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15 Deadliest Toxins Known to Man

Jun 06, 2021
Duo fish, let's make one thing very clear: there is no shortage of things on this Earth that can kill humans with relative ease. Deadly substances are present in microscopic quantities and may come from unexpected places or creatures. Some of them are even present almost everywhere. Number 15 nine, this alkaloid is twice as deadly as sodium cyanide and has an LD50 of 2 to 6 mg for unfortunate lab mice, which is equivalent to an LD50 of around 100 Mig for humans. Consumption of strick nine can cause death from suffocation in just 30 minutes. as the body's muscles close involuntarily, strick noos Nu vomica is the tree that produces strick nine and is native to South Asia and everything related to the tree, from the bark to the seeds, is quite poisonous.
15 deadliest toxins known to man
I'd like to imagine that the strick no snu vom is the tree that would be found in the sequel to The Giving Tree, which follows our hero Nu voma avenging his friend The Giving Tree from the first book by invoking the selfish gesture of an old man who killed to The Giving Tree and saying "hey man, me." They were the best friends of the given tree, take these orange fruits, they will completely revitalize you so that you can continue taking advantage of other talking trees and then the old man eats the fruit and dies because it is a fruit of the nine point tree, he is a nobody .
15 deadliest toxins known to man

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15 deadliest toxins known to man...

Mess with the nine tree trick, folks, there's no one, number 14 AFF B1, the ld50 of apoxin is 2 to 3 mg per kilo, which means it should take about 100 mg to kill most of human adults, but there is a second danger regarding this toxin. Being that it is also possibly the most potent carcinogen


, this sounds like a toxin straight out of science fiction, but it actually comes in the form of a certain species of fungus that is usually found growing on rotting legumes like peanuts, so if you come across a yellow green moldy peanut do not touch it or eat it, it can actually give you acute hepatitis and will destroy your liver or make sure to give you cancer.
15 deadliest toxins known to man
Despite this, the material safety data sheet is full of the word cancer and fatal. when describing this poisonous crystal, so avoid it, it costs everything. Cantharidin number 13, cantharidin has an LD50 of 5 mg per kg with amounts as small as 10 to 50 Mig reportedly fatal to adult humans. So far we've seen a killer tree and a spiteful fungus. So why not introduce an inflammatory beetle while we're at it, no matter where you live? You've probably at least seen a blister beetle once and it has certainly earned its name as the cantharidin it carries will leave painful blisters upon entry. contact with skin, so be sure not to crush one if it falls on you.
15 deadliest toxins known to man
Blister beetles actually contain enough cantharidin to be potentially fatal if only a few are eaten, which would be incredibly painful, as torodin causes death through inflammation of the gastrointestinal and renal tracts number 12 tetrodoxin the ld50 of TTX also


as tetrodoxin is only 334 mg per kilo, so only 26 mg is fatal to most adult humans, making TTX 100 times more deadly than sodium cyanide. TTX acts to destroy cellular function by eliminating the ability of nerve cells to transfer signals, resulting in paralysis, asphyxiation, and death, usually between 20 minutes and 10 hours. Many different types of marine animal species carry this toxin, including blue-ringed octopuses and pufferfish.
It should be known that TTX is not actually produced by the marine environment. species themselves, but symbiotic bacteria that live with them number 11 alpha amitan alpha The LD 50 of Aman is only 0.1 mg for rats, which means that only a few milligrams are enough to be fatal for most human adults This toxin is present in some species of white mushrooms specifically in the obviously called death cap and destructing Angel, only half of a mushroom is enough to be potentially fatal to someone who is not treated, the worst part is the lack of symptoms after consume mushrooms, since it takes 5 to 24 hours before any symptoms appear. which usually equates to cramps and diarrhea that eventually go away well, that doesn't sound too bad, oh wait, there's more to this point, stomach pumping is pointless and treatment options are limited, uh-oh, after about 5 to 10 days, the liver and kidneys fail, leading to respiratory failure and eventually death, those who manage to survive usually suffer permanent liver damage, so do not eat random mushrooms, children number 10 phtx 3, the ld50 of the The venom carried by the Brazilian watering spider is 34 mg per kilo, so it can kill most humans.
At doses of only 11 mg of phtx 3 or F otter black, toxin 3 is a neurotoxin found only in Brazilian wandering spiders and causes the inability to control muscles, paralysis, and eventually death from asphyxiation. The lethality of ptx3 makes the Brazilian wandering spider the most venomous. spider in the world, however, the doses of venom that the spider releases are generally not fatal to adults, since the fangs they have are designed for small prey, although when not hunting, these spiders like to hide in dark places , which include bananas that sometimes land aggressively. spiders on a family's countertop thousands of miles away at that point all bets are off and it's the spider versus the world's number nine, the sea wasp, we've now reached


that have ld50 measured in microgram quantities, it's That is, in millionths of a gram this The tentacles of the box jellyfish species have an ld50 of 40 microgr per kilogram, so only 3 mg of their toxic sting is enough to kill an adult human being.
The tentacles of the sea wasp can reach up to 3 m in length and are covered with millions of small darts with microscopic quantities. of Venom known as Nyes, if significant enough, The Sting can cause death after just 2 to 5 minutes of excruciating pain, usually due to cardiac arrest or asphyxiation, although if you're ever in the area, you'll be lucky to knowing that wearing panties hose or scuba gear makes you invisible to box jellyfish, since the chemicals located on your skin are what activate their tentacles. I'm starting to think that a lot of marine life doesn't like the paradoxical Number Eight Company, no, this name is not a smart move.
In words and it is abbreviated as PD X, wasting all the potential the name had. In any case, the ld50 for paradox is only 25 microG per kilo, meaning it only takes 2 Mig to kill most adults, making it the most lethal toxin found in venomous reptiles. , Yeah. Said reptile paradoxin and a host of other


are found in the venom of one of the most kill-determined stuffed snakes in the world. Inland taipan paradoxin is yet another neurotoxin and works by destroying muscle control, leading to paralysis. The guy inside just lives. in the southeastern part of Australia and when it wants to kill something, it attacks several times to make up himate sprey as much as possible, as it does not want to back down from a fight, in contrast to many herpetologists who work with inan typin, they say they are very docile snakes they've been handled correctly just going like Rambo with his poison in meal number seven ryson here's a poison.
I'm sure most of you have already heard about ryen it is a toxin that comes in the form of a protein and therefore harms everything. types of havoc on very important functions of your body the ld50 of ryson is only 22 microG per kilogram, which means that a grain of ryson the size of a crystal of salt could kill an adult male adult the castor bean plant is the one that produces deadly poison, especially in its difficult to digest seeds Ryon inhibits ribosomal function in the body, which means that it ceases the most fundamental functions of sale metabolism, which obviously leads to death number six 2378 tetrachloro dienzo dioxin.
I'm going to go ahead and refer to it as tcdd from now on tcdd has an ld50 of only 1 to 40 microgr per kilogram, however it is a little different from all the other toxins on the list, the method of action by which tcdd kills a person is through cancer, like lymphoma, which builds up in the body and takes decades to finally break down not only causes cancer but also causes developmental problems that can also result in birth defects. tcdd is a dioxin, one of the many toxins found that Al seemed to accumulate in our bodies before finally killing us with cancer. tcdd is one of the contaminants found in Agent Orange used in Vietnam that caused thousands of people to be exposed to tcdd, leading to an increase in cancers and birth defects, toxin number five bet trco, ld50 of this toxin is only 2 to 3 micrograms per kilogram, which means that we have finally dropped to the weight of 170 of a human eyebrow hair, not only is Btx a neurotoxin, but it also acts as a cardiotoxin just to make the interesting stuff, now your body can have a race to see what you die from first, asphyxiation or cardiac arrest.
Remember those blister beetles we talked about earlier in the video, well a different type of beetle produces this toxin because it doesn't really want to interact with other living things for some reason that didn't stop some birds and frogs, and as a matter of fact, the Poison dart frog uses this toxin it gets from those mischievous beetles every time it is pricked or feels pain. The poison dart frog releases a white liquid through the pores on its back that contains the deadly toxin number four VX and sarin, why both? I don't have exactly the same ld50, with VX being the more lethal of the two, but considering they do essentially the same thing, I thought it would be boring to list the two very similar compounds separately.
The ld50 of VX is 1 to 3 micrograms per kilo and sarin is 17 micrograms per kilo, which is quite scary when you realize that both gases are artificial and undetectable by any means. Once again, we are dealing with neurotoxins, although these act quite quickly when inhaled and cause paralysis of the lungs and Death by asphyxiation just 20 years ago was a treaty signed in which countries promised that they would destroy their stockpiles of chemical weapons and they would only fight through more civilized means, nuclear warheads, weapons and no scopes, just matot toxin number three, well we have dealt with all kinds of animals, insects and even fungi, why not move on to a creature that produces the third most lethal toxin with an ld50 of only 13 microG per kilo? gambir discus toxicus is a species of dinoflagellate that for some reason feels the need to turn this monstrosity of a molecule into hardus for pronus is technically not an animal at all, it actually belongs to a large group of strange and random organisms known as protests.
In any case, matot toxin is not like the other toxins in this video. Not only does it cause paralysis, it actually triggers a Cascade of Cell Death resulting in painful vomiting, muscle spasms, and organ failure. Chances are you will never have the misfortune of encountering this little killer, as he lives in temperate ocean waters and produces amounts of toxin too small to be fatal when he is alone. number two, polonium 210, the ld50 of this isotope is 10 nanog per kilo, that is, nanog, which means that only 10 billionths of a gram is enough to kill 50% of mice, while for humans, a Amount of 100 nanog to 1 microgram is enough to kill an average. person who manufactures polonium 210 250,000 times more toxic than sodium cyanide polonium 210 acts as a source of much alpha radiation and as a heavy metal that wreaks havoc on the human body and damages DNA.
To date only one poisoning with bonium 210 has been recorded, and that is the interesting case of Alexander Lineno, who is a KGB spy who fled to the United Kingdom escaping persecution and obtained political asylum before apparently working for MI6. in November 2006. Alexander suddenly fell ill after a meeting with two former FSB agents, one of whom most likely put polonium in his tea and in his house while they were visiting. Alexander would later die as there is no antidote for bonium 210 poisoning. The number one botulinum toxin with an incredible LD 50 of 1.3 to 2.1 nanog per kilo. Botulinum toxin is by far the


known. for man, since it only takes 100 to 164 nanograms to kill an adult human being when injected or approximately 10 times more when inhaled, this makes botulinum toxin 5 to 10 million times more deadly than clostridium sodium cyanide;
Only small innocent bacteria are responsible for producing the most lethal toxin. Currently known to man along with three other toxins that are also deadly to humans, the spores of these bacteria are found worldwide in soil and on countertops, even after cleaning them. Yes, possibly the


creatureever engendered by nature is present everywhere, but why aren't we all dying due to the bacteria's toxin? Fortunately, Clostridium are an anaerobic bacteria and cannot grow in the presence of oxygen. Not only that, but the bacteria that produce the toxin are 20 times smaller than our own cells and produce less than nanograms of toxin at a time, which is why we get sick from botulism instead of simply dying when we come into contact with them. .
Fortunately for us, medical advances have reduced the mortality rate of people infected with botulism from 70% in the early 20th century to just 1 to 2% today there is still some concern that purified botulinum toxin could be used in a biot terrorist attack, in which case just a few grams could eliminate hundreds of millions of ions of people have fun trying not to get paranoid about that knowledge until the next video announce you

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