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Avengers: Endgame Cast Answer 50 of the Most Googled Marvel Questions | WIRED

May 30, 2021
Hi, I'm Jeremy Renner. Hello what's going on? I'm Don Cheadle. Hi, I'm Scarlett Danai Gurira, Chris Hemsworth and this is Wired. The 50


frequently asked


about the Avengers. Come on, get me ready too. What is the purple infinity stone? I think it's an amethyst, no. the yellow one what language do they speak in black panther here you go let's go you know right now it's pronounced I know it's not right no what was the word you pronounced word throw it away not even close who directed infinity war to a couple of boys called the Russians joe and anthony children cute you know who can lift thor's hammer captain


don't you dare oh oh no one can captain


beat thanos that's the question we all want to know the


to yes, sure why won't we say yes we'll see we don't know why what was the red skull in infinity war i think it was like a contractual obligation what is thor the god of hammers no that's what he says i'm not in the light lightning thunder thunder lightning is a god of lightning i think he's actually a thunder or ikea furniture assembly is thanos not a god, but josh brolin is have you seen this area of ​​thanos?
avengers endgame cast answer 50 of the most googled marvel questions wired
Don't you guys look like that? Who is stronger than Thanos? Thor what avenge me? I thought that said one is average and I thought: Well, my


s to this to correct what happened to Thor's eye was stabbed by his sister. It's the black panther. Marvel. Is this even a prayer? The other is. Black Panther DC would be like the alternative question of how much stronger is Captain America than Thor? OMG, can a lightsaber pierce Captain America's shield? That question is too geeky for me to answer, why are we trying to act like a star? The Avengers wars thing, there's room in the universe for everyone to exist, enjoy the Star Wars thing and then enjoy the Avengers thing, we don't care how old the 173 story is, yeah guys, come on, figure it out What is an iron man? iron man is a man made of iron I don't think we have to exclude women from this there can be iron women if you want to be made of iron you are a woman you made it mine why thanos I want to destroy half the universe again this area um , he's mad at traffic, if you looked like that you'd have a chip on your shoulder and a ball sack on your neck, how did Captain Marvel get his powers? uh crack how old is black panther 173 too?
avengers endgame cast answer 50 of the most googled marvel questions wired

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avengers endgame cast answer 50 of the most googled marvel questions wired...

Yes, 173, how strong is Hulk? So strong that there is a bo element in Hulk, more aromatic than a normal person, but what does each infinity stone do to do different things? There is like a violet, a red, a yellow and a green. I think there is a new one. Many of you know party tricks. How many infinity stones? Six for each knuckle. What is he doing? What is your fault? He has an x-ray. He just has an extra knuckle. How tall is Hulk? As high as seven. four plus about a foot or so what are the infinity stones christmas decorations which avenger are you how dare you i mean really what is the name of thor's hammer mjolnir really really yeah it's hard to say what to look at before infinity war ricky lake all of the other movies, get yourself a bunch of popcorn and jujubes, uh, juji bears, juji, get some of that stuff and hang out.
avengers endgame cast answer 50 of the most googled marvel questions wired
When did Black Panther create the comic? I imagine he would say 6 7 what Captain America's shield is made of. oh it's made of um what's it made of, uh oh Jesus I think it's vibranium for vibranium what does the end of Infinity War mean? This is a very philosophical question, honestly, what does infinity look like, doesn't it continue like this? like for infinity, it can be a warning for asthmatics, get a broom, start sleeping, wow or a vacuum cleaner, how powerful is Captain Marvel, does he think he's powerful, how many Avengers movies are there, one, two, three , the third part, is kind of one and two, four, they have that one.
avengers endgame cast answer 50 of the most googled marvel questions wired
Right, how old is Captain America? 173 or something like that. 60, yes, 165. How strong is Spider-Man? So strong that he is as strong as a man would be if he were imbued with the strength of a spider. Do that calculation in your head, go, Jeremy. right, come on, come on, come on, where are the infinity stones in the gauntlet right now? What is Thanos? Is he an alien? He is a mutant. When did Infinity War come out? That's still a question on Google. When did Infinity War arrive last year? Last April. Who? it's the


that's a pretty deep question guys and girls just hang out saving the world cool people man the


are you made up yeah okay how did thanos get the power stone? he's a guy that's how it works what's up infinite what I I don't know what Captain Marvel's powers are, all of them, I guess the question is what aren't Captain Marvel's powers?
Spider-Man Marvel or DC uh Marvel, what was the symbol at the end of Infinity War? Chris Evans' beard, I think he was it. the same symbol the prince used to wear who is the black panther t'challa yeah uh the amazing chadwick boseman that's right who survived infinity war spoiler alert uh go watch infinity war what It happens after Infinity War, uh, the end of the next movie, that's where we are. here promoting who wrote these


, when is Avengers 4 coming out, March, how to draw the avengers, it's a question that's a Google question be careful and take a lot of time when you draw the war machine because you want to get it right. a lot of detail, uh, tracking, you know, some would say there's a catch, I would say we have 50 questions, efficiency, there's a lot of shadows, a lot of strange people there's subtlety, there's a family of grays, you can't just go to metallic gray. and get this over with, don't rush through your war machine drawing of the avengers who all die in infinity war.
I didn't, oh my god, a lot of people, no, no, no, everyone dies infinity, this is ridiculous, thanks for watching Wired. ok 26 go see your movie ding

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