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Baby Milan Goes SWIMMING for the FIRST TIME! (HE CRIED) | The Royalty Family

Jun 04, 2021
No, you did a good job, we will be


while we dream. I knew if I wasn't going to say anything, you wouldn't say no because you always said that and then we said, let's do the handshake together, let's do it. together okay let's go ahead and do the handshake in five four three two one oh and wherever you are in this world don't forget you guys are super awesome anything is possible we love you so much and we will announce the iphone winner at end of this video, so stick around because it could be you and if you want to win other items, hit the subscribe button.
baby milan goes swimming for the first time he cried the royalty family
We're doing a lot of giveaways this month guys so make sure you subscribe and we'll be on our way to 12 million subscribers yeah keep subscribing guys and today I can talk to you guys about that you're going to see it uh sorry maybe don't put the camera on no for please by the way guys what are we in our new car bella, if you don't know bella yet, she is our new tesla that we just customized and we love it, I call it bella vegas in Spanish, but anyway guys, today we are going to have a amazing video because as you can read from the title today is the



lesson for Milan no yes I will try again today today is the



lesson for Milan today is the first swimming lesson swimming lessons for Milan, here you go guys, I'm really excited about this because I've always been thinking that if you teach your kids to swim at a young age, that's basically like life insurance.
baby milan goes swimming for the first time he cried the royalty family

More Interesting Facts About,

baby milan goes swimming for the first time he cried the royalty family...

Yes, you have to learn to swim at a young age if possible because you never know what will happen in the future. Especially if you have a pool at your house or if you have a


member who has pools or even if you are on vacation, actions can happen in seconds, so I think this will be very good for Milan and will also give us peace. Mentally, yes he is, but guys, he's only seven months old and he doesn't care, he's growing so fast, I feel like he was born the other day and now he's seven months old, my


is growing, my


, our baby is growing so much.
baby milan goes swimming for the first time he cried the royalty family
He's seven months old but he's super ready to start the swim wardrobe okay let's get the outfit on okay so we hit the target and bought him an outfit and now we're going to go home and start classes but first . Let's show you the set first uh we bought um these are water diapers to avoid accidents so they're cute


is going to wear them today


is going to work this is also a swim shirt um I bought these too , What are they? those same shores but like different styles like baby shark shorts okay and this is the one that


with the shorts like you're really shopping and this is also a hat look how cute it is and I have another hat for it in reality You can also use it and we don't know how you will react, you might cry, you might be happy, the water is warm and the right temperature but we don't know how you will react.
baby milan goes swimming for the first time he cried the royalty family
This will be the first


, so stay tuned, guys. let's discover peace I just returned to the royal palace it's


to go see gucci always at the beginning gucci is always waiting for us what's up little man hello little man oh he got very excited can we oh actually accident oh no no no no, no, That's not how you drive, you went the wrong way, that's right, but it is what it is, but this, hey, little man, are you ready to swim for the first time, huh, are you ready to sleep today, dad, yeah? So ready, what's up feron, how do you come to say hello, what's up brother, how are you?
So here's the plan. Milan is going swimming today and Ferran will also be in the water trying to help him, how good that will be. like the little coach, the mini coach, okay, show them the outfit, so I think you have to choose which outfit you want to wear today, so you will choose which shorts you want, do they fit, which one oh, he really likes one of they. okay, say this one, no, let him choose, let him touch it or this one, okay, let him touch it, which one will he choose, royal


, do you have left or right, which one, oh, he likes one of them, he chose one What about the one above?
What about the top? We have two options. Okay, no, it doesn't match, it doesn't matter at this age, he can choose the top too. Look, he's touching the shark, yeah, you're starting it. Look, oh, he doesn't match, but that's what he wants to wear. Okay, and we also have a hat, two hats, two hats, so we have, I don't know if it's. too big, let's see man, what kind of the hell is that? Your mom bought it, bro, blame it, okay, it's a little, it's a little big, but it works fine, okay, what about this one? um, we should let him choose the hat too. milan do you want to choose the hat choose the hat bubba choose the hat oh that's cute yes I think he likes this good guys in the next transition they will change it in five four three two one what just happened brother the transition was supposed to be milan no you hello you talk hello you turn into a baby bro can you move at least say something like nah nah boo boo say something bro what just happened yeah no we're not going to do this no okay guys we'll see? you guys in the pool bro you gotta stop doing that get out of that character man hello how are you doing hey how are you doing that's going to be our instructor for today it's a pleasure to have you he's ready , Milan is ready, it looks good, is it ready for? the water, are you excited?
You may be a little nervous when he walks in for the first time. We don't know how he's going to react. Guys, let's see, I have the hat. Thank you, thank you big brother. So what is our experience with the water pool? You see? bathtub he loves it, he loves us, he starts splashing the water, he loves it, yes I'm a new face, especially with masks, sometimes it takes us a little time to get used to each other, so we could cry a lot today, but come on , let's get over it, okay, wait, you said you would cry a lot today, yes, did you experience that's what happened?
Yes, it's okay, he'll get over it, he's strong, Milan, you got him, it's okay, we're all by your side, okay? Should I go with him to the water also depends on you if you are comfortable with that or not? I like to leave that up to the parents because you know your relationship and your child. I think I can go to the water too. about big brother, he wants to go in the water, he has his shorts on, he's ready, you go in the water too, oh, go get your swim shirt, your swim shirt, okay, so I'll go ahead and change so fast.
I'm going to change too, yeah, okay, give me Milan, okay, Milan, real quick, we need to have a pep talk, listen, look at me, look at me, look at me though, yeah, he's looking at all the toys, okay, You're made for this, okay, it might be a little scary at first, but that's what life is about, it's about getting through it well, just fight hard, believe in yourself and we're here for you, okay? Are you listening to me at all? He's not listening to me at all. pep talk for no reason oh, is anyone ready to go in the water, okay, okay, mom is here, big brother is here, I'm going to be recording, okay, let's get started, yeah, okay, so I'll make you go in with him.
I'm so excited, okay, you've got this Milan, you've got this Milan, he thinks it's just a normal bathtub, yeah, it's perfect, so we'll sit him down and say, wait, wait, okay, and then we'll bring him over. him in the pool, so what we're doing now may not mean much, but we're setting the example that you have to wait for me before you get in the pool, we're not just going to run it, okay, wait. wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, okay, come on, come on, like this, yeah, you can pull them, come on, come on, now let's wrap our baby up, okay and hold them under from the armpit, either facing you or facing away from you and we're just going to move back and forth side to side, okay, that's called what babies' laps are, babies, babies, okay. , like that's going to change and what we're doing is we're getting used to the water, yeah, good job. milan oh you like him that's like what's going on this is weird okay relax relax good job oh no oh he's not that cool that's so cool can I get one too?
I'm going to have you lean here and you're going to Raise your knee and it's going to make you sit on your knees facing away and we're just going to make you splash your hands. He tries to get him to splash his hands. Okay, let's go to Milan, you know how to do this. always do it in the bathtub do that milan splash copy it just shine good so let's celebrate the moment when it splashes a little let's all celebrate okay come on we're waiting for a mini splash we'll do it um open up. and close now you're going to do this with him we'll probably have to do this a couple of times with him open them wow let's go with your family cheer him up he's super nervous but he has your support so it's all good. we're going to turn them around so they're facing you holding under the armpits you're just going to tilt them a little bit and we're going to do our kicks our pies okay he's kicking he's kicking he's kicking kick milan kick oh job mila, good job, he's just looking out for us, splash, okay, I'm going to give him a little motivation here, oh, okay, so with this we could see him extend his arms, that's perfectly fine, we just want to get in. go get it, go get it Milan, go get the toys, go get it, go get it, get it, yay, good job Milan, so for this one we're going to sing a song.
It sounds speedboat speedboat going too slow speedboat speedboat speedboat step on the accelerator stop the accelerator okay guys ready you got it no no no you don't have it just do your best ready set water , boat, engine, slow, me, gucci, what are you doing, brother, come back, milan will sink under the water, uh, it will sink, guys. okay let's see how he reacts to this, turn him so that your arms are on top instead of below, green and just a little to the right, yes, enough to get his eyebrows, but we're going to go real fast, okay, done , ready, one, two, three, no, you. he did it right one more time and then we'll finish with the wet today it's okay one more time this is going to be bad he's completely fine it's safe don't be scared it's just that his reaction is exactly a learning process but it's okay you're doing it very well milan no no no listen to me dad is proud of you you might think you're doing a bad job or that this is difficult but you're doing so amazing you're doing so well okay you're made for this I love you after this I'm going to get you well I'm going to give you a cookie do you want a cookie cookie cookie ready here we go well I think it was quite successful what do you think was really good?
For his first time, he did very well. I think he did a great job. He


a little, but it wasn't that bad. The royal family of Milan is very proud of you. Wait, what are you looking at? This is what I am. looking oh okay I'm going to go to the other side if it spins again oh what's it still spinning wait I'm going to go this way I'm going to go this way oh my god brother can you give me some? Attention, okay, this is my last attempt. I'm going to go to the other side and see if it turns.
Oh, you beat me, bro, okay, bro, can I make eye contact? There you go, brother, we just want to say that You're so proud of you, we love you, you were so brave to go to what oh, he wants his cookies, he wants his cookies, like he promised,


, family, like promised, we owe Milan cookies for their incredible work and dedication. Hello, Milan, you get cookies because you were. a good boy, go ahead, give it to him thank you, thank you, thank you, delicious, delicious for my tummy, I think he likes it, guys, he is happy, you see that you work hard, you are rewarded, right, you did a great job, we are very proud of you . guys now it's time to announce the winner of this iphone giveaway and the winner of this iphone giveaway


to bianca night congratulations we love you so much thank you for subscribing thank you for commenting thank you for being part of our fan we love you and everyone else we love so much guys stay loyal fulfill your dreams anything is possible subscribe to royalty fan we're on our way to 12. uh no no no I want to keep him he wants to keep the iPhone bro let's put the.
Giveaway man, it's not for you, he actually loves iPhones and I think he already knows how to use them, yes I know, okay, and with that being said, one last thing my amazing son would like to say: stay royalty , we leave in peace with you.

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