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Feb 27, 2020
today is a duel to the death in which the boys do not face each other's creations in an all-out battlefield. Each player has ten minutes to build their machine, but only one will reign. They are siege battle robots. We have ten minutes to build one. battle in a real fight after that done yeah three two one build I'm nervous man I'm just going to place mini blocks however I can and figure it out later. Good strategy, start with a basic frame, the classic, plastic frame, almost built. a swastika on crash boards a real crash classic classic classic about that happens all the time yeah just saying Oh, I didn't do as well as you guys, I'm going to come to you big wheel spoiler.
besiege battlebots
I never have the big wheels the biggest wheel the biggest alleles oh man I'm going to win can we wear armor? We can do whatever you want except as long as it doesn't explode or start burning that's instant T cover all your fires oh God What have I done? I have made a terrible mistake and what is the but until I rotate your object I will not tell you that the enemy has a victory at all costs, no matter what clicks on the nose, it is most likely. winning this is hard like billy-o build fast the speed is so intense what if what way to get back to the siege? you mean intersection there are no intersections Oh Nico, we are going to run into a problem, clearly there are no intersections.
besiege battlebots

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besiege battlebots...

I'm going to redo this. I'm going to make like a little guy with the top of the prop like he can't even spin. I'm ready for battle, are you ready? We're looking at one minute guys, one minute, one minute, one minute left until the battle, no one attacking has what it takes to do some damage, okay, a little turtle, my little pointy turtles, ready to go. I ruined all my fixations I can't currently I'm not moving I think I'm okay is that it's that moment where you get a three second call, but right buddy, everyone Brandon delivers three boards, I unleashed everything, that's how we fight the fighters. life, what's your name BattleBots, you can't handle the truth, okay, smoking cool vs. you can't handle the truth, I'm taking odds, I mean, you can handle the truth, you brace yourself, you gotta say like a rock, you can't . handle the truth is you can't handle the truth a stone can you smell what The Rock is cooking there's more there's more it's Jack Nicholson you want the truth here we go the truth here we go the fight starts in three two one ding ding Man, everyone these spectators, the spectators had to leave the arena, they didn't know it was starting, although Sam is spinning.
besiege battlebots
Oh Bray, throwing a ball, you know, I'm destroying Sam's machine, oh no, oh no, Sam, you have a lot of redundant wheels, okay? you can't guess a narita man. I'm going to OH, my machine is pretty pathetic, I was really sick, okay, Brandon didn't come out unscathed, you can't handle the truth, it turned out he would only handle part of the truth, the crossbows, everything. -around the defensive crossbow it's a very very good crossbow for the group, it lit you up before you could even reach it, alright I'll see you on the battlefield, alright I'll see you in hell bro, and then we have Royal.
besiege battlebots
Four-way Royal Rumble, yes a Royal Rumble, wait I'm a Google rock and you can scream the truth while you guys it's not Nicholson, he's probably said that once in his life, but I wouldn't say that's one of his sayings in a few minutes. later there's no evidence that the rock says you can't stand this picture of him in the sand oh here we go here we go we're doing this right so i got explosive guy against what's yours a pointy turtle pointy turnovers explosive guy everything right good luck and versus no chance here we go three two one we go oh man oh man when is he going to shoot on Wednesday when is he going to open fire every question oh no his wheels he has another wheel riddle Deva can he take me yes my wheel causing the Trouble below you, oh my God, two armored.
I can't, I can't move on. I can't move on. Still, Leo has protected himself from an insect. Any aerial threat, there is no chance of catching it. Yes, Ramón, then bring it. I'm trying, I'm trying, the only thing they can do is send my little wheel attack after you, is anything too easy, yeah, come on, no way, the only losers are the people who bought tickets to see you, thank you, a bell? take out your ring, I mean I haven't seen Nico do any harm, oh but can I take out a ring even though I'm pushing them over a waiter?
Oh, I think that's pretty out of the box and check this out if you can go. Back, oh wait, okay, so I think I'm going, I'm going too. I will immediately break down. D is a good fight, fight hard, it wasn't a good fight, don't patronize me with that fight all over the place, so you know what I am. feeling I'm feeling a little arrogant there's something I'm going to do my secret I think it's ultimately wise to see well let's see what you've got it's nothing glamorous armored the whole bottom of my thing because almost every fight and people crash ends with someone upstairs because of that and that's why when Sam because of that when I got Thomas we both seemed like this just ended but Nico he's the yin to my yang okay guys good luck versus you guys can't handle the truth here we go wait, you have Beth.
I'm going to say that the Jack Nicholson vehicle is going to win. I'm going to bet three armor plates that Brandon is going to win. Yes, are you ready? Nico. I'm ready. Three, two, one, go ahead. Brandon with the kite technique Oh the Wizards are being eaten Nico's vehicles are destroyed in the peasant boom if you have all of Brennan's friends some kind of technique works quite DS what is repeating the crossbow has much more power of push that Nico according to the rules Brandon could push Nico out of the ring oh no, according to the rules that Nico said before Oh Brandon goes to the top oh no marks game bitten no second second crossed bows Oh holding different sides is a strategic brain Oh Not leaving is easy good start B tearing apart these beasts are very strong the king is Brandon hasn't written many Dukes much attack power but Michaels kept all the reinforcements and armor plates how many wheels were left ran zero wheels wheels wheels type I have a wheel on all my wheels on the front broke dropping the front allowing me to grind my brain and up with my drills on my roof not the way I drew it are you stuck are you a mobile? okay guys, I think we have a timer here, thanks Seconds there, I think I'm going to say I'll call myself, oh wait, what happened froze.
It definitely impressed me. Yes, Kaneko still sounds structurally, it's incredible as the wheels, but none have broken in that corner. you have four corners, four corners and it can still move. Brandon made a valiant effort, but yeah, Nico's defense is very strong, okay, let's do this. You have five minutes to upgrade your ship and were owed a free. for everyone, oh, I like it, okay, I'm starting from scratch. I'm just going to do a Sam. I just got five minutes of scratch vehicle. Oh man, Sam is going for challenge mode, so be it. I know what to do, even if you are ready. ready, yeah, okay, five minutes on the clock from now, go, I hope you have an offensive plan, I do it, I do excellent, he's building on what he already started here, I'm reinforcing like crazy my future problems before, express this, this wheel is everything I don't do.
I don't know what's wrong with Sam. Sam has five minutes. He rebooted. Sam is making use of the very tool that if he had discovered sooner would probably have saved me a lot of time. Oh, I know the construction of the seams is so fast that it was like a beauty what he's doing. working for four men I wouldn't want to face him in another round he's getting away with it faster than all of us no oh no nothing it's a thing it's that thing a real bummer I'm not good it's not good at all yeah, better so just just reinforce that thing Oh, use, offer a test spin, already Scout in the competition, okay, 20 seconds left and then we'll do a minute for keybinds, just okay, this should work, it's so bad this thing, this thing is only going towards me, I hope.
Sam's machine just falls apart in three directions, everyone fights each other Boyd Sam Niko, we have a team, okay, okay, I can be defended from all sides, we will take them and see them, guys, look at this. Sam fell as the hardest and he. he came back with such a vengeance five minutes he built that thing alright guys ready to go yeah here we go just destroying them oh now it's to give some distance that was enough get close enough I didn't fire my last volley oh, friend, all of these. the grills just have a mind of their own apparently if I don't do anything right so yeah my grills get into trouble anyway okay all my drills are everywhere while you drive.
Wow, come on, bring it, bring it, get out of here, God, I wish my cannon was still, oh, I'm just crushing its core. See, that's your core, crushed like that. My core, oh oh, but you have those really long straps, those really strong bracelets that I still have. I have maneuverability barely still in this okay there keep ramming ah Sam was smart because we all do that that's my taunt here we go come get me come get me I thought these drills were going crazy this fight continues the same colored blood tires oh, that's it, I've been disabled, you can't move, I think I've been disabled, did you know about symmetry mode?
No, yes, like mirrors. Everything is stars. Oh, he was clicking so fast that he built that thing. broader than that, that was some kind of battle, the robots won right there, they became like a tank, now my wheels are like three cars taped together, if you liked it, we saw it, you want to see more, you are not subscribed to the channel. Consider subscribing and if you want to be super cool, you can ring that bell too. Okay, I'll get you up.

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