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10 DANGEROUS FISH That NEED To Be Added To MINECRAFT! (insane)

Feb 27, 2020
Hey, we're going to see some very



in Minecraft. Now I know that doesn't sound like a nurse. I mean, how could this be scary? Well, forget about it, we're talking about these, yes, that's the type of


. which we are going to review today in this crazy scope mod wait, what is that? Would you swim, boss, oh, it came through me again. I have a challenge, let's see if you can catch the fish when it comes, stop by next time you're ready, whoa! You get it, you managed to pause the video in time, like the video to let me know anyway, we're going fishing, you guys look weird today, glasses on, those are some interesting looking ones and the older ones are going swimming.
10 dangerous fish that need to be added to minecraft insane
I don't. Don't think these are aggressive, wait, let me put my glasses on there, we are going to escape guys, look when they approach love, so they almost want to attack them, they run alone, we do it, they hold on, I think guys, I would. Don't wait, I hurt you guys. I'm pretty sure most of them, from the top, we have some equipment to help us, guys, what did they get, what is it really, actually, they're okay. Well, I'll see if. I can fish with the net, okay, catch this one. I'm going for a medium, fancy mushroom fish.
10 dangerous fish that need to be added to minecraft insane

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10 dangerous fish that need to be added to minecraft insane...

Wow, oh wait, we can catch anything, oh wait, put in the fish. It's like, wait guys, my, my, my nets, we're going to


some more nets. put the lobster here too it's actually what weight doesn't work here we go this clam is dying it's crashing this is like the craziest look since I don't turn the ocean purple this is like a crane over the ocean right here wait what It's nothing Don't worry, that doctor looked like me. What if they know? Oh, wait. I was about to say something interesting, but I found a raw lobster claw.
10 dangerous fish that need to be added to minecraft insane
Oh, I'm not very hungry, but wait, they got poison because they stopped eating. I think we


to go and actually go to the other outer ocean, try to find more, yes we can find even bigger ones, so we have a boat to eat each one here and I will take you, okay, to where are we going? What is the ocean? okay, come on guys, let's go, Jenny, would you like to? Okay, Jenny, what are you doing? Mike Raina. Okay wait. Do you see that there? Do you really see a rule? Say one down there. Oh my God, I see you, wait, I don't know, hang up. on whatever it has you need to use night vision going down I'm going down whoa what was the other one there was another one too I need to see it I'm pretty sure I saw another one that was even bigger I don't know where it went how we found it it's okay if we capture this one guy okay oh oh it's a fake wall oh we caught it what's the legendary tuna oh okay the other one we saw looked like? crazy, so let's see if we can find it, but where is it?
10 dangerous fish that need to be added to minecraft insane
Oh, look at this coral here, that's cool. I'm just trying to look at where the fish are when guys, okay, I don't think that's the one I saw, but I'm. I'm coming, wait, no, jelly, I need, we need to see it too, it's a cool sword, I want to see if I can really harpoon it, we want to be friends, it's really hard, the harpoon they're flying, this is gone, like I'm. Trying to keep up but I don't see yeah, oh, that's cool, I'm going to put it in, I won't put it in anymore, it doesn't work, oh, that's awesome, that's not a harpoon, that's a rod frame, don't you .
I don't know the difference, it's supposed to be really


or something, oh, it fell to the bottom, yeah, another one of the guys from the collection that's such a slave, oh guys, look at this, okay, let's move on, let's get back to the boat, Let's see, we are finding more legendaries. fish, wait guys, wow, this is the one I saw at the beginning, wait, stop, look at the size of this thing. Shit, oh oh, I'll grab it and then we can look at any starfish. There should be little crabs somewhere. I just saw a little crab, oh god, that's so cute spitting out a little creature that almost died.
I almost die. Oh, you probably should, yeah. Karina, you forgot the time in the air. You know, bring this bad tank, should we show Jelly what we found now? Yes. We, what we found, are you ready? Okay, yeah, we like a different biome. Look, well, I mean, we could even go even deeper. We could come up with even the craziest things. There are sharks. I think they could be boys. I think it could be the ocean. Grab your boats. and let's go out, wait guys, here we are, I found a crazy one, he is swimming very far, I caught him, I literally go as far as I can touch, he is afraid of you or something prevents you from stopping walking, why is he afraid?
He just isn't. do. I think he's afraid of me okay I'm in a boat chase right now okay wait I think he's gone okay that shock isn't very talkative though shock doesn't want to talk just keep an eye out there's another one this hole this one looks like he's eating, so eat, it's eating your paws, you can't get it, you can't capture it, it's a thirsty cake, these are captured, okay, that one is aggressive, its Amala is eating us, wait, hot brunette, I got it, the harpoon works , believe. This one is dying, we almost caught him near the island there, what is it?
It looks like a huge, huge fish, I think it's dying, are you kidding me, well, well, I mean, it was about to kill me, yeah, well, it was about to kill us, okay? scary well I think we found a lot of them so it's time to head home okay I'll see you at the house okay do you remember which direction was the hottest thing? That's how it was, wait, what happened to the house, it exploded, what not. What a jelly, you made Gunpowder gunpowder, yeah I don't think this is a great target, wait what is this?
I don't see anything nice, what a smart guy. Oh, okay guys, I might have found something. What is it? Josh, let me show you. I'm going to crawl swim jelly jelly or it's going to make me explode okay, how could these be so deadly? oh okay im dead okay this is crazy if you enjoyed that video click on some of the other videos on the screen they are good enjoy them.

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