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Jun 02, 2021
Like a wooden barricade that I could walk through and that's why it's sending me back there's a map oh hello I'm here now hello hello hello how are you good to see you hello hello I'm here is your friend oh yeah how's everyone? squeezing don't listen to me like nothing happened hello hello how are you here making a video


here you're slacking you're doing stupid shit huh you're wasting comedy time okay cool cool okay stay safe everyone there's some stuff happening today strange things strange things maybe I I have to get in here, excuse me, I'm just going to grab this computer, I'm just going to see if there's anything, no, no, oh, I'm sorry, the tentacle slide didn't mean that, I'm sorry, well , I can't seem to, oh, it's so simple and obvious, oh, I can.
a reverse horror game carrion
I don't do it if I don't have, oh, I need to lose some biomass, I literally can't do it until I lose some biomass, oh, biomass tank, oh, gross, okay, but okay, okay, I throw it away like a egg, schedule programmed to taste. catalytic catalytic grab and consume the cocoon to recover biomass absolutely love eating myself hello hello how did we do that I'll see you around hello letty oh oh great he's got a little friend drain him let's kill him no come on come on guys come on damn , I wanted to hit him, oh God, the mistake, the mistake, was made. wow, okay, okay, everything's okay, everything's okay here, yeah, I'll deposit a little, I'll deposit a little, I don't need all that.
a reverse horror game carrion

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a reverse horror game carrion...

I bought mine crispy, bro, I really can't eat them, they're hard to eat, they don't digest properly, delicious, squeeze hello, oh, what do you have here? Hello, hide secrets. Sorry, I didn't know it would explode like that. Oh, locate edible. corpses well, I can't find them, where are those edible corpses? I have no idea who wouldn't know jarg hi it's me hi where did this go? broken seals oh yeah yeah cob boom love it funny border swamps okay apparently I'm in some kind of swamp or something, I don't know what these are, what these big ones are, what those are those, sure that they designed a lot of things in this facility to keep me away in a very clever way, will I have to deposit my biomass? oh oh well something is blocking my path hello interesting I see well I'm here now where is here hello oh that doesn't look good that doesn't look that doesn't look good that's not good oh no no no no no no no no no no do that to me oh don't do that to me oh no no no come down go ruin yourself ruin yourself ruin yourself I did it I don't know exactly what I did keep calm and carry on yeah I don't know about that oh hello here I go apparently I don't know what the hell it's supposed to be this I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to like technologically why does it need such a big machine why does it seem designed specifically for me anyway let's move on we have a job to do you know it reminds me of something out of this world in terms of graphics and interactivity and the way things bring the old Nintendo


, Super Nintendo, out of this. world if anyone else is feeling those vibes let me know because it feels big and strong oh funny cause of death massive head trauma absolutely massive did I look into it?
a reverse horror game carrion
That seems interesting, fascinating, definitely something to watch. I have nothing to observe. say it though um mom is the word when it comes to whatever it is, if I said anything I would be very disappointed in myself, hurry up other people, I'm used to the speed of the conglomeration of whatever the other's name is. from this game creature cocoon cthulhu klondike


slash that's it move so fast this humi moves so slow examine hmm the lever is missing a rod I'm fine everyone jump down apparently it's fine hmm yes this seems safe uh yes it's fine yes of course yes just Wow, oh my God, is there something to say about this know-it-all, no, not a word, not a single word, but I've got the crowbar, so okay, and then there's this thing, okay, oh, that's not it well, calcified remains of a cyclops entity of unknown origin, yes. the way the water blurs is definitely not on the good side of things on the good bad spectrum that's definitely bad that's definitely a bad pull yeah, pull, pull hard oh, so hard, so big and so hard, Hey, you waited for me instead of jumping. down that was um it really feels like you've abandoned me oh amazing amazing up I go oh we'll change sure don't worry guys I'll literally do all the work you guys just stand there waiting for my genius brain to be right and run away From me, very good , thank you oh God, I didn't think we would come to anything substantial.
a reverse horror game carrion
I'll just go to the water, yeah, this is fine, this definitely doesn't contaminate anything. Collect those samples. The perfect organism. I wonder how everything will be. connects I wonder what this all means it's also confusing oh yeah I'm back at this yeah hello botanical gardens you say it sounds like there's a lot of biomass hey wait a minute I need to deposit some water here we go ok , thank you. hello if you didn't see anything hello and they are they and they I didn't do that I didn't do that and I'm not going to let them go to waste either just because they made that mistake doesn't mean that I need to go hungry hello it's me hello what's here? more stupid people hello, oh no, be careful, it's a cage, okay, well, that's no good, I'm old now, that's me, be careful, oh my God, I'm so sorry, oh God.
Don't let it go to waste, oh God, God, my friend, don't come here. Okay, I'm at the botanical garden. Hello, I don't know where I was before. Apparently it's not the botanical garden. Hello how are you hello. so I want to die chewing where that was opened oh well great thank you thank you for that what's here hello goodbye whoa whoa interesting like I'm carrying the corpse with me just in case it's okay great well uh chunk a lot chunk can I? press here I can turn it off it's not good wee oh well that's still a problem well that's still a problem that's still a problem hey lady, can you turn up the switch over there?
Would you mind giving it a whirl? okay, I'll go This way I unlocked it, you didn't hear anything right, that does the job, just hit it with something, thanks, hello, sorry, I'm going to need this, you didn't see anything very strange. Damn, okay, easy, let me or let me pass. let me in let me in I have to go to the bathroom hello, can you flip the switch? No, it's okay, thank you, oh, here we go, Mrs. Kaboom, uh, you'll only have two more chances to flip that switch for me or it'll get real. meaty in there like a meat lover's pizza whoa hey don't play with fire oh zoey I guess your friend is here help him he's in trouble he's in a lot of pain yips you suck friend hey hey did you know your friend? stinks good cool see you hello oh that's not what I thought I was going to do what's it all about okay what's here nothing scootally doodly doodly doodly doo oh no no no no no no no no no ow oh no oh no, bonk, throw it down there, take that, I don't know what that's about, there's another one, there's one more, it's down there, I'm going to hit you with my body, oh God, can I, here we go, man, those stink too?
I suck, but whatever, oh, it's beautiful, hello, you're not, so damn, oh, ow, ow, don't eat meat in those things, ah, God, damn, damn, I ran out meat. funny oh okay ma'am one more time last chance um there's going to be such incredibly meaty meat there like you have no idea how much meat is going to go in and surround that area it's going to be like the center meat so yeah you just flip the switch, make my life so much easier hello buddy, bye buddy, oh god, oh god, no, no, now this guy is complaining, we all have problems, italy, lots of ladies, lots of little ones, hey what's up happening here?
Oh, I see what's happening here. a little too meaty is what you're saying I have too much meat on my bones I should have taken a few more lumps yeah, I understand you, I understand your habits even the best of us, excuse me, I need my lumps, uh, never mind. I can't get my lumps out hello where are my lumps oh ah well at least I have this thank you what is this photokinesis light bend and invisibility cloak cream requires energy to use oh I don't have energy can I steal your energy apparently safe oh I know how this works oh what I have oh I have it look at this oh yeah oh yeah that's the good thing oh that's the best that's actually the good thing okay, so if I throw it the other way, come up here, grab my meat come back oh, but then, How am I going to be able to? oh I didn't think it would be right, oh my god damn it, oh I have to go all the time, oh my god where's the switch, oh my god it's over here.
Oh my god, that's a big reset switch, very uncomfortable even for humans, okay, careful, careful, careful, I was holding it down, oh, I can't do it this way, oh, I'm too beefy, I'm going to do it. going and in stealth mode I'm like a shadow in the night, fools, well that's awfully convenient. I wish I had done that sooner. I warned you there's kind of an open anus situation there. Hello, don't listen to me, you thought you saw a big Turns out what you really saw was absolutely nothing, stupid, stupid, stupid, that's a lot of flames, oh my God, oh my God, sauce, stupid, stupid, wow, that's really hot, I'm going to burn you, I'm going to roll, don't kill it.
Kill him, kill him, kill him, you fool, you left me alive, that was your first mistake, you're the second one to come to work today. I'm so small, I should activate your shield, man, boo, okay, good thing I have this biomass here it's almost easy too. easy, I guess I didn't need that back, but whatever feels good, hey, I'm here now, great, now can I poop? something, I need to poop, I need to poop, I need to poop, can I poop? here I can poop here I can poop here I have to poop or can I I don't know can I poop over here ah no there I just need a place to poop please poop where can I poop? there anywhere literally anywhere oh that's not a place to poop This is not poop How can I?
Can't. I need to poop so badly. Where can I poop? I can poop up here and poop. Oh my god, I've left so much poop there. I am just a single-celled organism. so vulnerable maybe I'm so cute look at me look at how cute I am look at how cute I am okay and then oh shoo oh I made it see lady if you'd just been nice everything would've been okay if you'd just flipped that switch everything would've been okay everything would've been okay, but you didn't have to do anything right, whatever it was. I love Kaboom Kabang Pabowski, and with that I think I'll end this here.
It is fun. game, but I don't plan on playing the whole thing, it's as fun as it definitely is, oh there are my biomes, as fun as they definitely were, it's a cool mechanic, it's a really fun game to play, but I think it's unique. that's enough for me, so thank you all so much for watching. This game is on Steam, if you want to see it, do so. I think it's super fun and it's an interesting idea, so thanks again everyone for watching and as always, I will. see you in the next video goodbye

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