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150 STAGE DEATH RUN *NEW* Game Mode in Fortnite Battle Royale

Feb 27, 2020
nailed, okay, we're here, how the hell do you get in that door? Maybe you shouldn't eat all those cheese curds, man, I like cheese curds, oh, oh, I get it, oh, that's cool. 94 buddy, okay, you know what I'd say, I'm proud of you, but I'm definitely not baseball, you're not supposed to be here, oh, I have this drive, but I can't get out of here, oh, I get it. I get it, I get it, I get it, I'm getting stuck too, yeah chat, I have a 2000 IQ here, I hit the wall, oh no, I almost fell off the map, okay, I don't want to do that. 96, we're here, you know? what billiards I like you Niko contact him okay Nico you are my people contact his people you know his people achieved it easily 98 99 what about those 100 guys?
150 stage death run new game mode in fortnite battle royale
I'm at level 95, you slow down really fast, uh, yeah, I. I'm catching up buddy, I'm almost caught up. Can you tell that level 100 guys have trouble adjusting through the door, storm friend, why don't you build things like this? Hey, he can't even build a house, dude, oh, okay, no, no, I'm 96, I'm 96. Okay, hug this wall, are you just saying that I? m at 101, why would I be jealous? Yeah, bounce pad I thought about it and tall oats nailed it 102 dude, this reverse launch pad dropper is a little hard, wait what, oh launch pad, oh I get it, okay?
150 stage death run new game mode in fortnite battle royale

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150 stage death run new game mode in fortnite battle royale...

You shot me, oh, that would have been sick, okay? I have to go through the hole and then in the little thing with little thing Ian do you remember do you remember level 98 do you remember neville 1980 yes, that was years ago friend, how did you get past the


zones dad what does that sound like oh oh, I get it? Dude, okay, I have to do this, oh oh, that was close. I'm trying to make this 15 grand, dude, so I can put it on my foot. Yes, then, I'm trying. Are you trying to do it? Yeah, oh, it's hard to beat you. from newbie


run what do you mean I'm not this guy's teacher 105 guys you know how they call you buddy sunshine by default oh sunshine by default oh god I can literally build 90 with you all day dude not even well it's in the default nico, have you reached level 29?
150 stage death run new game mode in fortnite battle royale
Still we're at 29 minutes, I don't want to talk about it, I'm at level 101, dude, oh shit, oh, spike traps, okay guys, we're here, I'm just pure cheese. on this one, dude, get crazy, boy, don't pick it, dude, I did it, dude, I did it, wait, how close are you to the end, huh, I gotta check, wait, stop trying to distract me, hey, Ian, look here, buddy, yeah, 108, something predetermined. one wait 108 108 stop oh oh that's hard buddy that's a hard jump 105 105. oh no he's right behind me he could smell my fart crane if I fart and bottle it can I send it to you?
150 stage death run new game mode in fortnite battle royale
Yes, yes, why not, I think. I can sell it on eBay, probably dude, this is hard, nail it, okay, okay, why is fish boy here with me? Cheat, don't dance with me by default, fish boy, did he cheat on me again? I created out of here. I have no choice but to keep going, oh crainer, once you get to 108, let me know, I want to hear your rage fest, no, no, no, I won't let you know, I won't let you have the satisfaction, oh that's it okay, okay 110. What am I doing here? just jump 107. uh, okay, 111. oh, light jumps, man, oh no, right now I'm at 108,000, I'm at 112. does that mean if I'm at 108? dropper oh oh, that's good, wait, what can I do? oh I have to go through the hole, the hole will protect me, I get it, yeah, oh shit, that's cute 113 okay guys, we're here oh no, no, this trash, let me know here 108 dude, let me know how you do Wow, buddy, it's very fine parkour, isn't it?
Yeah, how close am I to you? Dude, not close enough. Oh no, so what does that mean? It means everything. a zombie boss, it will take you one minute per level. Nobody likes you. I'm 32 and 32. How are you here? You need help with that. Oh my god, you only caught me because of this boss


. Okay, okay, hey. You're just in front of me because this generator is slow and okay, now okay, take the ball back, I don't want it, I'll see you, okay, so I got a boost on my arch nemesis. I'm not quick-eyed. What the fuck?
I broke it, well it was fun, I enjoyed it a lot, yeah, no, what did you do? No, I don't know what to do with this cannon. I know what to do. Stop trolling. I did it. I'm actually the boss of. ian I'm ian's boss this is really good this is what is this what is this stab stop stop oh that's sick what did you get boy four that's far from a hundred what did you get boy yeah oh you I got it first, I got it first, no, No, hang it up, I stepped on the spawn pad again here we go guys, I've got a balloon, seems fair, hey, that's 123.
I'm at 122 right now, Nico, how far away are you buddy, I don't know? Here we go, look on the wall, I can't, I'm in the middle of this, oh, you stink, I'm 136, okay, how's Storm?, installed, how's Storm?, a little bit of a cheat, a little bit 120. okay, oh cheater, okay, here we go, here we go. Come on, he's right behind me, I mean, ah, no, you suck, dude, what happened? Did you have a minor stroke again? What did I tell you about having my hits? Hey? I nailed it easy, easy, it's much harder to do this.
You mean I didn't fool you, totally fooled friend, it's your fault you got rid of the balloon? I'm flying too, are you cheating? In fact, I went back for the balloon again, so I'm going to cheat on you, cheater friend, oh. I nailed it oh no I'm Storm you guys are such cheaters dude how are you behind what I am on 115 guys okay Niko cheating so much up there okay I don't need to be in the same level right now? Oh, that's hard, what do you do? I do it there, how do you not die there?
That is my question. Oh, the respawn protection I understood. When do I do this? When does the generator appear again? 130. I thought I was running fast enough, that's cheating yeah 131 did you accidentally land on the last level guys? 132 18 more levels that deserve 18 likes, okay, there's a trap underneath that we have to bait this one, bait that one 134 why why Do I have fart grenades? Ah that's why oh no yeah fart boy get shot I hope it smells good I hope it smells good uh yeah you smell it smell just smell good yeah you love it are you Talking to me?
IM not talking. to make robots feel pretty weird about it, you should have a rocket oh oh, I hate these. I did it right, parkour invisible easy easy easy I'm at 129. let me know when you get to 135 I think that means something good is going up eh oh it's invisible oh no no it's okay I'm just cheating I just did it what level are you what do you like 138 138 I'm at the hippocopter jump almost reaching you buddy this map is actually crazy good job billy I can't say that I know how you feel about it how you feel about it I feel about what I'm almost stuck in what I don't can you catch me i'm a ginger toe i need a grown up 133 i'm on 133 139 trainer k ken crainer catch me find out next week on dragon ball p i really don't want to do this until next week no way that cut off my toe here we go oh what the hell is this a guy here shooting at you?
Yeah, yeah, 140, 10 more levels, guys, you're at 135 and you get it? Yeah, and I'm here with the fish boys, the little hacker, is he hacking again? What did I tell you about piracy? I'm just trying. Better come on guys, okay, I'm just going to run, I have respawn protection later, nerds 142, guys, what am I doing here? Just, oh, you're almost done with eight more levels, okay, I have to bait this, it fades, oh, I just have to jump, okay, that's easy, okay, storm. you just did it, wait, I jump on this now oh no, I'm dying yeah 143 we're almost there guys oh oh no 144 144 are you on the rocket? oh that's the jump awk before, before, the slowest parkour jump I've ever seen in my life see something like hitting me with one of those rockets whoa that's hard that's hard okay jet pack now worth 146 oh no already It's almost over we need to catch up on this maybe if we cheat again just jump down yeah let's cheat again okay 147 147 jet pack boost he only has three levels left guys I don't know if I can reach it, all these hackers are here with me, but I was the only one who did anything legitimate about the record to show oh no, I'm going to run out of gas there's a record am I going to run out of gas who's the only round of fuel 148 us here guys oh no, it's okay, I know what I have to do here jump 137. understand that, no Oh, that was in guys, come on, give me my 15 thousand dollars in feet, who pays me?
Yeah, try no, why did you do it? down the hole is this is this level 150 150 no friend grab weapons before the boss fight there is a boss fight wait what am I about to fight a boss that's all I know secret weapons dance grenades keep in mind that tomato pete will deal damage during this fight make sure you keep killing zombies to keep your health tomato peace hurting me buddy that's a lot of zombies one two three four five oh that was some pretty good damage right there yeah I mean if I catch up with you now that It's what you do.
I mean, I won, no, why not wait? Look up Why do you want me to look up? Are you up there cheating? I'm here where, oh, you're fooled, he'll help you, buddy, we sent the fish bar to help you. Zombies have to do it. it's when I have to kill the zombies help me kill the zombies now ow ow without me I have to oh no zombies oh no oh no ian you have to go I have it everyone is dead what is this sports mod thanks for the the people who made that was it, well, I have to get this coin, the first one to get this coin wins.
No, I can't do it, oh no, is it on this side? Wait, just talk to your mom, not my mommy. I think you need it here guys I got the coin I got to level 139 I don't need to pay you guys okay the other newbies do it that was a crazy map guys if you liked it hit the like button below if They love Niko. To contact Billy to make a 200 level map, press the Like button. Hit the subscribe button here for any of our channels. Press that little bell. Look at the map. It's at the top.
It was fun. It was actually a really good map.

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