapon. The next flaw is the feudal regiments. Since this video covers flaws and not advantages, we will look at some of the weaker regiments. Some worlds in the empire are considered unsuitable for the introduction of modern technology. These feudal worlds are generally trapped in pre-industrial social and technological structures and are oriented towards agricultural production, while these worlds are generally pleasant compared to the huge hive cities, they have very little to offer besides labor and for many of these feudal guards seeing the rest of the galaxy might be a shock, it will be quite difficult for them. understand how electricity works let alone operate a tank, although in their defense depending on their background they can be great mounted warriors and fortunately tactics in Warhammer 40k haven't changed much since feudal times sometimes units of the imperial guard will be deployed in feudal colonies for extended periods. of time and due to lack of reinforcements and resupply, they will have to source materials locally, leading to some comically low-tech guard units armed with primitive gunpowder weapons or ultimate unique firearms called lazlox, although some of these warriors Mounted can actually be quite fearsome riding almost any animal imaginable depending on the local world.
I reluctantly admit that it might even be possible for some imperial guards to ride dolphins in water battles. It's possible, yes, but that doesn't mean I have to like it or support it. The next flaw is the wild worlds. Savage worlds are usually the result of a failed colony or some terrible tragedy, and the inhabitants of these worlds have even less technology and generally live in nomadic tribes, while most of the empire of man worships the emperor as their god-king. These nomadic tribes seeing a space marine or an imperium warship might think that the gods themselves were descending to their planets, gods or any type of primitive belief, good luck teaching them how to use Alaska, they will probably just use it as a club, but in their defense, humans in wild worlds.
They are generally in constant survival mode without the comforts of technological civilization that cultivates permanent walls or showers, this made them tougher than an average guard. The next flaw is the penal legions, if you haven't figured it out yet, the world of Warhammer 40k is dark and terrible. A hopeless place and perhaps one of the darkest places an Imperial Guard can find themselves is in a penal legion. Capital punishment in the empire of man is swift and common. A penal colony is a good alternative to death and also a good way for rapists and murderers. thieves and deserters to pay for their sins because these legions have a higher percentage of sociopaths and trash than normal legions.
Many things must be done to ensure their discipline and loyalty, this includes drugs, explosive collars and even some good old fashioned whips. or light machine gun fire to incite the penal mass to rise up as tough soldiers, although tactics are not a big thing in this galaxy, the penal legions were usually just cannon fodder and left loose on the battlefield to wear down At best, you could strap some explosives to them, making them like guided missiles, except slower and unable to fly. Penalty squads are usually led or, say, accompanied by referees who in this scenario are like prison guards, except that the prisoners also have weapons. that these weaker units, well, I wouldn't say weaker, but perhaps the units with the most problems have one thing in their favor and that is the numbers on an individual level or in smaller more sensitive missions, they are basically useless, but that is because that small does not exist.
In this universe, the next flaw is communication, so the specific worlds and Imperial Guards we've talked about so far represent objectively weaker regiments compared to some of the more elite ones, but one thing that's still a problem throughout the empire of man is Communication, as we said before, the warp swallows legions of men, fleets of warships and the messages they carry with them when an imperial guard is deployed is technically determined by the lord commander of their segment, of which there are five in total who together lead everything. military astra, but with the lack of instant communication or even reliable communication, it is often left up to individual sector officers and regimental leaders to decide, usually generals or officers of similar rank, this makes everything from logistics basic to even finding out if a battle is won or lost is quite difficult, so once again, the best way for the empire of man to ensure victory is through massive numbers against the enemy and in extreme situations deploy the Adeptus Astartes.
The next defect is the lack of technological advancement. The empire of man is about strength and not power. intelligence or efficiency, while the power of man's empire is impressive, it is trapped in a constant dark age where information, thought and communication do not flow freely. This is why the same empire can have feral worlds, feudal worlds, and forged worlds where entire fleets. Interstellar battleships create the restrictive culture and cult of worship surrounding the Emperor that keeps humanity relatively safe as a whole but severely restricts any kind of technological development or advancement. I mean, why the hell are you sending your messages and ships to what is essentially a gateway to hell? continuously for thousands of years to be fair, there are mind-blowing war machines in the Warhammer universe and the bioaugmentation of the Astartes involves some of the most advanced and gruesome medical procedures I've seen in science fiction.
The next defect is no. I hope this has to do with the empire mentality, this will be heresy, but the god king, as heroic as he is, keeps the collective head of humanity just above the water line in the Warhammer 40k universe, no there is hope. In this life the individual is worthless and there is no greater future for a man than to serve the empire. This terrible reality restricts not only technology but also innovation of other kinds, the day-to-day problem solving that enables UNSC Marines, for example. To occasionally win a fight against the Covenant, the individual thinking that allows a genetically programmed clone to turn against his traitor general is simply missing in the empire of man, you have units like the Krieg death corps that charge into battle without regard.
He counts his own safety so much that his commissars find their roles reversed and must moderate their own men's desire to die. There is nothing glorious about this hellish battlefield where humanity loses what makes them human. The next flaw is the strategy. History has shown us that armies of free men can and will do so. They generally win against the recruits of despots and dictators from the Greek city-states and their heroic stance against the Persian Empire until the swift and shocking defeat of Saddam Hussein's army in the First Gulf War. It takes a veteran to understand that there is never a great battle plan.
Survive the chaos of war In the latest episode we praise the fantastic UNSC Marine NCO Corps When the traditional command structure was destroyed and even the youngest officers were wiped out, it was up to these NCOs to pick up the pieces and lead the companies that had suffered massive casualties now, that is not to say that there are no heroic NCOs and officers in the astra militarum, but there is very little an officer can do when his entire army's strategy involves holding fortifications or mass charging the enemy. next flaw is combined arms an event known as the horus heresy caused a devastating civil war far more dangerous to humanity than any threat from zeno it also led to the dissolution of the organization known as the imperial army into two separate branches the imperial navy and imperial guard this meant that the imperial guard lost control of the warships and focused on the land forces the commissars were presented as political and religious officers who ensured loyalty and watched for signs of chaos corruption the regiments were even more Limited by the types of weapons and vehicles at their disposal, individual regiments rarely had all the pieces of modern combat forces and depended on each other to fight full-spectrum warfare with large numbers of artillery shock troops. , cavalry and air support.
These measures were enacted to ensure that no guard unit became an effective fighting force on its own - self-sabotage some might call it, but given the terrible fighting and destruction created by the Horus Heresy, it is understandable that the latter flaw Whatever the infighting, although all imperial worlds worship the god-king in their own way, the cultures of each world differ greatly. In larger campaigns, when many different guards regiments are brought together, there can be a clash of cultures. A human from a savage world has very little in common with an Acadian shock trooper. His belief systems may also be very different.
Some more backward worlds may see the emperor as some celestial body in the sky and I have problems with another world that worships physical man, the unity of man and the forces of the empire only happened by sheer will of the emperor and the terrifying monsters that humanity must face, here's the thing, no matter how well trained your human space marines are, whether they be UNSC marines or federation trey or gar, they are not going to be up to par with what an imperial guard has to face in the battlefield daily. Now I'm not saying that the Imperial Guard will always defeat these other factions.
I'm simply saying that the enemies they are used to facing are much more terrifying both psychologically and physically if you look at the major xeno threats in the Warhammer galaxy, any of these enemy factions alone. could be the biggest villain in another science fiction universe, take for example orcs or greenskins, they are not ordinary orcs like those in Lord of the Rings or Warcraft. No, these orcs have a symbiotic relationship. with fungi, allowing them to be quite resistant to damage and, more importantly, allowing them to reproduce through spores. These spores are released into the atmosphere and each individual spore becomes a plant sac, this is how orc babies are born.
This process, once started, creates a permanent one. Orc infestation on a planet that is extremely difficult to get rid of. The orcs were a savage and primitive race, but they were still capable of creating great war machines. Orc technology was usually just a bunch of scrap metal tied together and held together by beliefs, not figurative ones. but the literal belief was that theOrcs projected a psychic field that held together everything from their tanks to their spaceships, the more orcs in the area the larger the machines they could believe in. This may sound extremely stupid, but orcs were even capable of handling interstellar travel.
With this belief system, let's end with the fact that the orcs needed war like humans needed water and food and you have a perfectly bioengineered weapon and probably the only faction that actually enjoys being in this universe full of death and destruction, ridiculous and exaggerated. The orcs were a formidable enemy and probably more lethal than the Covenant or the aliens or any of the other enemies the other space marines on our list faced, but in Warhammer 40k the orcs are just one of many threats and possibly one of the most the ones that can be contained in this universe, you also have the necrons of species that had a terrible spawning planet and basically ended up becoming undead robot killing machines, then there were the pointy eared eldar who were basically space elves that everyone hates , then there were the forces of chaos and the demons that accompanied them and of course the world eaters known as the tyranids, who in my opinion were the worst, they were basically a gigantic organism controlled by a hive mind that constantly consumed biomass and turned it into a wide range of horrible creatures that were designed to kill and harvest more biomass for the hive, this was survival at its finest or worse.
Now that doesn't mean that the imperial guards were only successful in fighting these xeno threats, in fact, many times they were massacred, but the point is They have seen it all, so they won't break easily even if they are ranked number 10 for being won over by other human soldiers and if anything, that would still be considered an easy day at the office, now part of the reason why the imperial guards were able to face certain death with such courage was because of their belief system. that the entirety of man worshiped the emperor as a god, as we mentioned in our last episode, there are many different types of planets and cultures in the empire of man, but they all worship the emperor in one way or another the imperial cult rose to power after the horus heresy when the greatest defenders of man the space marines were corrupted by chaos since thenbelieve that the god emperor fulfilled the spiritual need of all humanity from the great cities to the battlefields and if you look at the list of enemies that we just talked about, it makes sense why the imperial guards would have such spiritual needs.
They believe in the emperor and protection from him. gave the regular guards the courage to go through extremely terrifying situations without breaking them, it also imbued a healthy hatred towards xenos in the average guards, making killing the enemy much more enjoyable and sinking humanity first. If you bring 10,000 Star Fringe soldiers they will bring 20,000 guards, if you bring a million UNSC marines they will bring 2 million guards, if you bring 10 million clones the empire of man will simply go away and destroy the planets, while that the milky way galaxy in warhammer 40k is similar in size to the star galaxy, the level. of militarization in warhammer 40k is ridiculous almost everything in the imperium a man dedicates himself to war due to the many dangers in the galaxy you have high planets covered with exaggerated cities think of low level coruscants but shaped like mountains and much more toxic, depressing and dangerous these planets could have hundreds of billions, if not billions, of humans ready to die for the empire, then worlds have also been carved out that were entire planets converted into industrial wastelands for the sole purpose of manufacturing war machines to war efforts on the scale of Warhammer 40k. just comical and maybe their greatest force and the imperial guard was just a part of the imperium of the whole force of man above them we had the space marines of course and other special units below them every planet also had a pdf or planetary defense force, the pdf was seen as less prestigious than the imperial guard simply because it was designed to protect only one planet and not humanity as a whole, a much more noble endeavor, the pdfs were armed soldiers and completely locally funded they were the first line of defense against invasion and held the line until the imperial guard and other forces of the empire could arrive sometimes this was a few months sometimes this could take several decades the pdf quality of a planet varied widely from world to world had planets like acadia which before being destroyed was a In a heavily militarized and industrial world that had some of the best soldiers in the empire of man, its pdf was on par with some of the best units of the imperial guard, but then on less industrialized hive worlds their pdf might simply be a loose coalition of gangs armed by locals. governors despite their less glamorous role in the empire of man the pdf served as an important conduit for new recruits to the imperial guard the best and most talented soldiers of the pdf were usually selected for the guard this meant that even the most talented guards Rookies already had some basic combat training and perhaps even battle experience, this significantly increased the readiness of an average imperial guard regiment.
In the last episode we talked about the logistical nightmare that is the Empire of Man, which led to a lack of standardization between the Imperial Guard regiments, but if there was one common piece of kit that each Imperial Guard receives it is the ultimate weapon these Direct energy weapons came in many different makes and models, but they were all quite similar in form and function, however, it is quite difficult to determine how useful this weapon is, especially in relation to other weapons used by the various forces we have discussed. In previous videos, the last weapon actually could have easily appeared in the 10 flaws video, but it also has its advantages, on the one hand, it is the one that is laughed at the most in the universe and is against called a flashlight because everything What it does is reveal the various terrifying monsters that the guards have to face, the lord describes it as a low-powered direct energy weapon, but as we know, everything in Warhammer is an exaggeration, what could just be a minor wound for a guard it could be life changing next. waist amputation for the rest of us, this same type of error in judgment could also apply to the latest weapon, on average the weapon's energy is rated at 20 megajoules, which is about the same muzzle energy as the main cannon of a modern battle tank that does.
By far the most powerful small arms on our list so far. Against most of the threats we've mentioned in this video, the Imperial Guard can expect to take massive casualties and it wasn't that uncommon for an entire regiment to be wiped out in one fell swoop. The Imperial Guard unit is still relatively weak despite the ridiculous numbers. of ultimate weapon power, but an imperial guard regime that is adequately mechanized or supported by artillery can be a fearsome vote. In our Tenth Law video, we look at some of the weaker Imperial Guard units in In our 10 Advantages video, it should only be fair that we look at some of the strongest.
The Steel Legion is an Imperial Guard regiment and is stationed on the world of Armageddon, which is permanently infested with one of the largest orcs the galaxy has ever seen. A perpetual war is constantly being fought with tanks leaving the factory directly onto the battlefield. The world of Armageddon is a highly industrialized hive world. This means that the Steel Legion of Armageddon is armed to the teeth with some of the best weapons and vehicles in the galaxy. They are also a fully mechanized unit primarily using the Chimera APC armored personnel carriers in Warhammer 40k not only transport soldiers safely but are also used as heavy assault vehicles, a task for which they are well suited, they are more like mobile weapons platforms that happen to also be armed and carry guards, this gave the Steel Legion an incredible amount of firepower and maneuverability.
There are some permanent hot spots on the borders of the empire of man. These threats were generally contained in what was known as a fortress world. Fortress worlds were planets or entire systems whose sole duty was to protect the rest of the empire. These planets generally had their entire surface fortified and covered with defensive emplacements and also produced some of the best soldiers in the galaxy. One of the most famous fortress worlds was Cadia. Home to the Canadian Shock Troops widely regarded as one of the Imperial Guard's finest units, this was due to their line of training and their proximity to the Eye of Terror, spawning point of chaos and warp daemons.
Civilians on most fortress worlds were trained from birth to fighting. An Acadian fighting child was expected to be able to remove and clean the last weapon by the age of five, by age six they were marksmen, and by age seven they were fully trained. aware of the horrors of the warp. At age 14 they enlisted in the Canadian White Shield Youth Army and when they became adults they joined the planetary defense force which we mentioned was on par with most other imperial guard units, the more elite individuals. They ended up in the imperial guard unit known as the Canadian Shock Troops, the Canadian Shark Troops were so loyal that they continued to fight for the empire of man even after their planet was split in half, as we mentioned in our last video. , not all imperial guard units were made equal, some simply did not have the fanatical devotion of, say, the death corps.
For these units, political officers known as commissars were quite important. The official mission of the commissar was to maintain high morale and purity among the ranks. They did this by instilling a sense of discipline among his men, usually using the business end of his weapon. For some mine clearances, they operated outside the traditional chain of command and were basically allowed to do whatever they wanted to accomplish their mission. This could mean commanding an artillery platoon to bombard friendly units and descend into chaos. It could also mean leading a frontal charge into the zone. In enemy lines, commissars were often extremely charismatic and fearsome warriors.
Units that had one attached rarely broke in the face of an enemy attack, preferring to die rather than disappoint their equally loved and feared Commissar. Although the Empire of Man has a tasteful distaste for mutants, it is still a flexible enough organization. to understand the benefits that these ab humans can bring to the imperial guard, after all, it doesn't matter what you are on the outside, as long as you are human on the inside or at least 90 human 85 Although some of the more dogmatic and zealous imperials might look at them with disapproval, these mutants played a crucial role in the Imperial war machine.
There were rattlesnakes who were basically hobbits. These smaller ab humans were extremely talented marksmen and quite stealthy, as well as genetically made. Predisposed to be great snipers, ogren were the opposite of powerful giants who stood over 10 feet tall and were physically much stronger than the average human. These mutants formed small militarum auxilia formations that were attached to larger imperial guard units. Their unique strengths gave them imperial guard units more flexibility in combat for many of these ab humans who served the emperor was a way to atone for their sin of being born a mutant because it is their fault the assad community first again the imperial guards They are not without flaws, we made a whole video about this in our last video, they are not immune to defeat; in fact, having entire regiments wiped out was very common in the 40k universe, but actually winning a battle against the imperial guard was extremely difficult because their commanders are basically willing to do it. do anything to defeat your enemy, you may be able to defeat them in a skirmish or battle, but they will keep coming and throwing themselves in front of your cannons and weapons until they finally overwhelm your defenses or some heavier unit reinforces them. and if you somehow take a world away from them or cause enough damage to really get their attention, they can simply declare exterminatus on the planet you're fighting on.
This was an extreme move that destroyed all life on the planet, usually done from orbit if the Empire Guards cannot win then no one will be able you

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