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10 Industries Facing Massive Disruption

Apr 10, 2020
These websites where you can go out and share your opinion are harming journalists now some people say well, your newspaper hasn't heard you yet it's because The best ones are about to appear, let me give you an example of what I mean by the best microphone , micro, you post something on your website, you get hundreds of thousands of shares, you don't need to work for someone, your website generates so much traffic that a company would be willing to advertise on your website for $50,000. 100,000 dollars a month. The guy is making a million dollars here just from the endorsements he receives.
10 industries facing massive disruption
Why? I need to be a journalist and link my name to the New York Times or the LA Times or anything like that. The only reason these magazines and newspapers will exist is because a billionaire will come and buy the Washington Post, aka the owner of Amazon. is who Jeff Bezos is, he owns the Washington Post because I need to make sure I control the media a little bit. Another billionaire just bought the LA Times today. Today they just bought the LA Times for only $500 million. He thinks it's a business purely for the influence you can buy. because you want to control the media but you are not buying it because you are trying to make money from it, it will be completed for the purpose of buying media, not when you and I are thinking about it, journalism will change greatly in the next university. sports, what's a business or sports college, okay, so check this out. college sports, which one is a business school or sports, you can say they're both okay, great, they're both business, one depends on the other again, which one depends on the other, what does it do. you mean Pat without which one exists not the other I don't know well sports depend on which universities stay with me here this is going to get a little crazy which one makes them a lot of money a lot of attention sports bring them billions of dollars these schools, so they have to make sure that the university continues to operate because if the universities do not continue to operate they will not have all this free money that will come to them because they are not paying these athletes, this is what I think is going to happen, This one will be strange and I'm going to congratulate a very strange person.
10 industries facing massive disruption

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10 industries facing massive disruption...

Lavar ball Lavar ball is currently making the rounds across the country and is asking and tweeting on Instagram at any great Chicago player. Agis this to this we are going to do with this listen, I may be crazy, but if there is anyone who is watching this right now saying where is an opportunity for a league like the UFC, I will tell them something here right now if anyone can. create a national league, a national league for kids ages 14 to 18, and a national league that competes with big league sports for 18 to 20. I am, although right now a lot of little kids are going to play grassroots , they are going to play basketball. early and you see that some of them have to take a little longer to get in.
10 industries facing massive disruption
I think there's a huge opportunity right now for sports that don't have to do with college, they're just sports one level below the NBA, one level below the NFL is one level below the young cats. that are coming up and I'm not even talking about the D league or anything like that. I'm talking about a real league where money is made if someone can find a way to do it. without needing universities because universities are disappearing, kids aren't going to go to university the same way we went to university, it's getting smaller and smaller and it's becoming more and more of a business. big and people are starting to realize and read through the BS, that a four-year degree doesn't give me anything because things are changing very quickly.
10 industries facing massive disruption
I wrote a book about this called leaving school and getting to school and I had a lot of hate for it, how can you write a book called leaving school and getting to school, but here's the thing, I dropped out, I didn't graduate. from college, I don't have a four or two year degree, well paid, you have no right to write a book like that, I don't write about myself I wrote it with a guy named Thomas L. Sward who got a four year degree, a master's degree and was a professor at UCLA and, little by little, we both wrote it together and gave different points of view on why it is time to leave it. get out and go to school and why I think 80% of college students shouldn't go to college, this is going to change, but this doesn't mean there isn't an opportunity for someone else to find a way to do things with sports below. one of them will be gas stations, obviously, gas stations will disappear very quickly.
This whole gas business in the 80s and 90s. I'm from the Middle East, one of the things about Middle Easterners, we own a lot of gas stations, it's easy to bring them on your bike riding at the stations is like a annuity that pays you monthly and they are pretty good amounts depending on how you market it, so we don't care that we like gas stations, but it's going to change investing in gas stations today is a bad idea, let me. To give you the last point here, politics this may not have to do with money, but let me explain what I mean by politics.
This is what happens with politics. First of all, I don't agree with our current voting system that we have. The reason I don't believe in the current voting system we have is the following reason: Let me explain something to you, let's say I'm a 14 year old boy, okay, I say I explode because I'm very sexy, okay, hypothetically. You look so good and you know I'm disruptive and I'm crazy and I'm interesting and suddenly I have a hundred and forty-five million people following me, okay, I grow and I have some opinions, I have some thoughts and I'm very persuasive and I'm very good with communication and putting words together because I'm an artist or whatever and I start talking about some corrections and injustices, very soon we are going to see each other in 35 36 your president in the United States of America very, very soon we will have 35 36 your president and if only It's based on who has the most followers and I try to find a way to minimize the debates as much as possible because if I'm good at what I do, I will minimize the debates to the minimum that I have to participate in to participate as a registered person for run for president and if I can do my videos well, I say no.
I don't come to debates you want to debate with me I do it on Facebook Live that's the only way I do it I don't come to physical debates someone is going to see this and say wait a minute but you have to come to the debate no I never said I have to do this or cry, well you have to come to this, I'll go to that, but if you want to vote for me, vote for me and suddenly we have a President, that not knowing it may not be the best for us, but we just voted for someone.
Politics is about to change in a major way. You will see politics right now if you think this last political campaign was crazy with Twitter. I really think it was crazy for a 69 year old man to do it. Wait until a 36 year old person does it who knows everything about social media, everything about all these BOTS and everything we face and by the way, I don't mean alone. manipulation, I'm not talking, I'm talking about a marketer who comes and disrupts the whole political game and gets very upset about what's going to happen at the lower levels, very easy, Congress, mayor, all that, senator, no, I'm talking at the highest level. which means the president, so there is a huge opportunity there, but you also have to pay attention to the political side and not be too naive just because someone has a lot of followers to go out and make it happen because very soon you will see a candidate in the United States is a 35/36 or so is going to say I want to be president of the United States, that's how it's established.
I don't want too many of my American patriots to come and say, "You know, stop trying to change this." I'm not trying to change all those things. I'm just telling you, Bo, where were you? Where do you have to adapt? You have a pivot, you have to do it, just because if you don't, you'll be the one who suffers the consequences. I'm just making you aware and by the way I'm very comfortable being wrong with each of the predictions I've made but I don't think I'll be wrong with each of them having said that again, questions, thoughts, comment below if not you've subscribed to the channel, click here to subscribe to the channel too and by the way, we also have a PDF about this below.
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