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Abstractions: Explained

Jun 03, 2021
If you've been following me for a while, you'll notice that I cover a lot of orgies and web series, many of them varying in quality, from looking like they were made amateurishly to showing immense amounts of work in a movie theater. The level probably one of the most cinematic and best put together Args I've covered in recent months could have been h32, however I would like to digress on that statement and be one of those who claims that this channel I'm about to guide them. Through does an absolutely masterful job of portraying its themes and motifs through an incredibly astonishing standard of quality in


, a channel that takes cinematics to a whole new level by utilizing a dimension that seems to be absent in almost every other series that I have covered.
abstractions explained
I'll get to what I mean by that shortly, however, to start off, I'd like to recommend one thing to you. Nightline had discussed the first


videos a few months ago and made some incredible points to keep in mind when doing a research look. on this channel, if you haven't seen it yet, I'll leave a link in the description so you can watch it. However, please note that I will give a summary of this video and take this explanation to the end. the most recent upload on his channel, so if you don't end up going to check it out, it's an introductory review, don't worry, I'll do my best to catch you up on the 9 Minds review, he started walking.
abstractions explained

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abstractions explained...

Through the first video in this we can observe what appears to be a bridge with distortions happening everywhere and random strings of text appearing at different timestamps, while these messages initially don't seem to make any definitive sense, he informed us that there are in fact, the subtitles to pay attention to, once activated, we get another level of narrative that, when combined with the on-screen quotes, forms a message that says this, it could be so easy, it's all around you, water or bridge, stop waiting, start moving, fall, rise, fall again. Again, your patience will be rewarded. The video ends with the code that Nick determines is an RGB coordinate for the color between red and magenta.
abstractions explained
Nick takes this observation and hypothesizes that this could ultimately be representative of our main protagonists while they are trapped. between two polar extremes in their lives and are on a conflicting path to make a change, this is completely significant in the rest of this series, so remember that this idea with these messages comes with images that seem to add a level of dimension at first. person to whom We are watching the video that appears to be a narration of the person filming while going through a troubled state of mind. We don't know exactly what that conscious mind said and that is what puts us on the path to discovering what it is. exactly this channel was trying to convey a fast forward in its analysis to the segment covering the encapsulated video studio one and we are greeted with an image of a ruined house, the person filming precedes a room with the silhouette of a hooded woman context. that appears on the screen that says: if she were like you, would you see it?, would you stare?, would you care?
abstractions explained
With a code floating above each text string, he determined that this code was a video idea for an unlisted upload that had a description that said "the devil is." into the details, leading us to determine the fact that we may want to look and listen carefully before doing so, however, we notice that in the title of the video there is a range of numbers from 110 to 121 which Nick then determines to be They are real frames from the video. To be careful, once we looked at frames 110 to 121 we noticed the shadowy figure in the back room, next to it there were some other smaller spots that he covered, however this was the majority of the notable theories in his video in which I will say that it was done masterfully.
Now I'd like to take it upon myself to pick up where he left off and not only present to you key observations as we go, but also the entire story behind this series and how it all relates to I'll start with a video titled skeptic. This video is significant and some of the theories that Nick presented fully support his ideas. Take a look at it before explaining it. Now what we see appears to be a simple bathtub being filled. with bubbles, the camera transitions seem to signify a blink, which adds a special level of envelopment to this story, seemingly putting us in the position of the person filming, stepping back and looking at the labels, reveals this skeptic of abstraction and a remarkable joint spectrum yes I can remember that towards the middle of the video we see the best levels merging and connecting, what joins the tag, could not join the spectrum.
Now, what exactly is joining a spectrum? We know that you can unite essentially means to combine or complete, however what is it? the meaning of the word spectrum spectrum what is something we think of when we hear the word spectrum ah that's color the color spectrum the whole premise of this video is the idea that the color spectrum comes together from the color we find in The RGB codes of the initial video are between red and magenta, this is significant in the theory that our protagonist is making a change to a polar side of that spectrum, red in magenta, however, what do they mean exactly and which one represents the positivity?
What about the negativity? Go ahead, the next video 6a begins by showing a distorted shot of a tree on a cliff followed by close-ups inside a hospital, we can see the floor, the ceiling signs and several other zoomed-in shots of various items inside that room. closes with a night shot of the bedroom window with the message saying fix it now wait a minute step back for a second and think about it, we have a character who appears to be in conflicting mental states, possibly being watched by a hooded woman and It's safe to assume that our protagonist is trying to make some significant change in his life and now suddenly we have shots inside a hospital right after seeing a shot of a fixed cliff, which by definition means becoming obsessed with something and looking at the description. provides some clues, it says that we have to remind ourselves or force ourselves to stay inside, which completely follows the premise of this video, which is our character anxiously staying inside this hospital room, now what exactly is keeping him confined in this room?
What is the conflict that our protagonist is enduring and why does it lead him to act in this crazy way by going off on a tangent? Here we could remember that we never really knew what was bothering the person filming, it was just how they lived. his whole life or something happened to cause this. Taking a look at the following video at rest presents us with a vital clue. Have a look. Repos, by definition, means to be lying, situated and maintained in a particular place, but it also means to be in a state of rest, sleep or tranquility, this could be the perfect word to explain this video, as it follows both definitions at the same time. time and I will explain why, as we could see, the video seemed to show a somewhat utopian nature interrupted by failures of some However, I would like to say that I think the most important part of this video is at the end, at the 1 minute mark , the video changes to what looks like what we see when we sleep, but we are actually awake. seems to be shining in our characters' eyes, possibly having a hem awakened from this dreamlike state at one minute and four seconds, however, we notice something vital, braids on the back of a woman's head and then a cliff a Again, this makes you have made the connection.
However, our character is placed in a hospital room without being able to leave while he lies in a state of conflictive and interrupted rest dreaming of the utopian lifestyle that could have been representative of his past and in a state of semi-sleep we see a woman this is not. The first time we see a female character stepping back in the Night Minds analysis in the abstractions studio video series, we see a hooded woman who cannot communicate directly with us; It's disturbing for sure, but apparently it doesn't pose a direct threat, so why put the pieces of the puzzle together, so far we can assume that this woman is your loved one, not our man admitted to the hospital and physically unable to dating, but rather a supposed relative or spouse who is going through something very, very serious that requires our main character to stay by her side, reflect on her old life and go through some severe mental trauma along the way, let's move on.
I want to go to the video. Anemia Anemia, by definition, is a medical condition that results in a low count of red blood cells in the body. This is mainly caused by a lack of iron and blood and could come from a variety of factors such as diet or heredity. Take a look at this entry now, as we can see that our character appears to be in a dream-like state of rest once again. with the ending getting quite interesting, the formation we see in the distance fails into a body bag, however, I want to tell you this one more time.
Do you see it here? Let me show you a screenshot. Look at it now at exactly nine seconds, the screen crashes and a message that says paroxysm appears in the bottom left corner. Searching Google for the definition of this presents us with this paroxysm, a recurrence or sudden attack of a disease due to a sudden worsening of symptoms. This was masterfully placed and relates quite well to our theory, it seems that Maybe we will finally know that our loved one protagonist is diagnosed with anemia and it progressively worsens. Moving forward in the video titled refractory we can see another dream shot with the profile of a sinister figure at the end I want to step aside and make However, a brief point here regarding the use of the term refractory and why refractory is significant in medical terms refers to a condition that is difficult to treat or cure if we put the pieces together before we can assume that our character's loved one has refractory anemia, which is essentially a condition that does not respond to treatment, a corollary of this could be that she is dying possibly because of a serious and potentially fatal decision she could have made in this scene where we keep seeing a cliff, did she jump off this cliff or not?
Our protagonist does something crazy to him here, making this whole situation more sinister. Let's go ahead and find out by jumping to the video titled Not Abandoned, which presents us with a few more key points. Take a look at a part. You know, you suffer, but you also know. And she had the courage to make that trip celebrating a birthday, Mr. Illness especially is not a pleasant thing, but I'm sure your presence was supposed to be a birthday, your comfort and from here, but if you come tonight, a little bit of lazuli, um, put some on it, he's the main road of a Vulcan man, he is as strong with you as we are.
I could hear that there was a voiceover and a clear hesitation during it. The voice is quite difficult to distinguish and this could represent the dialogue that the group on the right is discussing. Try listening when I add subtitles to the part I was on. Able to understand that you know how to suffer, but you also know and get a hard cover to make that trip celebrating a birthday, Mr. Vilnius is not a pleasant thing, but I am sure that your presence is the most important thing, your comfort and you are here, but It's exhausting, guys, the sodium, put a little in the right place, the main road is with my heart so hard. chest around here they are strong I know damn well he won't buy this right here throw this for a slight loop we made the key point that our protagonist was distraught and going crazy over something then we determined it was because of a loved one who It has been theorized that the The condition they had was refractory anemia and now we are presented with a shot of a funeral procession with quotes that reference someone so young, someone so young, is that actually a spouse or could it be a daughter?
What is the meaning of the funeral procession itself they ended up passing away. Let's go ahead and find out for the next video. I want to make a quick comment. It is titled b-29. Check it out. Now it refers to our previous hypothesis that the protagonist's loved one is dead. If we put two and two together, we can safely assume that they have indeed died. Our characters traverse cemeteries late at night while stricken with grief as they search for the plot where they are buried. Where is that plot? Good questions. Most cemeteries note the location of their plots with a letter indicating the row followed by a number representing a column, everything is arranged in a grid and if the title of this is anything to go by, we can assume that they are buried in the cemetery plot B. 29 The next two videos that I want to touch on our servile and the free ones clearly these two titles are mirrors of each other and look at eachtitle led me to the definition of service.
I will serve. I will have to show excessive disposition. to serve or for these others, the two videos are connected in the sense that they are exactly the same: a small detail and a free look at servile. Oh, now what I understand is that the protagonist is struggling to live their daily life as They are grieving the pain of the loss they have suffered, their mind keeps referencing the image of the cemetery, as they know that is what rests your loved one, they can no longer grasp reality and that is why the video description is here. no place seems to fit this perfectly, they are living in a complete haze and just going through the motions seemingly not caring what anyone around them does or wants to do, they are pleasing everyone by just going through the motions of what everyone is doing. more is doing taking a look at LD Breath will be a key aspect that was missing.
I'll play the servile part and then Oh livres, of course.after and let you see the difference, take a look, it seems that the ringing noise is absent in le frisk and I was personally led to assume that it is some type of Morse code. When looking for the code, I was led to the letter X that he pulled out. in many ways before I dive into why I want to show you the description in le rez that says if it was omitted it must not be important now listen to me normally, especially when we were younger, they taught you that when you were looking for buried treasure or anything buried, in fact, what marks point X, the letter X, has always been a symbol of the location of something underground.
Now, why wouldn't that be important? We can link this X reference to the series where the loved one is, so why? He is trying to dismiss the importance of it, is this really coming from him or is he potentially conveying what everyone around him is convincing is true? When someone passes away, there is always a reason to stay positive and move on with life, as we know that we are now in a better place and generally, with time, the pain of losing a loved one fades. very slowly as we continue with the daily struggles, tasks and conventions of life.
This could potentially be a coping method for our protagonist or perhaps he is being talked into it. that they manage and move on even though it's not really like that, this is my personal opinion on these two uploads and I will say that it was done very very well, moving on to the most recent upload without coding, we came across many references to degeneration. Take a look at any really well-informed population that observes and understands that man regenerates, but given the nature of this degenerative process in our body, there is no prospect of any kind of scientific breakthrough to significantly extend our lifespan.
Now this is a home run. he cannot cope and in fact cannot stop researching and listening to opinions and scientific research on the topic of human longevity on the labels we see the term degeneration as mentioned in the video and by definition this essentially means being in a state of decline, the degenerative process referred to in the video is completely inevitable, we are all going to pass away one day, however, our boy was simply dealt a bad hand and his loved one degenerated at a rate much greater than the rest of us. distraught, he is going crazy and he can't seem to get over this terrible and unfortunate loss.
Now that we have all the pieces of the puzzle in place and you know what I think this channel is trying to convey: we had the opening with our character going through a severe situation. mental episode contemplating making an important decision in his life, the hooded woman is apparently his loved one in the difficult decision he initially faced could have been whether to pull the plug on his life or not, the loved one's condition progressed to a point of no return, which resulted in our untimely death, as our protagonist was already in agony by his side the entire way when she was torn from him, went into a spiral of denial, and fell into a rabbit hole that Hayes could no longer go down. distinguish reality from memory. he makes progress in dealing with losing her over time, apparently becoming convinced that he needs to move on and takes this advice the same way he needs to dismiss her desk and make it seem insignificant;
However, in the end we can see that this was most definitely not the case, as he is continually researching human longevity after all this time. One last point is that the timeline of this entire channel runs over months, weeks between uploads, this series is masterful and I just can't get over the themes. The cinematography and storytelling have never encapsulated and involved me so much in a web series like this before and I wholeheartedly encourage you to check out their channel and form your own theories about what's going on. He said it's interesting, it's confusing, it's compelling, but.
Above all, its abstractions are extremely well done, it's a tragic series that I simply can't wait to see more of, and when I do, you can bet I'll be there to see it. I wanted to sincerely thank you all for watching my explanation of abstraction. I hope you all enjoyed this and I also wanted to welcome all my newer followers. You've just jumped on a train that's heading to major heights, as I have some huge things planned for you all anyway, keep throwing me recommendations as always. and I'll be sure to watch them thanks once again for watching.
I love you all and, as always, good night.

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